Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1157

Chapter 1156: Female Officer’S Bridal Chamber

? “Your Highness!”

The sound from outside made the princess nervous. She looked out involuntarily, but moved back subconsciously.

“You all go down, you don’t need to wait here.”

Zhou Shixiang smiled and waved to several palace servants, indicating that they did not need to stay here. He wasn’t used to having a group of people serving on the bridal chamber on Candle Night. He was born at the bottom, and he felt that he could not enjoy such blessings.

But these palace servants did not retreat in response, but stood there looking at each other, very hesitant, as if they wanted to say something but didn’t dare to say it.

Seeing this, Zhou Shixiang couldn’t help but feel a little strange. Could it be that he, the King of Qi, couldn’t control them, so the princess had to talk to them in person?

He had no intention of arguing with a few palace servants, and shook his head with a smile, then pushed open the door to see the princess. At the end of the day, he was exhausted, and the princess was probably even more tired. Anyway, he can move around, but the princess can’t even leave the room. It is very painful for the bride to do it. To blame, it can only blame the evil feudal royal etiquette.

But just as Zhou Shixiang was going up the steps and was about to open the door, one of the female palace servants in charge of the bedchamber thought of their responsibilities, and summoned up the courage to whisper: “Your Highness, the servants and other servants are dispatched, please visit me first. Wait, we will marry the princess again.”

When the female secretary said this, her pretty face was very hot, and the rest of the palace servants were all blushing, and they all lowered their heads slightly, not daring to face Zhou Shixiang.

What, come first to you?

Zhou Shixiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled, feeling that feudal royal etiquette is very evil, but it is not without merit, such as the process of “trial marriage”.

These palace servants all came with the princess. They are very pretty, but they are a little older. They are all twenty-five or six years old. A female official with the rank of ‘sleeping”.

From the titles of these female officials, Zhou Shixiang knew what their “jobs” would be in the future, but he did not expect that these female officials were still responsible for testing their physical abilities.

In addition to being curious, Zhou Shixiang thought of the topic that the original owner of the body had talked about while studying with a group of talented students in Xinhui, which was the matter of the prince getting married and the princess getting married.

It is rumored that before the prince and the prince marry their concubine, the palace will send several female officials to teach them the lessons of human relations and conduct “practical battles”, so that the princes and princes know what to do on the wedding night, so as not to complete the affair, or enter the wrong place. .

The reason for this is mainly that the princes of all dynasties got married at an early age. Usually, they would marry a concubine at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Therefore, they did not know much about human relations, and it was necessary to have a special female official teach them before getting married. When the princess is married, it is naturally impossible to find a male official to “actually fight” with the princess. The corresponding thing is to send a female official to test the concubine.

No emperor would like his daughter to marry a “useless person” and be a widow at a young age. In addition, a daughter is not a threat to the imperial power compared to a son, so the emperors of all dynasties are very tolerant towards the princess. Do your best as a father.

Usually, the female officer is sent to verify the concubine before the official marriage, so that the royal family can find out what is wrong with the concubine as soon as possible. Only this time, Zhou Shixiang and the princess got married too soon, and Zhou Shixiang only returned to the southern capital two days before the official wedding. Before, it was impossible for the palace to send female officials to Zhenjiang, so this “trial marriage” was arranged for Zhou Shixiang. Before officially meeting the princess.

In addition to Kerr, Zhou Shixiang was very funny, and he had no intention of proving anything on these female officials. Everyone in the world knew that he was married and had a son, which was enough to prove that his body was fine, but they didn’t know why the palace was so extravagant that they asked these female officials to test him.

He didn’t know that the “marriage inspection” did not exist originally, and many people forgot that there was such a process. Since Jiashen, many court etiquette systems have been incomplete, especially when the princess gets married.

Zhou Shixiang did not know that this incident was specially arranged by Empress Chen, who was a palace maid, to protect the princess.

Why is Empress Chen like this? In the final analysis, Zhou Shixiang’s “prestige” is too heavy.

It is said that Zhou Shixiang used the liver of Manchus to drink wine. He even served seven full women on the night he broke the Nanjing Manchurian city. As a result, several full women were carried out of the room the next day.

Although it sounds very absurd and the credibility is not high, Queen Chen believed it to a certain extent, so she was afraid that the inexperienced princess would not be able to bear Zhou Shixiang’s request, and something unexpected happened, so she specially arranged for a few female officials to conduct “examination”. Marriage”, in order to achieve the purpose of protecting the princess in disguise. In other words, Zhou Shixiang never dreamed that the dignified empress was actually afraid that he was too “capable”.

“I don’t need you here. You all go down. If there is anything, I will tell the palace.”

Zhou Shixiang couldn’t help but tell the female officials to hurry down. He was really afraid that he would be impulsive. He thought to himself that he was not a lecherous person. After the death of his wife Zhao Shi, he had only had two women, one because of impulsiveness and the other because of emotion. But because he was out all year round, he didn’t spend a long time with the second daughter. So if he really likes women, I’m afraid there are already a bunch of women around him.


Several female officials and the headed female clerk all breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were not young, they were also unfamiliar with personnel. They had heard that His Royal Highness King Qi was “powerful”, and they were really worried that they would not be able to handle it. Ended up with the same fate as those full girls.

However, while they were fortunate, they were a little disappointed, because if the King of Qi came to control them, they would not be able to get the title, but they would also become the women of the King of Qi. If you give birth to a child, you will undoubtedly get out of the sea of misery and find the best home. In other days, the mother is more valuable than the child, and there will always be a day of success.

Under Zhou Shixiang’s urging, several female officials finally put their minds behind them and silently exited the yard.

Outside the courtyard, several female officials were startled, because a big one-eyed man with a sledgehammer was struggling to move a large stone down the courtyard wall.

Seeing that several female officials were looking at him not far away, Blind Li was also taken aback, and immediately burst into laughter, making a “hush” gesture at the female officials.


After dismissing the good-looking female officials, Zhou Shixiang took a deep breath and shook his head. His alcohol intake is neither good nor bad, even though he drank two glasses, his mind would still be sober, otherwise he would not have shoved the “fat” out of his mouth.


After pushing open the door, Zhou Shixiang saw the little mute sitting on the bed at a glance.

There is no cover on the head of the little mute, because she is a princess, and the royal family has its own royal etiquette, and does not need to be the same as a civil marriage.

Seeing the little mute’s face with so much powder makeup, like a porcelain sister, Zhou Shixiang wanted to laugh, but in the end he held back and stepped forward lightly.

Seeing Zhou Shixiang approaching, Little Mute’s mind was immediately filled with what the fine silk said, and his heart was really “thumping and thumping” like a deer.

She lived in the folk in her early years, and was robbed by bandits to be a maid. She had heard and witnessed things between men and women, but when it really happened to her, she was still subconsciously nervous and uneasy. It’s a woman’s nature because she’s never experienced it before.

Zhou Shixiang could see the nervousness of the little mute, just like the night when Zhao married him.

In order to make the little mute less afraid, Zhou Shixiang asked her casually, “Did you hear what’s going on outside?”

The little mute nodded lightly, and said slightly, “The niangniang told me.”

“Niangniang?” Zhou Shixiang was puzzled, “Is it arranged by Niangniang?


The little mute nodded again.

“I’m married to you, but Niangniang arranged for them to be with me…” Zhou Shixiang was really confused.

The little mute didn’t know how to answer her husband, so she could only say: “The maiden was afraid that you would be too fierce and hurt me, so she let them…” She was really embarrassed to say, her face was even redder under the bright candle. sharp.

“Hmm.” Zhou Shixiang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and asked with concern, “Have you eaten yet?”

“Have some snacks.”

“Then I’ll ask them to bring some more food.”

“No, I’m not hungry.”

After speaking, the little mute didn’t say a word again, just sat there nervously, with the two little hands covered by the happy clothes tightly grasping the sheet, not daring to move.


Zhou Shixiang was also very embarrassed. After thinking about it, he got up and closed the door. It may be an illusion, he seems to see a dark shadow flashing across the courtyard wall.

Blind Li, that bastard, won’t really listen to Lao Tzu’s corner, will he? Well, forgive him and dare not!

Zhou Shixiang is very confident, others can’t eat Li Blind, but he can eat this guy to death.

When they came to the little mute again, Zhou Shixiang could only rub his hands, the two were speechless for a while, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

Finally, Zhou Shixiang broke the silence. He is a man, and he has to break through this kind of thing. Otherwise, how can we be a husband and wife?

Zhou Shixiang blew out a candle and said to the little mute, “It’s getting late.”

The little mute made a “hmm” sound.

After blowing out one candle again, leaving only one in front of the bed, Zhou Shixiang asked the little mute for advice, and he asked, “Should we rest?”

The little mute said “oh”.

This is to be mentally prepared. Zhou Shixiang felt that a certain part of himself was a little hot, and said to the little dumb: “Then you go down first.”

The little mute let out an “ah”, Zhou Shixiang thought she would refuse, but the little mute quickly took off his shoes and got into the bed. However, the clothes on his body were not taken off.

Unable to eat hot tofu in a hurry, Zhou Shixiang prepared to take it slow, so he also began to undress and burrow into the bed, but the little mute suddenly exclaimed: “What are you doing?”

“I… I’m going to bed?” Zhou Shixiang was caught off guard.

The little mute stayed for a while, blushed a little, and said to Zhou Shixiang in a small scary voice: “Then…you, you wash first.”

“All right.”

Zhou Shixiang obeyed, and there were washing and grooming items that the female officials had prepared for a long time, as well as a bucket of hot water and a bucket of cold water. He took the basin to the side to wash himself, and the little mute glanced at him, then quickly turned his face away.

Zhou Shixiang was so embarrassed that he washed up. After washing, he walked to the bed and wanted to ask if he could go to bed, but the little mute turned his back to her. After a little thought, he simply lifted the quilt and got in. When the body was in contact with the little mute, it was obvious that the other party was shaking, and then it stopped shaking and became very stiff.

The two of them just put their heads on the pillows and leaned their bodies against each other, but it felt like fire and water.

After secretly laughing at himself that he was too careful, Zhou Shixiang leaned into the ear of the little mute and whispered: “Take off your clothes, we are both husband and wife, how can a husband and wife sleep with clothes on.”

Zhou Shixiang obviously felt that the little mute trembled slightly after hearing this sentence, and then heard the other party say: “Then…then you can’t be too anxious.”

“Well, I’m not in a hurry, I’m not in a hurry.” Zhou Shilian nodded again and again, he is not a hairy guy~www.readwn.com~, but he can still hold his temper.

The little mute untied the clothes in the quilt, and then somehow managed to fold the clothes neatly in the quilt and gently put them aside. However, what she removed was only the coat, but the undergarment was not removed.

“Take it all off.”

This time, Zhou Shixiang didn’t ask the little mute for advice, and directly removed the little clothes for her. The little mute did not refuse or resist, and it seemed that he was ready for human relations.

When the two of them were smooth and clean, Zhou Shixiang took the little mute into his arms, and the next thing was a matter of course.

Zhou Shixiang turned over and suppressed the little mute. After some “foreplay”, the girl under him finally secreted enough water to protect himself and provide conditions for his husband’s “invasion”.

With the sound of “Ah”, the little mute tried to push the husband off his body in pain. Outside, there was also a sound of “ah”, but it was the blind man Li who was dragged from the courtyard wall by Tie Yi, and fell heavily to the ground, screaming like a pig.

The little mute was startled, and hugged her husband’s neck tightly, making Zhou Shixiang almost breathless, but he was scolding Li Blind for really eating a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gall.


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:. :

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