
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 was born again six years ago

Xiaguo border, Dongdan City.

In a dark warehouse facing the sea, there are seven or eight computer hosts, more than ten monitors, and a very advanced civilian server.

In addition to these, there is a black carbine M4A1 with a muffler and a tactical belt with four clips.

A young man with glasses, pale and sharp eyes, sat on a swivel chair and tapped the keyboard in an orderly manner.

Next to the keyboard, a quietly lying Clock18 pistol, a black gun body, and a matte muffler show a slight danger.

This man, named Shi Lei, nicknamed stone, stone monster, stone brother…

Shi Lei wore a Bluetooth earphone and gaze across the four screens on the far right.

On the screen, it shows the situation around the warehouse, as well as the alleys that enter the warehouse and the images of the sky around the warehouse.

A ** screen shows the roadside, in a small alley, parked a highway high-speed motorcycle, this is Shi Lei’s escape tool just in case.

These images are very clear, obviously using high-definition surveillance cameras!

‘everything is normal! ’

Shi Lei’s heart was secretly raised, and no accidents occurred.

“Dudu ”

The Bluetooth headset made a slight sound, and Shi Lei pressed it on the Bluetooth headset.

“No. 1, is it ready?”

After the electronic compilation of the sound, the sound from the Bluetooth headset, into the ear of Shi Lei.

“The first is ready, the Falcon please give instructions!”

Shi Lei’s voice, after being electronically compiled and changed, will be transmitted through the Bluetooth headset.

“No. 1, waiting for the Falcon command!”

“I understand!” After Shi Lei finished, he couldn’t help but say: “Call the Falcon!”

“No. 1, what’s the situation?” Even after the electronic compilation and sound, the falcon’s tone can be heard.

“Falcon, No. 1 application ** newsletter!”

“Dudu ”

“No. 1, ** communication is established, what is the report?” The falcon’s tone is very serious.

Shi Lei’s pale face, a sick redness.

“Falcon, after this incident, the organization will promise me to help me out?”

“shut up!”

Falcon angered: “No. 1, now is carrying out the task, what is going on, I will talk later!”

” ”

**Communication was cut off, and then Shi Lei was loaded into the regular communication channel.

Shi Lei held his fists in his hands, inhaled deeply, his chest was fluctuating, and his anger was brewing.

‘I hope the organization can be trustworthy, otherwise….’

‘The information in the hand is enough to organize a pot! ’

East of Dongdan City, Wozang State and Lijian State, are conducting joint fleet exercises.

These two world military powers have shown strong military strength to the entire world.

Li Jianguo’s aircraft carriers, ship-borne sea-based aircraft, ship-borne unmanned aircraft, the amphibious landing ship of the Vasang State, and the individual soldier auxiliary system will all be put into practice.

On the aircraft carrier of Lijianguo, a ship-borne unmanned aircraft first flew into the sky, conducted early detection and detection, and eliminated the target of the exercise.

A full ten predator drones flying silently in the sky.

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, the ship-based sea-based fighters, as the exercise progressed, also lifted off the deck.

The amphibious landing ship of the Wozang State, near the imaginary enemy island, under the cover of the Lijian State aircraft, carried out landing operations.

The fighting power of the two world military powers has shocked the world!

However, another thing that has shocked the world is happening.

“Call the number one and invade the Lakimi data link!”

Shi Lei’s hands, fast on the keyboard, like two dancing butterflies.

“Reporting Falcon, successfully invading the data link, sharing connections open!”

The Lakimi is the aircraft carrier of Lijianguo!

Shi Lei is one of the top hackers in the world!

The organization he represents is invading the world’s top two military powers in an attempt to obtain some information from the remote control of some of the rights of the Lijianguo aircraft carrier.

“Call the number one, simulate the normal communication command of the Lakimi!”

“I received it on the 1st!”

Shi Lei is nervously operating the keyboard. Under normal circumstances, even with the support of top super computers, the feat of invading the aircraft carrier from the outside is almost impossible!

However, the organization where Shi Lei is located, the carrier of the Lakimi aircraft from Lijianguo, has obtained a remote login permission.

As a result, the invasion has become less difficult.

‘Hey, Lijiang’s aircraft carrier defense is not as powerful as the legend! ’

Shi Lei completed the order of the Falcon, and spared time to wander around the aircraft carrier operating system of the Lakimi.

“Call the number one, crack the communication password!”

The latest command of the Falcon came, Shi Lei almost vomited blood.

Crack the communication password?

What international jokes!

The aircraft carrier’s communication password, security level is extremely high, relying on his broken computer, there is also a civilian advanced server, want to crack the password, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream!

“Report Falcon, please repeat the order!”

Shi Lei thought it was the Falcon’s command, conveyed the mistake, and conveyed the orders of other members to him.

His organization, the magical powers, the energy is extremely strong!

Otherwise, it will not play the idea of ​​joint exercises!

“No. 1, crack the Lakimi communication password! Repeat the command to crack the Lakimi communication password!”

The sweat of Shi Lei’s head suddenly popped out.

‘Death and die! ’

Shi Lei’s ten fingers brought up a residual image and quickly tapped on the keyboard.

In the entire warehouse, only the sound of the fan in the chassis and the sound of the keyboard knocking were left.


In the Bluetooth headset, a rushing alarm sounded.

On the middle of the computer screen, a red warning pops up.

The electronic information security personnel of the Lakimi have discovered the cracking work and are conducting reverse tracking!

If placed in peacetime, Shi Lei will immediately start to close, eliminate the trace of invasion, and then give up the broiler to run.

But this time is the collective action of the organization. If he fails this ring, other people will definitely fail.

Investigating responsibility, the stone is absolutely difficult to blame!

For the mysterious organization, Shi Lei has a deep fear!

If this is done this time, he will definitely be ‘mysteriously missing’.

“Mom. Fight, fight!”

Shi Lei quickly establishes a remote connection, and the connection enters the standby server he prepared in advance, which expands the computing power and makes the attack more sharp!

“Call the Falcon, request support!”

In the voice of the Falcon, there was also a fluster.

“adhere to!”

“No. 1, stick to thirty seconds!”

Shi Lei smiled and just laughed at how **** the Laikii, and now he was discovered by the other side, only to know how powerful the other party is.

Perhaps the other side is far worse than him in terms of invasion and offense, but the other party’s tracking technology is simply the pinnacle!

“It was killed again!”

“There are three transit servers!”

The transit server is the advanced broiler.

“Up to 15 seconds to 20 seconds!”

Shi Lei said to himself, the pale face was paler, and the sweat on his forehead was dense.

” ”

The sound of the mechanical keyboard is almost a piece.

“Call the Falcon, after five seconds, it will be exposed!”

The Falcon did not respond, cutting off the Bluetooth headset directly.

“Zizi nourish ”

In the Bluetooth headset, a burst of silence was heard.

“Warning! Unknown objects are being approached at high speed!”

The warehouse roof, HD surveillance camera, locks a small black particle in the air.

Shi Lei stared at the computer screen and his face became more and more ugly.

This monitoring program is written by Shi Lei himself. In terms of graphics processing, Shi Lei has unique insights.

For example, now, the HD surveillance camera can calculate the corresponding distance and speed through the change of the size of the black dot in the picture.

On the aircraft carrier of the Lakimi aircraft, electronic information security personnel successfully tracked Shi Lei.

The aircraft carrier is connected to the ‘keyhole’ optical satellite in outer space, and combined with the global positioning system, precisely locks the position of Shi Lei.

“Oh, hell!”

“Jimmy, look, what is that!”

In the Office of Electronic Information Security, several information security personnel looked at images from the keyhole satellite.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open.

A drone operator, his pale face shouted: “Come on, the drone’s control authority has been changed!”

Jimmy glared at his forehead and sighed.


In the warehouse, Shi Lei looked at the black spots that are getting closer and closer, the high-definition surveillance camera, and finally showed the whole picture of the black spots in front of Shi Lei.

The moment Shi Lei saw it, the power of the whole body seemed to be pulled away.



“The trough…..”

Two seconds later, the warehouse exploded dramatically!

Because the predator is an MQ-1 drone, Haier is an airborne anti-tank missile!

Shi Lei was abandoned by the organization!

The weapons he prepared were not used at all. The escape route he prepared did not work.

At the moment of death, Shi Lei thought a lot.

He is an orphan. In order to find information about his parents, he is obsessed with hacking techniques. It is also because of hacking techniques that he is now killed.

Shi Lei also thought that his motherland, Xia Guo, may have a worse relationship with Lijian and Wonsan!

It’s all that mysterious organization, the pusher behind it!

From beginning to end, he is just a pawn!

It’s a pity that he has no chance of revenge.

At the moment when the mind disappeared, Shi Lei suddenly remembered a classic saying.

‘I just want to be a good person, why not give me a chance? ’

Shi Lei died, unable to manage the diplomatic disputes between Xia Guo, Li Jianguo and Wozang, and could not control the horrific hearing of the Li Jianuo missile bombarding Xia Guocheng.

Outer space, a crack in the dark space, unfolding silently.

A mysterious purple light flew out of the crack in space and shot at the blue earth.







The mysterious light group conveys unknown information. If there is an expert in the world of human versatile language in the world of Krentia, then the above information must be accurately known.

Search for the city of wonders…

Not found…….

Search for the magic net…

Not found……

The self-destruct system is loading…

Discover the inheritors…

In 2006, August 31, Xia Guo, Shuangqing City, Shuangqing University.

Shi Lei took a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, wearing cheap T-shirts and jeans, pulling a suitcase and standing in front of the school with a strange look!

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