Growing Pains

Growing Pains - Chapter 18

The world had changed after the Imperium.

Sure, there had been alien invasions in the past. But all of those had been relatively short affairs that ended quickly.

The Imperium had infiltrated and sabotaged Earth for years before launching their main attack and it had taken a collective effort of several of the greatest heroes the world had seen working together in a way not seen since WWII to push them back.

And now people wanted assurances that it wasn't going to simply happen again.

Thankfully, they didn't have to wait long.


A man spoke on a podium while several brightly costumed figures stood behind him. To many this was the first time that they had seen several heroes standing together without some major crisis getting in the way. That proved attractive enough that the normally dull U.N. press conference was drawing in record numbers with the public across the world.

"...and when we needed them most, the heroes behind me and many more that could not be here today stepped forward to protect our world. We cannot thank them enough, but today I am proud to offer these heroes a medal of valor for their actions and a symbolic one for each and every person that stood against the Imperium." The man stepped back and after a brief award ceremony, Superman stepped forward.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Nations," The most iconic superhero in the world began. "A few weeks ago, we faced a threat unlike one we had ever encountered. A hostile force that had not only set their sights on conquering our planet but draining it dry of everything it could offer. A threat that did not come boldly from the stars, but one that hid among us and waited until they were too widespread for one hero to deal with.

"I'm proud to say that when faced with such a massive and overwhelming threat the residents of this world, common and powered alike, joined forces to protect our home.

"But despite our success, this event was an eyeopener.

"There will be some things that are too big for one person, one hero…even me, to handle. When those times come we will look to each other for help, and when that isn't enough…you can look to us," Superman turned slightly and held out a hand to the heroes standing with him. Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Hawkwoman, and Martian Manhunter all stood tall and proud. "For times when one hero isn't enough, more will come. Members of the United Nations, it is my great pleasure to announce the formation of the Justice League."

The Man of Steel might have wanted to say more, but anything else was drowned out by the thunderous applause in the assembly hall.


Not everyone was interested in watching Superheroes make announcements though. Some of them just wanted things to hurry up and get back to normal. Even if they felt they needed some additional help to…move things along.


"So…" I looked between the shady guy in sunglasses and the blacked out silhouette on the monitor, who was definitely, totally, not Luthor, in his hands. "'re saying you will pay me $100,000 dollars to guard a crate until someone else comes to pick it up."

"Correct. We have some footage from the invasion and were impressed with your abilities." TotallyNot!Luthor explained. "We thought this would be a good…test run before we reach out for a more, long term partnership."

"You do know I'm trying to take over the planet, right? Ya'know, the one you're on right now?" I felt compelled to point out.

"I think you'll find humanity is quite flexible when it chooses to work with others, even about being under others. As long as you and the beings you represent are reasonable, I don't see why we can't do business together."

Wow, if I didn't know for a fact that Luthor would never settle for being second fiddle to anyone I might have been convinced he was serious about a partnership. It also gave away how little he knew about Saiyans since we weren't exactly…reasonable all the time…or even most of the time.

"I guess that's fine. What's in the box though?" I asked.

"The United Nations and this new Justice League are doing their best to mop everything up, but there are plenty of scientists and organizations that are very interested in alien technology and its potential uses and are willing to use some less-than-legal methods to get them. I just happen to know several who would be very happy to get a large amount of such technology under the radar."

Okay, alien supertech and not a doomsday device or something like that.

"And you want me to, what? Just hang around and make sure no one runs off with it?"

"That and stop any costumed annoyances that decide to poke their noses into things. I know you're very busy preparing for your future challenges so I won't even have you escort it to the final delivery site. Just wait until my courier service arrives and handles it."

"Ah-hahaha, yeah busy…that's me alright." I shifted awkwardly. I don't think I did anything besides train and browse the internet for interesting places to eat since I found out the Metropolis Mayoral election was delayed due to the invasion.

Thankfully, TotallyNot!Luthor said nothing about that.

"So Miss Califa, do we have a deal?"

"Sure! When do I start?"

"My assistant will provide you with the details. I hope this marks the beginnings of a wonderful partnership."

Somehow I doubted that.


And while Villains and Heroes prepared for the future…some of the younger names in the game were left unsupervised…


"So what brings you guys out to Star City?" Speedy asked as he leaned back and took a sip of his soda. "I mean, yeah, I like hanging out with you guys, but isn't it kinda far from home?"

Robin huffed, swiping one of the fry containers before Kid Flash inhaled them all. "Nah, I got dragged here for some charity things to help deal with some of the damages. I figured at least the two of us could meet up for a bit."

"And Star City is like a few hours away from me." Kid Flash added, thankfully without a mouthful of food.

"Let me guess, your mentors say it's too busy to risk going out right now so they're keeping you busy with training instead of any real hero work?" Speedy asked.

"Yeah." "Yup." The other two responded.

"Yeah, GA is the same. Can't really blame him cause things got messed up and everything, and I hear he was invited to something about joining the Justice League. But I kinda want to go out and do something, ya'know?"

"What, like try finding a robbery to stop or something?" Kid Flash polished off his third cheeseburger and reached for another. "As cool as that would be, I'd be in so much trouble for that."

Speedy shook his head. "Yeah, no, I'd get benched for a month if I did that too. I mean why don't we head to the docks and do some parkour off the stuff there."

"Looking to get upstaged again?" Robin taunted the slightly older kid.

"You wish, shortstuff."

"I dunno, flips and stuff aren't really my thing." Kid Flash didn't sound so enthused.

"I have a new camera. You could get some neat shots with superspeed?"

"Okay, I'm up for that."

"Cool, then let's go after – hey! Who ate my fries?!"


I was regretting accepting TotallyNot!Luthor's job. This was so freaking boring!

The whole thing practically screamed it was the kinda thing that would have someone poking their nose into. I mean, seriously, smuggled alien tech? Batman or one of the other detective-like heroes should have been swarming all over something like this.

Was this going to be one of those annoyingly well planned things that went off without a hitch?

I closed my eyes and paid attention to my Ki Sense. There had to be something interesting going on nearby.

Most of what I got back was just some of the wildlife big enough to be noticeable – a few dogs, a pair of seals in the water, and a few that were too small for me to recognize – and the humans that worked on the dock. But there were three signatures that were moving around in a more active way that suggested a lot of physical activity. I wonder what that was about?

Looking back at the crate I was supposed to be guarding I gave it a whole three seconds of thought before shrugging and floating off towards the three.

The crate would be fine if I took a quick peek.


"Huh, not what I was expecting." I said, announcing my arrival to the three kids below me.

Three Sidekicks doing parkour in the middle of nowhere wasn't on my list of potential things that I could find checking out the Ki signatures, but that's what I found.

Causing the redhead with the bow to slip and almost fall off the table he was standing on – as opposed to the redhead with a camera that nearly jumped a foot in the air – was worth any disappointment from it not being a local hero poking into things. Too bad Robin was used to people coming from nowhere and barely reacted.

"So what you doing, birdbrain? Also aren't you on the wrong side of the country?" I asked.

"Batman has something to talk with Green Arrow about and doesn't want me running around Gotham on my own, so I'm here babysitting Speedy and Kid Flash-" "Hey!/Liar!" "-the bigger question is what are you doing here, stupid monkey?" Robin shot back, crossing his arms over his chest.

I shrugged. "Looking for something to do. Saw you idiots jumping around and decided to drop by."

Speedy scowled. "We were doing parkour, not 'jumping around'. It's something that takes actual skill instead of just flying everywhere."

That sounded like a challenge.

"Yeah? Then let's prove it." I scowled right back.

"Oh, it's on. Let's see how cocky you are without the powers."


A few hours later the Sidekicks got calls from their various mentors and had to head back, which was a shame because once we got past the mandatory young teen grandstanding the various parkour challenges we set for each other were really fun.

I couldn't help feeling like I forgot something tho–

The crate!

I rushed back to the post I was supposed to be guarding and did a quick once over just to make sure nothing had happened, but it seemed that even with three deputy heroes cleverly drawing me away (at least that was the story I was going to stick with) nothing had happened.

When a random minion came by a few minutes later to pick it up and give me the rest of my payment I chalked the whole thing down as an easy win and moved on towards the cave I called home.

I guess not everything I do has to end in a giant battle.

…not that if they did that would be a bad thing…

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