Greg Veder vs The World

Greg & Sparky

Hey guys, I just wanted to post this picture that a friend of mine from Twitter drew of Sparky and Greg.

There's a lot more media of the characters on Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity, and I rarely post them here because they're so much harder to translate unlike SB where it's pretty much insert and send off without needing five hundred words of accompanying writing.

Anyway, I hope you like it.

I myself am a big fan of the art style, because even though Sparky's not perfect and he looks a bit more masculine than I envision him, Greg is captured almost perfectly. His physique has improved since Sparky last saw him, as Greg used to be two inches shorter than Sparky, now stands a good inch-and a half over him at 5'10". His physicality is also tied directly into his stats, something I haven't mentioned here before but have mentioned on SB and SV forums.

He is denser than he should be for his build and height among other things. His rapid growth in INT and the way his brain processes information is represented in his neurological structure, etc.

BTW, the next chapter should be up by Monday.

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