Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 151: Open the door

"Are you qualified to say it?"

Edward Von Erubiorene raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the other party's words.

No one would still talk to him like this after knowing his identity. He was the eldest son of the Erubiorene family, the next Patriarch of the Erubiorene family. But who were those two people standing in front of him?

He looked at Reiner up and down. He confirmed that this was a first-ring mage and his strength was insignificant, but for some reason, the extremely powerful aura exuding from this person was similar to that of his father.

"Who are you..." Before Edward could finish, he saw the person raising his right hand.

‘What does he want to do?'

Edward took a step back while subconsciously glancing at his magic barrier on the gate. Even if the two first-ring mages dared to do anything, it was impossible to break through his barrier. He was confident.

However, when he caught sight of the shining golden ring between the man's fingers, Edward's face immediately changed.

It was a high-level magic item, it was engraved with spells above the fifth-ring at least! ! !


He wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

A fiery flame more dazzling than the sun burst out from Reiner's fingers.

At the same time, there was a wave of intense heat and a dry wind. In an instant, all of the defensive magic circles on the gate of Erubiorene's castle activated at the same time.

Six magic circles with different shapes were interlaced and the multicolored rays of light were like a giant net, covering the entire gate.

While feeling shocked, Edward broke out in a cold sweat.

The magic circles on the castle's gate had been in place for 800 years and each one had great power. In the past, even during the magical war, no mage was able to breach its defenses, which proved how strong its defensive power was.

At the same time, the cost of activating these magic circles was also huge. If his father knew that it was all because of him that the defensive magic circles were activated, he would inevitably be scolded.

"What a fool. The magic defenses on this gate had endured for eight hundred years..."

Edward hadn't finished speaking yet when the fireball between Reiner's fingers flew out.

The blazing flame was fast and it reached the first defensive barrier of the gate in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, the defensive magic circles that stood firm for 800 years were torn apart and the bound magic energy burst out from the magic circle, causing a huge explosion.

In the next second, the second defensive magic circle was also breached, with the flame burning through the center of the magic circle, completely destroying this cultural relic with a long history.

The third and the fourth. When the sixth defensive magic circle was destroyed, Edward realized the seriousness of the problem.

The high temperature started melting the iron gate and swept toward Edward, like a giant dragon, as if it was about to swallow him!


From behind Edward, a strong voice came and at the same time, a surge of magic energy arrived. This magic energy turned into a thick shield, blocking the flames from Edward.

"Father!" Edward was instantly relieved. He looked back at his father, the fifth-ring mage, William Von Erubiorene.

However, before Edward could say the next sentence, he heard a crisp cracking sound on the thick magic energy barrier, which seemed to be on the verge of breaking.

Edward's father frowned slightly. He thought that the flame was just a low-level spell made with a magic item that would not be higher than the third-ring spell. But he didn't expect that after breaking through six defensive magic circles, the power of this spell could actually continue on to break through his barrier.

This spell was at least above the fourth-ring and its absolute destructive power was even comparable to the five-ring spell!

What exactly was this magic?

William had to raise his other hand and pour out the magic energy, gradually stabilizing his barrier.

When the fire diminished, William waved his hand to remove the barrier. A trace of sweat leaked from his forehead. He hadn't cast a spell with such force in many years. It made him slightly dizzy.

On the other hand, Reiner naturally didn't know the history of the defensive magic circles on the gate nor did he know the thoughts of the Erubiorene Patriarch.

He only had one thought and that was that his fireball was so cool.

What he used just now was the fourth-ring spell engraved on the Hohenheim Golden Cup. Lanchester's Eternal Blazing Sun. According to the introduction given by President Demetrius at the time, the destructive power of this spell was exceptional, and Reiner wanted to use it to deter the opponent.

But he didn't expect the destructive power of this spell to be so terrifying. It seemed that this was probably the reason why President Demetrius warned him not to cast it at people on a whim.

Edward was in shock. It was the first time he saw his father's powerless appearance and he was just facing a first-ring mage.

"This gentleman, don't you think it's impolite to destroy the gate of my castle on a lark?"

William walked over, protecting his son behind him, and said to Reiner, his tone was very cold.

"Sorry Sir, I didn't want to destroy your gate, but it blocked the path of my magic."

Reiner said shamelessly, and silently revealed his Hohenheim Golden Cup ring.

"Your son insulted my friend just now, but you didn't seem to hear it. So I couldn't help but want to help you discipline your son."

He spoke with confidence and made Edward's eyes widen in shock.

How could there be such a shameless person in this world?

William twitched his mouth. He wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but when he saw the Hohenheim Golden Cup ring in Reiner's hand, his face changed immediately.

"Hohenheim Golden Cup… How do you have this?"

The Hohenheim Golden Cup was Mercury Balance's highest honor. How could it appear in the hands of a first-ring mage?

"Wait, who are you?"

William thought of a possibility and asked.

"Reiner Ian Gray, the principal of Luna Nova Magical Academy. Your daughter Elymiais my student."

Reiner replied, calm and composed.

Showing the Hohenheim Golden Cup was to first deter them from retaliating. Everyone was aware that this kind of high-level magic item contained powerful magic spells. Even if William was absolutely capable of crushing Reiner, he must still be cautious when dealing with this ring.

The other purpose was to show his status. As long as it was not a mage who had lived in the mountains for several years without communicating with the outside world, they would be able to understand Reiner's prominence from this ring. Even if the Erubiorene family was a pure-blood family with a long history, they would still fear Mercury Balance and the legendary mages behind it.

No matter how courageous William was, he would not risk being attacked by the Magic Association to harm Reiner. This was why Reiner was so aggressive.

"Reiner Ian Gray!!?"

Edward was the first to react. But before he could talk, his father William quickly interrupted and said.

"Mr. Ian Gray, please come in."

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