Green Life

Back to the past?! – Chapter 248

While coldly looking at the two bullies that were almost twice his size, Hatsuko walked through their gaps and ignored them.

“Where do you think you’re going?” One of the bullies inquired with a smirk on his face before grabbing Hatsuko’s shoulder in order to stop him from walking any further.

“Did he really think he could just walk away?” The other bully laughed.

Hatsuko stopped walking any further before turning around and seeing both of the bullies with his green glowing eyes that were filled with killing intent.


“W-why are you looking at us l-like that!?”

Both bullies struggled to speak as cold sweat was dripping down their faces, not realizing that their bodies were actually trembling.

“.....” Hatsuko looked at the pitiful bullies one last time before walking away as if nothing had happened.

“Haaa…. Haa… haa…. I-is that really the same person?” The bully asked the one beside him.

“I… I d-don’t know….” A gulping sound was heard as the other bully responded.

Leaving the bullies behind, Hatsuko continued investigating his current situation while trying to stay as stealthy as possible in order to avoid any unnecessary situations. But due to his cold green eyes that put the chills down everyone’s spines, many were trying to either avoid or look at him about this sudden change.

However, despite the gossip that many of the students were having Hatsuko continued walking without a care.

“How terrible…. Did you see the expression on his face?” 

“He looks terrifying. What happened to him?”

“I don’t know, but it may be because of the beating he has been enduring every day…”


But despite talking in silence, Hatsuko was able to hear everything that each student was gossiping about at the same time as he continued walking forward.

Once understanding and confirming where Hatsuko was, he walked back to the same place he used to stay most of the time in order to hide from bullies. 

The rooftop of the school….

When he turned to gaze outside, he observed that everything was as it should have been in the beforemath of the natural disaster brought on by angels and devils..

[ I’ve been sent back in time…. ] He thought to himself while glancing at the amazing view that this place used to give when he was during his darkest time.

There were so many possibilities, so many things he could fix…. But what was more importantly… 

He was given a second chance to make up for all the mistakes he couldn't fix during his first attempt due to his weakness..

That's why… this time…… “I won’t let myself get drowned by fate.”

On the next day, Hatsuko decided to check on Rei and see whether she was okay or not. The day began like usual, just like he had expected, making it easier for him to wander around to find Rei, especially what happened yesterday with two guys who tried messing with him.

Many other students still kept giving glances and weird looks at him as he was passing by them without caring what they said or behaved.

Since Hatsuko didn't know what class Rei was attending, he casually walked toward the student council room and looked through their computer system. And after checking all of the schedules that all of the students had in this school, Hatsuko decided to head to a certain class where he would find Rei. 

Or that's what he was hopping before one of the council’s members entered the room.

“You aren't part of the council. What are you doing in here?” The girl inquired with a stern look on her face.

“....” However, Hatsuko kept his usually calm expression before walking past the girl without any interest in explaining what he was doing there.

But seeing the unexpected and undisciplined behavior of this student, the girl greeted her teeth before grabbing him by his sleeve in order to stop him from leaving the room.

“I’m not done talking to you! Why are you in here? You know that all students that aren't part of the council are prohibited to enter this room!” The girl explained with the same kind and harsh expression.

“I got the wrong room.” Hatsuko responded with his deep and uncaring voice before walking out of the room. “Excuse me.”

While checking the map on his wrist provided by the bracelet given by the school, Hatsuko easily managed to find where Rei was located.

It was the same palace where he once got humiliated because he couldn't use his ability yet. 

The training room.

Upon entering the field where many students were practicing their own abilities, a teacher noticed his presence as he was calmly walking in everyone’s direction.

“Don't you think you’re a bit late to come to this class?” The professor inquired with a slightly sarcastic tone in his voice.

Hatusko, however, persisted in moving ahead until a certain girl, who was nearby but doing nothing, noticed him..

“E-eh? Hatsuko!? What are you doing in here?” Rei asked after seeing the attitude he was making with the professor. “Shouldn't you be recovering from your injuries?”

“I'm fine as you can see.” The boy with green eyes casually responded.


“I came to see you.” 

Rei’s cheeks slightly blushed after hearing the bold statement that, Hatsuko, a once-known mixer was saying. 

But this kind of confession wasn't heard only by Rei and the professor, but also by some of the students who were training there as well.

“Hey, check that out. Isn't that the mixer over there? He’s asking out that girl.”


“I bet that his ass is going to get rejected anyway.”

“This should be fun to watch.”

“He also got beat up pretty badly two days ago. I don't know how he has the balls to come here.”

“Let's just watch and see.”

After hearing the gossip that many of the students were making, the professor’s brow twitched for a moment before turning towards Hatsuko.

“Listen here, boy! I want no romance in this classroom, so you better get out of here and go to your own class. Maybe you could learn something else other than using your mix ability.” The professor spoke, making his voice heard by all students.

Some of the present students could even be heard giggling as they were watching this.

“Rei, come with me, I need to show you something.” Hatsuko turned his head to the girl without a care about the rest.

And to everyone’s surprise, Rei got up from her seat in order to leave with Hatsuko.

“Are you serious?” 

“With that mixer?” 

“She must be nuts…” 

“....Or blackmailed…”

However, the professor wasn't having it, so he prevented them from getting out of the field by creating a crystalized rock that was more than 14 meters tall and wide.

“If you think you can casually walk in my class, interrupt my students from their training, so you can come here and take one of them away, then you are very wrong!

All of the students looked amazed at how the professor managed to create that kind of massive crystal-like rock at the entrance in an instant.

“Even though you were making her sit down instead of practicing her own ability?” Hatsuko responded.

Some of the students were even surprised or dumbfounded by the way this mixer was acting towards a teacher. Was he actually serious, or did he finally lose his mind after countless bullying? Those were the thoughts of many students.

After calming his own nerves from the way Hatsuko was acting, the professor let out a sigh.

“Okay. Let's do it like this.” The professor slightly smirked. “If you can manage to break through my ability, then I’ll let both of you skip this class without any missing notes.”

All of the students started laughing at the kind of challenge that the professor just gave to the weakest mixer in the whole school.

“Yeah, no way he can break through that.”

“He’s a professor. I don't think any of the students in this school have ever managed to break through his defenses. No matter how powerful someone can be, his creations are just indestructible.”

“Yeah, right.”



“He screwed himself.”

As the professor was getting praise for his indestructible creations, he noticed Hatsuko looking at the massive rock made out of the most rigid material.

“Hatsuko, why did you provoke the teacher? We should apologiz–” Rei tried suggesting to the guy beside her, before noticing how his eyes suddenly glow green, and in the next moment blasting the whole massive rock to pieces by just pointing his finger at it.



The other students looked in either shock or disbelief as the massive rock shattered to pieces. 

And once the smoke cleared up from the area, they all saw how the massive diamond-like rock blocking the way, was no longer there…

“Let's go.” Hatsuko said to Rei before grabbing her head and leaving the other individuals in the field, remaining with their mouths open about the sudden way the weakest mixer opened the way.

While holding hands together, Hatsuko kept leading Rei through the empty hallways.

“H-Hatsuko, hold on.” Rei said in slight confusion. “What is going on? Did something happen!? And how did you break the teacher’s shell?”

Once they arrived at a certain part of the hallway, Hatsuko turned around to face Rei. 

“I wanted to tell you something abo–” 

“Rei, that's where you were.”

However, Hatsuko was interrupted once again as a Tanaka could be seen walking in their direction, making Rei flinch at his voice.

“I’ve been looking all over for you. I was going to your class, but it seems like you made my search easier.” Tanaka leaned over Rei’s shoulder almost wrapping one of his arms around her neck.

Rei only looked to her side in disgust without complaining at all about the weird and assertive way Tanaka was acting with her.

“Oh, this wuss is with you as well?” Tanaka's eyes widened with feigned shock.

But what Tanaka didn't expect was the absolute emotion of fear that hitched his breath away.

*tu-tump* *tu-tump* *tu-tump*

Tanaka’s heart was beating much quicker, causing cold sweat to drip down his forehead before looking at Hatsuko’s glaring eyes that were filled with killing intent.

“W-what!?” Tanaka couldn't say anything else due to his breath being taken away before his legs finally gave out, causing his body to fall to the ground, confused about this sudden emotion of fear.

Rei was also brought back from this sudden behavior before she felt her hand being pulled away from this asshole that wanted to mess with her.

Hatsuko brought Rei to his room, in order to prevent any other damage to this school.

“Hatsuko what is going on? What happened to you, and why did you bring me to your room?” Rei, despite not rejecting the idea of being with her crush, still felt the need that some answers were required in her sudden position.

Hatsuko took a deep breath before coming closer to the slightly blushing girl before softly holding her hand and showing her many memories that didn't seem to make any sense. It was as if those memories belonged to someone else…. To someone who was going to experience all of this…. Her future self. However, she also had her most forgotten history, which was buried deep within her soul..

Rei’s eyes widened in astonishment and slight fear before her legs gave out from the number of memories that were passed on to her in a split second.

“I can't believe this….. So all of that really happened….. Or to be more exact, are going to happen?” Rei asked herself while looking at the calm-looking boy in front of her.

“I thought that…after all this time, those memories should be returned to you.” Hatsuko looked to his side, in a bit of sorrow and guilt about his action. If he’s back in the past, maybe it would’ve been for the best if he hadn't interacted with anyone and risen to the top once again without having any more casualties.

After noticing the guilt that Hatsuko was feeling, Rei got up from the bed and gently placed her hand against his face.

“No, I'm actually glad that you came back to see me even though I held none of those memories. I don't want you to suffer alone, that's why, please. Don't be so harsh on yourself.” A bitter, yet sweet smile formed on Rei’s face while looking at the green eyes that were looking back at her.

“Thank you….” Hatsuko smiled back at the lovely girl in front of him.

After talking out all of the stuff that they had missed, Rei decided to ask one last question.

“Hatsuko… I already know that the me in the future has already confessed….” Her cheeks blushed. “But are you really planning on fighting all of the angels and demons on your own once again?”

“Yes….” Hatsuko softly responded.

“That sounds…. So lonely. No one will remember the destruction of humanity. Many cities being destroyed, and how peace among angels and demons will return again.” Rei clenched her skirt at the thought of Hatsuko being left alone without anyone else knowing his achievement. “Even Chloe, Akemi, Lily, and the rest of the girls. None of them will know that you ever existed. Are you sure about this?”

Hatsuko smiled. “Yes, for as long as they live peaceful lives, I'm willing to do this.”’

In the next following days, Hatsuko spent his days together with Rei in order to help her grow her power to the point where it was possible to even regenerate lost limbs. This not only surprised other students, but also sent other teachers useless at the logic that Hatsuko refused to reveal.

Many other bullies, still didn't believe the rumors that they heard, that's why they decided to mess with the trash mixer in order to prove to everyone that he was the same weak loser. However, the next day, those few bullies were found traumatized and refused to even get out of their rooms.

The news about Hatsuko was spreading like crazy all over the school, and it didn't take long before the principal and Tatsuya heard about this. That's why he, together with Hanna decided to find him and ask about this sudden change.

“Ah, Hatsuko! I knew it that you had something special in you!” Hanna exclaimed at the sight of Hatsuko walking around with Rei by his side. 

“I'm also impressed as well, so how about you join me? I'm forming a group of special students that are inspired to become the best of the best. With me in the lead, we are going to become invincible. What do you say?” Tatsuya proudly offered.

But Hatsuko, together with Rei by his side, simply walked away as if the duo in front of them didn't even exist.

This confused Hanna and pissed off Tatsuya with the cocky behavior of the two.

[ Tch! Just because you got a little stronger, means nothing to me! ] Tatsuya glared.

Many other days had passed, and Hatsuka finally decided to drop out of school. That's why he decided to see Rei for the last time on the same rooftop of the school.

“Today is the day that the disaster is supposed to sink many countries,” Rei stated. “Are you sure about this decision?”

Hatsuko looked at Rei before grabbing both of her hands with a smile on his face. “I am sure, but it seems like… it won't be the same case this time….”

“What do you mean?” Rei questioned at the sudden change of decision.

“After all, the past can not be changed no matter how powerful you are….” Hatsuko continued holding Rei’s hands before turning his head to the side. “Isn't that right?”

Confused about what Hatsuko was talking about, Rei looked in the direction Hatsuko was looking, only to find a grown version of Hatsuko with grown hair and dirty ripped clothes.

The grown version of Hatsuko also smiled. “That's unfortunately true. The past can not be altered.”

“What's going on?” Rei inquired. “How are there two of you?”

“That's not me.” Hatsuko answered the confused girl.

The grown version of Hatsuko continued smiling as he understood that his cover was already blown away.

“Isn't that right, god?” Hatsuko slightly teased.

“So you already knew it was me?” The proclaimed god inquired.

“G-god? Huh?! What is going on?!” Rei looked back and forth in confusion and slight fear about the name that Hatsuko called this mysterious being.

“So why did you bring me here, despite claiming that the past can not be changed?” Hatsuko inquired.

“I’ve been watching your life since the very beginning, Hatsuko.” God responded with a calm and deep voice. “And I know all of the struggles that you’ve gone through. All of your emotions. Anger, sadness, happiness, sorrow, and even loneliness. That's why I wanted to give you a chance to finally find peace in this world I created especially for you.”

“If you have been watching me the whole time, then why didn't you show yourself much earlier?” Hatsuko asked, a bit pissed and curious at the same time. 

“I’ve shown myself to you many times before… but you simply refused to notice my presence.” The whole world seemed to have been frozen as Hatsuko and Rei were interacting with this overwhelming being. “That's why I made this world for you, so you can find peace once again in your soul. That way, you can also have another choice about what's about to transpire.”

“What choices?” Hatsuko asked.

“Your first choice is to live in this world I created for you. You are free to do however you want with it. Be it, save it, or leave it be as in the previous one. You may do how your heart wishes.

But in return, you'll hand over your body to me so that I can finish the battle with the child who was driven crazy due to my power..” God explained the first option. “Or you can leave this world behind, and kill Zarxiel in my stead.”

There was a moment of silence as Hatsuko seemed to be thinking about it. Even Rei was looking at him, worried and slightly anxious about his next decision.

“I do not belong to this world…..” Hatsuko made his final decision. “All of my loved ones and decisions are left behind in the previous world. And I don't think I can simply abandon them just so I can have a peaceful life in this world.”

“So you chose to return after all?” God smiled. “I respect your decision, that's why I will grant you my remaining powers in order to bring down Zarxiel. He has been feeding off my powers for a very long time, that's why I believe that you will need this.”

Once the decision was made, Hatsuko looked at the girl on his side.

“Rei…” Hatsuko softly called out her name.

“You no longer need to worry about me…. I will be fine.” Rei softly smiled, fully understanding her position and situation in this world. “I am nothing but a fake, after all, so, please. Return back to the real world.”

“But… what about you?” 

“I’m still waiting in the real world, aren't I?” She giggled before her smile slowly turned into a pained one as tears were forming in her eyes. “That's why, please return back once you have saved everyone.”

There was a moment of hesitation before Hatsko lowered his face and kissed Rei on her lips.

Startled by this sudden kiss, Rei’s eyes widened for a second before her expression melted by the love she just received.

“I will.” Hatsuko said after separating from Rei and disappearing into nothingness together with the grown version of him.

While being in space of time with god, Hatsuko decided to make one final question.

“If you really are god, then how did you get captured by one of your creations?”

There was another moment of silence before god looked at Hatsuko.

“The right question isn't how. But ‘why’.”

Hatsuko thought for a bit before coming to conclusion.

“You already knew that this was going to happen.”

God simply smiled.

There were so many possibilities, so many choices and so many questions at the same time on why all of this happened.

“Despite holding the tile of god, I am not omniscient. That's why I believe that this whole universe was nothing else but a great mistake of mine. I was created at the same time this whole universe gave birth to itself in order to bring life to many planets and galaxies out there. However, the one mistake that I regret doing…. Was giving a grasp of my power to different living beings out there.

This not only caused conflicts on many worlds but also caused many more brutal wars caused by the hunger emerging from their own powers.” God angrily stared into nothingness while recalling his past mistakes. 

“Then why didn't you take their powers away?” Hatsuko inquired.

“By the time I realized that It was already too late, that's why I decided to look for many different futures where everything was in balance.” God looked at Hatsuko. “And that's when I created you. You were one of the few souls that were special compared to the rest. A soul that knew and understood every kind of emotion that a living being could comprehend.”

“A green soul….” Hatsuko spoke out loud in realization.

God smiled. “This will be the last time, we’re going to see each other.”

“What about the rest of the angels? They must know the truth about their real lord.” Hatsuko confusingly said.

“They already have a new god now, don't they?” God smiled.

Hatsuko’s eyes widened for a moment before smiling back as well. 

“That's why I believe that you will do the right thing, and accomplish what I couldn’t—” 

As the world around Hatsuko was beginning to transform, he looked forward while feeling an overwhelming power emerging from his body.

“--After all, you are destined to become a god.”






Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my work for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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