[Greek mythology] Lord of Hades

Chapter 32

Hades gave the task of negotiating with Metis to the unfavorable Prometheus. He believed that these two gods who depended on their heads for food would be able to figure out a complete plan and take down the child in Cronus' belly in one fell swoop. .

Hey, it doesn't feel right to think so.

Hades resolutely put aside his face for the time being, and devoted himself to managing relationships on Mount Olympus.The rebirth of Kronos was done without much fanfare. After cleaning up the gods who were not pleasing to the eye, and dealt with the evil sons who worried about the future, the second generation of god kings thought they were enjoying life with peace of mind, and occasionally thought about repairing their relationship with Rhea.

It's a pity that even if he was reborn, he completely ruined Rhea's love, and the God King and God Queen officially entered a state of separation.Wherever Uranus appeared, Rhea would leave automatically, except for the eyes that looked at her husband... the hatred was so terrible that the gods who saw it nearby felt terrible.

Cronus is mad, but not mad.

In addition to doing the frenzied thing of Tunzi, the second generation of god kings returned to the gentle attitude when they ascended the throne. The unpredictable contrast made the gods on Mount Olympus cautious in their words and deeds, for fear of offending each other.

But... there are always a few days when Cronus is in an extremely bad mood, and he can't even maintain his pretended gentleness.

His Majesty the God King has intermittent stomach pains.

Various gossips spread from Mount Olympus secretly, and some unreliable gods even speculated that Cronus was punished and had a baby in his stomach.

Hearing this news, Kronos smashed a few more wine glasses.

The rumors of the gods could never be stopped. He angrily thought that it was Zeus who did it. He had no problem swallowing five children before. Why was he reborn in the past, and swallowing one more Zeus made him feel uncomfortable from time to time!In order to retaliate against those children who were unable to escape from his body, Kronos thought of a very malicious way.

"Come here, bring me the wine from the wine store."

So, His Majesty the God King began to drink non-stop for three whole days...

It was too late when Hades heard about this incident. It was difficult to see the servants of the gods continuously transporting wine to the palace of the king of the gods. He could already foresee that Cronus would open the space leading to the stomach and let all the wine enter the seal A place for several siblings.

Unable to stop it, Hades gritted his teeth and tried to contact Rhea.The news was not difficult to leak, and Rhea got up in shock when she inadvertently learned of Cronus' actions from the maid, and hurried to the God King Palace.With the interference of the Queen of God, coupled with Hades' secret contribution to the flames, there were long-lost noises and fights in the Temple of the King of Cronus.

"Don't drink any more! You have cruelly deprived them of their birth, why make them suffer even more!"

"I just want to drink, don't stop me!"

In the end, Kronos, who was full of alcohol, lost his mind. His mind held Rhea, who always stopped him, and his body pressed down. He tore his clothes in front of the servants and maids.

"No! Get out of here!" Rhea's resistance was particularly fierce, and she lost love for him.

"If you don't give it to me, do you want me to go to someone else?"

Kronos stopped his hands and stared gloomyly at Rhea who was crying under him. As long as she dared to say "yes", he promised to make this ungrateful goddess regret it for the rest of her life.Rhea's expression froze, obviously stabbed in the weak part of her heart by this threat, "How can you do this, you said you will always love me..."

"Yeah, I said it." Kronos's expression softened, and the violent aura almost broke out like a ferocious beast. He squeezed out these words through his teeth: "But you Don't love me."

Letting go, Kronos lost interest and left Rhea, staggering out of the King's Palace.

Outside the hall, he ran into Hades who was watching the situation nearby.

Seeing the drunkenness on Kronos' face, Hades was glad that Rhea was fine, but at the same time felt bad and wanted to avoid it.With a pain in his wrist, he was pulled into the opponent's arms with great strength, and the smell of aged wine came to his nostrils.

"I haven't asked you what your name is." Kronos couldn't vent his anger, thinking that the demon was his only invisible 'lover' on Mount Olympus, he grabbed him with peace of mind, and touched him roughly. A sense of sadism emerges from the buttocks behind the opponent, and the palm is wrapped around the place that he can knead. The strong toughness unique to men can be felt quite obviously under the robe.

His breathing was heavy, and his fingers dug into the gap, looking for a place where he could make love.

"Your Majesty! Be sober!"

No matter how calm and rational Hades was, he couldn't help but change his face, blocked the opponent's movements with his hand, and shouted in a loud voice.Cronus naturally ignored it, and the repeated rejections had already made his nerves agitated, and his eyes were a little red.

Fortunately, the shouting had an effect, and Rhea from the God King's Palace ran out.


Kronos' body trembled, and then he hugged Hades and pulled his belt, as if he wanted to piss him off in front of Rhea.The male's hard object was on his leg, and Hades was about to go crazy. The gods are all animals with lower bodies, and Cronus, who went crazy through drunkenness, is no exception.

He has absolutely no intention of dedicating himself to Cronus!

Rhea saw Kronos' intentions, her gentle face turned green, she felt humiliated by the dignity of the Queen of God, and the matter of the child stimulated her grief and indignation, Rhea rushed forward unbearably, crying and angry Hitting Cronus.

Hades was also unlucky, because Rhea didn't let his 'rival in love' go.

He is innocent, Mother God!

Hades was scratched and bleeding on his face, his face was slightly distorted in pain, relying on Rhea's "help", he finally got rid of Cronus's drunkenness when he was in danger, picked up his robe from the ground and went to the residence run.But Kronos had all the reactions that Kronos should have. The beauty was in his arms, and his naked and warm skin aroused the most original desire, and he reflexively chased after her.

After walking a few steps, he realized that Rhea was beside him.

Rhea pointed at Cronus, her fingers were trembling and she couldn't say a complete sentence, "You! You."

When this happened, Kronos had a splitting headache and was distracted for a while, and he was slapped heavily on the face.After Rhea finished the fight, she cried and left this embarrassing place in extreme disappointment.

The god king and the god queen had a conflict in front of the god king palace, and there were many onlookers, and it was spread all over Mount Olympus in a short while.After this kind of thing happened, Hades became famous as a monster, and he could be called the first cheating object in the history of the God King family.

After washing his body in the pool water, Hades closed his eyes after recovering.

It's just ridiculous.

He couldn't stay any longer, this place was still suitable for a shameless god like Zeus to survive, and being Pluto was the most correct choice in his life!

Washing off the bad feeling on his body, Hades walked out of the bath in his robe, his black hair was dripping, and the scars on his face had not healed. color.When he was walking in the corridor, the nearby servants and maids were whispering, treating him as a rare species.

Hades touched his face, the tingling still felt.

He fell silent.

The medicine prepared by Metis must be obtained as soon as possible, otherwise Cronus may not continue to do so in the future.And Rhea can't borrow strength for the time being, it's fine if she doesn't hate him, if she accidentally provokes Hera's anger, the next one to chase him down is the Mother Goddess.

Why is life so difficult...it's all the fault of these god-kings who are greedy for power!

Being accidentally scolded by Hades together with responsibility, Zeus sneezed a little, huddled in Poseidon's embrace aggrieved, and looked at the 'heavy rain' falling from the sky angrily.

In order to drown the child in his stomach, Kronos drank a lot of wine for three days, and the dark space exuded a strong aroma of wine, so that the six brothers and sisters had to hide from the rain.Zeus tilted his head, and couldn't stop looking at Hades who stood up from the ground. Without the hazy cover of his hair, his figure could be seen at a glance.

The point is no clothes.

His eyes were covered suddenly, and Zeus howled dryly as he couldn't see the beauty.Poseidon got a headache when he heard it, so he had to reprimand him: "Hades doesn't like us to look blindly, if you do this again, be careful that he doesn't want to see you in the future."

Zeus stopped his voice and leaned obediently in Poseidon's arms.

But in the next second, Poseidon chuckled and said, "Hades, why don't you take him with you, I think he is a born pervert, and always fixes his eyes on you and your younger sisters. "

Hades refused again, "No."

Unexpectedly, Hades, who had always been silent in the dark space, called the other sisters over, "We have been working hard to gather strength these days, and we will find a way to get out."

Hestia understood Hades' calmness, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you waiting?"

At least until the youngest Hera is a bit older.

"Wait, haven't you noticed that Cronus has started to change his attitude?" Hades stared at the vast ocean. The most dangerous thing for them was not being trapped here, but that Cronus had a new attitude. Action, "I'm afraid he'll change his mind about eliminating danger by trapping us."

Poseidon's face was serious, and he murmured, "Does he want to kill us?"

Zeus in his arms suddenly opened his eyes wide. Thinking of these changes and circumstances, he finally understood why Tartarus sent him to this world—Cronus might also be reborn.

I was reborn, so I changed my attitude and regarded them as the biggest obstacle to sitting firmly on the throne of God King.

After a few days, his voice was able to speak. Zeus raised his head and said to Hades: "Brother, I can help."

Hades asked puzzled, "You?"

Zeus smiled innocently, and the godhead sealed by time and space in his body shimmered. For example, at critical moments, he could compete with Cronus for the ownership of the godhead godhead.

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