Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 21 (II)




Those were the sounds that could be heard from the former Fishman District.

“Soy! Move those logs gently. We don't want to damage the ship's original frame. Moules! What are you doing lazing around? Go over there and help Beurre. Garlic! You and your boys can take a break we will need you later when we are examining the keel of the ship.” Don Den’s instructions poured out as he monitored the repair work to the world's biggest ship.

“Don the interior is fine, it just needs a clean and some minor repairs.” a fishman reported

“Very good, we have less than a month to get the exterior repairs done. The most important question now is the keel. We need to know if it has been damaged.” Don Den announced. Everyone stopped working and a discussion broke out, everyone knew the status of the keel will determine if they could complete the repairs in a month or not. After

“Boss, even if the Keel is fine. Have you ever thought about how the ship will move? It is a big vessel and doesn't have an engine or some sort of powered device?” a young fishman asked

“Don't worry about that, the King has made other arrangements. Our job is to get the ship ready and that's what we will do.” Don Den replied before sending everyone back to work


As soon as Blyvue made his way into the water screen, the portal slowly closed in front of General Rorul.


He straightened his back and walked to the centre of the square where a large ivory horn was placed.

‘The last time the sound of this horn was heard was about 800 years ago. I, Rorul, have done my forefathers proud’ He thought as he blew with all his might into the mouthpiece.



The sound of the horn travelled to every corner of the island and smaller islands. Every giant that heard the horn left all they were doing and started heading to the main tree, like ants being summoned by their queen.

The sound was so loud that it startled the Atlanteans who were setting up a training course under the watchful eye of their giant instructor. This all changed because of the sound, the instructor got up in a hurry and left.

“Whatever is happening on the island does not concern us. Our orders are to remain here and complete our training.” The highest-ranked officer on the vessel announced bringing all the discussions to a halt and refocusing on training.

A day later

Every single giant had made their way back to the centre.


“WARRIORS!” the crowd replied

“WHO IS OUR ENEMY?” Rorul asked

“THE INVADERS!” the crowd replied


On the other side of the screen, a man fell out of the portal which soon closed behind him. As he got up he felt he could not maintain his power as he slowly grew into his normal giant size.

“Blyvue!” someone called out

“Yes,” the giant man replied, unlike other giants he was well-proportioned between his muscular limbs and body. He has flowing, red hair and a goatee of the same colour. He was dressed in a skull-like helmet with long bullhorns and a green coat with a white-furred scarf around his shoulders.

“Don't worry about your powers, it looks like there this island has something on it that is affecting the devil fruit” the voice sounded out again.

Having heard the voice twice, Blyvue quickly noticed who the owner of the voice was

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” he replied with a bow.

“Blyvue, since you are now one of us. Don't use that form of salute. Everyone here sees each other as brothers so calling me Captain is enough.” Ezra said as he took a look around.

“So this is the last island, Laugh tale. The most sought out place in the world.” Ezra took a step off the portal platform as he made his way out of the overgrown vegetation towards the castle in the middle of the forest. The castle was worn with age. Plants and wildlife had made their way into the walls covering its former beauty. Hints of gold were still visible from under the plants as they coiled around the iron bars of the gate.

“Blyvue open the gate!” Ezra ordered

The red-hair giant grabbed the gate exerting all his strength only to create a small opening.

“Captain, the gate is stuck in this position. I will wait out here for you.” Blyvue replied there was nothing else he could do. He could not enter the castle in his giant form.

Ezra nodded leading the rest of the officers inside the gates.

Unlike the time-worn outside of the castle. The inside had a majestic aura. Some signs showed that others had been here in the past but there was no noticeable damage. The corridors were full of murals and sculptures leading toward the inner part of the castle.

An image showed a Blue dragon surrounded by 4 smaller dragons. An azure dragon to the east, a black dragon to the north, a white dragon to the west and a red dragon to the south. The next image showed different races worshipping the Blue dragon. Ezra could only make out a few, humans, fishmen and giants. There was a winged race painted in the picture but no record of them anywhere.

The group came across images that told stories of the world before the invasion, Just the glimpse was enough to make the officers dream of how wonderful life must have been back then. After a few more murals were examined the group arrived in front of giant doors.

“Brains, I can feel the power here is beneficial to the development of devil fruits so have your brothers and sisters sit here facing these doors to meditate. I believe when I enter these doors the power affecting your devil fruits will be lifted, you can guide Blyvue through meditation as well.” Ezra spoke to Brains before making his way towards the door.

He stretched out his hand to push the door only for his hand to disappear into the door.

“So that's how it is,” Ezra said aloud

“Bomber, can you try to push the door open?” Ezra asked

Bomber pushed the door but felt his hand touch a solid object that won't budge. After a couple of tries, Bomber gave up, giving the chance to the others to try their luck as well.

“Captain, this feels like my shield. When I touched it I could sense something familiar from it. It looks like a force field is around this part of the castle. From the looks of it, only you Captain can enter” Shields said

“Ok, see you all in a little while. Remember to go straight into meditation…” Ezra's voice could be heard as his body slowly disappeared into the screen.

“Let's go get Blyvue. There is no time to waste.” Bomber announced

It begins

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