Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 8

“Yet another uneventful day Captain.” Bomber said as he entered Ezra’s office, 

“It would seem so Bomber” Ezra replied, he was currently staring outside the window watching the clouds move above the sea. “How's the crew doing?” Ezra asked.

“Everyone is in top shape. A few of the officers went into town to patrol.” Bomber replied.

“Okay continue as before, don't mind me. You are in charge of the Foolshout Island Marine base.” Ezra announced casually

“Yes sir!”

‘It has been almost a year since coming to Foolshout Island. First, the marine announced a merit award ceremony which earned me the purple heart medal for my service to the people. This somehow reduced the pressure the marine was facing from the media. Marines picked up intel about the blueprints of Pluton being held by a shipwright company in Water 7, special agents have been sent undercover to join the Galley-La company, even that monster was sent; Rob Lucci. Hmmm

What did Ohara find out? If Pluton is a ship, Poseidon is a mermaid and Uranus was the ruler of the sea, what other secrets are there?  I think it's time I found Nico Robin’ He sat in his office thinking about his next plans.

Knock Knock

“Captain! Brains picked up a telepathic communication around this area of the sea, the Mizu Mizu no Mi (Water Water Fruit) is on its way to Alabasta. Alabasta is currently facing a drought, There is talk of someone paying a large amount of money to get this fruit.” Bomber reported

“Finally, it has appeared. We are still lucky it's in fruit form and not yet been eaten then it would have been tricky. Get everyone ready, we are setting off. Inform Shields to radio HQ, tell them we are going on patrol, they need to send a squad here to replace us.” Ezra said as he moved his joints, the entire crew had been in a peaceful environment for 6 months, he wasn't sure what was to come but it wasn't going to be easy.


The kingdom of Arabasta was a well-established kingdom with a very long history. It is located on Sandy Island, which was roughly halfway through the first part (Paradise) of the Grand Line. Sandy Island is blessed with a hot climate all year round. The kingdom is ruled by Nefertari Cobra and has a population of over 10 million people.

In a thriving town called Rainbase. There was a casino called Rain Dinners, it was a pyramid-shaped building. The casino was very busy, people poured in and out of it. No one had any idea that there was a meeting happening in an underground base under the casino.

“Number Agents, join me in welcoming our newest member, she will assume the codename Miss All Sunday and will be my partner. You all have your missions, we must take the pirate hunting mission to the next level, I want complete ownership of Whisky Peak, we can recruit more pirate hunters to join our cause.” Mr. 0 said as he smoked what looked like a cigar, he was hidden behind a shade, presenting a silhouette of himself to the agents.

“I created Baroque Works to clean out the seas. Although a numbering system is old-fashioned, with this you all can strive to improve. You can have anyone's number provided you can defeat them in battle. We must gain the trust of the population in this kingdom, a war will be the best way to hide our operation in Arabasta from the world. We need to find the hidden polygraph. The information on that polygraph will be our rocket to fame, riches and power.” Mr. 0 added

“Mr .0, how are you sure the information was correct?” Mr. 3 asked

“18 years ago, I was a witness to the execution of Gol D. Roger at Loguetown. Like everyone on that day, I also was inspired to stake it all on One Piece, I dreamt of becoming the next pirate king. It was then I found a piece of certain information leading me here to Arabasta.” Mr. 0 replied “Don't doubt my words again Mr. 3”

“All the frontier agents pass my words to the millions and billions. Start the pirate hunting mission. Billions are to join the Arabasta military as sleeping agents, we will activate them when we need to.” Mr. 0 announced, “ Dismissed, Officer Agents stay seated”

“Yes, Boss!”

Mr. 6 and his partner Miss Mother’s Day, 

Mr. 7 and his partner Miss Father’s Day, 

Mr. 8 and his Partner Miss Monday, 

Mr. 9 and his partner Miss Wednesday, 

Mr. 10 and his Partner Miss Tuesday, 

Mr. 11 and his partner Miss Thursday, 

Mr. 12 and his partner Miss Saturday, 

Mr. 13 and his partner Miss Friday.

All the frontier agents got up and walked to the exit, their mission was clear.


As soon as the frontier agents left the room, the screen which was covering the boss was removed. Mr. 0 rotated his revolving chair as he faced the officer agents. He had a wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs and a thick neck. His skin was pale and his nape-length black hair was kept neatly slicked to the back. He had various battle wounds, the most distinguishable ones were the long stitched scar at the bridge of his nose that spanned across his face and a hook made from a tough golden alloy in place of his left hand. His right hand held onto a cigar which was still burning hot. He had a pair of sharp piercing eyes and his thin eyebrows were always raised, as he viewed the world as his playground.

Mr. 0’s outfit was a bright orange, black-striped button-up vest over a long-sleeve peach shirt, along with a blue scarf, dark brown suit pants, and polished black shoes with gold buckles. He also wore a long, thick, dark pelted fur coat over his shoulders.

"Your mission is different from the others. As you all are aware Arabasta is having very dry weather lately which has affected the quantity of rain. We will be setting up a stage for a revolt, I want Dance Powder released in every city and town of Arabasta. The rain will calm the people for now but what happens when the effects of prolonged use start to show. Hahaha, A revolution! And the King will have to take the blame for it. Muhahahaha. With the royal family out of our way, we as the heroes who protected the kingdom from the pirate menace will be asked to take on the role of the kingdom protectors given us access to everything and everywhere."

"Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger to Nanohana"

"Okay Boss", "Yes Mr. 0"

"Mr. 2 handle Alubarna"

"Yes, Boss-chan"

"Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek to Katorea"

"Yes Boss", Nod Nod

"Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas take care of Tamarisk"

"Y...e...s Mr", "Yes Boss."

"Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine to Yuba"

"Tch Okay boss", "hahaha yes boss"

"Go! I'm counting on you all". ‘I did not leave the Five Families of the West behind, to play these childish games with small-time pirates.’ These were the thoughts of Mr. 0, a member of the Seven Warlords of the sea, a former Don, Crocodile.


The stage has been set, but Crocodile doesn't know Atlant is on his way.

Atlant is Ezra's new codename. this was based on your votes :)

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