Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 3

Rows of armed fish-men soldiers were lined up in front of the entrance to Fish-man Island. Fisher’s instruction to make way was heard and a pathway was created in the middle of the formation.

“What is going on?” a fish-man soldier asked

“Fisher let that human vessel into the island!” another fish-man soldier commented

“Wait, didn't you hear it, the person on the speaker called Fisher his friend” another fish-man soldier replied

“Anyways, so far there is no trouble, then it has nothing to do with us,” the soldiers of Neptune’s army made their way back into their barracks. It looks like the situation had been handled.

“I know that voice! He really made it to Fish-man Island” Arlong grumbled

“Brother Arlong, who is that? How do you know that person?” Hody was always very chatty and inquisitive about everything, especially when it had to do with Arlong. He was known as Arlongs shadow.

“That person is up to no good, he helped Brother Fisher in the past. Then forced him (a higher species like us) into doing odd jobs on land. I don’t know what spell he used on the Boss. Hody listen to me, that person is really annoying, I want you and the others to teach him a lesson.” Arlong instructed his subordinates.

“Brother Arlong, I am enough to correct this wrong, a single human disrespecting us fish-men,” Hody said and took off in the direction of the submarine. “I also will go and welcome our guest.”

“Arlong, are you not taking this joke too far, you should be ready to take responsibility for this” Kuroobi said to Arlong who was laughing hysterically. 

“What responsibility?” Arlong replied, putting this incident behind him.

In a large clearing on the outskirts of Ryugu Kingdom, A bubble resin was created by the shipwrights to cushion the landing of the submarine. The location chosen was so beautiful, different types of corals like flora covered a vast amount of the space. The floor was made of white rocks adding to the beauty.

“Here she comes” a shipwright informed his coworkers, before speaking into the microphone “Set her down over here, nice and easy” 


The submarine landed on the pumped resin with a loud noise.


Sounds could be heard from the metal lock being released as the hatch slowly opened.

Before Fisher welcomed the guest, an enraged Hody with a red trident in his hand was already speeding towards the hatch ready to attack.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HODY?” Fisher yelled, but it was already too late. The attack had connected with the first person who stepped out of the submarine. ‘How am I going to explain this!’ Fisher thought.


The trident struck an abnormally hard metallic object. The object was Iron Soldier who made his way out of the hatch as soon as the metal locks were released.

Seeing that his surprise attack did no damage, he knew his ambush had failed, it was time to retreat to Arlongs side.

Before he could do so a gunshot was heard. Bang!

A tranquillizer dart could be seen on the neck of Hody whose body fell limp on the ground.

“Good work, Guns!” Ezra commented on the shooting skills of his gunner. “Iron Soldier, I see those upgrades made you more metal than man, even your chest is metallic now,” Ezra added as he walked up to Iron Soldier, knocking a few times on his metallic chest.

“Fisher, what's this about?” Ezra asked. Using his observation Haki, he knew there was no real hatred between his people and Hody. He could think someone had convinced him into carrying out the attack.

“Ezra, I have no idea what happened, if I am to guess, this is Arlong’s doing” Fisher replied, he could tell Arlong was up to no good again, especially since he was jealous of the accomplishments of Ezra during the slave mission. 

“Okay Fisher, I expect you to do what is right,  we can discuss it later. I and my crew will be staying here for a while, I can assure you that none of them will cause you and the fish-men brothers and sisters any harm. I would like to find out more information about the statue left on your island, but it will be too much to have 400 or so marines moving together. Is it possible for us to use this area for our activities? The crew can sleep and eat in the submarine, so they don't need accommodation arrangements.” Ezra asked transparently, there was no point in hiding anything from Fisher. “Also can we get a fish-man karate drill instructor?”

After asking for a karate instructor, the surrounding fish-men frowned. ‘This person was a guest, a friend of Fisher. He had asked for space, we don't mind giving space, he asked to look around statues on the island, we don’t mind allowing that. But now he is asking for the secret knowledge of our fish-man karate to be taught to his crew. Is this not asking for too much’ they thought

Ezra realising the misunderstanding he had just caused could only hope to rectify things quickly. “Wait! Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to learn your secret techniques. I only need someone who can help increase their physical strength.”

“HAHAHA, Why didn't you say so from the start. That is not difficult to arrange. Jinbe, you stay here and handle their training. I will take Ezra to the King.” As Fisher spoke he picked up the sedated Hody from the ground. “He will be receiving his punishment, don't you worry.”

Ezra turned to the troops, we are currently on Code Orange. Your only purpose on this island is training and relaxation. Remember your pride as Atlanteans, train well. I want to see some results when I am back.

“Yes Sir!”

“Let’s go,” Fisher said as he led Ezra and his Lieutenants into the city. “You still haven’t changed. You always worry about your people.” 

“Is that not the same for you?” Ezra said bluntly, Fisher hated watching his brothers die.

“Is this your main crew?” Fisher asked.

“Don't make us sound like pirates, these are my Brothers from my days at the academy. They are all Lieutenants and above, for some reason they continue to look after me.” Ezra spoke with Fisher, his responses could be heard by the Lieutenants behind him, they could only smile embarrassingly. ‘Their captain was too shameless’ they thought 

“It's good that you are no longer alone.” Fisher said before turning to the Lieutenants “Please continue to look after him” 


King Neptunes Palace Ryugu kingdom. 

“Your Majesty” all the fish-men guards, ministers and Fisher and the sun-guards bowed as King Neptune entered the place, with his wife and 4 children.

“King Neptune, Queen Otohime” Ezra and his crew performed the marine salute which was the highest respect they could show to the fish-man King and Queen.

Ezra who was performing this salute felt some strange connection with someone in the room. It was not a telepathic connection, but something more than that. Looking around the room, Ezra soon found the source. It was coming from the Mermaid princess behind Queen Otohime. She was releasing a sort of frequency and Ezra was the only one who noticed this.

‘Is she aware of this?’ Ezra thought.’I will ask about it later, I need to find out what I came here for first’

“There is no need to be that formal, Rose D. Ezra. I have heard a lot about you from Fisher. He always spoke of you and your arrival here on our island one day in the future. I see you were looking at the children. Kids Introduce yourself” King Neptune said

“I am Fukaboshi, I am the eldest son of the royal Neptune Family” He was a muscular shark fish-man, with a wide chest and large arms. He had a long face, framed by his shoulder-length, flowing and wavy fair blue hair. He had a pointy nose, shark sharp teeth and a dot of some sort printed on the middle of his forehead.

“I am Ryuboshi, I am the second son of the royal Neptune Family” He was a tall and thin oarfish fish-man. He was the second tallest of his brothers. He had wide eyes, long wavy dark pink hair and beaver-like teeth.

“I am Manboshi, I am the third son of the royal Neptune Family” He was a rotund, stocky and large fish-man compared to his brothers. He had brown hair and red fins on his head.

When it was time for the Princess to introduce herself, Ezra once again felt the same type of telepathic connection the Sea King made with him on their way to Fish-man Island.

A giant-like young mermaid made her way to the front, she had long flowing pink hair. She was embarrassed to be standing in front of everyone speaking, Blush marks could be seen on her cheeks due to shyness.“I am Shirahoshi” at the same time she mentioned her name, Ezra also pronounced her name. This was a little strange because the Princess had never left the island so how did this man get to know of her. ‘Maybe it is Fisher who told him,’ they thought

King Neptune looked in Fisher's direction, to confirm if it was him who gave the information to Ezra only to see his friend shake his head in denial.

Ahem, King Neptune coughed to draw everyone's attention.

“We fish-men have patiently waited for this day for over 700 years. Rose D. Ezra, you are the one we have been waiting for.”

This statement left everyone, especially the fish-men in shock.

“Your Majesty, I was told that there’s a statue left behind by a Poseidon,” Ezra asked, he had already heard the prophecy from Fisher, although it sounded grand, he didn't buy it that time. Now the King wanted to talk about the same thing. He could only try to change the topic.

“I must correct you. 700 years ago there was only one Poseidon and that was the previous mermaid princess. The person you speak off we call him The ruler of the sea and you are His heir. Come with me Rose D. Ezra, it’s time to find out about your destiny.”


I am always open to your comment and feedback.

Thanks to Micha for the review! Thanks to all those who rated the book as well.

A big thank you to andyjh for editing the Volume 1 to Volume 3 Chapter 3

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