Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 3

“Hahahahahahah, Fisher Tiger, I knew you were all bark and no bite.” Fat Joe laughed as he pulled out a flintlock pistol from somewhere under his belly.

Fisher was not fazed by this last attempt of Fat Joe, he knew the power of fish-man karate and did not want to explain to a dead man.

Pointing the gun in his hand at the temple of Fisher, Fat Joe smiled. He didn't know what happened with that previous attack but since there was no effect there was nothing to fear.

“Five hundred Brick Fist”

As soon as the complete name of the punch was said, shockwaves could be seen rippling from the point of contact on the belly of Fat Joe. The shockwaves were pulsing in every direction inside his large body as blood streamed out of all his orifices, his bones and organs grounded to bits as he slumped to the ground.

Fisher stood over the now-dead Fat Joe as he felt some release of his pent up anger. 

“Brothers, one is dead, the others might be difficult to get to for now” Fisher solemnly said.

Jinbe walked up to Fisher, placed a palm on his shoulders to console him before ripping off the ring on Fat Joe's middle finger.

Coming out of the building, the two fish-men could see that some of the slaves have already been gathered by Marco.

“Free them, we will send them out to inform the others, we will need to move quickly, someone will notice the missing guards soon” Fisher commanded as he looked around trying to find out where Ezra was positioned.

A drop of water moved rapidly before stopping right before his head. The sudden attack caught the emotional Fisher off guard. 

“We need to move out, Ezra is aware of the situation here” Fisher announced to the others as they made their way into the slave’s area, freeing the slaves.

A loud siren sounded as a voice could be heard on a speaker. “CODE RED, SLAVES ESCAPING, I repeat The slaves are escaping”

“Marco now would be a good time to set off the explosives,” Ezra said as he appeared suddenly next to the large group.


“Thank you for rescuing us,” some of the slaves could no longer hold back their gratitude as they sobbed and cried. The others were not so happy “What now? you have only come to rescue us for us to be killed. The complaint of a few, sowed seeds of panic within the large group.

“Don't worry about how you will escape, since we can get you out of your collars, we have our methods of taking you down” Ezra was somewhat annoyed, he understood that they now had hope of escaping but most of them were still trapped in fear. The collars were physically gone but mentally they were still slaves.

“Fisher, Jinbe, Marco, I can feel that there is a sea up here that is connected to the sea below. This should be how the ships transferred.” Ezra said quickly.

“Yes, there is a connection between the sea on Mary Geoise and the one beneath, that's how the slaves are moved to various events across the blues. At the north side of the slums, there should be a dockyard. If I remember correctly, there should be a big ship docked there, it should be able to carry all the slaves but we have no crew to sail it and moreover, the weight might end up as a problem with 1000 slaves on board” Fisher replied.

“Leave sailing to me, let's get the slaves on board as soon as possible” Ezra said. 

"Captain, it looks like the slaves are heading to the display ship at the dock near the slum. They have no idea, that ship is just for show. There are no sails attached to the masts and the engine has not been used in about 10 years. What do we do now captain?" a soldier asked the captain of the guards.

"Conceal officers around the ship, I want that area surrounded as sealed off. Let them continue with their plan until they realise it was all for nought. Then we swoop in and take them out. I think killing a few of them will make the others fall in line," the captain replied with a slight grin on his face. He detested the slaves for breaking out on his watch, he could only wash this shame with their blood.


A long line of slaves finally made it to the ship at the dockyard.

“Everyone get on quickly”

“Find a place to stand on the ship”


This question brought another sense of panic, the slaves slowly split into two groups: the ones who wanted to die trying to escape and the others who wanted to return back to the slums in order to survive.

Same as the previous chapter, if you find any mistakes or have comments on improvements, please let me know

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