Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 1 Chapter 22

Milestone achieved 100 readers. Enjoy the extra Chapter

Early the next morning the Blue team were summoned to the training ground by the instructor assigned to the Blue Team, “a special mission has been arranged for your team. A small group of pirates known as the Greybeard pirates have been spotted in West Blue on the approach to Whale Island. Your mission is their capture, dead or alive. For this mission, your team will have a marine ship as an escort, this ship will only come to your aid when the signal for reinforcement has been activated. The circumstances for the aid will also be taken into consideration during the assessment. 

Before you go, here are some bounty papers of all the wanted criminals in West Blue, this will help you in making decisions when fighting with pirates.” The instructor announced while looking at the team.

Ezra looked through the papers, one by one until he arrived at the picture of a girl of about 10 years of age, she had a bounty of 79 million berries. “Instructor, why is there a child with a bounty of 79 million berries amongst the wanted dead or alive list?” Ezra asked as he thought ‘What could she have done for a bounty this high.’ 

“I expected you to notice, your attention to detail is commendable young marine. She happens to be the only survivor of the Ohara Incident, there is a great chance that all the information regarding the ancient weapons all lies within her memories, she cannot continue to live” he replied justly.

“No. 18 and No. 20 Make sure our preparation to leave is completed as soon as possible” Ezra said. “No. 1 and No. 2 make sure we have enough LIVE bullets for the rifles onboard the ship.”

“The Blue team will move out as soon as the preparations are complete,” Ezra added.

The instructor was amazed, he had initially thought the Blue team would be the most difficult due to the rumours spreading amongst the officers. But, the level of coordination he was seeing in front of him was something he didn’t expect, codenames, the delegation of responsibilities even a vice-captain. How far ahead into this did Ezra think? He wanted to know.

Whale Island, this location got its name because of the famous enormous island whales of West Blue that were always seen in the seas around the island once a year. The small island was the last place pirates would stop off before venturing into the Grand Line, this has the same significance as the town of the beginning and the end, Loguetown in the East Blue. Unlike Loguetown, this island was a haven for criminals and pirates on the run. It would take at least a captain rank powerhouse to break through all the defences just to detain criminals hiding inside the island let alone a bunch of young Petty Officers.

Onboard a normal cruise ship, Ezra and the team dressed as civilians were located at the cargo bay of the ship. Before the Blue team set off, the instructor had briefed Ezra about Whale Island. The difficulty of this mission would increase to an impossible level if the Greybeard pirates made it into Whale island, this will mean the team had failed the mission.

“Gather up guys, our mission has a time constraint. We have to intercept the Greybeard pirates before they arrive at Whale Island.” Ezra said. “This will be a difficult battle but I expect our training to come in handy in this mission. No. 20, You will take command of the team, if for some reason we get separated.”

“The plan is this ….” Ezra and the team whispered as they made arrangements on how to complete the mission.

Greybeard pirate ship was sailing across the West Blue heading for Whale Island with their new cargo. Unlike most pirates, in search of One Piece this particular pirate crew were slave traders, and today they had come across a very expensive cargo which they couldn’t wait to cash in.

Ring Ring

A tall skinny man with long grey unkempt hair, and eyebrows. He had a large bushy grey moustache and beard that hid his mouth. He wore a dark coat and a red vest under it. He sat on the bridge of the ship while answering a call on his pocket baby den den mushi.

“Hello… is that so… looks like they are set on capturing me this time. Thanks for the heads up, we will be at Whales Island soon, let's see if any of them have the guts to break in” Greybeard answered as he ended the call. 

‘It looks like it was the right idea planting a mole inside the marines, if not how would I have survived until now,’ he thought to himself.

“Men prepare for battle, we will be having some visitors soon,” he said as he licked his lips. 

The rest of the day was uneventful and darkness soon covered the face of the world. The seas went quiet as the cruise ship slowly made its way across the water, with a subtle sea breeze behind its sails.

All the members of the Blue team were now dressed in their white and blue uniform as they made their way to the lifeboats behind the crew cabin. The captain of this vessel had already been informed of their mission, which made things a lot easier for the team as they deployed the lifeboat into the sea marking the start of their assessment.

Ezra showed the utility of his power as he took control of the lifeboat, moving it across the sea like a torpedo.

Ring Ring 

Ezra picked up the pocket-size baby den den mushi which was issued along with the mission. 

“...Ok, we are heading to intercept them now” Ezra replied to the person on the other side of the line. Turning to his teammates “Greybeard pirates have been spotted, approximately a day by ship from here. With our current speed, we should arrive by intercepting them in two hours.” 


Two hours later.

“Captain I see the ship” No. 5 who was looking through binoculars mentioned. 

“Does the jolly roger drawn on the sails have a bushy greybeard?” Ezra asked

No. 5: “Yes”

“Very well, prepare to engage the enemy,” Ezra said as he willed the seawater beneath the ship to form a huge wave that carried the lifeboat up in the air.

Although the Greybeard pirates had received enough information about the ambush being organised by the marines, it never crossed their minds that a boat containing marines will land right in the middle of the ship. Bang!

Aim, Fire! 

The first volley of bullets was shot out by the marine officers as they took over the deck.

“We are under attack!” The pirates yelled as they tried to retaliate. But no one could avoid Ezra’s marksmanship with his Water Bullet. This time he wasn’t soft-hearted, any mistake here and his team will be killed. 

Reload! Aim! Fire! No. 20 gave the command as the officers slowly killed off the pirates who were running out of the cabin.

Greybeard you are under arrest for human trafficking amongst other crimes, come out with your hands where we can see them. Ezra announced.

“Wait, I have a hostage, no two hostages. Don’t kill me” Greybeard said as he walked out of the bridge towards the port side of the ship.

Greybeard did not believe that these kids would attack him with hostages in his hands, he was attempting to make his way to the lifeboat on his ship to escape. He had already signalled for help from Whale Island, he just had to wait it out on a boat before the rescue party arrived.

As walked backwards using the hostages as a shield, he heard someone on the marines side say “Water Collapse” and “Transfer”. He couldn’t care less what they were talking about, he was ready to run if things were about to go south. It was then he heard “Reform” from behind him. He turned around in shock as his face collided with a fist, shattering his jaw, sending him flying into the arms of a No. 12.

“Greybeard captured,” No. 12 said as he looked at the man in his arms.

“Secure the deck, I will check the status of the prisoners,” Ezra said as he made his way into the cabin, he had already picked up the key on Greybeards neck and freed the two chained hostages.

There were 5 beautiful ladies and a little girl not more than 10 years of age inside the cabin, they were all chained to the floor. Ezra recognised her straight away, he had seen her wanted paper just before leaving for the mission, Nico Robin: bounty 79 million berries.

After releasing the cuffs around the women’s ankles, Ezra informed them that they have been rescued, each of them will be moved to a marine vessel for investigation, when everything is completed a cruise ship will be responsible for returning them to their homes. 

After speaking to the women, Ezra walked up to the girl who was cowering in the corner preventing her face from being seen. Ezra could see the fear and hatred in her eyes. “I am not your enemy," he said as he sat down next to her. "I know who you are but I have no intention of giving you up. I am curious as to why Ohara got destroyed and I know the story about your people planning to use the knowledge about the ancient weapons for world domination was made up as well.”

Robin who was all ready to fight to the death was a devil fruit user. She has eaten the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit), she was physically weak but she still had the power to fight. ‘Why is this marine talking to me so casually, he is not planning to trick me so he can arrest me’ she thought

“Don’t think too much, I will rescue you for now. Try to stay low and out of trouble. In the future, when the time is right I will need your help, but till then live your life to the fullest. My name is Rose D. Ezra, or you can call me Poseidon.”

As soon as she heard Ezra’s codename Poseidon, she opened her eyes widely in shock. Ezra did not give her time to process what he had said as he whacked her behind the head, knocking her out. He then shaved her whole head, wrapping her in a male jacket before handing her to one of the women “Please look after this girl, unlike you all she probably doesn’t have a place to return to” he said thoughtfully.

The Greybeard ship sunk slowly as Ezra, his Officers, the detained Greybeard, the rescued hostages including the chained women and the disguised bald little girl were all sitting on a lifeboat sailing towards the marine ship that was close by watching the battle from afar.

“Mission Accomplished” Ezra said as he saluted the instructor onboard the marine ship.

“A perfect mission team captain Ezra, No injuries, No death and lastly every member of the team participated in the battle,” the instructor said. “The civilians have been checked, none of them has any ties to the Greybeard pirates. They will all be sent to the cruise ship, you all will be returning to the island to await your next mission. Dismissed”


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