Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 11 Opening a meeting in the wrong way

The next day, there is a smooth transition from holiday to working day. Although it is an exaggerated thing like jumping from Sunday to Wednesday, almost everyone is accustomed to it.

Didan High School.

Class B of the first grade had been in class all morning, but Koji Shimizu's heart never calmed down.

Fortunately, in the eyes of the teacher, he was an honors student with excellent grades and good character, so even though the teacher noticed that he was distracted in class, he just coughed twice to remind him, and Shimizu Koji ignored him and passed by.

There are three things lingering in Shimizu Koji's mind. The first is Miyano Akemi's situation; the second is his pair of blood-red eyes yesterday, which should be called Sharingan; and the third is about his own financial situation.

The first thing was understandable. He planned to go to the hospital every day after school to check on Sister Mingmei's condition;

The second thing is the Sharingan. From last night to this morning, Koji Shimizu tried to get himself into that state again, but unfortunately he failed.

Regarding the eyes, we can only take our time.

The third thing is his immediate concern.

Although he doesn't care much about the rule of law or his own life, in a normal and peaceful world, his source of income cannot always rely on robbery.

Koji Shimizu can no longer figure out how long he has traveled through time, and whether his parents have been dead for 'three years'. However, these have no impact on the fact that he has no financial resources except the ownership of the apartment. source.

If you want to maintain your own basic necessities, an occasional part-time job is enough, but if you want to take care of a bungalow with a large courtyard, it will cost at least tens of thousands of yen, or even hundreds of thousands of yen.

Compared with the rent of the villa, I'm afraid this money is indeed very small, even insignificant, but it is a bit troublesome for Shimizu Koji.

His own apartment, so far, is the only inheritance left to him by his parents whom he has never met.

Although the house may be worth tens of millions of yen, Shimizu Koji has never thought about selling the house to maintain his financial expenses. Not to mention that he is currently living in the Kudo Shin family temporarily. He only sells his own house to maintain it. Taking care of other people's houses sounds very problematic.

Moreover, even though Miss Sonoko didn't say anything about the cost of Miyano Akemi's treatment, even if Koji Shimizu took the initiative to mention it, others might just waive the bill with a wave of their hand.

But if that were the case, Shimizu Koji would feel that he was not a good person. He made a phone call to the kind-hearted young lady with the pure intention of taking advantage of her, and still spent other people's money with peace of mind. He was not that kind of person.

As for why Koji Shimizu thought of her as a kind-hearted young lady when he thought of Suzuki Sonoko, it was because he once rejected her.

Well, in front of everyone, the chaebol lady blushed with anticipation, respectfully and politely handed over her handwritten postcard of confession, and then shyly told her love, and then was simply ignored.

Although he had no interest in love or anything like that, just thinking about it made Koji Shimizu feel ashamed. That young lady could actually help him regardless of her previous grudges. She had to express her gratitude to others properly.


So, what can you do, besides renting out your unused house? Shimizu Koji looked at the boys and girls in the classroom who had already started to pack up and leave, and prepared to go back and seriously look for a good part-time job.

Now, it's lunch break time.

Shimizu Koji silently stood up and left the classroom, made some mental preparations, and then set off towards the second graders upstairs.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, the remaining girls immediately gathered in a group and started chattering around one of them.

"Miko! Qingshui-kun has been staring at your back all morning!"

"Hey, yes, is there?" Along with the girl's blush.

"We have all seen it! Meiko, tell me, have you secretly communicated with Mr. Qingshui in private?"

"No, no, I think you may have misunderstood. I, Qingshui-kun and I have never communicated at all."

"Hey~~, it's not good to lie to others, tell the truth! Hehe!"

"He's really popular with girls."

"Hey, this guy always has a cold face and a bad face. These girls are really superficial!"

"You can also say this in front of them."

"Hey, Tanaka, do you want to kill me?!"

Topics among adolescent boys and girls always revolve around the opposite sex, but most of the time, they are far away from the person being discussed.


Class b, second grade.

Coincidentally, Koji Qingmizu found the kind-hearted young lady without much effort.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan were planning to take their lunch boxes and find a cleaner place to eat, preferably in the shade of the corridor in the courtyard below the teaching building. While she was eating, she could watch the handsome guys on the playground eating.

But it was just for dinner. What she wanted most now was to find a boyfriend she liked.

"Um, excuse me."


Yuanzi and Xiaolan, who were talking and laughing, heard the voice behind them and turned around at the same time.

Xiaolan's eyes showed a hint of doubt, and Yuanzi's wide-open eyes almost overflowed with surprise and surprise.

"Qing, Qingshui-kun!"

"Eh? Yuanzi, could it be that this is the one you mentioned last time -"

Looking at the girl with a hairband who was looking across from her excitedly as if she would pounce on her the next moment, Koji Shimizu tried his best to keep a gentle smile on his face, but subconsciously took a small step back.

The corridor of the teaching building was not a place for talking. After a few simple explanations, Xiaolan Yuanzi and Shimizu Koji found an empty classroom without anyone.

"So, you are looking for Sonoko simply to express your gratitude."

Xiaolan probably extracted his core thoughts from Koji Shimizu's words. Although Sonoko didn't feel much at the side, Xiaolan's expression was somewhat strange.

Seeing the young man opposite repeatedly emphasizing his gratitude to Yuanzi and apologizing for something that had happened previously, the keen Xiaolan immediately noticed that the relationship between this young man and Yuanzi did not seem to be what she thought.

"Well, in addition, Miss Sonoko, I am very sorry for the unpleasantness before, and I hope you can forgive me."

"I'm sorry, I've already forgiven you. Also, Qingshui-kun, just call me Sonoko."

Before Shimizu Hao finished speaking, he was interrupted by the starry-eyed Sonoko waving his hand indifferently.

After swallowing his saliva, Shimizu Koji found that although this young lady was very talkative, to the extent that she was so talkative, she seemed to have the opposite effect.

He had an ominous premonition.

"Uh, okay."

"Qingshui-kun, is your sister doing better now?"

Xiaolan changed the topic and pulled the arm of the nymphomaniac Sonoko, hoping that her best friend would wake up.

"Well, fortunately I have Yuanzi to help, otherwise I really wouldn't know what to do at that time."

Shimizu Koji nodded. What he said was the real truth. No matter which hospital he went to for a gunshot wound to his chest, he would inevitably need to undergo an interrogation. Fortunately, he suddenly thought of this chaebol lady.

"Also, if Miss Yuanzi, oh, Yuanzi, you need any help in the future, although it may be a bit arrogant, you can also call me if you really need it."

As Shimizu Koji said, he handed the phone number and email address he had written on the paper in advance to Sonoko.

That was all he could do, sincere words of gratitude and a promise. After all, compared to this chaebol eldest lady, he could be said to be very poor and had nothing to offer as a thank you gift.

Yuanzi's eyes lit up, and her brain that had finally calmed down was a little dizzy. She quickly took the note and carefully put it into her arms. Yuanzi's thoughts were racing. Although she was a little nymphomaniac, she could also see that this high-ranking gentleman Junior Brother Leng didn't seem to be that interested in her.

However, isn’t this the most fascinating part of love?

Therefore, she must think of a reason to create the possibility of romantic friction between her and this cool and handsome junior!

correct! An idea flashed in Sonoko's mind, and her eyes met Koji Shimizu's gaze.

"Um, Miss Sonoko?"

If it weren't for the stacked tables behind him, Shimizu Koji felt that he could take another half step back. Before coming, he really didn't expect that this would be the case.

I thought it was not impossible that the kind-hearted young lady would complain or even be resentful about what happened before. It was only because he said that people's lives mattered last time that she kindly agreed to let people save his sister Mingmei.

But this strange way of opening it——In his relatively rich experience, Shimizu Koji has never seen a girl like Sonoko.

"Qingshui-kun, can I invite you to my sister's class reunion?! It's next Saturday, during the winter vacation. Oh, by the way, because my sister has been fond of kendo since she was a child. If you, Qingshui-kun, can agree - ”

"Uh, no problem."

He thought that the eldest lady would say something to embarrass him with her expression, but she didn't expect that she just invited him to attend her sister's class reunion. Although it was a bit weird, Yuanzi had helped him so much, so naturally he wouldn't accept such a request. Will refuse, and agree decisively.

Of course, Shimizu Koji had guessed some of Sonoko's little plans, but these were not important anymore. What was important was that he should be able to leave now.

"Hey, then, I will contact you then." Sonoko didn't expect Shimizu Koji to agree so quickly. She originally thought she could see some embarrassment on Shimizu Koji's face.

As for the nonsense about her sister being fond of kendo since childhood, no one would care.

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