Great Novelist

Chapter 14

Literary Girl

“The character of the novel, Yun, is a character that is modeled after the writer by chance. ”

No, it’s not.

“We feel similar to the accidental writer hiding his face and the character of a kite working in the background at night. ”

Okay, you can rest assured.

Once I heard that, I was able to calm down. This article begins with the hypothesis that the book “Trace of Birds” is an accidental author’s experience. The age of the character in the novel coincides with the age of the writer who wrote it.

But what he wrote was a novel. The fiction that comes out of your head, the story that you invented. It was a lie with a misogynistic mind. I can’t say that there is no influence at all, but the incident in the bird’s trail is not an experience story.

“Who wrote this? ”

“A nickname called red ginseng. ”

Unfortunately, red ginseng was mistaken. But the other kids think a little differently.

“Isn’t this a bit plausible? ”

“I think it might be. ”

Seogwang and Seonhwa stared at the paper and said.

“What does it say? I can’t see very well. ”

In the question of spring, the painter summarized the article. Red ginseng argues:

“The writer’s character is delicate and glamorous. He has a strong personality even at a young age. Numerous readers were surprised and moved by the design of the work that gradually stepped to its peak and the excellent tensile strength that made them doubt their age. In particular, the surprising thing about the birdstream lies in the emotion that this article conveys to the reader. To put this deep emotional line in writing, we can only think of something that the author experienced firsthand. Therefore, he may not be attending high school right now as a kite is, and he carefully assumes that he has experienced disconnection from outside the past even if he does not have to. ”

When he reached that point, he took a deep breath and moved on to the next chapter. At the end, there was a comprehensive conclusion for the busy contemporaries who did not have time to read a long article.

“In other words, the image of a coincidental writer who compiled all these hypotheses is a beautiful literary girl who enjoys reading in the warm sun. ”


I doubted my ears for a moment. What? Warm sunshine? A beautiful literary girl? Her expression was not so good. Seogwang was smiling.

“Ha, what’s this? ”

“Why, it’s good. A girl of pure Soviet literature.”

“This is a delusion. There’s no literary girl in the sun. I shouldn’t have tempted you.”

“Yes, I’m delusional. ”

I declared very firmly even in the rare spring. I participated in it and shook my head. Delusional.

I laughed because I was ridiculous. A beautiful literary girl? A word that refers to herself as a coincidental writer. You must be pretty disappointed in yourself as a normal high school student.

“Coincidental writer, I think, is a man. ”

Seonhwa confidently said. I cheered for her. It’s a boy.

“Why do you think that is? ”

“I hope so. Handsome and handsome as ever. ”

Cancel cheering.

“High school students with muscles. ”

Suddenly, I knew the ideal of two people. It is difficult for literary girls or muscle high school students or for themselves.

“What do you mean, muscles? ”

“What about the literary girl? But spring.”

“Oh, yeah. ”

“What’s wrong with the literary girl? Say something. It’s Australia.”

You shake your head firmly. When I saw myself denying myself with a disgusting face, I realized that Seongwang had no one to support me. Take a step back.

“Of course, since this is Mr. Hong’s personal opinion, I admit there’s been some slight irregularities. But the research until then is quite plausible. ”

“It ends at the end of the beautiful literary girl. ”

“Don’t do that. The comments below made me not react badly. ”

I have already lost my trust in comments. I quickly got to the point with my friends who didn’t come over.

“This isn’t the point. It’s bait. That’s it when Baron gets here. ”

“Will you go through with such lazy bait? ”

“You’ll see. I’ll write to you first. ”

Seogwang woke up from his seat.

It didn’t take long for Seongwang to return from the classroom after shouting so loudly. Seeing his depressed face, the literary girl was clearly not very helpful.

“You’re here early? ”

He quietly asked. Seogwang said in vain.

“Do you know when the bait becomes useless? ”


“It’s when you lose freshness. Baron knew about this article right away. He looked down at me with a small look. I really didn’t think about it. ”

Seogwang, who was facing the Straggler, said in the meantime.

“If you know Hong Sam’s blog, you’re a fan. I’m sure.”

Seongwang explained that the person called red ginseng is a famous blogger among the fans by chance. I don’t know why I’m famous because I don’t trust the literary girl that much.

Seogwang grips his hair in agony.

The plan I was proud of was to return to Blister from the beginning, and I must have been grieved. I was going to say something to comfort you, but the laughter of the line came first. It was not a glare to let the faint faint faint faint faint faint.

“I knew this would happen when I shouted aloud. ”

“I was underestimating your fancy. ”

He clenched his fist as if he was angry.

“You can’t try to win people’s minds like that. You have to hit them head-on.”

“You’re pushing too hard. A boar?”

“Why, do you want me to hit you too? ”

I was distracted by the teasing of Seonhwa. It was not a line that would stand idly by the sound of a boar. Spring was at my side when I was ready to be hit.

But he was not at peace enough to turn his eyes to such scenery. Baron was a fan of coincidence, that is, he was a fan. He’s a big fan.

It wasn’t that I was unfamiliar with the fact that I had fans Rather, it’s more familiar. Before the regression, he also revealed his face. I had more people and fans around me than I do now. But I don’t know what I’m going through right now.

Becoming a fan. Fans become friends. I just changed my order like this. Barron wasn’t even a friend. Embarrassed and embarrassed. Somehow my palms itched.

“So it’s just Australia now. ”


“Yes. Everyone approached you in their own way. Except you.”

It is not unusual for me to look at myself like that. He scratched his cheek on the eager eye.

“Don’t expect too much. I’m that disappointed.”

“Someone expected it. So, what do you think? Operation.”

Then, what are these eyes that glow with curiosity? He smiled and said.

“There’s a plan. ”



The provocation and glare pour out at the same time to answer him. At this time, it was the two people who were right again. I spilled both of their tantrums in one ear.

“Hey, stop it, guys. ”

Spring looks more anxious than the one who is being provoked. I looked at the ceiling for a moment and woke up from my seat.

At that moment, the bell struck. Break time is over. Oh, dear.

I sat down again. Sunhwa and Spring returned to their class. Seogwang sat in front and asked.

“What are you going to do? ”

“I’ll tell you later. ”

“Here comes the teacher! ”

During the start of the class, I looked out the window and straightened my head.

He climbed the stairs to the second grade. I took one step at a time and thought, taking the stairs forward. A passage to get to him. He watched as Seonghua, Spring, and Seogwang approached him in order to find a way to move Baron. Breaks or lunches, fitness or transportation classes, and club and school hours. I observed him as far as I could see naturally.

Baron was ordinary, taking classes with ordinary students, sleeping during breaks, eating lunch, reading books or drawing pictures. And alone.

I was living a life just like Baron in the Book of Doors. However, it did not seem to study history in mathematical times like drawing in the literature.


He tries to find a tasty lure to move his hand. And finally something caught my eye.

Baron is also looking at someone. The target was a girl in the same class. He called her “Baron Girl” in his heart. He doesn’t know what kind of a baroness he is. I’ve never met him, let alone talked to him. But one thing was clear: she had no one to talk to around her like Baron did. That is, she is alone.

You reach out your face to half of Barron. I found Barron with my own eyes, but I couldn’t see him. Not only that, the atmosphere of the classroom was cluttered. Is something wrong?

“Give it to me quickly. ”

You hear threatening talk. A girl with red hair pins had a mean face in front of someone. Baronegirl. Seems like she’s asking for something, but she’s sitting there with no answer.

The indiscretion was read on her face.

“You were the only one in the classroom at gym today. That’s when you took my phone. ”

Aha. That sentence just gave me an idea of the situation. The red-haired pin suspects she’s a cellphone thief. The children in the class were all looking at the two of them. There was no stopping him.

“Don’t keep your mouth shut. Give it to me! Give it back!”

The red-haired pin was quite excited. The phone she lost seems to be quite expensive. When a student loses something, it doesn’t just end in frustration. She should live without her cell phone until she buys it because she has no money to buy it back with her parents. Although Australia doesn’t bother living without a cell phone, some people may be more important than life.

I stare at Baron girl horribly. Cell phones would be important to her if she had a face like that.

“I changed it yesterday. I know you want it because you’re the newest, but it’s mine. I won’t do much, just give it back. ”

Crappy content and desperate tone. The girl who lost her newest cell phone, which she changed yesterday, sighed harshly with a frustrated face. She was already convinced she was the culprit. I opened my mouth to Baronese who only listened to him.

“Tell me a few times I didn’t steal it. ”

“Who else could it be? You were in the classroom alone in gym class. ”

Indeed. Baronegirl was not silent, she had already finished her answer. However, the red hairpin, which does not retreat, continues to sag. It’s a one-on-one situation.

I found something that bothers me a little. This is a school.There are originally thieves in schools. I also appear not to be bored and steal textbooks or gaming machines, sometimes even boots. Victims usually appear in half units. If you lose your friend’s textbook next to you, you’re more likely to lose your own.

In that case, you will be angry in half. The next victim is anxious to be in our class in half. Most of the time.

I look around. Everyone’s looking. I have an interesting face while watching. That meant the victim was alone with a red hairpin.

“Are you going to fight me to the end? ”

An angry voice. The patience of the red-headed pin has run out. He realized that the situation was no longer relaxing. In the hand of the head pin, which was twitching like a cheek, he opened his mouth.

“Sir, the teacher is looking for you. ”


Baron asked again, surprised. She wasn’t the only one. Many eyes focused on him. He once again said.

The teacher’s looking for you.

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