Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 74 The Taoist Sect of the World

"One test a day, don't be greedy for too much!" The Taoist priest said: "The wind and fog have stopped, the rain has dispersed and the clouds have opened. You can go on the road now, even poor Taoists!"

With a slight move of his hand, more than ten statues on the Taoist platform flew up at the same time, breaking into the sky, and his people also soared into the sky...

When he rushed up, it was still windy and rainy, but as he left, the wind and rain suddenly disappeared without a trace. The yellow leaves above fell. Lin Su raised his hand and picked up a little bit of red on his shoulder. He was a little confused. Circled, peach blossom petals?

How can there be peach blossoms at this time of year?

There were no peach blossom trees around at all.

"Young master, it's a peach blossom! Does the Taoist priest mean that you will be lucky if you go there?" Xiaoxue looked at his fingertips in surprise.

Lin Su immediately kneaded the peach blossom into jam and denied it flatly: "No! This is just a red leaf, which looks more like a peach blossom..."

Sister Chen did not participate. She looked into the distance: "That valley seems abnormal. Master, let's take a detour to Nanyang."

From here to Huichang, there are two roads. One road goes through the valley in front, and the other road detours through Nanjiang Prefecture. The detour through Nanjiang Prefecture is an official road, and although the road through the valley is not an official road, it is Logically speaking, there is no need to go around the main road, but Chen Si is a scout in the army and is skilled in the art of observing qi. The fog has dispersed, but the fog in the valley not only did not disperse, but became thicker, rolling like waves.

"Everything on the road is up to you, and you can go around it however you want."

Lin Su authorized it directly.

So the carriage galloped onto another road.

Lin Su sat on the carriage and closed her eyes.

The Taoist sects in this world are not the Taoist priests of that world as he understands them. They are just practicing sects, such as the Bishui Immortal Sect. From style to attire, from skills to inheritance, they all have nothing to do with Taoist priests.

The Taoist priest who appeared today was the kind of Taoist priest he understood.

Qinghan ancient temples, gods and goddesses, divination and fortune telling...

"Sir..." Sister Chen, who was driving the car in front, suddenly said: "Is that Taoist just now a member of the Tianji family?"

"Tianji First Series? Is there anything special?" Tianji First Series, Zhang Yiyu once mentioned that the water demon wanted to tell his fortune. After returning to the small courtyard, Zhang Yiyu became anxious upon hearing this, saying what if it was Tianji First Series? ? It's not okay for you to be so careless. I chased him out to watch.

The Tianji system that makes her so cautious must be something special.

Sister Chen said that among the three thousand sects in the world, most of them are actually just practicing sects. The only ones that truly practice ancient methods are the five sects, Tianji, Tianxuan, Tianan, Tianque and Tianming.

Tianji Taoist Gate only tests once a day, regardless of good or bad luck.

Tian'an Taoist Gate reports good news but not bad news.

Heaven lacks the Taoist door, just the opposite. It reports sorrow but not good news.

The Tianxuan Taoist Sect lives in seclusion and explores the mysterious and mysterious propositions on the road. It truly does not concern itself with worldly affairs.

The Tianming Taoist sect is the opposite. They specialize in human affairs. The Tianming sword holder walks around the world and specializes in exterminating Taoist traitors. He doesn't care which family he belongs to. People who are beyond his reach, as long as he thinks you don't follow the Tao. As the ancient saying goes, shoot without mercy - the kind that doesn't give you the right to explain at all.

She also found inspiration from this Taoist's words. This Taoist said, only take one test every day...

But this, of course, is not enough. Maybe he is in a hurry and wants to escape, or maybe he is unhappy that you did not give him money. After all, you cannot judge whether he is a member of the Tianji Dao Sect with a "daily test".

The biggest characteristic of Tianji Dao is that any prediction will definitely come true.

In other words, fortune telling is very accurate.

Lin Su smiled: "Isn't that great? He said that the eldest brother and the second brother will become the pillars of the Lin family's civil and military affairs, so he just wants the second brother to be named on the gold list."

Lin Jialiang also smiled: "I hope it is really a secret. Whether I am in high school or not is not important. What is important is that my eldest brother is really safe."

Eldest brother, fighting in the southern country is the most dangerous place on the battlefield. Lin Jialiang has been worried about his eldest brother. Even Lin Su wants to see his eldest brother. Since he traveled to this world, he has not seen his eldest brother, not even Lin Su. The eldest brother in Jialiang's memory was only sixteen or seventeen years old. He went on an expedition with his father ten years ago and never came back.

Xiaoxue smiled: "If it is really the Tianji Daomen, then I am afraid that the young master's love fortune cannot be avoided..."

Lin Su glared at her fiercely: "I told you those were red leaves..."

Suddenly, a wisp of fog drifted into the car window...

Chen Si was suddenly startled: "That's not right!"

Lin Su opened the curtains and was shocked. They had clearly reached a consensus just now, not to go through the valley, but to take a detour to Nanyang. Sister Chen had indeed driven the car onto the official road, but now, with two mountains facing each other, it was not clear which valley it was. ?

"Are monsters causing trouble?" Lin Su's pupils shrank, and he felt a dark wind blowing outside the car window, as well as a strange fishy smell.

"Maybe it is indeed!" Chen Si slowly pulled out a pointed awl in his hand: "This place is called Yinfeng Valley. It happens to be more than 300 miles away from the Confucian Temple on both sides. It is most normal for monsters to appear here."

Monsters do not dare to wreak havoc in the human world. The key is the suppression of the Confucian Temple. Within 300 miles of the Confucian Temple, if monsters cause trouble, they cannot escape the monitoring of the Confucian Temple. Once locked, it will be a dead end. Therefore, there is today's prosperous peace. But after all, there are only three thousand Confucian temples, which is not enough to cover all the territory. Even in the human realm, there are some places that cannot be covered, and Yinfeng Valley is one of them.

"Where is the monster?" Lin Su shouted loudly, and the fog outside the window rolled violently...

A voice of laughter suddenly came from the thick fog: "Lin Jieyuan, this general has been entrusted by others. I am loyal to others, take their money, and eliminate disasters for others. I will kill you in Yinfeng Valley today."

The sound is ethereal and has no trace.

Lin Jialiang's expression suddenly changed: "Demon general level!"

Demons are also divided into levels, including demon beasts, demon soldiers, demon generals, demon stars, demon kings...

The corresponding levels of warriors are: Warrior, Martial Master, Wuzong, Wuji, Peeper...

Ordinary monsters and beasts cannot yet transform, but the beasts have developed spiritual intelligence.

The demon soldier's body can transform, but the transformation is not complete. He can imitate human speech, but in the end it is just a simple imitation.

Demon generals, truly transformed, are no different from humans.

This demon clan's words were extremely smooth, and he was obviously above the level of demon general.

With the Lin brothers' current literary accomplishments, it would not be a big problem to fight demon soldiers one-on-one, but it would be troublesome to encounter demon generals.

Lin Su said coldly: "Who entrusted you?"

"This is not something you can know...kill!" the demon general roared.

Lin Su's eyes turned cold: "Kill!"

Silently, a flying knife shot out of the car window...

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