Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1249 Seven-Glory Moon Crystal, Eternal War Green Poem

Under the same moonlight, Nenjiang City.

A cloud shuttle came through the sky, and the scene was full of things.

As soon as the shuttle arrived over the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion, two groups of Imperial Guards broke through the sky and three senior officials floated down.

The one at the front was wearing a first-grade court dress.

In the commander's mansion, Zhou Pengfei was shocked and stood up suddenly...


The door of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion was opened directly by this first-grade court official.

Zhou Pengfei stood up and left the table, leading his more than thirty generals to greet him: "See you, Grand Scholar!"

The person who came was none other than Wenyuan University Scholar Xie Dong.

Xie Dong's eyes were as bright as autumn water: "Zhou Pengfei, Li Lihe, and the thirty-six generals sitting here, you have been dismissed!"

Zhou Pengfei's whole body was shocked: "Grand Bachelor, this...why is this?"

"Don't ask why, you are just dismissed. If you ask why, you are forcing me to reveal the evidence. As soon as the evidence is revealed, it will be a public trial, and the outcome is completely unknown!" Xie Dong said lightly: "Zhou Pengfei, you might as well think about it carefully. , should we ask this ‘why’?”

Zhou Pengfei's face was tangled and he looked around.

At this moment, he was surprised to find that the guards around him had all changed at some point.

And everyone, intentionally or unintentionally, reveals a kind of Qi.

This energy machine is like a sinking abyss or a hidden dragon.


Lin Su left Nenjiang, but most of the Qianlong Guards stayed, quietly replacing the guards in the Commander's Mansion.

Naturally, Li Lihe could see all this clearly. He said in a trembling voice: "Grand Master, it is now a time of war. If all the leaders of our Nenjiang army are dismissed from their posts at this moment, your Excellency, will you not worry about unpredictable changes in the situation of the war?"

Xie Dong smiled: "If Marshal Lin does not come back, the situation you mentioned is indeed the biggest worry of the court. But now Marshal Lin has come back, and in just one day, he has regained what you have retreated from repeatedly." After losing thousands of miles, Nenjiang City is no longer the front line! The tens of thousands of troops in Nenjiang are no longer relied upon by the Immortal Dynasty. You can be more peaceful and return to your roots. If you are restless... Haha, to borrow Lin Shuai's old saying, in the teapot It’s just a storm, what’s the point?”

The voice fell and the hand waved lightly!

The Qianlong Guards stepped forward at the same time, and more than thirty shackles fell.

The supreme leader of the tens of millions of troops in Nenjiang City was captured collectively.

The Chinese army's account was empty.

Xie Dong stepped forward.

Directly to the highest handsome platform.

Next to him was another acquaintance of Lin Su: Zhang Liekong.

Zhang Liekong, who was originally the deputy commander of the Forbidden Palace, took a trip to the White Jade Palace with Lin Su, and regarded Lin Su as a lucky star on the road to officialdom, because he got a piece of Immortal Emperor's Imperial Armor with this trip to the White Jade Palace.

He is also proud among his colleagues.

But today, he was even more proud, because it was because of Lin Su that he stepped out of the forbidden palace and became the commander-in-chief of a party. Yes, starting from today, he succeeded Zhou Pengfei and became the commander-in-chief of Nenjiang.

"Zhang Shuai, from today on, you are in charge of Nenjiang. Do you know how to cooperate with Lin Shuai?" Xie Dong said.

Zhang Liekong bowed: "The last general, Meng Linshuai, is recommended and Meng Master supports me. How can I not know how to cooperate? I will definitely live up to Lin Shuai and Master's high expectations. He will sit in Nenjiang and provide all help to Lin Shuai."

Xie Dong shook his head gently: "You still don't know!"

Zhang Liekong was slightly startled and knelt down: "Please make it clear, sir!"

Xie Dong said: "Shuai Lin has made it clear that all the enemy's supplies belong to him. The supplies that the major alien races have collected for thousands of years are no more rich than you and me? Why do we need your supplies? As for sitting in command, he will soon beat the enemy back to his hometown. Now, does Nenjiang still need to be defended? What he wants is for him to fight in the front and you to clean up his rear! Starting from tomorrow, you can send troops to clean up the remaining enemies in the ten states!"

Zhang Liekong's heart was pounding. Send troops?

This is a huge adjustment in strategy.

He was not mentally prepared yet.

However, it must be said that this does not require any psychological preparation. The situation has changed and it will naturally happen...

Zhang Liekong slowly raised his head: "General, I have received your order!"

"Remember, this cleanup has two key points!" Xie Dong said: "First, to regain the land and rescue hundreds of millions of people, in the name of Lin Su! Second, to take this opportunity to break the shackles of the land and divide the fields Go to your home and let the people really feel the difference from the past!”

Zhang Liekong's expression changed drastically: "Sir, this... this is..."

He wanted to say, this is disrespectful!

This is the biggest taboo!

Recovering the mountains and rivers of our homeland is not in the name of the Immortal Emperor, not in the name of the Immortal Dynasty, but in the name of Lin Su, the commander-in-chief of the army. What will His Majesty the Immortal Emperor think?

Xie Dong said: "Don't be suspicious, this is your Majesty's order!"

"Why?" Zhang Liekong was stunned.

Xie Dong said: "Your Majesty has issued an imperial edict. After this battle, tens of millions of troops from the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty will fight for Lin Shuai. Although the imperial edict has been issued, people's criticism has been rampant, and Your Majesty is also quite troubled. Here. Under such circumstances, the more meritorious Lin Shuai has, the less criticism he will have. If His Majesty fulfills his promise on that day, he will be able to silence the world. Therefore, this is not to offend His Majesty, on the contrary, it is to relieve His Majesty's pressure."

That being said, it makes sense.

The Immortal Emperor wrote the transaction into an imperial edict, and it must be honored.

However, this unprecedented and unprecedented move is ultimately controversial.

Perhaps there was not much criticism before the war (the enemy's butcher's knife was placed on his neck, and the bottom line naturally retreated to his heels), but after the war the criticism must have been incredibly large.

This caused the Immortal Emperor to want to fulfill this imperial edict, which would cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the Immortal Emperor planned in advance, first established Lin Su's achievements, and used the hearts and minds of the people to offset the criticism from the top and bottom of the Immortal Dynasty. This was also a masterful move in the field of power manipulation.

Zhang Liekong let out a long breath: "Your Majesty has far-reaching intentions, and the general will follow your orders. However, Your Majesty... Your Majesty really has no grudges against Commander Lin?"

Xie Dong sighed softly: "There is only half a year left for the Wuxin catastrophe! Zhang Shuai really thinks that Marshal Lin can come back after this catastrophe? Both your Majesty and this officer clearly understand that this battle will be his. In the final battle of life, he traveled thousands of miles for our Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty, and we added the last note to his life song. Why not? We need to know that the sky is also sentient, and all causes and consequences will be rewarded. !”

Zhang Liekong stared into the deep sky for a long time, and slowly clasped his fists: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, sir, please rest assured. General Zhang Liekong, I swear by the reputation of my Zhang family, I will add this note to Commander Lin!"

The sight returns to the East River...

Above the East River, the scenery on both sides is completely different.

A lone boat intervenes between the clear breeze, bright moon and boundless darkness.

A beautiful figure in white came across the waves and also stepped on the center line.

One moment, she seemed far away, and the next moment, she was standing on the bow of the boat.

Long Er's heart skipped a beat as he felt the power of the person coming.

As a personal guard, he should have a certain attitude. However, Lin Su stood up and the smile on his face told him that this was an old friend and he had absolutely no ill intentions.

"Coming!" Lin Su spit out two words.


The woman smiled sweetly: "My husband is fighting on the battlefield, how can I not live and die with him?"

Long Er's mouth opened slightly.

Ji Qianling's mouth also opened slightly.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. God testifies, this is not Ji Yuechi's style.

Even when he took her Jieyuhua at the Magpie Bridge meeting that day, she never made the relationship between them clear, she just wanted to talk...

But today, she directly called him husband.

While his heart was agitated, a voice penetrated into his Consciousness Sea Lingtai: "Don't care about this title, I just need an identity to stay with you."

Ji Qianling beside him finally spoke: "Commander Lin, this is..."

Lin Su said: "This is the eighth princess of Bai Yujing, Ji Yuechi."


Long Er understands! A certain button in the intelligence line was buttoned.


Ji Qianling understood, and his inner judgment closed.

"It turns out to be Her Royal Highness the Eighth Princess!" Ji Qianling stood up, bowed, and raised his head, with a half-smile on his face: "When Xianguan fought with Marshal Lin Bai Yuwen that day, he once made an assertion that the white jade envoy had an ordinary mask. Underneath, there must be a mighty appearance, Marshal Lin, do you admire your official’s vision now?”

"Ahem..." Lin Su's eyes rolled slightly. There are two women, one has a name but no real name, and the other has a real name but no name. Why do I think this situation is a bit tricky even for a lover?

"The wind in the East River is strong, and Marshal Lin seems to have a typhoid fever and cough..." Ji Qianling said: "I have resigned, so the Marshal can take his wife into the cabin to rest..."

Ji Yuechi smiled softly: "This place is not suitable for resting at this time. Lord Ji, if you look at the world with your eyes, why don't you take a look at it? What kind of glory is there under the East River?"

Ji Qianling said: "Before the Eighth Princess appeared, we had already seen the Scale Clan!"

Ji Yuechi said: "What about besides the Scale Clan?"

Long Er and Ji Qianling were shocked at the same time.

Lin Su was also slightly surprised.

Ji Yuechi said: "The front commander of the Ziqiwen Dynasty's vanguard army opposite is Luohe, a member of the War King's lineage. This man's military skills are extraordinary. He knows very well that there is no chance of winning against... Xianggong on the battlefield, so he went down. With one order, I will kill you at all costs!"

Lin Su's eyes lit up slightly: "So, in the East River, the Scale Clan is just covering up, and there are assassination masters lurking among them."

"Yes! According to Luohe's order, even if the Manhe Scale Clan is wiped out, as long as we can kill our husband in the chaos, this battle will be a great victory!"

Long Er's heart was pounding...

He is the strongest protector, and he knows how insidious this strategy is.

Without her warning, Lin Su might actually have been tricked.

The army crossed the East River and entered the home of the Scale Clan.

No matter how powerful the army is, chaos is inevitable.

Taking advantage of the chaos, use absolute masters and the most sudden and decisive assassination techniques to catch Lin Su off guard...

"Who is the master? Can the Eighth Princess find out?" Ji Qianling said solemnly.

"Three masters, who are in the realm of truth, come from the dark realm of Ziyuan. Their names are unknown, but their assassination methods are absolutely superb." Ji Yuechi said.

"How did you find out?"

Ji Yuechi smiled faintly: "Master Ji just mentioned Bai Yuwen's disguise technique in battle. Obviously he also knows Baiyu Wanxiang Jue. I sneaked into the opponent's military tent an hour ago and heard all Luo He's strategies. I also saw it with my own eyes. Here are the three killers!"

Ji Qianling was in awe: "The eighth princess personally participated in the dangerous situation. The subordinate admires her greatly and is also grateful beyond words."

Ji Yuechi's eyes flashed: "I have already said that it is for my husband-in-law."

Ji Qianling didn't even raise his head, and bit his lips involuntarily...

Keep saying it’s for your husband!

You are obviously a virgin, and the more your husband calls you, the more comfortable you become.

What about me? I've had sex with him many times, for real!

It's better now. You and his husband-in-law are all over the place, and I, a real wife, can only call him Marshal Lin. Why?

Just because your father called him a good son-in-law that day?

Did I really lose to "Dad"?

Dad, please be more careful. If you are not active in this matter, your daughter will be a trap at every step...

Ji Yuechi glanced at Ji Qianling's clenched lips, smiled slightly, and raised his head: "Mr. sir, how about I resolve this matter myself?"

Lin Sudao: "How do you want to solve it?"

"The best way to deal with the gophers in the gutter is to lift the barriers and let the light shine in every corner!" Ji Yuechi raised his finger gently.

A drop of strange moon essence appeared on the fingertips.

As soon as this drop of moon essence comes out, it is full of movement and seems to be a flawless moon.

Ji Qianling exclaimed: "Yuehua Essence, not Wuyao!"

"Of course not, this is Qiyao!"


Moon essence enters the water!

It seems like the moon is sinking directly into the water!

Under the thousands of miles of blue waves under the East River, and in the boundless thick fog above the East River, there are suddenly dots of moonlight. Every bit of moonlight seems to be a skylight, and in the skylight, there is a figure!

Hundreds of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of scale masters!

Lurking in the air, lurking under the water, using special techniques to create thick fog as a clothing, but under this ancient and unprecedented essence of the Seven-Year Moon, it is clearly marked, and every lurker has a mark on his forehead. The bright moon.

Long Er suddenly stood up, his eyes filled with knife light...

Ji Yuechi has marked the Donghe lurkers, and the rest are naturally hunted.

However, Lin Su gently raised her hand and put it on his shoulder: "I'll do it!"

His fingers suddenly lifted up and he wrote in the void...

""Broken Array. Donghe"

Reading the sword while drunk,

Dreaming back to the trumpet company camp,

Eighty thousand miles away, he was divided into subordinates,

The sound of fifty strings turning over the wall,

Autumn brings troops to the battlefield.

The horseman Lu Fei Kuai,

The bow shakes like a thunderbolt,

Put an end to the affairs of the king and the world,

Win fame during and after death,

Misfortune happens in vain! "

A new and infinitely beautiful song appears for the first time in this Heavenly Way.

Suddenly there was a bright green light on the horizon, and green lotuses were flying.

Combined into a bright moon!

In the bright moon, a man in golden armor suddenly appeared...

At the same time, among the hundred thousand moons performed by Dong He Qiyao Yuehua, a man in golden armor appeared at the same time!

The man in golden armor stretched his bow and drew an arrow...

Under the East River, in the thick fog in the sky, the Hundred Thousand Scales clan suddenly saw the strange scene in front of them.

A bright moon appeared before them.

An arrow flew from the bright moon.

Full of holiness, full of vastness, but also full of murderous intent.

It's like a punishment from heaven.



One hundred thousand scale clansmen were killed with one arrow!


Three figures emerged from the water, and the entire East River water seemed to be surging to the sky at the same time.

They are all in the truth state. Lin Su performed the power of Zhan Qingci's "bow is like a thunderbolt" and killed 100,000 people under the truth. However, it is obvious that he cannot kill the truth with one blow.

Although they easily defeated this arrow attack, the impact on their hearts was infinite.

They knew that the plan to ambush Lin Su in the river had been exposed.

Then, attack with force!

The truth broke through the river, hundreds of miles were cleared, and with a thunderous strike, it was like an immortal coming to earth.

When the river was turbulent, Ji Qianling's eyes had been firmly locked in one direction. The moment an old man in black broke out of the water, Ji Qianling's eyes were already enveloped by the long river. However, the old man stepped out, and Ji Qianling Ling's whole body was shaken, and her beautiful face turned pale. She locked onto the old man's figure, but she couldn't resist the old man's fighting power. With just one step, her spiritual platform roared.

The old man was instantly infinite in her sight.

At this moment, Ji Yuechi stepped forward.

Light and unparalleled!

When Su raised her hand, a bright moon appeared on her fingertips, and the old man's forward steps suddenly stopped.

Ji Yuechi flipped his hand gently, and a huge whirlpool appeared under the old man. In the whirlpool, it was no longer water, but thousands of miles of stars. Deep in the stars, there was a bright moon, infinite loneliness and infinite desolation.

"White Jade Shattering Moon Technique! Who are you?" The old man was shocked.

Ji Yuechi took another step forward, and the vortex sucked the old man in front of him into the starry sky, getting smaller and smaller. The old man's body was filled with black energy. He had obviously tried his best, but he was still irresistibly sucked into the depths of the starry sky...

Ji Qianling's expression changed. She finally saw the fighting power of Princess Bai Yujing. This was a fighting power that was equal to the truth.

It's not even the general truth. How could it be so tyrannical?


A wave of water rose into the sky, cutting off half of the river.

But it was Long Er who collided with another man in black.

This is a real head-to-head confrontation between the truth, and one collision will disturb the entire East River.

Where Ji Qianling was frightened, his calculation eyes were activated with all his strength, searching all directions. Ji Yuechi made it clear that there were three masters, and where was the other one?

She saw it!

Behind Lin Su, a black hole suddenly appeared!

In the black hole, a person looks like an abyss troll...

"Be careful!" Ji Qianling shouted...


A stunning sword light suddenly emitted from Lin Su's hand. The black hole behind him seemed to be broken into countless fragments. The fragments seemed to have stopped moving, and the entire space was completely solidified.

Lin Su slowly turned around. In the black hole behind him, the killer's expression was extremely strange. Slowly, his whole body turned into countless pieces of flesh, and he slowly moved away...


The black hole appears and disappears, disappearing into nothingness!

Ji Qianling's mouth opened slightly...

Above the East River, Ji Yuechi gently turned his hand, and the old man who had reached the depths of the galaxy let out a miserable cry and turned into moonlight.

She looked back on Donghe, her face full of surprise, no, more of a surprise.

Three real elephant assassins.

Long Er took on one, and he was still fighting until now, beating Donghe to death.

Ji Yuechi took on one, and her performance was even more amazing than Long Er. She killed the real elephant with almost a wave of her hand, showing her incomparable high-end.

Lin Su took on one himself.

Just one sword!

The real elephant died!

The technique was not so mysterious, but the result was so mysterious...

"Husband, you... you can kill the real elephant!" Ji Yuechi stepped on the tiptoes and came to Lin Su, her face full of blush.

Lin Su smiled: "You can kill the real elephant, but my progress seems to be not as fast as yours!"

"Husband, you are making fun of me. I don't rely on real ability. This is the magic weapon given to me by my father Jing..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, because until this moment, she realized that there was another person beside her, Ji Qianling, and Ji Qianling was biting her lips again.

"I thank the Eighth Princess for saving my life!" Ji Qianling bowed: "I'll take my leave!"

Turned away, walking on the waves.

Ji Yuechi didn't see her face, but Lin Su noticed half of her face, her lips were bitten, and she rolled her eyes in a way that no one could see...

Across the Marshal's Mansion, Luo He's face was pale.

The face of the military advisor next to him was even paler.

"Bai Yujing?!" The three words came out of Luo He's mouth, with infinite weight.

The military advisor's lips trembled slightly: "Before Lin Su came back, not to mention Bai Yujing, the entire Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty, the influential super sects, all refused to work for the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty. Now that Lin Su has returned, Bai Yujing, who is known for being detached from the world, is the first to join the war! He... What virtue and ability does he have?"

Luo He slowly raised his eyes: "This is a matter of great importance. This commander must contact the imperial teacher immediately."

A golden light bloomed in the central army tent...

A city appeared in the void.

It was Xihe City.

In Xihe City, the former Commander-in-Chief's Mansion, a large flag fluttered in the wind. This was the flag of the Purple Qi Dynasty.

Under the flag, there was another central army tent.

Imperial Master Jin He sat behind the desk and slowly raised his head: "Marshal Luo, how is the battle going?"

"Report to the Imperial Master, Lin Su has joined the battle and has already reached Donghe. Just now, someone from Baiyujing also joined the battle..."

"What?" Jin He slammed the table and stood up!

Luo He told him all the military information of the day.

Jin He's eyelids jumped.

The military information only lasted for one day and one night, but it gave people a feeling of spanning several years and decades.

In just one day and one night, Lin Su's troops advanced thousands of miles away. The land of the ten central states that he had taken with great effort was completely recovered by him in one day and one night. No, in fact, Donghe was also completely cleared by him.

Lin Su's counterattack is about to begin.

Moreover, Baiyujing, a transcendent force that claims to never participate in wars, also openly participated in the war. Just now in Donghe, it used a drop of the Seven-Glory Moon Crystal, the treasure of the capital, to annihilate 100,000 scaled tribesmen and completely destroyed the black domain maze built by the scaled tribe with the whole tribe's strength.

"Luohe!" The emperor said in a deep voice.

"I am here!" Luohe said.

"Be sure to suppress the counterattack of the thieves Lin on the east bank of Donghe! Give me at least seven days to hold out!" Jinhe said: "I will immediately discuss with the Celestial Clan and immediately help you!"

Seven days!

Luohe's back was covered with cold sweat...

He wanted to say, according to Lin Su's progress, it would be difficult for me to survive for even a day...

But, as the descendant of the War King and the White-clothed War God, how could he say such a thing?

Jin He turned around twice and asked again: "How many soldiers did Lin Su bring?"

"About... about a million!"

"Only a million!" Jin He sighed: "Fortunately, I am worried that he has really integrated the tens of millions of troops in Nenjiang. In this case, your bottom line is that the west bank of the East River will not be lost. If there is a chance to fight, wait for the opportunity to cross the river and kill. I will discuss with the Heavenly Clan and tailor a method to cut off the firewood for Lin the thief!"

Luo He moved his lips, and he couldn't say anything against it.

Lin Su only had a million soldiers.

And the Purple Qi army he led also had a million, and they were all elite soldiers who had fought in hundreds of battles, far from being comparable to the mob in Nenjiang.

In addition to the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty army, there were also armies composed of various foreign races, with a total of five million people, and tens of millions of war beasts. Facing Lin Su's million-strong army, it was obviously not a problem to defend the west bank, so Jin He no longer limited the time, and even gave a suggestion that if there was a chance, cross the river and kill.

However, Luo He felt miserable, but he just couldn't say it... (End of this chapter)

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