Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1247 Lu Tiangao Returns

A voice penetrated into his ears, and it was Li Lihe: "Commander, this move is very poisonous. It encourages soldiers to leave their original troops and form new ones. The generals we have placed in each army will They lost control."

Zhou Pengfei gritted his teeth: "How can it be so easy to take away an army from my hands?"

A voice came to a general.

The general glanced at Zhou Pengfei and suddenly took a step up to the sky. Facing Lin Su's statue, he bowed deeply: "Commander, this new army was organized by the commander himself. It must be different. The unknown commander intends to give How are they treated?"

Ji Qianling's heart skipped a beat, and a voice came to Lin Su: "Be careful, this is a trap!"

Yes, this sentence itself is a trap.

No matter how you answer, it's wrong.

Your saying that there is no preferential treatment will calm down the hot-headed soldiers below.

Entering the Golden Circle represents a life-and-death danger. Without any good treatment, how can we attract people to volunteer?

If you answer that there is treatment beyond that of ordinary troops, it will definitely arouse dissatisfaction among other troops, and a mutiny in the army is imminent...

Lin Sudao: "Those who enter the golden circle represent the vanguard of the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty fighting. I can't give you any unique material treatment. The only thing I can give you is glory! I don't care who you are or will be." Soldiers, whether you are from the south or the north, whether you are a human race or a foreign race, a noble family or a poor family, you have only two results when you step into this circle... you are a hero when you live! You are a martyr when you die! So, fellow warriors, step in! You really need to calm down before the golden circle!”

As soon as these words came out, the action of entering the golden circle immediately slowed down.

Some people stopped halfway.

Some people reached the golden circle and stopped.

Some people who had already entered the golden circle quietly withdrew.

As a result, after hundreds of thousands of people poured into the Golden Circle, there was a brief hiatus.

The general was overjoyed and bowed: "Thank you, Marshal, for clearing up the doubts. I will retire at the end!"

The Chinese military account was taken down in one step.

The generals looked at him as if they were heroes.

Ji Qianling stared at him coldly...

Just one question almost halted Lin Su's efforts to form a new army on the spot.

When soldiers fight in war, how many of them have a sense of honor?

There will definitely be!

But how many?

In this day and age, not many.

Lin Su's ten words: When alive, he is a hero, when he dies, he is a martyr. It is true that he is unparalleled in his heroic spirit, but not all soldiers may be so heroic.

At this moment, more than 700 people came from the northwest. Although the more than 700 people were just a few flying fireflies among the tens of millions of troops, the murderous intent they brought to the battlefield was extremely sharp. .

As soon as more than 700 people arrived, Lin Su's eyes suddenly locked. His Dharma image seemed to be swaying a little at this moment. He stared at the person in the front, almost unable to believe his eyes.

Ji Qianling also stood up suddenly, staring at this group of people who seemed to have just been pulled out of the swamp, staring at the mud on their bodies, the scars on their bodies, the generation of Luotian wise men whose expression remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai. Suddenly it surged into the spring water of May.

"The sky is high!"

Three words fell from the sky, with a bit of excitement.

"Boom!" More than 700 people knelt down heavily in front of the commander-in-chief's mansion: "Xihe Guard General Lu Tiangao led the 713 remaining Xihe troops to see Mr. Lin!"

One swish, no, two swish!

Lin Su fell directly from the air.

Ji Qianling in the Chinese army's account also flew down through the air.

Standing in front of Lu Tiangao.

Lu Tiangao slowly raised his head. On his face, there was a strange scar that seemed to cut his whole body in two. He used a very sloppy technique to sew it up casually and transformed into a human form again.

His tears flowed down, washing out two deep grooves from the dirt on his face.

"Sir, I finally see you alive, sir..." Lu Tiangao's voice choked with sobs.

Lin Su gently stretched out her hand and put it on his shoulder: "I have heard about your deeds, and I thought... I thought you had been killed in battle."

"On that day, Lord He destroyed his soul and left us his final military order. From then on, the one hundred thousand defenders of Xihe became lone wolves, with a lifelong mission to hunt down the Zi Qi army, King Ji Yue of Zhou and their followers. At the end of the day, The general will lead one hundred thousand brothers to fulfill this ultimate mission. Originally, the dead should be gathered into the Monument of Heroes of the World. However, during the Battle of Xihe, the last general and more than a thousand brothers were still rescued, leaving this mutilated body waiting for you. Return!"

"Who rescued him?" Lin Su's voice penetrated Lu Tiangao's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Meizu!" This was what Lu Tiangao sent back through his spiritual consciousness.


The four races that did not participate in the rebellion still took action, but they were currently in enemy-occupied territory and must not be exposed.

That’s why they communicated spiritually.

Lu Tiangao bowed again and stood up: "My lord has drawn a golden circle. The general will enter your golden circle first, and then obey your orders under your account! Brothers, let's go!"

Lu Tiangao has gone, and so have the seven hundred brothers...

Driven by them and inspired by their deeds in Xihe that day, the stagnant army started again, the tide started flowing again, and there were more and more people in the Golden Circle...

Lin Su stood on the steps in front of the commander-in-chief's mansion and watched them go.

There was endless joy in his eyes.

"You are very happy!" Ji Qianling smiled softly.

"Yes! Their return completes the last piece of the puzzle!"

"Puzzle?" Ji Qianling frowned slightly.

Lin Su smiled: "Before you arrived at Nenjiang City, didn't you ask me how to train a battle-hardened army? I don't have the time or energy to slowly train the generals of this army, but I can start from scratch and bring out the real essence of this army."

Ji Qianling's eyes also lit up: "A hero when alive, a martyr when dead, these ten words are the key to extracting the essence! The split plan is not your failure, but the most essential part of your plan."

Lin Su said: "I don't need tens of millions of troops at all, I just want the essence!"

"There are already millions in the golden circle!" Ji Qianling's eyes flickered: "In fact, you only need a million!"


"Let's get back to the puzzle, I understand what you mean, an army cannot have only soldiers but no generals, Lu Tiangao's return, the more than 700 people he led are the best generals! This is your last piece of the puzzle!"

Lin Su laughed: "The one who knows me is my senior sister! Let's go and integrate our own army!"

Lin Su broke through the air in one step!

Falling into the golden circle!

The golden circle shook suddenly, and the land inside the golden circle turned into a platform, more than three feet higher than the surrounding area.

Millions of soldiers faced Lin Su and bowed at the same time: "Greetings, Marshal!"

Lin Su also bowed: "All soldiers, you are all warriors selected from thousands of miles away from the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty. You dare to be the first in the world and dare to fight against fate! I respect you!"

"Thank you, Marshal!" The whole army shouted excitedly.

Lin Su said: "This new army will be like a flying dragon in the sky, composing the strongest sound of the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty! Therefore, I will name this new army: Flying Dragon Corps!"

"Flying Dragon Corps!"

"Flying Dragon Corps!"

Shouts rose up and shook the whole audience.

"Lu Tiangao!"

"Here!" Lu Tiangao stepped forward.

"You are the commander of the Flying Dragon Corps!"

"Under my order!" Lu Tiangao roared.

"The 713 people under you are generals at all levels. You can arrange them yourself!"

"Under my order!" More than 700 people roared.

"I took the stones from the Nenjiang River and made the battle flag of the Flying Dragon Legion on the spot. With this as the base, we will sweep across the world!"

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and the ground in front of him rumbled. Huge rocks flew up and exploded. Under the power of the fire rule, they turned into a long blood-red river.

In the long river, a big flag came out of the void and landed in Lu Tiangao's palm, carrying the heaviness of the earth and the heat of the war.

Another countless battle flags flew out of the blood river, interpreting the endless battlefield majesty...

On the banks of the Nenjiang River, in Nenjiang City, millions of troops opened their eyes wide, watching this scene of battlefield majesty ignite in front of them...

Forming a new army on the spot.

Naming on the spot.

Making military flags on the spot.

Pushing the fighting spirit of the Flying Dragon Legion to the highest point little by little...

This is the way of war!

All elements that can make the blood of soldiers boil are the way of war!

Behind the distant ancient city, two figures looked at this area quietly.

One is a beauty, the other is a handsome man, they are Ji Su, the seventh prince of Baiyujing, and his sister, the eighth princess Ji Yuechi.

Ji Su's face is full of shock.

Ji Yuechi, on the other hand, has a mysterious smile on her face.

"My brother-in-law is not surprising at all for being a genius in the way of soldiers, but he is also proficient in the way of weapons! He refines weapons on the spot, and his skills are at the level of a master!" Ji Su exhaled softly.

"Brother, stop flirting!" Ji Yuechi glanced at him.

"Flirting? Is this flirting? Could it be that the two words 'brother-in-law' have touched your heart?"


Ji Yuechi kicked directly...

In the blink of an eye, more than 700 military flags appeared in the hands of the remnants of Xihe in the bloody river.

Holding the military flags, they became the soul of the army.

Lin Su held the seal in his hand and authorized it on the spot, and these military flags were immediately connected to the entire army.

The Flying Dragon Corps was officially formed.

With a whoosh, more than 30 figures in the air fell to the ground at the same time.

Zhou Pengfei led more than 30 generals to the scene.

At the same time, he bowed: "Congratulations, Marshal, for forming the Flying Dragon Corps."

Li Lihe said: "Marshal, you have formed the Flying Dragon Corps. I should immediately allocate food and military supplies to the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Corps. May I ask, Marshal, what standards should be used for allocation?"

"No need!" Lin Su said.

"No need?" Almost everyone present couldn't believe their ears.

Even Ji Qianling couldn't believe it.

Lin Su smiled: "Lu Tiangao!"

"I am here!"

"Do you still remember the reward plan after killing the Wing Clan that day?"

Lu Tiangao's eyes were bright: "I will never forget it!"

"As for battlefield supplies, only the weak need supplies, not the strong!" Lin Su said: "Everywhere the troops point to is our land, and the enemy's supplies are all our supplies! Order! The military pay of the Flying Dragon Corps will be increased five times on the original basis! The dead will receive ten times the pension! The injured will receive three times the subsidy. All supplies will be seized from the enemy without the need for rationing by the Immortal Dynasty!"

"Yes!" The entire Flying Dragon Corps roared.

"In addition, the names of all the fallen will be recorded in the Heroes Monument of the World, immortal for a thousand years and passed down through the ages!"

"Thank you, Marshal!" Lu Tiangao knelt down with tears in his eyes.

More than 700 generals under his command also knelt down at the same time.

The rest of the soldiers only felt their blood boiling. Although they had never truly experienced the true meaning of the Monument to the Heroes of the World, they were also deeply shocked by the tragic scene before their eyes.

"Tonight, the whole army will rest. Tomorrow, I will lead you to sweep across the northwest!"

"Farewell, Marshal!" The whole army half-knelt.

Lin Su waved his hand: "Li Jianjun, come here!"

Li Lihe took three steps forward and bowed: "What are the orders of the Marshal?"

"The items on this list must be prepared immediately, without any mistakes!"

He raised his hand, and a note flew to Li Lihe.


The things on this note were the only military supplies that Lin Su asked for from the Nenjiang army, not food and military pay...

It was late at night.

Nenjiang was quiet.

Long Er's eyes flickered slightly in the dark.

He stood outside the central army tent, and his Qianlong guards were scattered in all directions. In the eyes of everyone, he was the only Qianlong guard that could be seen.

It was precisely because of this heavy deterrence that Zhou Pengfei and Li Lihe did not make any unusual movements tonight.

In the central army tent, a light was dim.

Lin Su lightly tapped his finger, and a pile of array crystal pillars on the table disappeared.

Yes, array crystal pillars are what Lin Su wants.

Thousands of them were required.

Li Lihe wanted to discuss with Lin Su how many crystal pillars of the ancient formation needed to be left, but Lin Su looked at him with a smile, which made him feel a little scared, so he didn't dare to leave more.

He started working overnight in the central army tent, and no one was allowed to get close.

There was only one exception, Ji Qianling.

Ji Qianling saw him carving the crystal pillars of the formation one by one with an incredible method, and her heart was surging.

She knew how her husband would start this almost impossible battle.

The formation is the real way of heaven to defeat the majority with the minority and the strong with the weak.

His Zhoutian killing formation is the strongest sound on the battlefield.

At this moment, it was finally completed.

She handed him a cup of tea: "You will fight in the front tomorrow, can you rest assured about this Nenjiang City?"

"No!" Lin Su said.

Ji Qianling's heart skipped a beat: "So... the first battle of the Flying Dragon Corps, could it be..."

"The Flying Dragon Corps is not needed to clean up the internal affairs. I have sent a message to His Majesty. Tomorrow, someone will come to clean up Nenjiang!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty will make such a big fuss because of your message?"

Lin Su smiled lightly: "This matter itself is very big!"

Ji Qianling's face turned pale: "That's right! After the death of the Prime Minister, Nangong Mingren, and the Minister of War, the Nenjiang army is very wrong. This iron plate from top to bottom, only a spark will cause a catastrophe... Will His Majesty's people come tomorrow and cause the biggest storm in history behind us?"

"Don't worry! His Majesty's people come tomorrow just to clean up the mess!" Lin Su smiled lightly: "How do you think I use this group of Qianlong Guards? Do you really treat them as my personal guards?"

Ji Qianling's heart beat ten times faster than usual...

Qianlong Guards!

The identity of Qianlong Guards is very sensitive, and anything they do is equivalent to the order of the Immortal Emperor.

Sensitive people do sensitive things, and the consequences are huge, and the Immortal Emperor takes the blame!

Why do I feel that my husband is now pressing the Immortal Emperor on the chopping board and playing with him as he wants? He is a little too much!

Is he really fearless?

At the same time, the central military tent of the opposite army was very quiet.

Luo He, the commander of the Ziqi Wen Dynasty army, stood in front of the table, listening to the report of a man in black below...

There are not many people with the surname Luo, and it can even be said that it is a very small surname.

However, in the Ziqi Wen Dynasty, this surname is famous because the first generation of war kings are named Luo!

Under the blessing of the War King, the descendants of the Luo family have been generals for generations.

He Luo He originally disdained to be a general. He preferred to sit in the War God Pavilion and point out the world's situation.

But who made his brother suffer a disaster?

His brother is Luosang.

In the early stage of invading the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty, he planned to re-enact the style of the Luo family war king, but he fell headfirst in Xihe, and his body could not even return home.

The news of his brother's death reached the God of War Pavilion. Luo He stood up and went straight to Kyoto. He was recommended by the Emperor's Master and led a million troops as the Vanguard Marshal, also known as the Front Marshal, and entered the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty again.

Every step he took into the Immortal Dynasty, he showed the style of a War King, deployed troops and arrayed them all the way, swept across the mountains and rivers of the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty, until the Nenjiang Array blocked his way. However, he also studied this ancient array thoroughly, and it would take at most one month for him to take it down.

Once he took it down, he would climb to the highest peak of the Immortal Capital, let the flag of the War King fly, and let this world remember what a hero of the Luo family is.

Tonight, a piece of news came from the opposite military camp.

By the way, this is also the basic operation of the War King's system. Every time there is a war, a large number of masters will be sent to sneak into the opponent's military camp. Getting the opponent's first-hand intelligence is the prerequisite for his victory in all battles.

As soon as the news from the insider came to him, Luo He's heart jumped without warning.

Lin Su!

The man who defeated the three million invading troops of Ziqiwen Dynasty and killed his brothers without leaving any bones, is back!

And he is right across the Nenjiang City!

After listening to the report from the insider, the military advisor laughed: "Lin's kid, it is rumored that the way of war is magical, but it turns out that he is so unbearable. As soon as he entered the military camp, he violated the biggest taboo!"

Luo He frowned slightly and looked at the military advisor.

The military advisor bowed slightly: "Former commander, the way of military strategy is to be united from top to bottom. When the army goes out to war, the most taboo is to be divided. As soon as Lin's kid entered Nenjiang, he split the army. This is the way to self-destruction!"

Luo He said: "The military advisor talks about military strategy, but the military advisor should also know that there is a big taboo in the way of military strategy, that is, sticking to the rules!"

The military advisor was slightly stunned: "What the former commander means is..."

Luo He said: "Although Lin Su was appointed as the Grand Marshal of the Dynasty, he has no foundation in the army. He is facing a million-strong army that he cannot control at all. In this case, no one can really gain control of the army in the short term, but he completely skipped the steps of controlling the army and directly set up a new army. In just one hour, he had an army that he could fully control! You said this is his failure, but in my opinion, this is what is really scary about him! Not following the rules, not taking the usual path, and also showing the trickery of the soldiers to the fullest!"

The smile on the military advisor's face was completely stiff, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

Yes, Lin Su's soldiers did not follow the rules of the military way, but they showed the changes and tricks of the military way to the fullest.

You can say that his splitting of the army is a taboo for military strategists.

But from his point of view, this is clearly the best solution for using troops.

A true genius in military strategy is not about being meticulous in every aspect, but about being able to find the best solution under any circumstances.

Lin Su’s first step into the border town, he, the military advisor, didn’t even understand it...


Luo He said: "Lin Su’s military strategy is beyond doubt. Since he is the commander, he must be my biggest enemy. I will never underestimate him! The first battle tomorrow will be his battle to establish his prestige. Pass on my order, everyone, retreat a hundred miles!"

The military advisor was confused again: "Since the former commander has seen that his first battle is a battle to establish his prestige, should we just let him establish this prestige? And our army needs to retreat three steps in front of him?"

Luo He smiled faintly: "In the first battle, he will definitely go all out. Go all out, fight a beautiful annihilation war, and live up to his reputation! In this case, anyone who encounters him will suffer heavy losses, so we will not treat people as enemies, and all war beasts will be dispatched! Use war beasts to open up the first life and death restricted area! "

The military advisor realized again: "The former commander was born as a war king, and he is indeed the king of the battlefield. I admire him very much!"

Luo He slowly raised his eyes, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his inner fighting spirit was rolling: Lin Su, I have heard for a long time that you are the god of war in white, and this commander also likes white clothes, so let's see, you and I, the two gods of war, meet on the battlefield, who is better!

In the early morning, the late spring sunshine illuminates the Nenjiang River.

The late-blooming flowers sway gently in the wind.

To the west of Nenjiang City, a million troops, hundreds of warships, flags fluttering, murderous.

As soon as the gate of the commander's mansion opened, Lin Su and Ji Qianling stepped up and went straight to the flagship in the middle.

Lu Tiangao knelt on one leg: "Marshal, the situation on the other side has changed! The fog is so thick that we can't see clearly."

Lin Su raised his eyes, and his eyes flashed slightly: "The giants and wood tribes in the middle have withdrawn a hundred miles away. There are only war beasts, tens of millions of levels! It seems that the other side also understands the art of war."

Ji Qianling's eyes were like a long river, and she could vaguely see the battlefield in the fog. Her face changed slightly: "Today's first battle is a battle to establish prestige. The goal is to annihilate the enemy's living forces. Now the other side has only kept war beasts. War beasts are not sensitive to military tactics, and war beasts of this level are like the ocean. Once trapped, it is very dangerous."

"That's right, Marshal, this first battle is difficult..." Lu Tiangao said.

"Warfare is a trick! The other side has a plan, let's use it against them!" Lin Su said: "...Hide the sky and the sea!"

Hundreds of warships are out!

Dive into the fog!

Just after entering, the war beasts below were suddenly startled, and in the sky, in the mist, the war beasts soared...

However, in front of all the war beasts, the shadow of the warship suddenly disappeared.

The warships disappeared immediately!

This is the art of war to deceive the world.

Ji Qianling and Lu Tiangao opened their eyes wide, staring at the crazy waves of war beasts outside the warship, and their heartbeats were definitely super high.

However, there was no war beast attack!

This military strategy allowed their million-strong army to directly rush into the enemy's hinterland.

This is indeed extremely treacherous.

However, it is also extremely dangerous.

When his military strategy fails, the war beasts will surround them from behind, and the giants and wood tribes will block them from the front, then their million-strong army will be surrounded by others.

A million troops seem to be a lot, but in this war of tens of millions, a million people are sometimes just a charge, which is really not much.

It was about to cross the protective circle of the war beasts.

Suddenly, the air outside trembled.

Ji Qianling's heart suddenly trembled. Oh no, the military strategy is ineffective! (End of this chapter)

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