Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 12 Hongyan Biography

What Lin Su wrote in his two colorful poems was naturally what Lin Jialiang wanted to know the most.

Lin Su wrote these two poems. Lin Jialiang read them word by word countless times and was filled with emotion. These colorful poems are so wonderful...

He changed the topic and asked another question. Apart from these two songs, has the third brother written another song? He looked at Lin Su with deep meaning in his eyes...

Lin Su understood immediately: "On behalf of my second brother, I wrote a song for my sister-in-law."

You... Lin Jialiang's eyes bulged: "It's true! I just said that when Yulou came, I asked you to bring her a poem... What was it about?"

"I would like to ask Jiang Chao and Haiwen, how are you and my heart like each other? Hatred is not as good as faith in the tide. I feel that the sea is not deep until I miss you." After reading the poem, Lin Su added: "Second brother, don't follow me. My sister-in-law let it slip..."

Lin Jialiang meditated for a long time and sighed. Hatred is not as good as the tide of trust. When he loves each other, he realizes that the sea is not deep. Such a wonderful poem should also be a colorful poem! The talent of the third brother is really...

After shaking his head slightly, Lin Jialiang said: "The Lin family is very happy today. Let's write a letter to the eldest brother. The eldest brother is always worried about the situation at home, so he should be reassured!"

Lin Jialiang picked up his precious pen and wrote a letter home on a piece of precious paper. He wrote thousands of words eloquently. At the end, he moved the pen like the wind and dropped the word "雁".

Put away the pen, pick up the paper, and turn into a flying goose flying to the south.

Hongyan spreads the message, this is the method of scholars.

Have literary roots, keep fit, and have clear thinking.

And when you enter the literary world, you can use some of the most superficial literary powers, such as Hongyan Chuan Shu. Unlike the "Qi Guiding Wen", Hongyan Chuan Shu does not consume much literary energy. Even if the second child is still ill at the moment, Hong Yan Chuan Shu can still pass the letter.

"My eldest brother is far away fighting in the south. I should feel at ease after receiving this letter from home!" Lin Jialiang said: "Third brother, you have stepped into the door of literature. It is time to take another step forward. From today on, you can read with peace of mind. This year's provincial examination There are only two months left, so let’s not talk about it. The provincial examination in three years’ time must be a hit.”

Literary education is extremely difficult.

Lin Su's literary roots did not go through the formal process, but he got a direct gift from a saint in exchange for a poem.

But such good things are unlikely to happen again in the future. Later, the literary world, Wenshan, and Wenxin all had to follow the formal process, that is, the provincial examination, the general examination, and the palace examination.

Therefore, Lin Jialiang, the second brother, temporarily played the role of the eldest brother when his father passed away and the eldest brother was away, making life plans for his brothers.

Lin Su raised his head: "Didn't you say... that the provincial examination hasn't been held yet this year?"

Lin Jialiang shook his head: "This year? There are only less than two months left for this year's provincial examination. It is too late in such a short time..."

The provincial examination is held once every three years. The content of the examination is truly all-encompassing and will be covered in all the historical collections of various scholars. However, to thoroughly understand these classics, a normal person will not be able to fully understand them in a lifetime. People with literary roots, talents and intelligence, will also need more than ten years of hard work. It is possible to pass the provincial examination.

Even if the third brother's poetic talent is extraordinary, it won't work. The content of the provincial examination is not just poetry. Poetry depends on inspiration and talent. The examination of the rural examination is the accumulation of knowledge.

Lin Su scratched his head: "Second brother, tell me what is tested in the provincial examination..."

Lin Jialiang came from the Provincial Examination. He was a high school scholar who ranked seventh in the Provincial Examination. He was interested in the topic of the Provincial Examination and soon fell into a certain role. What role? Seniors and mentors...

The classics listed by the second brother were actually "The Analects of Confucius", "Shangshu", "Tao Te Ching"...

Lin Su's eyes flashed when he heard this. To be honest, he had never read these required subjects before. Who among those who read modern books would read this? But now, he has read them all. If I want to ask him how he reads them, what he is good at reading - with a touch of his finger, all the profound classics are engraved in his mind, and he can remember them more clearly than others who have been reading at night for decades. I will ask Do you want someone to live?

The southern border is filled with blood!

A tragic battle is about to end, with thousands of corpses lying on the ground, and the final sound of fighting can be heard on the western hillside.

More than a hundred people were trapped on a hillside, with spears pointed at them, and they were assassinated wildly.

Their opponents were unusually tall and had faint scales on their bodies. The spears pierced their bodies and green blood flowed out.

They are not humans, but demons!

There are also seven to eight hundred demons and more than 300 huge monster mounts, full of momentum, and more than a hundred human beings, like a small boat in the frenzy, will capsize at any time.

A young general shouted: "Brothers, Dingnan Iron Guard, one is worth ten, fight to the end, we will win!"

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

Amidst the wild roars, more than a hundred people with spears and swords rolled across the sky with murderous intent. The demons were killed just as they rushed up the hillside. The monsters flying across the sky were also turned into flesh under their spears and swords. This time After a round of attacks, they were repulsed again. Among the more than a hundred people, more than ten people died, and the demons also lost more than thirty people and twenty monsters.

The young general held the sword in his hand on the ground, and the strong wind swept across him. He stood on his feet and raised his head to the sky! He is Lin Zheng, the eldest son of the Lin family.

Seventeen charges in one day.

With the power of eight hundred iron guards, he killed two thousand demon soldiers. At this moment, he was exhausted, and his energy was close to the oil and the lamp was dry, but he could not show any signs of fatigue, because he knew that the people around him were People are the only remaining force of the Lin family. If he collapses, the entire team will collapse. Once the team collapses, they will die!

The military force of Dingnanhou Mansion will be completely eliminated.

The flag of the demon race on the opposite side was raised, all the demon beasts were positioned, and the demon soldiers looked up to the sky and roared...

A new round of attacks is coming, and the whole army is pressing forward, making a desperate move...

"This attack will definitely kill both jade and stone!" A general next to him sighed softly: "The Hou Mansion has a heavy burden, I wonder if the second young master can shoulder it!"

Lin Zheng raised his eyes and looked to the north, where there were layers of clouds, thousands of miles of border crossings, and a bloody setting sun.

Second brother!

My brother is also going, but it’s a pity that I can’t leave a letter home.

My father was killed, and all the eight hundred death guards will be killed today. Only you are left. The Lin family lineage is left to you!

Suddenly, there was a stream of light in the sky, and a swan goose passed through the air, landed in Lin Zheng's hands, and turned into a piece of paper with golden light...

"Second brother's home letter!"

Lin Zheng was extremely excited. At the last moment of his life, he could actually receive a letter from home. This may be the greatest comfort in his life.

The eyes of everyone around him also flickered, some were excited, but some were afraid.

Because they are all soldiers of the Lin family and care about their master's family, they also know that the master's family is in an unprecedented predicament. Under such circumstances, there cannot be any good news.

But don’t let anything happen to the second young master. Even if the mistress passes away, it will be worse than what happens to the second young master...

Lin Zheng's face changed rapidly, from worried at first, to surprised, to overjoyed, and finally burst out laughing...

More than a hundred people don't understand.

"The third brother was born out of nowhere and wrote two colorful poems in one day! He was given the gift of literature by all the saints, haha..." Lin Zheng laughed wildly and said: "Let me recite my brother's peerless poems and step onto the battlefield. In this life, No regrets, even if you die, you will be honored!"

"You are forced to come without freedom,

The dragon and the phoenix are invincible..."

The high-pitched chanting broke through the boundless blood curtain, and the entire battlefield seemed to be moved.

"The house was full of flowers and three thousand guests were drunk..."

As soon as this sentence was recited, countless phantoms suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and they turned out to be the seven hundred dead guards who had died in the battle.

"One sword frost-freezes forty states!"

The blood energy all over the sky withdrew and turned into a shocking giant sword...

The demon army on the opposite side was shocked: "War poem? This is impossible..."

The shocking long sword fell from the air, and the leader of the demon army screamed in agony. The fragments of the giant sword were shot at more than a hundred people on the hillside. The swords in their hands suddenly lit up at the same time. At this moment, their strength seemed to suddenly come back, back to their peak state, and their courage and vigor increased tenfold.


With a loud roar, more than a hundred people flew out and attacked the demon army.

The first time they met, a hundred people from the demon army were killed...

"Drums and horns lift the sky and the air is cold,

The wind stirs the sea and mountains in autumn.

In the southeast, there will always be a golden pillar.

Who would envy the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households at that time? "

At the last word, Lin Zheng's long sword rolled across his hand. The demon army's flag was split into two parts, and a general under it was also split into two.

At the same time, the holy light dissipated in Lin Zheng's hand and returned to its original appearance.

More than a hundred people collapsed at the same time, and their spirits seemed to disappear with the disappearance of the holy light.

The shadows of heroes all over the place disappeared simultaneously.

A long time, a long time.

Lin Zheng took a long breath and murmured: "War poem! Third brother's poem is actually a war poem."

War poems are rare, why? Because war poems, as the name suggests, were written for the battlefield. In an environment where the entire society values ​​literature over martial arts, which top-level literati is willing to write poems for lowly warriors?

That is self-degradation.

Therefore, there are very few war poems. There are only a dozen war poems in existence at present, and each of them was developed to the extreme by the military.

It can be said that the first thing every soldier does when he joins the army is to recite poetry.

Although the application rate is very high, the effect is not particularly good. Why? The level of war poems is not high. The highest level war poem at present is "Walking on the River" written decades ago. It is a colorful poem that is suitable for water battles but not for land battles.

Lin Su's poem is suitable for all battlefields, and it is also a colorful poem.

Plus the name given by a saint!

The power is extraordinary.

This alone cannot achieve the miraculous effect today. There is another factor that maximizes the impact of this poem, and that is the extraordinary relationship between Lin Zheng and this poem.

This poem was written by his brother, and it incorporates the will of the Lin family.

How terrifying is it that the undead souls of the Lin clan can be recalled?

Linzhai, the sun sets in the west.

Yulou had come back. Seeing her radiant face, Lin Jialiang got out of bed like a god with help.

Yulou brought several cups of tea, and the two brothers sat in the study and talked about the taboos of the provincial examination. At this moment, Lin Jialiang could no longer look sick.

Suddenly, Lin Su was slightly shocked.

"What's wrong?" Lin Jialiang stopped teaching.

Lin Su had a very strange expression on his face: "There is a strange thing... my martial arts seems to be activated."

"How is that possible? You are delusional..." Those who learn martial arts can develop martial arts roots by laying down the most perfect martial arts foundation. However, the third brother has not been able to endure the hardships of martial arts training since he was a child. How can he lay a perfect martial arts foundation? The most critical reason why his father sent him to the Taoist sect that day was that the third brother had neither literary nor martial arts roots, so he had no choice but to let him go to the Taoist sect to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, this time he came back and received the holy gift of Wengen. Before the excitement had passed, he actually said that he had activated his Wugen.

is it possible?

is it possible? Lin Su himself was also wondering. There was really a strange root awakening in his Dantian. As soon as it awakened, it was connected to the Qi and blood of the whole body, as if breathing together. This was exactly the characteristic of Wu Gen that he knew.

What is even more difficult for Lin Su to understand is that this martial root is clearly related to the dead tree in his brain. An invisible line is connected from the dantian to the brain, and is connected to the dead branch in the middle. Once connected, this dead tree The branches seemed to be alive, but there were no leaves on this dead branch.

There is a dead tree in the brain, with three sections of dead branches. The Wen root is activated, one section of the dead branch comes to life, the Wu root is activated, and another section of the dead branch comes to life. What does it mean?

Lin Jialiang's circle stopped and he locked eyes with Lin Su: "Third brother, is this poem of yours a war poem?"

"Zhan Shi? Maybe!" Lin Su was surprised, what happened to Zhan Shi? What's there to say?

Lin Jialiang was extremely excited.

There are two ways to activate Wu Gen. One is to practice martial arts hard and lay a perfect foundation. The other is to write war poems. War poems will increase the combat power of warriors and feedback to the original creator.

ah? Is there this kind of cheating?

If I write a hundred war poems, won't all the wars in the world be fought for me?

Lin Su's thoughts were running wild, and she had the desire to write immediately...oh, no, copy poems...

But in front of him, he had a question to answer: "Second brother, have you heard of the eight-character saying 'Three paths merge into one, break the tribulation and bring great prosperity'?"

Lin Jialiang was silent for a moment and nodded lightly...

"Three paths unite, break the calamity and bring great prosperity." This eight-character message was requested by my father from a Buddhist monk that day, but now it has been proven that this message is not accurate, because the three sons of the Lin family sent three paths, but they were not broken in the end. The Lin family is in disaster.

And this eminent monk is not an eminent monk. He committed fraud in Haining more than a month ago. He was caught and beaten, and all the money he cheated was refunded before he was let go...

Lin Su seemed to have listened to the explanation, but seemed not to have heard it at all. Another thought appeared in his mind...

"Three paths merge into one, and the calamity will be broken and great prosperity will be achieved." Does this combination of three paths really mean that the three sons of the Lin family belong to three paths?

Could it be that it actually refers to one person combining three ways?

There is a dead tree in his brain with three sections of dead branches, two of which correspond to the two civil and military realms, and the third section currently remains dead. Could it be the root of the path that he has never touched?

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