Great Artist

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Crazy World

It should be said that Gu Luobei has enough experience to accumulate as a human being? It should be said that Gu Luobei does have a talent for acting, which can be seen from the wonderful performances on Broadway. In a word, Gu Luobei’s performance in the “Death Illusion” crew is indeed getting better and better, and he has made great progress. He even gave an amazing performance, which made Drew Barrymore, Richard Kelly and others all Very surprised.

Gu Luobei’s life in the crew is still busy and fulfilling. On the one hand, because he is the absolute protagonist of the movie, the whole movie is named after his name “Tony Dark”, and the movie is advancing with him as the center; On the other hand, as long as there is time to rest, Gu Luobei will quietly conceive the biography of Tony Duck, not only for the performance of this film, but also for the study of acting skills. Occasionally, when he has free time to rest, Gu Luobei will chat with the actors of the same play and play some games to pass the time. Gu Luobei’s daily life is full of things, and this life, which is completely different from school and Broadway, is also very interesting.

The time in the “Death Illusion” movie is the 28-day countdown to the end of the world, but in fact, only a few days are really reflected. In addition, the shooting location is in a small town, the progress of the shooting can definitely be Said to be fast. Especially after Gu Luobei entered the state, the progress of the procrastination in the early stage quickly caught up, and there is a great momentum to finish it within the expected time.

“Bell, what are you looking at?” It was already past three in the morning, and the entire crew had fallen asleep, but Richard Kelly couldn’t sleep. He walked out to get some air and didn’t want to see the man sitting on the ground in the yard. Gu Luobei.

Gu Luobei looked back and saw the person coming through the lights in the room. Then he turned his head again and said, “The stars. I originally tried to distinguish what each constellation is, but unfortunately I found that I should not have the talent for astronomy. Nothing was seen.”

Richard Kelly laughed, “I can’t study such an unfathomable constellation.” He also sat down beside Gu Luobei. There was already some dew on the grass. It was chilly when I got down. The weather in the middle of October was so cold that Richard Kelly had a cold fight. “Why can’t you fall asleep? There’s less than a week left to shoot. You should be relaxed now.” Richard Kelly said relaxed, not referring to the rest of the scenes, but referring to Gu Luobei I already have my own understanding of the role of Tony-Dake, even more thorough than his director, and his performance is excellent.

“What was Tony’s mood when he finally chose to sacrifice himself to save the world.” Gu Luobei is now in the movie. Even if he is not filming, his speech is a bit low and weird. He has no way of grasping the role now, and it is easy to lose his original self when he is immersed in the role. This is also a process of learning acting skills. “Think about it, the world will be destroyed one day, but as long as I sacrifice myself, the world can be saved, then what will I do? Think again, I chose to sacrifice myself to save the world, but no one knows I’m a hero, so how do you feel?”

This is actually the plot in “Death Illusion” itself. As the screenwriter of this film, Richard Kelly naturally thought about this result, “So do you have an answer?” Richard Kelly’s answer, in fact It’s just Tony Duck’s actions, so there’s no need to say more.

Gu Luobei tilted his head and thought for a while, then grinned, “Maybe I will enjoy the last time before the world is destroyed.” The subtext is that he will not be an unsung hero in order to save the world. At this time, it was Gu Luobei himself, not Tony Duck, who made the choice. “It takes too much to be a hero. I don’t think I’m a hero. Just think that Superman has to wear clothes every time he transforms. Wearing tight shorts and wearing it outside makes me feel like I’m really unsuitable to be a hero.” The originally heavy topic became funny because of Gu Luobei’s rhetorical remarks.

Richard Kelly couldn’t help laughing, “Yeah, we have already worked hard to be ourselves, why should we maintain another identity in order to save all mankind.”

“Actually, the point is not that Tony saved the world, but that Tony saved the world, not others.” After Gu Luobei finished speaking, he looked back at Richard Kelly. Seeing surprise on his face, Gu Luobei pulled out a smile again, “From the beginning, Tony was out of tune with this world, but he sacrificed himself in obscurity to save the world, a person who has nothing to do with this world. It’s ironic that people saved the end of the world.” Gu Luobei has already studied the script of “Death Illusion” and the character of Tony Duck to the point of becoming obsessed, and he can’t even tell whether these thoughts are his own. It’s Tony Duck’s. On the good side, this is a play; on the bad side, it awakens Gu Luobei’s dark memory about the previous life.

“Our world will never change because of anyone. Most people can only change themselves to adapt to the world.” Richard Kelly’s voice also fell, which is also his original intention of writing this script. Gram is a character, and actually a small part of his heart, “Tony was never a ‘majority’, but he made a choice that a ‘majority’ dared not make.”

Sacrificing yourself to save the world, or being unknown, sounds great, but when you ask yourself and put yourself in the shoes, most people can’t make up their minds. Gu Luobei admitted that he did not have such great courage.

“Haha, but I think this is also a good ending for Tony.” Gu Luobei’s voice became lighter, with some relief, “Tony has always been at odds with this world, but at least he has left this place now. A strange and crazy world. Is it? This crazy world…”

“Crazy world!” Richard Kelly said in a raised voice, taking a long tail off. The tone of the story of “Death Illusion” is still very dark and heavy, and it always makes people sigh. “Perhaps, this word is the best annotation for this story, crazy world.”

Gu Luobei couldn’t help laughing, it was meaningful. This world is really crazy, otherwise he wouldn’t be reborn here and have a second life.

“Bell, I’m worried about the theme song of the movie. Haven’t you participated in the Eagle Rock Music Festival before? Do you have any recommendations?” Richard Kelly suddenly changed the subject. The topic related to the movie just changed the direction.

“Just ‘Mad. World’.” Even if Richard Kelly didn’t mention it, Gu Luobei also planned to recommend it. “The British band Tears.For.Fears had a song in 1982 The first single is called ‘Crazy World’, and the lyrics match the movie perfectly.” These days, Gu Luobei has been silent in the world of Tony-Dake, listening to this song of fear and tears is very emotional, and feels that It’s tailor-made for movies.

Richard Kelly’s face immediately showed a happy expression, but before the expression fully bloomed, Gu Luobei poured a basin of cold water down, “But this song is in the style of college rock, the rhythm is very cheerful, It’s a counter-way to vent anger against a crazy world.”

The joy on Richard Kelly’s face suddenly solidified and collapsed, “What I need is a sad melody, you know, Tony’s ending is sacrifice, this is also a tribute to him, and a tribute to the world. an indictment.”

Gu Luobei thought about it for a while, and it was true. The original song of “Crazy World” is more suitable for a rock band to sing live. Putting it in “Death Illusion” is in line with the tone of the movie. The rebellious, unrestrained and weird in Ni-Dak’s marrow, and the sadness that contrasts it, are inappropriate.

“Why don’t I try to make it for you?” Gu Luobei said his suggestion casually. Over the years, he has long been accustomed to composing his own lyrics and music. Even now, he only has two songs, “Last” and “Broad Ocean and Sky”. The song is good, but persevering practice has allowed Gu Luobei to gradually find inspiration in music creation. UU reading

“You?” This was Richard Kelly’s first reaction, “I only know you shine on Broadway, but I don’t know you can create music?”

“Don’t look down on people. I didn’t go to the Eagle Rock Music Festival to visit, I was invited as a band.” Gu Luobei’s words once again surprised Richard Kelly. “Well, I’ll try it out, you can use it if it works, if it doesn’t work, you can find someone else.”

After Gu Luobei said this, Richard Kelly became interested instead. He didn’t know what Gu Luobei’s adaptation would look like. “Then I’ll wait and see.”

Gu Luobei didn’t make Richard Kelly wait too long, after all, it’s only a week before the movie is finished. Two days after that night, Gu Luobei handed over his adaptation to Richard Kelly.

Before the adaptation, Gu Luobei took time out of the busy shooting schedule to carefully check the creation materials of the original author of the song, Fear of Tears. The lyrics of this “Crazy World” are relatively loose, combining scattered pictures to form a There is no world of loose concrete things, and the singer is like a bystander or voyeur, calmly watching this crazy world. As far as the lyrics are concerned, this song fits perfectly with “Death Illusion”, so all Gu Luobei needs is to re-arrange the melody, which is the test for Gu Luobei.

Gu Luobei gave up the music background of the original version, restored the original melody, and then arranged the music with piano and a large drawing, and the rhythm was also slowed down twice, making this “Crazy World” full of melancholy and dark feelings. As far as Gu Luobei is concerned, he likes it very much. As for Richard Kelly, the song has been recomposed, it is up to him.

Today’s first update, time to ask for tickets, ha, ask for recommendations and favorites.

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