Golden Fishery

Chapter 1974

Vol 2 Chapter 1870: .About life secrets

Qin Shiou was afraid that taking this weird creature out of the water would cause death, so he injected some sea **** energy into this one in his hand.

The little creature in his hand was originally a bleak gray-black body, but after absorbing the Poseidon’s energy, the epidermis suddenly lit up slowly, and finally turned into the same crimson red as some of the same kind.

This discovery made him very strange, what’s the matter? This little thing is really weird.

Swimming out to the sea, Qin Shiou spit out the oxygen tube in his mouth and shouted to Shake who was setting a net on the boat not far away: “Lao Sha, come here, I have something here, you see what it is.”

Before the breeding net was finished, Shaq could not drive the boat over, so he drove the motorboat hanging beside the boat hurriedly, but after he came to Qin Shiou and saw the appearance of these weird little creatures, the same dazed expression appeared on his face. , Said: “This, what is this? I don’t seem to have seen it before, could it be a mutant creature?”

It is true that the little thing in Qin Shiou’s hand looks a bit sci-fi, and it is easy for people to think about other aspects.

But he thinks he should ask Professor Sanders. For example, the bulb sea squirt, Shaq and the fishermen can’t recognize it. Professor Sanders doesn’t need to look at the photos, he knows what it is after hearing the description.

This time the same. After Qin Shiou called, Sanders was overjoyed after hearing his description and exclaimed: “Hey, this is not a mutant creature. When I pass by, you will catch these little guys? What luck? !”

The old professor is also very hot-tempered. He is still in Toronto. He left when he said he was leaving, and hung up the phone after leaving a sentence. Qin Shiou was stunned: the old professor didn’t tell him what it was!

Fortunately, Sanders was not confused, and immediately called the phone and said, “Sorry. Qin, I am too impatient. I just hung up your phone when I wanted to book a flight. Well, let me introduce you to you. The thing in his hand is called a vampire octopus, and its scientific name is ghost octopus. By the way, is it still alive?”

Qin Shiou looked at the strange guy in his hand and said, “I’m alive, but it doesn’t seem to be a good life.”

heard this. The old professor became nervous and said: “Be careful, Qin, you must be careful and hurry up—damn it, I don’t know what to do. You don’t have a pressure pump in your hand. This is a deep-sea creature. It will appear very quickly in the shallow sea. Dead!”

Qin Shiou hurriedly input the Poseidon energy to the little creature, and at the same time he also input the Poseidon energy to the few underwater to supply their vitality, and then said, “Don’t worry, they don’t seem to be a big problem, but they just don’t live well. It doesn’t look like it will die…”

“They? Not it? Oh God, how many vampire octopuses are there in your place?” the old professor asked excitedly.

Qin Shiou said: “I have found six now. I don’t know how many are still in the water. Professor, can you tell me what these are? Are they precious? Why are you so excited?”

The old professor’s voice rose again: “Of course I am excited, of course I am excited. This is a living fossil in the ocean! They may have existed on the earth for tens of millions of years. They and dinosaurs are in the same era! And their living bodies It’s hard to see them because they live in deep waters ranging from one kilometer to four kilometers, so small and so few in number, it’s too difficult to meet them!”

Qin Shiou shrugged and put this little thing into the water. He had already controlled it anyway, so he was not afraid of them running away. Let them survive in the water first.

Although Sanders said that vampire octopuses live in deep waters. But he felt that these guys seemed to be able to live in shallow waters.

Sanders then explained to him that the vampire squid appeared at least 80 million years ago, maybe even longer, they are the ancestors of squid and octopus. Originally lived in the shallow sea. However, at that time they had a natural enemy called plesiosaurs. Squid without hard shell protection could easily become food for plesiosaurs. In this way, in order to avoid hunting by natural enemies, they have to move to the deep sea.

There is a phenomenon of returning to ancient times in creatures, and this phenomenon may have appeared on these vampire octopuses, so that they can appear near the sea without dying. Of course this is just speculation. Sanders said that to determine what was going on, he had to go and study it.

Qin Shiou asked strangely: “But I think, Professor, these guys have little research value, right? Why are you so excited? Just because their living bodies are very rare?”

Professor Sanders laughed and said: “Of course not, Qin, I am excited for you. Do you still remember the black cap giant worms you gave me? I have been doing research on black cap giant worms. They seem to be related to the vampire squid. Mysterious connection, I analyzed the carapace composition of the black cap giant insect, and compared it in the database, and found that they are similar to the teeth of the vampire squid tentacles!”

“Also, don’t you know, the vampire squid now left a suspense for marine biology and evolution, that is, an ordinary creature that lived 80 million years ago or even hundreds of millions of years ago. Why did they not have evolved? Can they survive for so long under the premise? I think their tooth composition and the carapace composition of the black giant worm may be able to answer!”

Hearing that this kind of little thing is related to the black cap giant worm, Qin Shiou became excited. He knows how big the secret contained in the black-cap giant worm is, he himself knows best, that it is a powerful existence that can delay biological metabolism and increase the length of biological life! Although Dabai’s situation is getting worse and worse, he still lives on relying on eating black cap giant insect shell powder and absorbing the energy of Poseidon!

Qin Shiou hurriedly strengthened the control of these six little vampire octopuses, then found an aquarium and put them in, continuously inputting the sea **** energy to them to maintain their lives.

But he thought about it, and put the remaining five into the water, leaving only one in the aquarium.

He left a seagod consciousness looking at these five vampire octopuses, and he had other thoughts about them.

That evening, Sanders rushed to the fishing ground. What he saw was the only vampire octopus left in the aquarium. He asked nervously, “Qin, where are the other five little guys?”

Qin Shiou smiled bitterly and said: “Sorry, professor, I saw these guys while diving. They were attached to Geng’s body at the time. I only brought one to the surface. I went to look for the others later, I don’t know where they went. You I know, they are too small, and they can control the color of the body. It is difficult to find them once you miss them.”

Yes, the body of a vampire octopus can emit biological light, which is to turn the body surface into a deep red color.

Vampire octopuses live in the deep sea, and one of their life-saving methods is this kind of biological light. When they sense danger, they will suddenly glow to confuse predators and then escape. In the morning, when Qin Shiou instilled the power of the sea **** into the vampire octopus in his hand, he saw it glowing crimson with his own eyes. (To be continued ^ )

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