Going Into the World!

Chapter 386

15 volumes

Jae-Seok’s wedding, a childhood friend, gave me time to look back on my busy life. And the hardworking appearance of ordinary people gave me new power.

During my stay in Korea, I had a intimate time with my parents and relatives who were neglectful, but in the meantime, I went to Seo Oh Leung. It was hoped that the old fascinating ginseng might remain.

But why?

In over 20 years, Seo Oo-Reung’s visit was different from that of the old clumsy memory of heaven and earth. There were buildings everywhere and the atmosphere changed a lot overall.

I thought it would be the same because it was a “green belt” area, so I didn’t even know the entrance, not to mention the old “rabbit.”

However, the local people were ridiculed and turned to look for their own people. I couldn’t explain it properly because the mountain path changed and I might have entered a building or farm there, but I didn’t live there.

When I returned to the United States, I tried to spend more time with my family for a while. He had a lot of money coming in, but not as much money as he spent, so he used to work seven days a week, but now he switched to six days.

I also enjoyed shopping and dining with Jennifer and the kids at the time that I was born, but it’s harder than working today. I simply washed, sat in the living room, turned on the TV, and the news came out.

[Eyjafjallajokull volcano explodes. Smoke and volcanic ash soaring high above the sky are closing in on flights.]

“You’re amazing! ”

I’m watching TV in my living room and the news is broadcasting about an Icelandic volcanic eruption. Nature’s power was so great that a volcano erupted that most flights in Northern Europe were blocked.

“People are in a commotion because their flights are cut off. What’s so great about it? ”

I burst into awe at the scene of the explosion and at the scene of the black smoke covering the sky, and Jennifer gives me a pint. The screen shows people sleeping on the bottom of the airport.

“That’s just what I’m saying. That mountain name is long once, by the way. Hiyapi, son, llaye, quiddle? ”

I copied the name of the volcano in the news a couple of times and my tongue twisted.

[Most flights were canceled in the wake of the volcanic eruption, following a planned visit by the leaders of the countries who were scheduled to attend the funeral of Polish President Lech Katchinsky, who died in an airplane crash on the last 10 days. The German Prime Minister and French President Sarkozy have already expressed their sympathies ]

The following news was about the funeral of a Polish president who died in a plane crash. 96 high-ranking presidents who were on one plane died in the first half of this century, but the crowds couldn’t come because of the volcanic eruption.

“The President’s going down too… John’s careful, right? ”

“Haha. I’m worried about everything. You think the president of Poland and my private jet are the same? ”

Jennifer, who was listening to the news with me, tells me she’s worried. I told you to rest assured that it’s worthless. It doesn’t make sense to compare a lousy Polish president to my private plane. I also pride myself on being the ‘most expensive airplane in the world’, where state-of-the-art equipment is introduced.

“But you don’t know people. There’s been a lot of strange incidents and accidents lately. Isn’t that right?”

“Well, that’s true. ”

Jennifer was right, so she nodded her head. Since the Cheonan incident in Korea in March, 40 people have died on the train in Moscow in the morning. And after nearly 200 years of devastating volcanic eruptions across Europe, the Polish president and cabinet were slaughtered.

“Be sure to check the weather to get on the plane. No one’s rushing John. ”

“I know, but who cares about that, annoying. ”

“John is uselessly stubborn at times. Just say yes. ”

“Haha. Okay. Okay!”

I’m worrying about useless things. But it’s for the West. I gladly knocked him on the ass.

I went to work the next day and received a morning report from my neighbours, when I remembered the news I saw last night, I asked Chief Jason.

“The Polish presidential accident. What the hell happened to that? Is it a simple accident, like the press? ”

“I think it was a pilot’s mistake on its own, but there’s more than one or two suspicions, including the signs of explosion on the wreckage and the unidentified passenger in the cockpit. ”

“Huh, really? So it was the Russians, as people suspected? ”

“It’s hard to rule out the possibilities. Once the crash site is on the Russians’ side, it won’t be easy to do a proper investigation. Our agents report it’s more natural to say the Russians did it because the incident is too sophisticated. ”

“Well, if it was Prime Minister Putin, he would have done it and left it. ”

Given the nature of Putin, a Russian dictator, I understood why the people of Poland were frantic about terrorism. I have to admit.

The story of the fall of the presidential plane in Poland is actually a little complicated.

Stalin of the former Soviet Union made a secret pact with Germany during World War II, which also included sharing Poland. Since the invasion of Poland, Germany has also taken over vacuum and other places in eastern Poland as a reason to protect its citizens from the Germans.

And what he did was a ruthless oppression like no other in Japan.

Since 1939, the country has exiled nearly 500,000 people and 1.2 million Polish people to Kazakhstan and beyond. It was later found that two-thirds of those who were expelled barefoot were dead.

Even more cruel was taking 22,000 Polish military officers, police officers, universities professors, clergy and doctors who were prisoners who wanted to stop the rebellion in Poland and massacred them in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia. This was the Katyn Forest incident.

The Soviet Union denied the case to the Germans for decades, but Stalin’s instructions were eventually revealed after the collapse of the former Soviet Union. But Russia stepped on Japan’s trains.

I admit it, but I have no national responsibility!

I’m sorry, but I’m not responsible for Russia. Later, international condemnation spared the atmosphere of the castration itself, but that was it.

Especially after celebrating the 70th anniversary of the ‘Katyn Forest’ massacre this year, the Polish president and key officials had invited only opposition parties, who emphasized their friendship with Russia, aside from the invitation. And he said that he was sorry, not “apology” or “atonement.”

“Conscience Stone.”

This ambiguous apology that the Japanese king used to say about the comfort affairs (?), and Putin wrote about when he learned it.

Here, President Kachinsky, who hated the Communists, flew to Kachin Forest to celebrate separately with all the families and key personnel of the victims at the time, upset by Putin’s actions, and the plane crashed and everyone died.

‘Really, this is a really frustrating thing to do. ’

When I got to the point, I could only shake my head because it smelled so bad. Putin decided that the weather was bad at the time of the accident (?). You can blame it on the fog. After all, the plane crashed on Russian soil and nobody died.

“There were traces of explosion, what do you call that? ”

“It’s an explosive from World War II near the Katyn Forest. ”

“Tsk, I can’t do anything to make a horse. You just feel sorry for the dead. ”

“Even in Polish politics, anti-Soviets are dead, so we don’t know if the investigation is going well. Moreover, since it is Russian territory, it seems impossible to dig any further. ”

As expected, it will be hardened just as the government announced. This is a typical case close process. There is a nineteenth chance that the newly powerful will be treated as they please, but politics is a natural consequence of its nature. It’s about turning people’s eyes away because it’s fundamental to politics.

‘Dammit… this is making me nervous for no reason! ’

I’m not asking if the president of Poland died for no reason. I was interested because I had a lot of enemies around me.

Moreover, considering that my enemies are very global and that there are many ‘bad guys’ that I would like to die of, I recall yesterday Jennifer told me to be careful.

There is no guarantee that none of my enemies are Kim Jong-un or Putin. If you get hit by a missile while visiting somewhere, all the money you’ve saved so far will be useless.

Soon after the meeting, I paged Sherman, the head of my security team.

“Chairman, you wanted to see me? ”

“Yes, I called you because I have some things to check and some things to tell you apart. ”

“Yes, sir! ”

I am the head of the security team who shines an eye for a reason that I paged you even though nothing special happened.

“Is there any chance my private plane could be hit by a missile or an enemy anti-aircraft cannon?” ”


“Yes, that happens sometimes. ”

I am the head of the security team surprised by my question. He looks like an unexpected question, but thinks about it for a moment and then answers.

“You have already armed the missile firing laser system. If you are still concerned, you can reinforce with additional systems. ”

I instructed the head of the security team to do so and confirmed a few more things.

“And be sure to have weapons, equipment, and anything else you need for a crisis. We will support you as soon as you need funds or research staff. ”

“I see. But what did you find out in particular? ”

The head of security is looking at me, just in case. I would have wondered if I’d suddenly summoned you and instructed you as if someone were going to attack me.

“No, but I have surprisingly many enemies. in the unlikely event of the Polish presidential plane crash. Who knew that the key figures of one country under the President would all die at once? ”

“Do you think it wasn’t just an accident? ”

“It’s not necessarily that, but there are obvious benefits to simple thinking. Can’t you be too careful? ”

“Very well, then. I will seek comprehensive measures soon. ”

I asked them to come up with an overall security measure for me and my family because it was a matter of thinking about it, but in retrospect, I have too much to be a simple entrepreneur.

A few thick things will soon be ready for dinner. I connected to Skynet as soon as it was quiet around me. I used to talk to Skynet a few times a day and talk to Clara, but lately I’ve been to Korea and have been a little neglectful with my family.

Clara emailed me the materials she thought she needed to make her decision, and I didn’t have much else to teach her for a while.

It’s different, isn’t it? Clara, who imitates quite a person, now complains with a sharp voice.

“Master, you’ve logged in only 15 days this time. You’ve been busy, right?”

“Haha. I’m sorry. How’d it go, by the way? ”

“There’s nothing special about this except regular reporting. Do you want me to check your balance? “

“No, not today. ”

With a leverage guess, I stopped Clara from reporting her balance in case I was wondering. I was curious about something else today.

“What would you do if I died? ”

“Nothing has been fixed yet. ”

The short family felt bad, but I asked the question in a life-insurance mood. I was thinking today, “Clara’s the only one who knows my entire fortune. ’I wonder. And Clara, designed just for me, is out of control without me.

“But you can’t tell anyone about Clara, can you? ’

This is my concern. Now I’m talking to married Thomas, but I’m not talking to Jennifer. If anyone finds out who Skynet really is, there could be a huge crisis for me.

The U.S. Department of Defense, various government centers, and systems of foreign countries, somehow Skynet is connected to every computer network like a spider web.

And so far, I’ve been able to rapidly grow with such invisible information and power. But now I can’t get rid of it, because Skynet is a kind of ‘safe’ for me with many enemies.

If something goes terribly wrong, there is a hole through which we can escape if we just use Skynet.

”Clara, you’re responsible for my family without me, right? “

”I’ll do my best. ”

“Yes, if you lose contact with me, I’ll give you control of the drones and the robots they’re building. He’ll come looking for me, okay? ”

“Yes, sir. I’ve taken over the ‘temporary’ command authority on drones and robots. ”

He said he knew how to open it, but he didn’t know how to open it. However, Clara’s answer was more reliable because she didn’t have emotions, so she placed a “hand and foot” on Clara just in case.

By the way, does this look like a real Terminator to you? ’

After the transfer of power, I thought it was useless. By the way, what’s an ominous name for Skynet? I was named to be so smart at first, and later I got so used to it that I forgot what it meant, but suddenly I feel anxious.

“Tsk, movies are all about movies. ’

I laughed as if I was thinking nonsense again. Turning the chair upside down, the L.A. Johnston Supercenter is shining out of the window at night.


Artwork Reviews

The world was buzzed by last month’s Malaysian plane attack. We have a positive ID on the Russian rebels in Ukraine.

Even in the early days, there was so much evidence, I now doubt that we could identify the exact cause.

It was Russia (the Soviet Union) in 1983, when the Korean aircraft was shot down and kicked to the brink with evidence.

The investigation concluded that the fall of the presidential plane in Poland in 2010 was also more controversial, even though it was a simple accident. I bought the tears of all the people.

But interestingly, with Putin mentioned in the text, we still have Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, a Chinrapha politician who held a separate 70th anniversary celebration.

And if you look at Putin’s work, it’s very similar to Japan.

In ’93, at the time of President Notawu’s bidding, the king of Japan uttered a very difficult word, “The Stone of Conscience,” and he brought chaos and anger to the entire nation, and he saw a very similar behavior in Poland.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault.

It’s roughly like this, Japan, Russia… we’ve got something in common.


So far, we’re going to the world! “Thank you to our readers for their support. It’s been really hard for me for the last two years, but it’s been fun.

It was a great start, but I’m glad I was able to put a dot on the first one.

What’s most unfortunate is that we lost control of the flow of the article and ended it in 2010. This seems to have happened because of the slow combustion rate and the speed of the process.

I thought about it for a more fabulous ending, but it wasn’t easy. And I personally end this chapter because it’s so big in August that I can’t spend my time properly, and I can’t help but wrap it up.

We will make a separate announcement about Part Two shortly. There are two works that the author is thinking about, so I’d like to ask you a quick question as well as what to start with.

Thank you, Buck. Writing.

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