Godslayer's Legacy

Chapter Seven: Peril in the Blackwood

The night had fully settled in, enveloping the Blackwood Forest in such thick darkness that even the moonlight struggled to break through.

Kael was right behind Lyra, keenly aware of the potential dangers hidden in the shadows around them.

Their journey was tricky. The path often vanished under layers of dead leaves and tangled roots, making their progress slow and careful.

Kael couldn't help but frequently check on Lyra, who navigated with a focused, deliberate pace, her eyes sweeping ahead. Despite her calm demeanor, her precise movements suggested she was familiar with this situation.

Her calmness belied an underlying intensity, a shared sense of urgency that echoed Kael's growing fear.

After hours of moving in silence, Lyra broke it with her voice, slicing through the night's quiet.

"We've been on the road for quite some time, and it just hit me—I don't even know your name," she said, her voice sounding lighter than before.

Caught off guard by the change in conversation, Kael blinked. "It's Kael," he answered, suddenly self-conscious. "Kael of Edrin."

Lyra seemed to mentally note the information. "Kael... It fits you well."

Kael was puzzled by her comment but didn't get the chance to inquire further. Lyra's tone became more earnest as she spoke again. "We're nearing a clearing in the forest. We need to talk once we're there. There are some things you need to understand."

She gestured towards a direction in the forest, and Kael tried to see where she was pointing. The darkness was total, making it impossible for him to see anything ahead. He wondered how Lyra managed to navigate through the forest with such ease.

Aware of Kael's thoughts, Lyra explained, "I can see in this darkness because of my ability. Once you become stronger, your sense will allow you to do it, too."

Hearing the word "stronger" triggered anxiety in Kael. He was full of questions, but the fear of the unknown kept him quiet as they continued their journey through the forest.

Finally, the trees began to sparse out, and the pathway cleared. At this moment, Kael couldn't hold back his questions any longer. With a voice filled with hesitation, he asked Lyra, "Why did you come for me? How did you even know to find me?"

Lyra kept walking but glanced back at him, her face serious. "We've been expecting this," she replied. "There's a prophecy that predicted it all."

"A prophecy?" Kael repeated, his brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"

Lyra's eyes shifted toward the horizon as if recalling something far away. "The prophecy doesn't speak in specifics, but it foretells the emergence of another—someone the Titans chose to continue their legacy. We knew this time would come, but the signs were scattered and vague. We've been watching for it."

Kael stared at her, the weight of her words settling uncomfortably. "So… you've been looking for someone like me?"

Lyra nodded. "We knew the emergence would happen near Blackwood Forest—there were signs, disturbances in the balance. But with so many villages scattered across the forest, it was impossible to pinpoint exactly where. It's only by fate that I was close to Edrin when the signs grew stronger."

Kael's thoughts raced, his heart pounding. "But why me?" The frustration in his voice was clear. "I'm just a villager, a nobody. Why would the Titans choose me when others are far stronger, far more capable?"

Lyra's expression softened, yet her eyes held their intensity. "The Titans don't choose based on strength alone. They see deeper—into who you are and what you could become. You have something inside of you that resonates with their power."

Kael shook his head, disbelief and fear swirling inside him. "I'm just a nobody. I don't know anything about fighting gods or... or restoring balance. I have no idea where to begin."

Lyra touched his shoulder, halting him. She looked him straight in the eye, and for the first time since they met, Kael noticed a new emotion in her gaze—understanding, alongside her usual determination.

Lyra spoke gently, "No one starts off knowing everything."

"We all had to start learning at some point. Mastering the power of the Titans doesn't just happen overnight. It's a double-edged sword—both a burden and a gift. But it's the only way for humanity to escape the control of the gods," she explained thoughtfully.

Kael felt the impact of her words deeply, as if a heavy cloak had been draped over him. Driven by curiosity, he asked, "And what about you? You mentioned that you're also one of the heirs."

Lyra's face grew serious, though Kael noticed a brief flicker of pain in her eyes. "Yes. I was chosen several years back. In the beginning, every heir receives a piece of the Titans' power, unique to each of us. Our mission is to gather all these pieces and restore the full legacy of the said Titan."

Lyra lifted her right hand, and the shadows around them started twirling and moving as if alive. "My power comes from the Titan of Shadow, Umbra."

Kael's eyes widened in amazement as they stood in the clearing, the moonlight providing just enough illumination for him to witness Lyra's incredible display of power. "This is... amazing," he breathed.

Lyra, however, seemed less impressed with herself. "No. This is still nothing compared to the true power of the Titans," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Even after years, I've not yet been able to find the other pieces needed to fully unlock my power."

Noticing Kael's confusion, she probed further, "You've seen it too, right?"

Kael's puzzled look told her everything she needed to know, prompting her to ask more directly, "You've seen the final battle, too?"

This time, Kael simply nodded. The spectacle had been so breathtaking, so unforgettable, that he found himself at a loss for words.

"Each of us wanted to achieve the same thing," Lyra said. "To show that we could be as powerful as we've witnessed."

After a brief pause, Lyra lowered her voice and said, "I think you know that those who inherit the power of the Titans are called Godslayers."

Kael nodded.

Lyra mentioned, "Godslayers are the only beings with the power to stand against the gods. This might be our only chance to restore the balance lost when the Titans were defeated."

The word 'Godslayers' caused Kael to shudder as he quietly echoed it.

Lyra nodded, explaining, "The gods fear us because we possess the only power to defeat them. Each of us has unique abilities given to us by the Titans who chose us."

Kael shivered, sensing the severe tone of Lyra's words and her demonstration. The idea of wielding such power felt heavy, laden with responsibility. He quietly asked, "Are there many others like us?"

"Too many of us," Lyra replied. "We're spread out all over the world. Some of us openly fight against the gods, while others are in hiding, training for the day they'll be ready to face them. We might come from different paths, but our ultimate goal unites us—we want to bring back the balance lost when the Titans fell."

Puzzled, Kael asked, "Restore the balance… what exactly does that mean?"

Lyra's eyes looked beyond the here and now as if she remembered something from a distant past. "The Titans weren't just guardians. They maintained the balance—between the natural world and the heavens, life and death, creation and destruction. When the gods overthrew them, this balance was broken. Ever since, the world has been paying the price."

As a chilly wind passed through the trees, Kael couldn't help but shiver. "So, the prophecy... It wants us to fix this?"

Lyra confirmed with a nod. "Yes. But it's not going to be straightforward. The gods aren't willing to just hand over their control. They'll fight to keep their authority, willing to take down anyone who opposes them."

She looked at Kael and said, "That means they'll go after you... after me... and all the other Godslayers."

The weight of her words landed heavily on Kael. The idea of standing against the gods—a group that had defeated the mighty Titans and possessed unimaginable power—felt like an insurmountable task.

Yet, here he was, selected by a Titan himself, with a mission that was still mostly a mystery to him.

"Do you know how to use your power?" Lyra inquired.

Kael shook his head. Although he had witnessed Oranos, the Titan, engage in battle and display terrifying powers, he had no clue how to access or use such forces.

Lyra paused, observing Kael, before voicing the question in her mind. "Who was the Titan who granted you your powers? This could give us some insight into the kind of abilities you possess."

Kael found himself hesitating. He thought of Oranos, the Titan who had chosen him. The name felt strange, and everything that had transpired since Titan's awakening seemed like a chaotic storm he had yet to comprehend.

Trusting Lyra posed a challenge—he knew very little about her, and sharing such crucial information made him uncomfortable. He couldn't be sure if her claims about the Sanctuary, the Godslayers, or anything else she mentioned were valid.

Choosing to withhold such vital information for the time being, he responded, "I… I don't know," his voice tinged with uncertainty. "All I remember is something about restoring balance and witnessing the fights between Titans and Gods, but everything is pretty hazy."

Lyra nodded, her expression softening. "That's normal," she reassured him.

Kael's face, a mix of confusion and concern, barely relaxed. "But how will I know? What if I can't handle what I've inherited?"

"Many Godslayers don't immediately realize which Titan's legacy they've inherited. It takes time," Lyra explained patiently. "You'll start to understand your abilities and the nature of your connection. That's when clarity comes."

"But what if—" Kael began, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"You'll figure it out, Kael," Lyra said, cutting him off gently. "It's all part of the journey. Just trust yourself and the process."

Kael exhaled a breath he didn't even realize he had been holding, feeling a sense of relief.

Luckily, Lyra didn't push him for more information regarding his inheritance. He wasn't ready to open up about everything—not yet. There was too much he couldn't make sense of and too much at risk to blindly trust anyone.

Lyra could tell he was feeling overwhelmed. "It might seem too much to handle right now, but remember, you're not alone. In time, you'll understand your capabilities and uncover your true purpose. That's when you'll be ready to go up against the gods."

Kael looked back at her, his face mixed with hope and fear. "I want to believe in the strength I've been given, but I can't help feeling scared by what's coming."

"Don't worry, Kael," Lyra said soothingly, reassuringly touching his shoulder. "You're not in this alone. We'll face whatever comes our way, and when we reach the Sanctuary, you'll meet more people like us. This battle isn't just yours to fight."

"I'll do my best," Kael managed, his voice uncertain.

"That's all we can do," Lyra smiled. "And all the Titans ask of us."

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