Goddess of Ice: Going for One Piece

Yuna’s Bounty

The ship's deck continued being chaotic before everyone settled down, eager to have Yuna test whatever she tested with Nami.

So, each one sat down in front of Yuna, allowing her to send some Natural Energy into their bodies. The result... was abysmal...

The first one after Nami was Luffy, who was the most eager to be able to use "energy" so he could shoot "beams".

The result? Before Yuna could even finish the first rotation of Natural Energy within Luffy's body, he got up from his sitting position and walked away, claiming that he was hungry.

Yuna could only smile wryly at that. However, while rotating her Natural Energy, she found a weird accumulation of Natural Energy already within Luffy's body. Unlike normal Natural Energy and the one already refined within somebody's body, this one had a slightly sinister tinge to it.

Yuna didn't need to think for long about where that came from and immediately concluded that the weird mass of Natural Energy was the result of Luffy eating a Devil Fruit.

'I see, so this is how a Devil Fruit changes someone's body. The slight sinister feeling it gives must be the curse preventing people who ate it from swimming. That being the case, why does Luffy's Devil Fruit radiate such a warm feeling? Is it always like this, or is there something special about Luffy's?'

[Considering this is literally the first one you take a look at, we can only guess.]

Hearing Kurama's words, Yuna simply hummed in acknowledgment.

Anyway, following Luffy, it was Usopp's turn, who was pretty much as eager as Luffy.

Unlike Nami, who would feel something instantly, it took Usopp around five rotations, which likely meant that his talent was slightly above average. However, while rotating her Natural Energy within Usopp, she noticed that it was actually drawn to his eyes, hinting at a possibility of evolution of his eyes.

However, stuff like that was usually rather painful or even potentially dangerous, so she had some doubt about someone as cowardly as Usopp pushing through.

Following Usopp, it was Zoro's turn; however, when there was not even a sliver of a reaction after the tenth rotation, Yuna decided to stop.

"Seems like you don't have much affinity for this if you still can't feel anything. Either this method doesn't work for you, or you have a very bad talent for it... Zoro?"


Yuna's eyebrows twitched in irritation as, apparently, Zoro had fallen asleep at some point in time, making it rather clear why he didn't feel anything: He was sleeping the whole time.

Finally, it was Sanji's turn; however, the moment Yuna's hand touched Sanji's back, a perverted grin appeared on his face as a trickle of blood started constantly flowing out of his nose.

Seeing that, Yuna could only shake her head and remove her hand, claiming that there was no way he would be able to feel anything with such an unstable mind.

With tears of blood in his eyes, Sanji asked Yuna to try again, swearing that he could control him. The result: He couldn't.

Anyway, while Yuna was testing the rest of the crew, Nami finally agreed to Yuna's request, resulting in a thin ice needle appearing in Yuna's hand, which she used to prick Nami's finger, causing a small amount of blood to escape, which Yuna quickly caught with a small container made out of ice.

"What exactly are you planning to do with that, Yuna?"

"Hehe, this."

Hearing Nami's question, everyone's attention was drawn to the small drop of blood, and before anyone could ask any further questions, Yuna pumped a lot of Natural Energy into the drop of blood, causing it to glow.

In her second life, a process like this was never necessary, as chakra paper existed, usually giving a good indicator about a person's affinities, but since something like that was available, Yuna had to use a different method: Taking a drop of blood from a person and overloading it with Natural Energy.

Moments later, the drop of blood stopped glowing, allowing the crew to see that there were now four drops of an unknown liquid present. Two yellow ones, one blue one, and one white one that gave Yuna a rather familiar feeling.

'Mhh, four affinities. More isn't necessarily better, but let's see what we got.'

The ice under the first drop vanished, allowing it to touch Yuna's hand, allowing the concentrated Natural Energy that was not infused with an element to touch her skin.

Feeling the smooth, familiar sensation on her skin, Yuna nodded her head in approval.

'Water, huh? That's a good start. Considering that there are no red elements that could represent fire or something similar, the flexibility of water is a good base to make four affinities work.'

The next drop touched her hand, giving her a prickling feeling.

'That's... lightning? Mhh that could work well with water.'

Moments later, another drop touched her skin, and feeling the weird, formless sharpness it gave her, a glint went through her eyes as she had a rather good guess about Nami's ability.

Finally, the last drop touched Yuna, giving her a familiar cold feeling, causing her to smile while nodding in approval.

'As expected, that's ice affinity. Wind, water, lightning, and ice, huh? It's rather obvious what that means.'

Naturally, Nami noticed the change in Yuna's facial expression, making her curious.

"What is it? Is it something good or bad?"

Yuna heard a tinge of worry in Nami's voice and chuckled lightly before she resumed speaking.

"Bad? No, not at all. In fact, it's something pretty good. Water, lightning, wind, and ice. Your constitution is aligned with these four elements. Frankly, having four different element affinities is not a good thing, as spending time on so many different things would lose you a lot of time, but the combination you have is rather special so it will be fine.

Rather than looking at them separately, forcing you to invest time in each of the four, it would be more reasonable to look at them as a whole.

Hehe, as aspected of our navigator: You have a weather affinity."

Nami's eyes widened as a lot of things became more clear to her. She didn't entirely understand what it meant to have a "weather affinity," but considering how effortlessly she could predict the weather all her life, she could certainly believe Yuna's claim to be true.

Naturally, after seeing the interesting show Yuna had just displayed, everyone else was eager to have a go as well, causing Yuna to roll her eyes but comply anyway.

As a result, Luffy's blood produced a single weird-looking yellow and red droplet, which Yuna initially assumed to be something like lava, but to her surprise, it was actually an affinity with the sun.

'Affinity to a Celestial Body? What is this? Some kind of high-ranked cultivation realm?'

Although Luffy's affinity was insane, considering his ultra-short attention span, Yuna doubted he would be able to push that very far, if at all.

Next, Yuna revealed that Usopp seems to have some kind of affinity with plant life, which was rather rare as well but seriously didn't fit his current fighting style. Speaking about that, Yuna only shrugged her shoulders, not thinking about it any further, until Usopp actively asked her for advice.

Although Zoro was still sleeping, everyone egged her on to test him as well, which she decided to do with a shrug of her shoulders, revealing Zoro to have an affinity toward swords and flames, which was a good thing as he was already working on one of those.

Finally, it was Sanji's turn; however, he vehemently denied wanting to know anything about his bloodline or affinities, causing Yuna to shrug while Luffy and Usopp were booing him.

'Seems like Sanji has some kind of secret regarding his origins. Oh well, I won't bother prying for now. Maybe later, if I get a good chance.'

Just like that, another day passed as the crew got closer and closer to the Grand Line, but before that could happen, another event took place as a News Coo landed on the Going Merry's deck, delivering another newspaper.

After paying for it and yet again complaining over the price, Nami opened it up and immediately sighed deeply while facepalming.

"Ohh? What an interesting reaction~ What happened, Nami?"

Hearing Yuna's question, Nami could only sigh again as she took a bounty poster out of the newspaper and tossed it at Yuna, who easily caught it.

"I have no idea how, but I feel you did this on purpose somehow."

Catching the bounty poster, Yuna took a look at it and nodded in approval. It displayed a picture of herself wearing a tight bathing suit. She was slightly leaning forward, revealing her cleavage to the camera, while crossing her arms underneath her breasts, pushing them up slightly. Additionally, she wore a sultry smile while winking at the viewer.

"Mhh, as expected of me. It's such a good photo, however, 'Sword Deviant Yuna'... mhh, I guess I'm fine with that moniker. However, 25 Million is definitely too low. There is at least one zero missing."

Yet again, Nami could only sigh and sigh again while Yuna studied her wanted poster. However, hearing Yuna's comment about her bounty, she resumed speaking.

"That's actually quite the insane bounty. Since Luffy is the Captain, there is a high chance his bounty got inflated because capturing the Captain usually leads to the crew disbanding.

*Sigh* we aren't even on the Grand Line yet, but our crew's combined bounty is already over 50 million Beri. There will be a lot of trouble ahead."

Hearing Nami's explanation, Yuna nodded in understanding. Inflating a Captain's bounty indeed made sense.

"I see, so guess the fact that I stripped all those Marines naked must have had at least some kind of effect on my bounty, huh?"

"Yeah, proba... Wait a moment, what did you just say!?"

"Mah, don't worry about it~"

"I DO worry about it! I-Is that where the 'Deviant' part of your moniker comes from!? What exactly did you do!?"

As Nami was questioning Yuna, she grabbed her shoulders, shaking Yuna back and forth, making her laugh.

"Hahaha, chill, Nami. It was no big deal~ They just blocked my path with a few dozen Marines, so I went past them and sliced off the clothes on their bodies while doing so. No worries, none of them got hurt~"



"DON'T 'HEHE' ME!!!"

Having finished her rant, Nami sank to the ground, tears spilling out of her eyes as she looked skyward in desperation.

"*Sigh* What did I do to deserve this? We already had a pervert who flirts with every attractive woman he sees in the crew, and now we have someone even more degenerate who forcefully strips people in public.

Seriously, if this keeps going, won't we be called the Pervert Pirates in the future?"

"In case it calms you down, forcefully mass-stripping a bunch of people is far from the most degenerate thing I have ever done."

[That's not even in the top ten.]

'I know, right? What's she making such a fuss about?'

"Oh yes, that makes it much better... AS IF!!! THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE!!!"

While Nami was having a little breakdown, Yuna proudly raised her bounty poster and displayed it to the rest of the crew.

"Hey, everyone, I've just got my bounty as well!"

Although everyone has heard Nami yelling for a while now, none decided to approach for now due to Nami's demon-like expression while yelling at Yuna.

However, when they heard Yuna's bounty poster, all of them got curious and approached her. The first to arrive was Sanji, who...


... instantly had his eyes turned into hearts as he started drooling over Yuna's picture.

"Tsk, to think you had just joined, and you already have a wanted poster. I'll need to do something big on the next island to quickly get  bounty surpassing yours."

"Hehe, good luck with that, Zoro."

"Mhh, a pity, I'm not on this one. However, what's with the erotic pose?"

"Shishishishi, seems like we are getting more and more known around the world. This will be fun~"

Yuna hummed in acknowledgment as her gaze landed on the colossal stone wall in the distance. By now, the Going Merry was pretty close to the Grand Line, and it was only a matter of time before the crew reached Reverse Mountain, which was the access point to the Grand Line.

However, as they continued sailing, Yuna and Nami both looked up in confusion. While Yuna noticed that something was off in general, Nami noticed that something had drastically changed with the weather.

She looked around, quickly analyzing that there were no clouds in the sky, that there was no wind, and that, apparently, there weren't even any currents. Realizing what was going on, her face paled instantly.

"Shit! Everybody grab a rudder! We have accidentally stumbled into the calm belt!"

While Luffy Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp looked at Nami in confusion, Yuna waster no time, and before anyone else could act, a set of large paddles entirely made out of ice landed on the deck while Yuna was already ready to paddle wherever Nami told her to.

Obviously, Yuna had no clue about this world, so following Nami's commands was the best option for now. On top of that, Nami was not only more knowledgeable about this world, but she was also this ship's navigator, giving her words even more weight.

Although Nami was dumbfounded at how quickly Yuna acted, she swiftly realized that there was no time to be in a daze and quickly continued speaking.

"Turn the ship around! This place is dangerous!"

Although Yuna didn't know what was so dangerous about this place, she could at least feel that it was rather creepy, as there was not even a sliver of movement within this place's Natural Energies, which should be almost impossible. It was still there, but it simply didn't move, as if it was frozen in space.

So, hearing Nami's words, Yuna swiftly started moving the two ice paddles she held while simultaneously concentrating on the sea in front of the Going Merry, forming an ice path that allowed the ship to swiftly and gently turn around.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew was briefly dumbfounded, but seeing Yuna taking action so quickly, without asking any questions, they automatically were kicked into gear as well and supported Yuna with moving the ship.

Seconds later, the Going Merry was back in an area of the sea where the wind was blowing, and before anyone could ask why Nami reacted so intensely, the sea's surface where the Going Merry was a few seconds ago broke, revealing dozens of colossal sea monsters, each at least ten times the size of the Going Merry.

Seeing such a spectacle, Yuna couldn't help but lick her lips, as she could feel how much Natural Energy was stored in these monsters.

'Damn, these look delicious, but I feel they would be a little hard to kill right now, especially if it is so many of them at once.'

Unaware of Yuna's thoughts, the rest of the crew looked at the den of monsters not too far away from them in terror, realizing that Nami's realization and Yuna's swift action had just prevented them from being in serious trouble. Even Luffy, who usually rushed into every fight head first, had some doubts about fighting monsters of this size.

"N-N-Nami, what the hell was that?"

Hearing Usopp ask her a question while his whole body was shivering in terror, Nami took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and started explaining what had just happened.

"Just now, we accidentally stumbled into the Calm Belt. It's the place separating the Four Sees and the Grand Line. It has no wind, no weather, no currents, and worst of all, it's a breeding ground for colossal Sea Kings, as you have just witnessed."

Realizing just how dangerous a situation they had just dodged, everyone sighed in relief. Well, everyone but...

"Shishishi, we aren't even in the Grand Line yet, and we already found such an interesting place! How exciting~ ALRIGHT, LET'S GO THE GRAND LINE!!!"


While Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp were busy beating up Luffy for being an idiot, Nami sighed in relief as she gave Yuna a grateful look. After all, the only reason why the crew managed to get out of the Calm Belt so easily was because Yuna instantly reacted to Nami's words.

Feeling Nami's gaze on her, Yuna looked in her direction and winked at Nami, causing her to roll her eyes while she couldn't help but smile a little.

'How funny. To think that that pervert would be the most reliable one in this crew. Oh well, guess it's time to find our way to the Grand Line.'

Unbeknownst to Nami, who had put her attention back on navigating, a smirk appeared on Yuna's face.

'Hehe, the first step of corruption was a success~ Let's see what other chances I'll get~'

[Damsel in distress?]

'Yeah, I feel like that one could be very likely. Oh well, let's see how it goes~'

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