God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 76 Why would he want to marry an elf though?

"However you both need to be certain about being with him." Tinen advised. "We have all seen how he reacts to being double crossed or betrayed, just look at how he plans to go to the castle and punish master Erden."

"How do you think he will react if his lover ever betrayed him?"

"He would most likely use the hydra poison on us instead of little Ista, or possibly something even worse." Chelna commented.

"Exactly," Tinen confirmed. "You need to be certain that you both want to be with him because I get the impression he doesn't like to share."

"You're saying that if he ever found us cheating on him…." Tirma started.

"That you should claim your own life quickly because I doubt he will kill let you die quickly and will instead put you through agonizing pain and torture." Tinen finished.

"What about you?" Chelna asked.

"Me?" Tinen replied with a chuckle. "Do you know how long I have been searching for a man that I find attractive and I can give myself completely to? I'm the kind of woman who once I have chosen my love, I will remain with him and support him for the rest of my life as long as he doesn't betray me or my loved ones."

"You're saying you plan to marry him and remain with him for the rest of your life, mother?" 

"Marry him, support him, bear his children for him, let him use my body whenever he pleases." Tinen replied with a perverted smile.

Chelna and Tirma looked at each other in surprise.

"I have never seen you like this before, mother."

"No one has, not even myself because I have never fallen in love before." Tinen replied with the sweetest smile Chelna and Tirma had ever seen.

"I just hope my contacts find the Caladrius feather soon, now that I have found him I want his cock inside me." Tinen commented, causing Chelna to sigh and Tirma to flush with embarrassment.

"Everything alright?" Tommy asked as he and Tue rejoined the others after entering the red light district.

"Fine, fine." Tirma stammered.

Tommy just nodded while Tue gave a quizzical look.

"I don't think I have met this young lady." Tinen suddenly said to Tue.

"I'm Tue."

"As yes, one of the twin daughters of Merno." Tinen replied with a smile.

"You know my mother?" Tue asked in surprise.

"Only by reputation." Tinen replied. "Your mother was quite the accomplished adventurer when she was younger and before she married your father."

"She doesn't talk about her adventuring days much." Tue replied, "Also we don't have a father."

"I see, it seems I'm not the only one who married a failure of a husband." Tinen replied.

The group walked in silence for a while before Chelna asked. "So are you going to explain why Princess Fayeth Elvaris is in our city and staying at the Forest Inn?"

"So that elf is really a princess?" Tue asked with a frown, something Tinen noticed.

"She is, She most likely gave you a fake name to keep her identity hidden since I'm guessing she knows that your nephew wants to marry her." Tommy replied while looking at Tinen for confirmation.

Tinen smiled happily at the fact that Tommy was asking her before she replied, "Definitely, that idiot nephew of mine sends marriage requests every month and never seems to feel put out by the constant rejections."

"Why would he want to marry an elf though? I thought humans were on bad terms with the other races since they take them as slaves?" Tommy asked.

"You make it sound like you're not a human." Tinen replied with curiosity.

"If being human requires one to take slaves then I guess I'm not human." Tommy replied.

"I guess we're not human either then." Tinen replied as Chelna and Tirma nodded in agreement. "We have never approved of the use of slaves since most slaves are female and only used for one thing before either being thrown away or killed once their owners become bored of them."

"Maybe you should outlaw slaving in the future." Tommy suggested.

"Was already planning to." Chelna replied matter of factually causing Tommy to nod in approval.

"To answer your question my idiot nephew wants to marry princess Fayeth for two simple reasons." Tinen began to explain. 

"First is the simple fact that all elves are beautiful or handsome with no exception and once they reach around eighteen or nineteen their bodies stop aging which means they will forever appear as young men or women unless they decide to alter their appearance slightly through magic."

"You can do that?" Tommy asked, surprised.

"Elves can." Tinen began. "There are two forms of changing your appearance in known magic. First is the Elves who are the only race who can freely alter minor parts of their appearance to look older or younger, change the length or color of their hair, basic things like that, this ability does not allow them to completely change their appearance to look like someone else however."

"That's where the second form of magic comes in, this one allows anyone who can learn it to change their appearance entirely, however it is not a simple magic to learn and very few are capable of it." Tinen finished with a slightly boasting tone.

"Why do I get the impression that you have managed to learn it?" Tommy asked.

"Well." Tinen replied before everyone witnessed her change from a beautiful busty mature woman with long red hair into a teenager with long silver hair that looked exactly like Tirma.

Tommy's jaw went slack as he saw this and couldn't help but look between the two Tirma's, one who had a slack jaw like him and the other who was giggling happily at his appearance.

"Unfortunately while this magic allows me to change my appearance, it doesn't allow me to change my voice." Tinen said in her own voice before adding in Tirma's voice. "That requires a separate spell."

Tinen giggled happily some more at Tommy's reactions before she canceled the spells and returned to her original appearance.

"In the future I can be whoever you want me to be." Tinen said with a flirtatious wink.

((Wait is she saying what we think she is saying.))

"Pardon?" Tommy replied as if he didn't understand her underlying meaning.

"Nothing, nothing." Tinen replied with a smile before she continued her explanation.

"So my idiot nephew wants to marry Princess Fayeth because she is recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world, furthermore she will forever be young and he wants to be able to show off this young beauty on his arm while making other men jealous."

"Secondly is the power that marrying her will bring, since elves can live forever, each one can rain as king or queen for hundreds or even thousands of years. The current king Princess Fayeth's father has been on the throne for thousands of years and yet only has Princess Fayeth as a child, this means that she will one day inherit the throne."

"And this is expected to happen sooner rather than later because of how long the current king has ruled, therefore if your nephew marries Princess Fayeth he will essentially gain control over both races." Tommy finished.

"Correct." Tinen replied. "Now why don't you explain why she is in our city?"

"Nope." Tommy replied simply making the women pout.

"Why not?" Tirma asked.

"Because I still don't trust you all fully, remember what I have already shown and told you is all a test to see if I can trust you and work with you in the future." Tommy replied. "If you show that you're trustworthy I will reveal more information to you, if you show that you can't be trusted then I will kill you."

The women all swallowed when they heard that before Chelna asked. "But I told you my biggest secret while you answered Tue here straight away about Princess Fayeth."

"First I answered Tue straight away because she, her sister and her mother have all gained my trust." Tommy replied, making Tue smile happily as she looked at Tommy with a dark desire hidden in her eyes, something that Tinen again managed to notice since she was now paying more attention to the young woman.

"Second just because you told me something which may or may not be true doesn't mean I will trust you straight away. I learnt long ago not to trust people, especially beautiful women who know how to use their charms to get what they want." Tommy finished in a cold tone that made the women shiver.

Tinen noticed the look in Tommy's eyes as he finished speaking, a look that spoke of love, betrayal, hatred, revenge and death.

Tinen had no doubt that whoever this woman was and whatever it was that she did to betray Tommy, she paid dearly for it.

"Then how do we prove ourselves?" Tirma asked meekly.

Tommy looked at her before saying, "Just be yourselves and don't betray me, in time I will learn to either trust you or I wont."

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