God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 71 Mix intimately

"What are you not into older women?" Tinen asked with a wink.

((OH HELL YEAH, let us play with those big mamma titties.))

"At present I'm not interested in any woman." Tommy replied simply.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Tinen said with a giggle. "I already have my contacts looking for a Caladrius feather."

Tommy froze when he heard that before asking woodenly, "Excuse me?"

"Hmmm did you hear something?" Tinen asked with a confused tone while giving an innocent smile.

"Hmmm" Tommy replied before focusing on the water bowl again while Tirma giggled and Chelna just sighed. 

"What's this about a Caladrius feather?" Nele asked.

"Well you see…" Tinen began before suddenly going quiet as her survival instincts kicked in telling her that if she finished that sentence she would never speak a word again.

She slowly turned to look towards Tommy who appeared to just be looking at the water bowl, however Tinen's instincts told her that if she finished that sentence Tommy would claim her life.


The other woman looked at Tinen curiously as she just stopped speaking for no apparent reason.

"Look at the water bowl, something is happening." Tinen said to change the subject while her own eyes never left Tommy while seeming to fill with a dark desire.

"Hey it's bubbling." Tirma said with interest.

"Does that mean it's working?" Nele asked with excitement.

"Yup, it seems it worked," Tommy replied with a smile. "The bubbling is because the silver is starting to dissolve in the nitric acid we just created, let's remove the gold."

"Hey you're right." Nele said while noticing the bubbles seemed to come off the silver as she quickly used a tool to safely extract the gold.

"The gold isn't damaged at all." Chelna noted.

"That's right, you can stop for now." Tommy said to Chelna who nodded and stopped casting her magic to rest a bit while watching the water bowl.

"Hey, why is the nitric acid turning orange and releasing fumes coming out of the top?" Nele suddenly asked.

"Those fumes are nitrogen dioxide gas, they make the water turn orange then red." Tommy explained.

After a few more moments the gas really started to pour out so Tommy warned, "Move back a bit and don't inhale the gas, it's dangerous to breathe." 

Tommy turned to Nele before asking, "Do you have something we can use to stir the mixture?" 

Nele nodded before going to grab a long glass tube which she started to use to slowly stir the mixture helping the silver dissolve better.

"What now?" Nele asked.

"Now we wait, as the reaction dies down the solution will start to become colorless and once all the silver has dissolved we leave it to cool-down." Tommy replied.

After a few moments Tirma gasped and said, "Are those crystals?" 

"That's right." Tommy replied. "Now that the solution has cooled it has started to crystallize, once the crystallization is complete we need to freeze it, do you have anywhere we can…"

"I can use ice magic to do that." Nele interrupted excitedly.

"Errr, ok." Tommy replied.

(Fuck magic is so convenient.)

After a few minutes the crystallization finished and Nele suddenly used ice magic to create a piece of ice that surrounded the beaker making Tommy gape.

"What, have you never seen nice magic before?" Nele asked.

Tommy shook his head before saying almost robotically, "Before yesterday I hadn't seen any magic."

"How is that possible?" Nele asked in surprise while the other three women looked at Tommy curiously.

"Never-mind that, we need to move on." Tommy said to change the subject. "Can you get another bowl of water as well as an empty bowl, a small container you don't mind losing and some magnesium please?" 

"Sure but why magnesium?" Nele asked.

"Don't you want to see a boom?" Tommy asked with a smirk, making Nele's eyes sparkle again before she rushed off to get the supplies.

"How do you know all of this?" Chelna suddenly asked.

Tommy shrugged before saying, "whilst this is not common knowledge where i am from, its stuff anyone can learn if they make the effort."

"And where are you from?" Tinen asked.

"A long way away." Tommy replied simply.

"Any one waiting for you back home?" Tinen asked.

"Nope." Tommy replied in a slightly darker tone this time.

"Sounds like there was at one point." Tinen said with a smirk.

"Perhaps once, or so I hoped at the time." Tommy replied in a voice that caught the women off guard. It was a tone of voice that was a mixture of hurt, regret, anger and something only Tinen recognized, love."

Nele returned a moment later with what Tommy requested so Tommy turned to Chelna before asking, "Can you do the same again, I didn't get to use the first batch for what I originally intended?"

Chelna was about to reply when Tinen suddenly surprised everyone by volunteering, "Let me."

Tinen noticed their curious gazes and pouted slightly before saying, "Chelna must still be a bit tired so let me do it, my magic is much stronger and I can keep it up for longer."

Tommy considered Tinen as she looked at him with a smile before nodding and saying, "Then I will have to trouble you, your majesty."

"No trouble at all." Tinen beamed happily as she started to repeat what Chelna did earlier.

Tommy turned to Nele before saying, "Can you remove the ice so we can get to the solution?" 

Nele nodded and did as requested before Tommy pulled out some protective gloves from his magical bag (item box) which he put on before carefully picking up the water bowl.

He then poured out any excess nitric acid that remained in the bottom of the bowl.

"Wait, the nitric acid didn't freeze?" Nele realized.

"Nope, nitric acid needs a temperature of minus forty-two degrees Celsius to freeze." Tommy answered before picking up the glass rod Nele used before.

Tommy started to smash up the crystals in the water bowl before asking, "Now we need to evaporate off the excess water, we can either leave it for a few days or do you magic uses have a suggestion?"

"How about we use a warm light to evaporate them?" Chlena asked.

"No." Tommy replied before explaining. "Silver nitrate degrades when exposed to light."

"Fascinating." Nele said before suggesting, "Then how about wind magic, we could circulate a current of wind to dry it out quickly." 

"Ok that should work." Tommy agreed so Nele started to cast wind magic so that a breeze circulated around the water bowl.

After a few minutes the crystals turned a more white color signifying they were dry, "Wow magic makes things way easier," Tommy mumbled before saying. "Ok that's good enough, now we need something to crush the crystals into a powder"

"Oh here." Nele said happily as she pulled out a pestle and started to crush the crystals eagerly.

Tommy looked towards Tinen and noticed that although she was using her magic on the new water bowl her eyes were fixated on him.

"Do I have something stuck on me?" Tommy asked as he checked his body quickly.

"Not yet." Tinen smiled flirtatiously causing Chelna to widen her eyes slightly as if she realized something.

"All done here." Nele said happily.

"That was fast." Tommy said in surprise, turning away from Tinen who licked her lips slightly causing Chelna to be even more certain of her realization.

"Ok next is the super dangerous part." Tommy said as he collected a small amount of the silver nitrate powder into the container Nele had brought, after the powder he put in a small amount of magnesium before carefully placing the container on the ground some distance away.

"What now?" Nele asked in excitement.

"A single drop of water." Tommy replied.

"What?" Nele asked as if she heard wrong.

"You heard me." Tommy replied before instructing, "Since you can use ice magic i'm guessing you can use water. Can you create a single small drop of water and let it fall into the container?"

"Sure." Nele nodded before doing as requested.

As soon as the water hit a popping noise was heard as a flash of light and then nothing, the women noticed that the container and its contents had vanished while the ground beneath was scared as if by fire.


"How did that happen?" Nele asked.

"The drop of water allowed the two substances to mix intimately allowing the reaction to take place." Tommy replied. 

As he said the word 'intimately' none of them noticed that for a second Tinen's eyes shone with lust before disappearing as quickly as it appeared as she forced her urges under control.

After a moment to stabilize and get a hold of herself Tinen said, "I think I'm done here."

Tommy grabbed the tool Nele used earlier to extract the gold before he carefully lowered a small chunk of silver he got from his magic bag (item box) into the water bowl.

As he saw a reaction start to take place he withdrew the silver and said, "Yup that's good, thank you your majesty." 

"Call me Tinen." Tinen suddenly said, shocking all of them except Chelna who just sighed while rubbing her forehead.

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