God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 69 WHAT THE F

Chelna saw how her mothers mouth hung open in shock so she decided to intervene, "We are not here to fight, we would much rather cooperate and form a partnership."

"You expect me to agree to a partnership after explaining how I don't trust you?" Tommy asked with a smirk.

"Perhaps you will understand better after I explain, but first let me ask a question." Chelna answered before asking.

"Why did you reveal so much to Ista? Was that also a test?" 

"Naturally." Tommy replied before explaining. "I was originally interested in her because she seems to be naturally gifted at sneaking around and I figured that she could be useful with some training, however after learning how she treats those she views as being beneath her I lost interest in the spoiled brat."

"I see, well you are slightly mistaken about Kele." Chelna began to explain. "She and I have had a very close bond since we were sisters and we tell each other everything, that is why she told me about what you both spoke about, believe me when I say she wont go around telling others without your permission."

"And why should I believe you?" Tommy asked flatly.

"Because I want to prove to you that I am serious about working together with you and I want to earn your trust." Chelna replied.

"How?" Tommy asked with interest.

"By telling you something that only a handful of people know, something that if you reveal it to the right people will get you handsomely rewarded while it will mean death for me, my mother and Kele as well as a few others, in essence I plan to prove to you that you can trust us by placing our lives in your hands."

Tommy stared at Chelna in surprise before asking. "You want to place your lives in the hands of a killer? Are you crazy?"

"Some would think so, however what better way to prove ourselves to you." Chelna replied.

"All right princess, I admit that I'm curious." Tommy replied with a smirk before asking. "So tell me, what's this great secret of yours?"

"Are you sure my daughter? Once you reveal this to him there is no going back." Tinen cautioned.

"I am mother, we both know that Tommy's skills will be a valuable asset to us in the future if he is willing to join us." Chelna replied confidently.

"Very well, I leave this decision to you then, after all everything I have done and built up to now has been for you and your benefit." Tinen replied with a smile.

Thank you mother." Chelna replied with her own smile before turning back to Tommy and saying, "To usurp the throne not only from my father the king, but also my uncle the emperor thereby becoming empress of the Etria empire." 


"Your father I can kind of understand, after seeing this city who knows how bad the rest of this kingdom is." Tommy replied before asking. "But why usurp your uncle the emperor?"

"Actually the rest of the kingdom is in relatively good condition compared to Oakforst City, the main reason for this of course was the criminal gangs. Once I usurp my useless father I can start cleaning up the kingdom and make it better for all the citizens." Chelna revealed.

"Don't try and tell me you're doing this for the citizens." Tommy scoffed. "I admit as far as royalty goes you're better than most I have met, however no one is that nice."

"You're right I'm not." Chelna admitted. "While helping the citizens is part of it since I believe that's what a ruler should do, I am also doing this for myself."

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked.

"Simple, I want to control my own life and not have any man telling me what to do, where to go, what to wear. My useless father is already negotiating with another family for my arranged marriage." Chelna replied with anger.

"Let me guess, a marriage that gets your father benefits while you don't like whoever this guy is." Tommy said.

"I honestly don't care for him either way, when we have spoken in the past at gatherings and parties he was perfectly polite and respectful." Chelna answered.


((Yeah, we were honestly expecting her to claim he was one of those cliche rich boys who think everything should go there way.))

"So what's the issue with the emperor then?" Tommy asked.

"Allow me to talk about my brother if you don't mind." Tinen said before continuing. "The situation with my brother is far more complex than the shrivel dick of a husband I was forced to marry."

(Shrivel dick?)

((Bwhaha, amazing, we have never heard a king being called a shrivel duck before.))

(Are you sure we're in a position to laugh?)

((…Oh crap we're right, now I'm confused as it's so funny however it's also so annoying that he gets some with his shrivel dick.))

"Are you ok?" Tinen asked with a frown when she noticed Tommy was not paying attention.

"Sorry, just surprised you would call your husband the king by that name." Tommy replied.

"Humph and why shouldn't I? The man has never been able to satisfy me with that word of his." Tinen responded.

"Mother." Chelna said with a sigh to stop her mother before she went on one of her insulting sessions. 

Tirma covered her mouth to giggle as she saw this.

"Yes yes." Tinen replied before starting to explain again. "So as I was saying usurping shrivel dick is quite easy, we just have to kill him and Chelna's twin brother."

"Wait." Tommy said as his eyes widened in surprise, "you want to kill your own son?"

((Wow brutal, we're starting to like this women.))

(Agreed, although it was a bit of a rocky start, her directness is something I like.)

"Son? What son is he of mine? He has never shown me the slightest bit of respect and does everything shrivel dick tells him while never caring about his mother." 

"Don't you have an opinion about this?" Tommy asked Chelna.

"Not particularly." Chelna replied while shrugging. "My twin brother has always looked down on me just because he knew he would inherit the throne. Even though mother tried to teach him when he was younger, he had already got it in his head that he was better than everyone else, especially women."

((Ah the world is safe, we do have a cliche character after all, we where was getting worried for a moment there.))

(Still a mother and sister not caring about his death and even plotting it, I suppose that's the world I'm in now.)

"And Prince Mirvef? Doesn't he have a claim to the throne even though he is a bastard?" Tommy asked.

"Huh? I thought it was a given he would also be killed." Tinen said as if that was obvious.



"Now in regards to my brother, unfortunately we can't kill him anytime soon." Tinen began. "My brother is a male whore who sleeps with almost anything that has a pussy and so has sired many children from different women."

"Are you planning to kill all of them off also?" Tommy asked.

"If necessary." Tinne said with a dark smirk. "My brother and my nephew crown prince Ruco are a given, especially with what those bastards are planning to do to little Tirma here."

"Another suitor huh? Must be tough being attractive." Tommy said to Tirma with a chuckle.

Tirma blushed slightly upon hearing Tommy's remark.

"You're not so bad looking yourself." Tinen commented with a smirk as she saw how Tirma got embarrassed from Tommy's compliment.

Tommy frowned at Tinen before saying, "Don't try to sweet talk me your majesty. I know my looks are not one of my selling points."

"Not one for compliments are you." Tinen said with a giggle.

"Just not used to them." Tommy replied before asking Tirma. "You are not interested in becoming the empires?"

"Not that I have ever been interested in him but he has no plans on marrying me." Tirma replied with anger.

"Wait, you don't mean." Tommy replied in shock. "Someone as attractive as you is only good enough to be a concubine? Who the hell does he want to marry then?"

"The Elf Princess Fayeth Elvaris" Tinen answered in a sarcastic tone. "Like as if he has a chance."




Inside the room of the Forest Rest the elf known as Fayeth Elvaris opened her eyes slowly. It took some time for her eyes to come into focus because of how long she had been asleep.

Fayeth kept quiet because she did not know where she was. She could tell that she was no longer in the forest surrounding Orelnore but appeared to be indoors, though the bed felt strange.

After a few minutes her vision finally cleared up and she was able to look around the empty room before she mumbled.

"Where am I?"

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