God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 57 Mii’s habit

"How has no one noticed that their concubine is spying on them?" Tirma asked.

"Simple," Tinen replied with a chuckle. "Most men in power inherited it from their own fathers, because of this they were raised while looking down on people beneath them and this mindset has been ingrained into them. What is a concubine other than a woman who does not have the status or right to be the legal wife and is therefore beneath them."

"Don't get me wrong, not all men are like shrivel dick who only use his concubines for his own pleasure in the bedroom. Some are actually respectful and loving, treating their concubines like an actual wife, however these are few and far between."

"Because of this it doesn't even cross the mind of those who are used to looking down on lesser people that they may betray them. Why would someone who is lucky enough to have the attention of a greater individual ever risk that."

"And do all these women lick your feet when they meet you?" Tirma asked.

Tinen chuckled before saying, "No, that is simply little Mii's habit, isn't that right?" 

Mii withdrew her tongue from Tinen's food before licking her lips and saying, "This is my way of showing fealty to Queen Tinen and the other queens who saved me from my life on the streets while some of the other girls have their own ways." 

After she finished speaking to Tirma she turned to Tinen before asking with pleading eyes, "Please my queen, allow me to serve you more and satisfy you by taking care of your pussy." 

Tinen caressed Mii's cheek before saying, "Later little Mii, I'm not sure Little Tirma here could carry a conversation while watching that, it is something we will have to help her train in the future." 

"Yes my queen." Mii said with a smile before returning to licking Tinen's feet.

"Lick out your pussy? The other queens?" Tirma stammered in shock.

Tinen chuckled again before saying, "Indeed, little Mii here has serviced your own mother in the past little Tirma, now that you have officially agreed to join our faction you will also be able to enjoy a privilege that every man desires."

"What privilege?" Tirma asked cautiously.

"Why the privilege to have any of the women our order has saved in the past serve you in bed anytime you wish."

"You actually have sex with these women regularly?" Tirma asked. "Does my mother also regularly have sex behind my fathers back?"

"Of course." Tinen replied with a smile, "I do not get or want sex with that shrivel dick ever again while the next man who I allow to touch me will be the one I choose. In the meantime I need my urges satisfied and why do it myself when I can have a beauty like little Mii here or one of the other girls do it for me."

"In regards to you mother it's because of how your father keeps you both locked in a cage. Your mothers marriage was an arranged one to your father to make both their families stronger, while this paid off for your father as he had always wanted your mother, the same can not be said for your mother."

"As the smart girl you are, I'm sure you have realized that your mother doesn't truly love your father, while she did indeed give it a shot initially, she could never learn to love a man who locked her in a cage. Because of this she stopped having sex with him which forced him to find a concubine." Tinen finished with a sly smirk

As Tirma saw this smirk she asked, "Wait are you saying that my fathers concubine is actually one or your spies?" 

"That is correct and as far as I'm aware she often satisfies your mothers needs when your father is not around."

"Why are you so calm hearing all this?" Tirma asked Chelna in frustration.

"Because I am already aware of it all." Chelna replied calmly.

"That's not the only reason though, right my daughter?" Tinen added with a sly grin at Chelna.

Chelnan sighed and placed her tea cup down on the table as Termas accusatory gaze intensified, "While I do not engage in these activities as often as mother, it does happen occasionally."

"Are you not still a maiden sister Chelna?" Tirma asked.

"Of course I am." Chelna snapped back. "Only one man will ever be allowed to touch me and that is the man who will stand beside me when I become empress."

"So you plan to go through with it?" Tirma asked with slight hesitation. "You plan to usurp not only you fathers throne, but your uncles the emperor's also?"

"Of course." Chelna answered with conviction. "Too long has the empire been ruled by corrupt men who think more with their dicks than their brains, it is time for a woman to rule and restore order to our empire."

"Why has mother never told me any of this?" Tirma asked in a sad tone.

"Don't be sad little Tirma." Tinen said with a warm smile. "She did it to protect us all, before what has just happened with my stupid nephew Ruco you and where completely loyal to my idiot brother where you not?" 

"While I wont say completely, I will admit I was loyal to the emperor yes." Tirma confirmed.

"That is why she never told you, "Tinen began. "No man can ever find out about our secret order, especially not my brother, even after Chelna overthrows him and becomes empress. The Etria empire is not the only empire we have our spies in, so our order must always remain secret from men which is also why all our members are female."

As Tirma was about to speak again there was a knock at the door that attracted the attention of all four women.

Mii quickly stood up while licking her lips and bowed to Tinen before quickly moving into a side room.

Tinene straightened her dress so that it once again covered her legs apart from the slit in the side before saying, "Enter."

A guard entered and bowed before saying. "My queen, Countess Evol Glurmav, requests an audience with you, she says it's of utmost importance."

"The wife of Earl Gar Gulnav?" Tinen replied in surprise before adding. "Wasn't he the one who informed the guards regarding Kir-kin Suthuld murderer."

"Show her in." Tinen replied before rising to her feet.

A moment later Ista's mother Countess Evol Glurmav entered before bowing and saying, "Your majesty thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

She then turned slightly to Chelna before bowing and saying. "Your highness."

"Countess Evol this is a pleasant surprise, please come join us for some tea." Tinen said as she motioned Evol to join them.

"Thank you majesty." Evol replied politely before moving over and sitting down opposite Tinen only after she had taken her seat.

Tinen smiled at the respect Evol showed, she knew that Evol was one of her greatest admirers among the noble ladies of the city.

"Countess Evol please allow me to introduce you to Tirma Narkun the daughter of Duke Val Narkun and my dear friend Duchesses Lethe Narkun, little Tirma this is Countess Evol Glurmav." Tinen said, introducing the two ladies to each other.

"Countess Evol, it is a pleasure to meet you." Tirm greeted.

"Please the pleasure is all mine, I have heard much of your mother Duchesses Lethe Narkun."

"So countess Evol please explain what urgent matter brings you here today and how you need my help." Tinen said while pouring tea.

Evol shot Chelna and Tirma a wary look before saying hesitantly, "I mean no respect to the princess or your guest, however this is a sensitive matter that pertains to my family."

Tinen smiled before saying, "Fret not Countess Evol, neither Chelna nor Tirma will breathe a word of this to anyone without your permission, you have my word on this."

Evol looked between the two young ladies in question as if trying to decide her best cause of action.

After a moment Evol sighed and nodded before saying, "I'm afraid my daughter has made a great mistake, one big enough that it could doom my family and I need your advice majesty."

"Oh!" Tinen replied with interest. "What could little Ista have done that could possibly doom your entire family?"

"She has made an enemy of the man who killed Kir-kin Suthuld." Evol replied, surprising the other ladies.

"You mean the one who is also suspected of killing Tai Paom?" Tirma asked.

"Indeed." Evol replied.

"How could she have made an enemy of the man? While it's true she informed Earl Gar about something she heard, only a few individuals are aware of this, there is no way for the murderer to know." Tinen said.

"That would indeed be true if Ista had not met and spoken with the murderer himself." Evol replied with another sigh.

"What!" Tiene, Chelna and Tirma replied before Evol began to explain what truly happened.

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