God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 16 ((Kekeke))

As Tommy left the adventurer’s guild he sighed while returning his PDP to the Item Box before he started to quickly walk towards the Forest Rest.

(Well shit, even in this world I still have that natural repulsion to people I don’t respect touching me.)

((Kekekeke, ofcourse, after what that bitch did to us in the past it’s only natural.))

(.....why are you here?)

((Kekeke, where else would I be? You and I are one.))

(Fuck, I was hoping that stupid God had left you behind when he transmigrated me.)

((Ouch, why would you say something so mean to your partner?))

(We are not partners, your just a fragment of my fucked up mind.)

((Exactly partners, we are one and the same I’m just more open with my actions than you are.))

(Do you call torturing that bitch for three days and nights open?)

((OHHHH that was so much fun, the way she screamed and begged for forgiveness as we brought her to death's door, only to save her at the last second and start again, kekeekeke.))

(There is no we, that was you.)

((Come now, we are the same when will you accept that, also you can’t deny she deserved it after what she did.))

Tommy didn’t reply and instead thought about something else.

(Now that I have killed so many in the city it won’t be long before the guild and city guards cooperate to hunt me down.)

((Ohhhh that was so much fun to watch, it’s been a while since you let loose like that, shame you didn’t slaughter everyone in the place though.))

(Just as I had finally found a fix to my ammo issue.)

((Hey do you think since there is magic in this world we could use that to make some bigger and more powerful weapons, I’m thinking along the lines of a tactical nuke.))

(Shut up with your stupid suggestions.)

(While I don’t fear the guards, Kele knows I went to see Erden and most likely made a deal with him.)

(I need to find another blacksmith and alchemist, it might be best to leave Oakfast City and try elsewhere.)

((Running away? That’s not like you.))

(It’s called a tactical retreat, we…. I still don’t know enough about this world and how magic works.)

((Well that’s true, and don’t think I didn’t notice you almost saying we, kekeke))


(I should at least warn Tue that I am leaving so that she and Jue can stay on guard, it’s the least I can do after I offered them my protection.)

((Why are you wasting our time with those nobodies?)) 

Tommy rubbed his forehead in annoyance..

(I suppose I could ask if they knew where that guy lives and go eliminate him before I leave.) 

((Ohhh maybe it’s not wasting our time if we get to kill again.))

It didn’t take long for Tommy to reach the forest rest and as soon as he entered he was surprised to see Rizi there talking with Jue.

(How the fuck is she here before me?)

Rizi turned to look at the door as it opened and saw Tommy enter.

She couldn’t help but giggle slightly as she observed the look of shock that appeared on Tommy’s face.

“Surprise.” Rizi said.

“Hey Tommy, why the look of shock?” Jue asked.

Tommy recovered before ignoring the question and asking.

“Where is Tue?”

Jue pouted before pointing towards the bar.

Tommy nodded and started heading in that direction before Rizi said.

“Tommy wait, we need to talk.”

Tommy stopped and looked at her before saying.

“Sorry Rizi but I’m in a hurry, I’m sure you understand why.”

Jue looked curiously between the two wondering what was going on.

“I know, that’s what I’m here to discuss.” 

Rizi replied before giving Jue a quick look and saying.

“Perhaps it would be best to speak in private,”.

“”Ohhh a secret? Why can’t I know?” Jue asked playfully.

“Because it’s a secret.” Rizi replied simply.

Tommy looked at Rizi for a moment before saying.

“Fine but make it quick, I need to help Tue with something before I leave the city.”

Rizi and Jue both showed surprise before Jue asked in a sad voice.

“You're leaving.”

Tommy was about to reply but Rizi beat him to it.

“No he isn’t, he just thinks he needs to because of guild business but it’s a slight mistake and he doesn't need to, that’s what we need to discuss.”

Tommy arched an eyebrow in surprise before nodding and saying.

“Follow me.”

He led Rizi up to his room and allowed her to enter before he closed the door and said.


Rizi nodded slightly nervously before saying.

“The city won’t send people after you for what happened.”

Tommys surprise increased before asking.

“Why? I killed ten people within the city walls.”

((Should have been more.))

“Yes you did, however it wasn’t on city land.”  Rizi replied.

Tommy took a moment to realize what she meant before asking.

“You mean to say that the adventurer’s guild is classified as an independent state, kind of like an embassy?”

“What’s an embassy?” Rizi asked, confused.

“An embassy is the official office of another nation or country, within its borders is classified as the land of the country or nation that embassy belongs to.”

“Any crime committed on that embassy’s land falls under the laws and jurisdiction of the country the embassy belongs to and not the actual country or nation it is in.”

Rizi nodded in understanding before saying.

“Then yes it’s exactly like that, though I have never heard of any embassies before.”

“It’s a new thing.” Tommy said offhandedly before asking.

“So the city guards won’t make a move against me?”

Rizi shook her head before explaining.

“While they might be more wary of you from now on and watch you closer, they wont do anything against you since you didn’t kill anyone on their land.”

“But are the guards not from this city?” Tommy asked.

Rizi shrugged before replying.

“Some of them sure, however that’s not reason enough for the city to interfere with the guild.”

“You sound like you don’t care that I just killed ten of your work colleagues.” Tommy asked suspiciously.

Rizi shrugged before saying.

“That’s the way of the world, the strong prey on the weak and use them for their own gain.”

“Even the imperial and royal families are like this.”

“In the Etria nation it’s essentially kill or be killed though they like to display a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere to the other nations.”

(I guess that confirms Etria is a dictatorship.)

((Oh fun, we always have a good time when we travel to a dictatorship for work.))

“There are only a few people in the guild I truly care about, Kele being one of them.” Rizi said before continuing.

“The fact that you killed Grotsk is not only good for me but many other female employees.”

“As you said it wouldn’t have been long before he forced himself on me, the only reason he hadn’t before now was because of Kele’s protection.”

Tommy frowned as he asked.

“Why did Kele not do something about him before now?”

Rizi sighed before explaining.

“Unfortunately the entire adventurer’s guild is corrupt as hell” 

“Not only our Oakfast Adventurer’s Guild, but the whole organization.”

“While I don’t know much about outside our guild, I can tell you that the Oakfast guild was corrupt even before Kele became the guild master.”

“The old guild master was known to take bribes from city officials and powerful nobles.”

“It got to the stage where if you paid him enough he would do anything.”

“A prime example of this is when an adventure party saved a group of young women from bandits and returned them to the guild.”

“Now the proper procedure would be to help the young women return home, or if that is not possible help them start a life in the city or nearby.”

“However a rich and powerful noble got word of these women and bribed the old guild leader to send them to him instead.”

“Well needless to say that the girls were never heard from again.”

As she finished explaining, Rizi had a murderous look on her face.

“Did they get away with it?” Tommy asked.

“Naturally.” Rizi began to explain.

The noble is so rich and powerful that no one dared to touch him since he even has his own army.

“He is even still doing corrupt things to this day.”

“As for the old guild master, the noble protected him until he lost his usefulness.

“After his protection stopped some other powerful parties the old guild master had wronged in the past came for him.”

“How deep does the corruption go? Does it include the grandmaster?” Tommy asked.

Rizi shrugged before saying.

“You will have to ask Kele that, I only know about the Oakfast guild.”

Tommy nodded before asking.

“So what will Kele and the guild do?”

Rizi frowned before saying.

“Don’t lump the two together, Kele is planning to use this opportunity to remove the corruption from the guild.”

“Don’t ask me how she plans to do that as she didn’t tell me.”

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