God Prohibitions

Chapter 1505 - inevitable

After breakfast, it was a small break for everyone, although Robben had some objections to this, for example, why does the day start with eating and resting? But this objection was completely rejected by everyone…

What should everyone do? Robben also had to relax, and speaking of it, he was running around recently. Robben found that he seemed to be a little numb. .

Simply, Robben lay on the table, holding his plate, eating his breakfast slowly, while basking in the newly-rising sun, he was also content with himself.

“Master, try these desserts.” A soft voice came from Robben, and the steaming little dessert appeared in front of Robben.

“I learned it from the hostess.” Nia’s tender face appeared in Robben’s vision.

During the entire breakfast time, Nya didn’t say a word, but just sat quietly and ate food with Nalan silently. Now Nalan went to the Witch’s camp to deal with affairs, and most of them left, Nya. Just came to Luo himself.

Robben stopped and looked at Nia, suddenly moved inexplicably in his heart.

Among the many women around, Nya may not be the best, but there is no doubt that Nya will express her love in the deepest and most heart-warming way.

Quietly, staring at you silently, expressing his affection without concealment and restraint, without backing down, and not forcing…For men, Nya is almost perfect.

“Thank you.” Robben picked up a piece of dessert and ate it. “Um… Pizza is delicious.”

Nia hid her mouth and smiled, “The master said so, I have to go and inform the hostess immediately…”

“Ah…Nia, I already said, don’t call Sasha and the mistresses. They will be awkward…”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that in front of everyone.” Nia nodded seriously, “but in Nia’s heart, the master’s wife is naturally the hostess.”

Robben was a little helpless, “Nia, with your excellence, you should have…”

“Nia thinks this is the best place for Nia.” Nia interrupted Robben gently.

“Okay, I said something more.” Robben knew that these were just disrespect to this infatuated woman, and he picked up a piece of dessert and asked: “Nia, have you ever thought about what to do in the future? What?”

Nia was puzzled. “From now on? Nia wants to be with the master. Whatever the master needs, Nia will do what she does. That’s it.”

Really a woman who makes men a little unable to refuse… Robben scratched his head, “Don’t you… don’t want to do something else. For example, do something for the witch clan.”

“If the first wish can be realized, and it is the master’s will. Nya will definitely do it. Um… Nya is already working hard now.”

Robben found that he didn’t know what to say. When facing Nia, he always looked at her and avoided her eyes. He felt a little bit unable to answer after a few words. Although Nia was always very quiet, It seems every look. There was a strong heart in every word, which made Robben feel a little at a loss.

“I’m sorry, Master, Nya seems to be a little impatient.” Nya was very sensitive to realize that Robben seemed to be in distress.

Robben smiled bitterly, “No. It’s just me who has been procrastinating.”

Nya shook her head slightly, “It’s not that the master is procrastinating, but that the master is too kind, so kind that Nya can’t believe it.”

“Haha…Don’t take what I said so well, I will take it seriously.” Robben laughed haha.

Nya supported her chin and said softly: “The master went to the God Realm this time and got a part of the inheritance of the God King. In this case, is it actually the God King?”

“Uh…I can’t say that yet. Didn’t everyone have said it just now.” Robben shook his head repeatedly.

Nia thought for a while, “But Nia felt that everyone seemed to think so…”

“Ah… those guys, every serious one!” Robben rolled his eyes.

Nia laughed, “Then how many unscrupulous guys does the master plan to bring back to the God Realm this time?”

“This…” Robben shook his head after thinking for a while. “I didn’t think about it. This matter is of great importance. It involves the future relationship between humans and the Protoss. I will go to the palace in a moment and talk to the **** inside. Discuss it and see if he has any good ideas.”

“That pervert…” Nia gently frowned her frowning eyebrows, “Master, don’t go too long…”

Robben suddenly smiled bitterly, thinking that the second prince, the great emperor, really did a lot of hard work. Sitting in the palace, he was always worried, afraid that Queen Biris or Sharok would trouble him, and never took the initiative to go to the witch camp. On the side, but it seems that everyone’s impression of him still stays on the “perverted pervert”, and even Nya already has this impression.

“Be careful, I only go to discuss business matters, and will not let him infect me with bad habits.”

Seeing Robben’s words, Nia lowered her head slightly, her cheeks flushed, “Nia…not exactly that, it’s just…um…”

Obviously, Nia meant that.

“I know, you don’t have to explain.” Robben threw the last piece of dessert into his mouth, “Nya, your craft has improved so fast. I came back this time and found that everyone seems to be a little fatter, it won’t be yours. Credit?”

“Ah…” Niya was taken aback, “Sorry master, I let everyone eat too much food, the hostess has already…”

“It’s okay, food is always food, this has nothing to do with you.” Robben stood up and patted his belly, “If I’m free, I want to eat and drink enough to sunbathe every day…”

Hearing what Robben said, Nya couldn’t help but laughed, “Then when the master is free, Nya will definitely let the master eat and drink, and then go to the beautiful sun.”

“Hmm, then wait for that day.” After speaking, Robben stretched his waist and raised his foot to leave.

Nia stood up quickly, “Master!”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Ah…no, it’s okay, Nia was thinking…um…actually…” Nia flushed suddenly, “Nia…”

Robben laughed, “Alright Nia. Don’t be so nervous, when you sit down, I will find that you seem to want to say something. If you don’t say anything else… I have to go!”

“Nya…Nya wanted to say…” Nya bit her lip hard, “Nya wanted to say, if the master goes to the gods, please bring Nya!”

“What?” Robben was completely stunned. “Nia…you wouldn’t be serious, would you?”

“Seriously!” Niya said her thoughts, her eyes suddenly becoming firm.

“This…” Robben scratched his chin, “Niya… The God Realm is still not very safe for us. Do you have any plans to go to the God Realm?”

“Nya…Nya can’t fight. Now that the human continent will not be in danger, Nya wants to go to the gods. As a messenger, Nya hopes that the gods can get along better with humans, and Nya is willing to work hard for this. .”

Robben was even more surprised. “Niya, you are a demon…”

“Nya is the master’s witch!” Nya said very firmly. “The master is a human. Nya is naturally the witch of humans!”

“No, no…” Robben shook his head quickly, “I mean… you are a demons, it is difficult for the gods to accept you.”

“Nia may not be able to do it well, but since no one is going to do it specifically, then Nia who can’t fight is willing to give it a try!”

Robben couldn’t help thinking.

Lowering her gaze, Nya said softly: “Of course… Nya is actually selfish. Nya thought, if you go to the God Realm, you will definitely be able to meet with your master more.”

Robben suddenly woke up.

Gently raised his head and glanced at Robben. Nia asked hopefully: “Is this… okay?”

To be honest, Robben couldn’t bear to refuse just watching Nia cautiously, but fortunately, reason immediately pulled back what Robben had said to his lips.

“Uh…Nia, I have to think about this, okay?”

“Well, I haven’t told the hostess about this matter yet, after all… Nya was embarrassed to speak.

“I see.” Robben couldn’t help thinking, how should I tell everyone about this?

“Nya will not disturb the master. If the master goes out, remember to come back earlier. Nya will prepare lunch with the hostess.” Nya said happily, turning around and walking away quickly.

Hey… It’s really a tough woman to deal with. It’s not easy to deal with in all aspects. Robben smiled bitterly and turned and walked out of the compound.

Inside the Caton Palace.

The second prince wore a nightgown and a rather funny nightcap on his head. He leaned back lazily in the soft chair behind his desk, looking at the documents in his hand without a glance. There seems to be no interest at all.

Robben was very strange, “Hey, what’s wrong with you? As Emperor Caton, you dress like this to handle state affairs.”

The second prince yawned, “Roben… I slept here yesterday, what do you want…”

“Sleep here?” Robben suddenly noticed that the cushion on the second prince’s chair seemed a little different, it seemed to be something like a quilt.

“Why are you sleeping here?” Robben looked at the desk. There weren’t many documents on it. Obviously, he didn’t need to stay here all night.

The second prince threw away the files in his hand, “I’m thinking.”

“Thinking? Thinking about women?” Robben came up with an answer naturally.

The second prince softened in his chair, discouraged, “Roben, is this a wise and wise emperor like me in your eyes? Well, I have to admit that I am a little bit, and some like beautiful women, but what’s the point? Wrong? I am a man! Of course I like beautiful women! And I am not like that anymore. I already have a sweetheart, and I am completely different from before!”

“Really?” Robben pulled a chair and sat down. “It seems…you are still not going well, or you don’t have to sleep here.”

The second prince suddenly burst into tears, “Roben, don’t irritate me for a **** like you, okay, you hug each other at home, and each of them are stunning beauties, but I want to stay alone without a heart. , I’m so pitiful, you actually…”

“Okay, okay…” Robben waved his hands again and again, “Don’t be so pitiful anymore, I just had breakfast!”

The second prince rolled his eyes vigorously, “You bastard, every time I see you, I want to strangle you immediately. It’s a pity… now I may not be able to fight you. I’m just a little second-level fire mage…”

“Satisfied…” Robben casually picked up a document on the table and looked at it. “You seem to be very relaxed, what are you thinking about when you sleep here?”

The second prince looked at the roof beam of the palace and slowly said: “When you are not in Caton, I actually always have this idea. This time it seems to be stronger. Robben, I have an immature plan.”

“Oh? What’s your plan? If it’s particularly unreliable, you don’t have to say it.”

“I think… we already have such a powerful support, and now both the rare races on the mainland and the demons are getting along well with humans, can we… look for opportunities. Can we be completely independent?”

“Totally independent?”

“Well… it’s not just to draw a line between the demons and the gods, I mean… do we have a chance to become a real power! Without relying on anyone, we can become a power that can hold one side and protect our own territory.”

“You mean…no more surrender, right?”

The second prince looked back. Looking at Robben, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. “Roben. You seem to be pretty sure…what, any thoughts?”

“We are not always working towards this goal. What’s weird about this?”

“No!” The second prince denied immediately, “Roben, I don’t mean that, I mean we are real. Rely on our own strength, neither on the foreign races with whom we temporarily allied, nor the powerful demons. , I support the power that can resist the two clans of the gods and demons. It’s all by ourselves, by us humans!

“This…Impossible.” Although he didn’t want to admit it, Robben still had to sigh.

“Is it absolutely impossible?”

“You can see what the demons in the witch camp are like, and what are those witches like.” Robben shook his head and stretched out his fingers to count: “Take the witch as an example. The magic level of the witch is equivalent to one of our four-star magicians. It is only one step away from the great magician. You should know the meaning of the great magician to the army’s combat effectiveness. In the devil world, there are millions, tens of millions. The witch exists, and now the entire human continent may not be able to find so many magicians.”

“Furthermore, a witch warrior who has been trained to survive on the brink of life and death surpasses the human six-star division in magic alone, not to mention the powerful melee ability of the witch warriors, and the witch… just often serves as a scout in the demon army. Consumable units, can you understand what I said?”

The second prince fell silent.

Robben himself couldn’t help but sighed, “Now humans are completely different from the Protoss and Demons. They have inherently powerful and spiritual power, and they have an overwhelming advantage in both hand-to-hand combat and magic. It is unrealistic if we want to build a power against demons and gods alone.”

“And… if you have seen the scene of the Black Emperor or the Demon God in which the storm is thundering when they use their power, you may not have such thoughts again.”

The second prince twisted his hands together and twisted vigorously, “Roben, but if we don’t finally go down this road, in fact…everything is meaningless, we will still be ruled by the gods or demons in the end. The result is no doubt. The temporary tranquility and the temporary strength are due to the war between the gods and demons. If we are not strong at this time, then…”

“You seem to… have an idea?”

A divine light flashed in the eyes of the second prince, and he sat up from the soft chair and said with a serious face: “Roben, these days, I have an idea.”

“Tell me!”

“Naturally, we don’t have the inherently powerful fighters like the gods and demons, but… we can learn from the day after tomorrow, we can make our fighters stronger! Are you right?”

Robben nodded, “It is theoretically possible, but the lifespan of the gods and demons is more than ten times that of ours. We may have died before learning what they thought of fur.”

“Of course… it won’t be the step-by-step method in the Magic Academy!”

“What…” Robben frowned slightly, “You mean…”

“I think… there must be a way to greatly increase power in a short period of time! The two clans of the Protoss possess countless magic and tricks of the Protoss, this… there must be!

Robben’s eyes trembled, his eyes cold a little, “You actually thought of these things…Do you know what the price would be?”

“If we don’t become stronger, then we won’t even have the opportunity to pay, and everything will become someone else’s thing!” The second prince said tit-for-tat.

Robben frowned slightly. “But… if we lose our soul, how can we be free?”

The second prince frowned, “So…you know these methods, but you don’t agree to do so!”

Robben looked at the second prince with some compelling gaze, and slowly nodded, “Yes, I know such a method, and there is more than one, but… if even humanity is lost, we might as well die now! “

“Roben. This… is related to the future of mankind!” There was a bit of coldness in the eyes of the second prince.

“It is human beings who live for the future, our descendants! I don’t agree to do this!” Robben made no compromise.

The temperature in the room seemed to have dropped a lot, and the atmosphere became serious. The second prince, who had always wanted to be full, had a gloomy face, while Robben, who didn’t care about many things, had a deep face. The two looked at each other, each with a bad look.

The second prince slowly raised his hand. Grabbed his nightcap. Then slowly, slowly took off the nightcap and put it on the table. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, took out a fragrant jelly bean from it, and stuffed it into his mouth, “Damn it. I know it won’t work!”

Robben was stunned, staring blankly at the nightcap of the second prince. The nightcap was lying on the table. From this side, it was obvious that it was filled with all kinds of food.

“You…you put your food in this thing?” Robben couldn’t help but looked at the top of the second prince’s head. It turned out that the second prince was taking a thin piece of paper off his head and blowing it carefully before putting it aside.

“No way, my other clothes don’t have pockets, but when I get here, I can’t blatantly bring food. Now those ministers, hey… I will desperately put forward suggestions if I don’t think it’s appropriate. I will go to the Witch Camp…”

“Ah… go there, what are you going there for?”

“Go to Nalan, go to Nia…” The second prince raised his hand and hugged his head and shook his head vigorously. “These two women are going to torture me crazy! It’s still the two queens who are not here. the result of.”

“Uh… this, Nalan and Nia… will they intervene in these matters?” Robben was surprised. Regarding Caton’s state affairs, it seems that Nalan and Nia have no right to intervene, and they will not take care of these nosy matters. Correct.

“They promised benefits to the witches…” The second prince cried out, “Roben, look at what this is called! My minister goes to your witch, and then your witch threatens me…”

“Benefits…this, I didn’t hear Nalan mention it, the benefits you said…”

The second prince said weakly: “The Minister of Property promises that the witches will purchase items at a reduced price, and they can be credited, and the Minister of Arms and Arms will provide the witches with weapons for practice. No need to spend money, you can buy a house with the money for a breakfast. Fortunately, these witches are not very interested in it, otherwise…”

Robben was puzzled, “Are those ministers going to rebel? Are they still alive now?”

The second prince moved a few documents on the table, “Did you see? Each of these traces was left by Nalan when she came to me. The first thing she does every time she comes is to put a dagger in my desk. on.”

Robben was sweating and saw that there were many, many, many traces of daggers on the table…

“Then…” The second prince leaned weakly on the chair, and took out a jelly bean in his nightcap. “Nia will come over, apologize in fear, and beg me for forgiveness, and bring me some delicious……”

“Hey…” He sighed long, and the second prince ate with helplessness, “How could there be such a similar long woman in this world, but such a different temperament, this woman Niya… It was too difficult to deal with. I had no choice but to accept gifts and accept this fact. Then… During my daily office hours, the things I want to do here became specific, and then I had to imitate my ancestors. No women can appear in this room, I can’t drink or eat…”

The second prince uttered a lot of words that made Robben dumbfounded, even including what time every day he came, when he left, the gestures when meeting his subjects on the street, and what his expression should be… in his personal style How to go…

“My great emperor is really a bit miserable…” The second prince shook his head and sighed. Fortunately, those guys didn’t say what clothes I must wear here, otherwise I won’t even have a place to put things.

Robben felt extremely funny.

“Hey… this is nothing funny, this is a major event threatening the ruler of the empire, you have to take it seriously!” The second prince immediately emphasized.

Robben smiled and said, “This…I don’t think it’s anything.”

“Nothing!?” The second prince screamed immediately.

“If it’s just Nalan, I’ll worry a little bit. After all, she won’t consider that much. As long as the impact is not too big, she will do things that are good for the witches, but since Nya also knows these things. , Then there is no problem.” Robben smiled and spread his hands. “You can eat something that Nia made by herself. This is considered a good treatment. This jelly bean is specially made by Nia for you, right?”

“Huh! I’m not a three-year-old kid, so I actually gave me this kind of thing!” The second prince gritted his teeth bitterly, but took another one in his mouth. Eating it tastefully.

“In terms of age, you are in her eyes. Maybe not even a three-year-old child.”

The second prince has nothing to say. You can only eat by rolling your eyes.

“Oh! By the way, when you said these things, I remembered one thing too!”

“Say the important ones, shut up the unimportant ones!” The second prince snorted directly.

“It’s about you and your little lover.” Robben said with a smirk.

The second prince’s ears stood up instantly, “What! What did you say Robben? You make it clear!”

Robben pretended to sigh, “Okay. Since you are so pitiful, I’ll give you a way. It’s compensation for your hard life during this time.”

“Speak quickly!” The second prince craned his neck.

“You and that little girl are still making no progress at all?” Robben looked at the second prince with a pitying look.

The second prince’s forehead suddenly jumped up a few blue veins, “I don’t need to emphasize this sentence!”

“Ah. It seems so, then… the next time Nalan comes to you, it will be your chance.”

“What, next time?” The second prince couldn’t help being a little annoyed, “Roben! You still want to have another time!”

“Because Nia came here after that.”

“So what can I do?”

“You can beg her.”

“I… what?” The second prince looked at Robben in surprise, “I… can I beg her? Robben, what do you mean?”

“I think it’s only Nya who can really help you. I can’t do anything about that chick, but if it’s Nya, I can definitely see some flaws. If you really want to marry A wife, Nia will definitely help you realize this wish.”

“Really!?” The second prince stood up excitedly.

Robben nodded very surely, “It must be true. If even Nya can’t understand the chick’s thoughts, then… you don’t expect to get her heart. Make your promise as soon as possible and let her go. Speaking of it, you used to brazenly said that you would let others go without further progress, but you still have it until now. Your cheeks are too thick.”

“Later, she said a few words to me, of course it was progress!” The second prince replied unambiguously.

“Well… if you make progress, I’ll tell you the idea. As for whether you can succeed, it’s up to you.”

“Okay!” A cold light flashed in the eyes of the second prince, “I immediately hang the Minister of Finance at the gate of the palace and beat him up, and Nalan will come here soon!”

Robben almost fell, “Hey…you don’t have to do this!”

“It’s been a long time to see that fat man is not pleasing to the eye!” The second prince was burning with vengeance on his face…

Robben had to sigh…

When a worry was resolved, the second prince looked very relaxed, sat down, grabbed a few jelly beans in his hands, and ate happily, “Speaking of which, the jelly beans made by Nya are really delicious, I don’t know how. Did it.”

“Presumably I learned it when I missed Nalan before, which means…this is actually a candy to make a little girl happy.”

The second prince smiled, “It doesn’t matter, as long as it is delicious.”

He has returned to the virtue of a two-skinned face… Robben was a little helpless, “Why, I don’t think about the warriors that I just said anymore.”

“It’s not that you don’t agree, so naturally it’s no show.” The second prince had no regrets at all, he laughed, “Actually, I knew it was almost impossible. Calculate that you put the knife on your neck. I won’t agree, it turned out to be like this, you are still stupid enough, boring enough…”

“Knowing this and staring at me, even more stupid, more boring…”

The second prince smiled, “I was boring, don’t you know this…”

Robben just squeezed his forehead, “Forget it, talking to you shameless guy is a waste of energy. I’m here today but I have important things to discuss with you.”

The second prince threw the last jelly bean on his hand and took it with his mouth. Then the jelly bean hit his nose, then rolled over his forehead and fell to the ground…

Glancing fiercely at the jelly beans rolling slowly on the carpet, the second prince immediately grabbed a handful again. “No, Robben. I haven’t finished talking about my business yet.”

“Oh? Your business?” Robben was strange. “What else do you have?”

The second prince threw a jelly bean in his mouth, and his eyes flashed, “Roben, I only said one way, but in my opinion, the second way is actually more secure. It just takes some time. .”

“Do you have a second way?” Robben stared at the second prince in amazement, “How many bad ideas did you think?”

“I can’t talk about bad ideas, but…not necessarily very good, so I will discuss with you. Although you are not very smart, but your wives are smarter than each other, they will naturally give you the best advice.”

“Why don’t you talk to them directly?”

“I don’t want to die too early… Your baby calls me Uncle Satyr, ah… It’s a cute name, and then I know I’d better slip away as soon as possible.”

Robben suddenly felt pressured on the education of the next generation…

The second prince threw up the jelly beans one by one, and ate them one by one with his mouth, and said: “The first method is very effective. We can create a group of powerful fighters, but this kind of thing is effective. It’s fast, but there are many shortcomings. We also lose a lot of things for this. It’s really not cost-effective in the long run. So I thought of the second method. Although it’s hard to get the result of the gods in the short term, as long as we try everything Having survived the difficult initial stage, in the future… we may still have hope.”

Robben looked a little serious, “What way, let’s talk about it!”

“First of all, I need your help, Robben!”

“No problem.” Robben answered without hesitation.

If we want to stand on our own, we must first have the absolute power to contend with the gods and demons. Even if there are more constraints, if there is no absolute power, we will never survive completely independently. We must look at the faces of others. What we need most is a powerful force that we humans do not possess! “

“This…I agree.” Robben said seriously, “both the gods and demons admire power, and…that is the power that determines who will rule this continent.”

“Yes, so we need strong power! Unfortunately, we cannot have such power by ourselves. Humans like you may not have one for tens of thousands of years. We can only get this power from other races.”

“Other races?”

“Yes! Robben, in fact, this matter is also very simple to talk about. The method is just like now, you see… how many different powers have been gathered in our King Caton! We now have some gods and demons The capital to contend, although this is not the power of human beings.”

“You said this…” Robben immediately shook his head. “Our current situation is very special. Many foreign races gathered here have very special reasons. After the war between gods and demons is over, these reasons will no longer exist. There will be no more allies. This is not a long-term solution.”

“Haha… Although this is a good thing,… but… less calculation.” The second prince was still confident.

“Calculate less…what did I calculate less?”

“Although it is true that many of the alien races gathered by Kardon came here for reasons that they cannot be copied, they also have a common reason. They stay here for a common reason.”

“Common?” Robben didn’t understand, “There is such a thing.”

“Yes, Robben, in fact, we have been pursuing this kind of thing all the time. It is because of this that we have gathered here like this. So many races and so many enemies have begun to fight together.”


“It’s a new life, Robben.”

“new life!”

“Yes, a new life! It is completely different from before. Get rid of the pain of the past, abandon the unbearable past, come to a new world, and start a new life in a new one.”

Robben frowned and thought for a while, “Probably…you can say the same, but it doesn’t seem to explain what you said before.”

“No! This explains what I said before!” The second prince’s eyes sparkled, “Roben, our capital is our land, our vast world! And our civilization is more glorious than the Protoss and Demons! “

“These… it seems that as long as we are defeated, we will all be taken away.”

“It was not robbed, but destroyed!” The second prince said in a deep voice, “But if we are still alive and the human world still exists, then these things can still be preserved.”

The second prince was a little excited, “On our vast land, human wisdom can satisfy any wish of everyone. We can find a secluded place at the far end of the world for allies who don’t want to fight anymore. We can use only humans. Only those who have superb skills to create statues for our allies, extol their great achievements, can give them land, craftsmen, farmers…we can give them a wonderful world! This… only we humans can do it!”

“But… this still can’t stop others from destroying and plundering!”

“Yes, but we can seek asylum!” The second prince smiled slyly. “As long as we have enough allies, there will always be people who hope to continue to benefit from us who are willing to help us and get more things, such as those giants. The dragons will never change how to decorate their caves. We can carve their own appearance in their caves, and they will definitely be happy.”

Robben couldn’t help thinking about it seriously, “In this case…it seems feasible, but there are many problems.”

“The biggest problem is that we still don’t have the ability to resist direct invasions. Too much dependence on others will make us lose everything.” The second prince understands the weakness of his statement. “So, we need a few of the most stable. Allies whose absolute interests are not linked to each other do not need to be very strong, but they must be stable and able to stand with us at all times. As long as there are one or two are enough.”

Robben seemed to understand something, “You mean… the witch?”

“Yes! Witch!” The second prince couldn’t hide his zeal, “Roben, whether it’s your luck or your vicious eyes, I must say that your relationship with the witches is so close. Our greatest opportunity!”

“Are you optimistic about the future of the witch?” Robben was a little puzzled. The future…the power of the witches is undoubtedly strong. Although the witches are still weak now~www.mtlnovel.com~, they have begun to practice the orthodox witch soul magic. The witch warriors will quickly become stronger in a few hundred years. If the difficult period is passed smoothly, then the glorious era of witches will come again.

But the second prince didn’t know these things.

“Yes, the future of the witches will affect the future of mankind, and I think, relying on the huge population base of the witches, we have the power to do something that stuns the gods and demons!”

“But… the witches are all in the demon world, and the witches on the human continent are just a little bit. In terms of quantity…”

“Hehe…” The second prince smiled viciously, “I’m talking about the witch of the Demon Realm! Robben, you wouldn’t have thought of going to the Demon Realm a few more times when the Demon Race and the Protoss fight each other?”

“To the Devil?” Robben was taken aback again, as if…everyone was thinking about it.

“Roben, witches are everywhere in the Demon Realm, and they have already respected you very much. This is extremely valuable. If you have not planned yet, I think you should go back and discuss it with everyone immediately. The journey to the Demon Realm is already in force. Inevitable!” (To be continued…) rt

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