God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1288: advance suddenly

When we returned to camp, it was almost time to set off. The camp was filled with smoke and dust, and almost all the explorers were armed to the teeth and gathered beside the three flying platforms.

The flying platform mainly serves as a transportation and temporary forward base, not as a firepower platform as before. Today's explorers are armed to the teeth, and their individual combat power is stronger than that of the entire platform. And because Lin Xi inadvertently emitted the silver fire energy, the weapon's power was once again increased, and the final version of the Explorer's combat power was still higher than the doctor's design. Now the explorer can finally appear on the stage. Originally, only Dr. Chu Jungui's level of combat power was eligible to appear, and Lin Xi was a little behind.

When the time came, following Chu Jungui’s order, many explorers were divided into three groups and boarded the flying platform respectively. The three platforms took off one after another, accelerating towards the festering sky.

Dozens of kilometers outside the dividing line, three platforms landed in advance, and then an advance base was established around the largest platform. After a brief rest and a final inspection of equipment, Chu Jungui set off with 300 explorers. He would serve as the vanguard to open the way for the main force to follow. The doctor will lead 500 explorers to set off in 10 minutes and move forward along the road opened by Chu Jungui.

This is a carefully considered plan. After the vanguard troops pass by, the monsters gathered from afar will just hit the doctor's main force and be wiped out in one fell swoop. In this way, it will be difficult to replenish the monsters on the route for a considerable period of time, and there will be much fewer interceptions when returning after the operation is successful.

Chu Jungui was wearing a battle armor and carrying the same automatic rifle as an ordinary explorer. The difference was that his backpack was much larger and contained several times more bullets. He led the explorers outside the dividing line and stepped directly into the dividing line without stopping.

As soon as they entered the dividing line, all explorers felt that their vision suddenly dimmed, as if they had suddenly entered a rainy day near dusk from a clear sky at noon. Most explorers have never seen a festering sky. When they looked up, they saw thick purple mist everywhere. The sky was different shades of purple, and it looked like it was rotten. There were still several huge wounds. Purple mist flows outward. There was some soft and sticky material on the ground, and mucus was flowing everywhere. The smell in the air has been filtered by the mask, so you can't smell it, but I guess it doesn't smell good.

Chu Jungui walked at the front, scanning the surroundings. Lin Xi was at his side and behind him, and Kaitian was at the end of the entire team.

After walking for about a few kilometers, the first cluster of giant eggs finally appeared in our field of vision.

"Get ready to fight." Chu Jungui fired a shot at the center of the giant egg. The violent explosion tore the giant egg apart, and the overflowing silver fire quickly burned everything within a hundred meters.

Chu Jungui could sense that the data belonging to the Festering Sky was rapidly dissolving, and a void began to appear in the surrounding environment. The strange beast in the giant egg was killed before it hatched, but this shot also alarmed the surrounding strange beasts. Purple mist began to surge violently, and the ground shook slightly.

"Form up defense!" Chu Jungui gave the second order.

Each explorer received his own instructions and knew his position and mission. A group of explorers equipped with armor plates immediately put down their armor plates and inserted them into the ground, forming a simple bunker. Then another group of explorers took up the shooting position. Everyone empowered the armor plate in front of them. The armor plate immediately shimmered with a layer of energy protection on the surface.

In the blink of an eye, countless strange beasts rushed out of the forest and pounced on the explorer team. They were greeted by a hail of silver bullets. Whether the bullet hits a big tree or a monster, it will explode violently. The powerful explosions piled up one after another, instantly destroying everything within a few hundred meters!

After the terrifying shock wave passed, a vacuum zone with a radius of 500 meters appeared around the explorer position. Everything in this area was flattened, and the ground sank two meters, but the purple substance still had not bottomed out.

For a moment, no new monsters appeared around.

Chu Jungui waited for another minute and said, "Cure the formation and move on."

The explorers pulled up their armor plates, put them behind their backs, and continued to advance in battle formation.

After three more similar battles, Chu Jungui saw that he had penetrated deep into the border line 20

kilometers, so he ordered a rest. There are also detailed procedures for how to rest under the festering sky. Some explorers bombarded the ground to create a large crater, then placed multiple portable drills and began drilling into the ground. Others stayed alert, and then most sat down to rest.

Although the Explorer has been adjusted, the change in his body is not significant, and his physical reserves are limited. He cannot continuously draw energy from the environment to replenish himself like Chu Jungui. Moreover, after entering the dividing line, Chu Jungui clearly felt that the available energy and data in the surrounding environment were significantly reduced, and were filled with a large amount of meaningless random data. For these explorers who have only mastered the most superficial use of the environment, it is like standing in the middle of the sea, surrounded by water, without a sip to drink.

Chu Jungui did not rest, but sorted out the environment, mobilized energy from far away, rejected meaningless toxic data, and transformed the surroundings into something that could be used by explorers. He especially sent more energy to Lin Xi, and this small gesture was naturally sensed by Lin Xi.

She walked to sit next to Chu Jungui and said softly, "You don't need to take special care of me."

"Now it's best to keep your health at full level at all times. This is not the only way to generate natural disasters. If it goes deeper, I'm afraid there will be no chance to rest."

"Okay then, thank you."

Five minutes later, the drilling excavation was completed and the drill bit penetrated 300 meters underground. This is already the ultimate length of the drill bit. 300 meters below, the sky is still festering, and there is no sign of relief. There are ordinary mudstone rock formations within 300 meters underground, but unlike outside the dividing line, there is no trace of mineral veins underground here.

After collecting the data, Chu Jungui ordered to continue moving forward. The team moved forward again, this time a little faster. Each explorer began to stride forward, taking a few meters with each step. On the way forward, they encountered several more interceptions, but they were all bulldozed by the team's devastating firepower, and not a single monster could get close.

In the blink of an eye, it has been two hours since we entered the dividing line. We have fought 15 times, advanced 60 kilometers, and eliminated more than 200,000 monsters. At this time, the exploration team members were no longer as nervous as they were at the beginning, and some of them were still talking and laughing. So far, it seems that the monsters are just that, just faster and stronger beasts, nothing special. In the face of empowered bullets that are powerful enough to destroy human land combat vehicles, the monsters are completely a product of several eras behind them and can only be eliminated.

But Chu Jungui didn't feel relaxed at all. He still arranged rest, vigilance and rotation according to the predetermined plan. Some undisciplined explorers were dissatisfied, but did not dare to express it.

After a break, Lin Xi quietly said to Chu Jungui: "I feel something is wrong. The surroundings are too quiet, and our advancement is too smooth. Even the number of monsters is not as high as last time."

"You mean, there might be a trap waiting for us ahead?"

Lin Xi nodded: "If I were the commander, I would do this. But it is not necessary to cause natural disasters."

Chu Jungui looked around and said, "Perhaps we have all made a mistake. These monsters are not the army that caused natural disasters, but are just wild species in this environment."

Lin Xi thought about it and said, "It makes sense."

"How can there be such a powerful wild species?" Kaitian was a little unhappy. It and the rabbit were hunted by so-called wild species to the point of being hunted to the sky and the earth, and they died after killing all the scavengers. It would be too shameful for the dignified Mist Clan to not even fight some wild beasts.

"Be careful, after all, we haven't encountered the death roar this time..."

As soon as Chu Jungui finished speaking, the earth suddenly began to shake, and deep roars came from the distance in layers. It was not obvious at first, but in the blink of an eye it was like a landslide and a tsunami!

A resting explorer was taking off his helmet to clean it. He had no time to put it on when the roar came. He suddenly showed an expression of extreme pain, his eyes bulged out of his sockets, and then two fountains of blood suddenly spurted out of his ears, mixed with many unknown substances. Broken pieces of something! He couldn't even scream, he staggered two steps, and his head exploded and turned into blood mist. This wasn't the end of it, the body inside the armor also exploded, blood and visceral fragments spurted out from the neck, shooting dozens of meters away!

The spray of blood mist reaches the sky

It quickly merged into the purple mist. Ordinary explorers couldn't see clearly, but Chu Jungui saw the whole process. The blood mist decomposes rapidly during the spraying process. When it reaches the highest point, it is already broken down into molecules. Then it disappears out of thin air and becomes part of the purple mist.

Even Chu Jungui didn't see the final transformation process clearly. Perhaps the change occurred at the proton level or at a more subtle level. But no matter what, a powerful explorer who was exposed to the roar without protection did not even survive for 3 seconds and was transformed directly.

Fortunately, he was the only one who took off his helmet. The other explorers all had varying degrees of discomfort, but they could still persevere.

The roar lasted a full minute before it stopped. At this time, the random data in the surrounding environment increased again, half of the explorers were seriously exhausted, and several of the weakest explorers were seriously injured.

"Master, the power of this roar has doubled compared to the last time! This is not good."

"Speed ​​up and see if we can find the source of the roar."

Kaitian nodded, helped several injured explorers stabilize their injuries, and the entire army continued to move forward.

The troops quickened their pace, and before they had gone far, Chu Jungui suddenly felt a slight vibration on the ground! He immediately issued instructions, and all the explorers immediately activated the maximum power and flight mode of the armor. Then Kaitian blessed each explorer with environmental energy, greatly improving their protective capabilities.

Under the leadership of Chu Jungui, the entire team's speed surged, flying hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye.


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