God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 – The Little Hand In The Godland Of Returning To The Ruins

“Avoid long nights and dreams, use your experience first.”

Originally, he had been thinking about using it on exercises, but under the pressure from Cang Yu, he had to put aside the exercises.

Ye Que still has 18 experience points left, which are useless, and can be used now.

Scanned the panel data.

Speed: 90/100

Defense: 90/100

Attack: 80/100

Experience Points: 18

“Attack plus 9, defense plus 9.”

Data changes.

Speed: 90/100

Defense: 99/100

Attack: 89/100

Experience points: 0

This allocation can make his defense power reach the strongest and his attack power reach the peak of the Yae.

If you encounter something more dangerous, you only need to add 1 experience point to the attack to break through.

The reason for adding points like this is because of gaining experience points.

Although Cang Yu puts pressure on him, there will be no danger for a short time, so it is reasonable to temporarily hold the realm and collect more experience points.

“The realm is stuck at the eighth level, and the benefits of absorbing experience points should be… Fuck!”

His guess came true.

The form of experience point increase, from 0.01, 0.02… to 0.001, 0.002…

I didn’t notice it just now, but now I look at it at a glance.

Heartache! uncomfortable ah!

When the realm was at the seventh level, it was absorbed well, but it changed once it broke through to the eighth level.

“I knew it earlier, I knew it earlier… hey!”

In any case, he wanted to raise his realm, which was an inevitable step.

It is also expected that the rate of increase in experience points will slow down.

It just happened to him, and it still made him uncomfortable.

Slow down for a while, and accept the reality honestly.

What can I do, **** it.


You can’t just rely on low-grade essence veins!

There was Cang Yu guarding him outside, and invisible pressure enveloped his whole body.

He needs to get more experience points as soon as possible!

As for how to get…

Ye Que had a flash of inspiration, and he smiled: “If Cang Yu wants to take me as a sacrifice, but because I don’t have enough realm, so I haven’t done it all the time, if I tell it that I’m almost treasured, I can break through…”

Thinking of this, he got up to leave, but stopped halfway through the flight.

“The income of the low-grade essence has become lower, and my strength has become stronger, so can I put it into the God of Returning Ruins Realm?”

As soon as this idea came out, it immediately turned into an impulse.

try it!

Lie on the Jingmai, then open the God Realm of Returning to the Ruins, and throw it inside.

The **** has entered!

I go! Really good!

It seems that after he became stronger, the Returning God Realm also became stronger, and things that could not be accommodated before can now be stored.

There was also a fine vein in the cave, and he threw it in together.

“See if the essence veins are withered in the territory of Guixu God.”

He entered the God Realm of Returning to the Ruins, feeling the extent of the loss of the essence of the Jingmai.

Nothing leaked out.

This satisfied him.

In the future, if there is danger, he can also hide in the God of Return to Ruins and absorb the essence in the fine veins.

Although slow is slow, it is better than safety.

“Since the essence veins have moved in, the environment of the burrow is not so important, and all the treasures growing inside will be taken away!”

Ye Que swallowed, and couldn’t wait to rush out of the Guixu God Realm.

Before, I was afraid of eating the treasures inside, affecting the environment of the burrow, and causing the fine veins to wither.

Not so much scruples now.

Eat and be done.

Open your mouth, swallow it again, repeat this process, and you will get 27 points of experience.


“That old guy put too much pressure on me, and the speed, defense and attack will increase!”

After careful consideration, immediately add points to speed, defense and attack.

“Increase speed by 9.”

The data becomes as follows—

Speed: 99/100

Defense: 99/100

Attack: 89/100

Experience Points: 18

The remaining 18 points of experience are completely enough for him to be promoted to the full level.

But now he really dare not break through.

If the realm is high, absorbing the essence of Guixu God’s territory, it will become 0.0001, 0.0002, or even get no experience points at all.

Then he is really at a loss.

The two essence veins were all put into the Guixu God Realm, and none of the essence energy leaked out.

It was of much greater value to him.

In the future, if he encounters danger, or if he can’t collect experience points outside, he can still enter the God Realm of Returning Ruins, and slowly increase his experience points.

It can be regarded as leaving a way out for myself.

Do take it seriously.

Think about it.

You still have to be stuck in the realm, at least you have to brush up the experience points to the upper limit before you can break through!

Only in this way can we maximize the benefits!

“Reserve 12 experience points.”

With 12 points of experience, he can immediately reach full level and be able to deal with dangers.

As for the remaining 6 points of experience, directly add to the exercises.

The experience points required for the exercises reached 419, which was only 81 points away from 500.

“Go ask Cang Yu for some treasures.”

Ye Que needs to gain more experience points before reaching the full level of realm.

Not only for breakthroughs, but also for skills.

Before leaving the burrow, he worriedly looked at the essence veins in Guixu God’s territory, worried that something might happen to them again.

The fine veins are unobstructed.

Just as he was about to retract his thoughts, his pupils suddenly shrank.


He swiped the ground and rushed into the God of Return to Ruins Realm.

Look left and right.

What about the pile of low-level treasures?

Back then when he went to the Shiyan sect and the Xue family to search for treasures, he put them all into the Guixu God Realm.

There are a lot of low-level treasures in it, Ye Que didn’t choose to absorb them, but kept them in the Guixu God Realm.

But now these treasures are all gone!

His eyes darkened.

No, Xue Lingluo’s body was missing first, and now the low-level treasures are missing.

Is it possible that Guixu God’s territory is haunted?

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a scene that shocked him.

A translucent delicate little hand protruded from the spatial wall of the Returning God Realm. This delicate little hand was very careful, but its movements were like thieves.

She seemed to be groping for something, and unknowingly touched the essence veins.

It’s just that the Jingmai is really huge for this delicate little hand, but she grabbed it hard, trying to take away the Jingmai.

Ye Que wanted to laugh, and couldn’t help shouting, “Xue Lingluo?”


The delicate little hand was frightened and retracted into the space wall.

“Xue Lingluo?”

Ye Que shouted again, but there was no abnormal response of any kind.

After a while, he reluctantly left.

It’s time to go to Wanshou Mountain to find Cang Yu.

Although Cang Yu is nearby, with this technique, Ye Que still understands.

Flying to the ground, deliberately approaching the place where Cang Yu was, shook his head and sighed: “I was almost able to break through! But I have already encountered a bottleneck, and I need rare treasures to help me break through!”

Having said that, he paused and looked around.

“Go to Wanshou Mountain. There should be many rare treasures growing there. If I spend some time, I should be able to find them!”

Leaving this sentence behind, he found a monster to ask for directions, and went straight to Wanshou Mountain.

Cang Yu in the dark murmured: “Can you break through immediately? This demon turtle is indeed a bit talented, that’s all, I will help you, if you break through as soon as possible, I can use it as soon as possible!”

With a cold smile, he quietly rushed to Wanshou Mountain.

Ye Que’s map scan found that Cang Yu was following him, and he smiled maliciously: “I’m not so easy to use, I can’t kill you!”

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