Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Healing Aromatherapy Rabbit

It was past nine o’clock when Hu Tao and Hu Tao returned home after dinner.

Fortunately, the third sister, Fang Yan, became an exchange student and no longer lives at home at night.

Otherwise, if I go back so late, I will definitely be mourned by my third sister again.

Fang Mu had the habit of staying up late in his previous life.

People who do academic research always like to use one hour as two hours.

The habit of staying up late was brought to this life by Fang Mu.

After Fang Mu returned to his room on weekdays, he had to read at least one o’clock when he read various books related to beasts.

Fang Mu did all this behind his brother and sister’s back.

Because the family who truly loves you will always consider your body first.

If Fang Mu has the talent of a beastmaster, he can use his mental power to temper himself, and if he stays up late, he will stay up all night.

The average person needs eight hours of sleep to meet their daily sleep needs.

But the beastmaster only needs five hours of sleep.

And with the higher the level of the beastmaster, the less sleep time is required.

It is said that after becoming a pentagram beastmaster with serial species of beasts, he only needs one hour of deep sleep in two days to satisfy his own needs.

This is also why in the wild, even the official shelter “Tribunal” sends out far more powerful people than the evil organization.

The reason why it is still difficult to capture and contain the strong of the evil organization.

Because in the field of battle, high-star beastmasters hardly ever get exhausted under siege, chase and interception.

As soon as the door was opened, Fang Mu received a warm greeting from Sushen.

As early as the moment she heard Fang Mu’s key inserted into the door lock, Suckling had already moved to the door.

Then, using the sound of the gears colliding, he simulated the words Fang Mu would hear every time he went home.

“Fang Mu, welcome home!”

Fang Mu habitually reached out and stroked the handle of the suction.

Then he hugged Suck and returned to his room.

After changing into pajamas, Fang Mu first adjusted the recipes of Bai Hao and Bai Ya’s imperial beasts.

Then he sent the revised recipe to Bai Hao and Bai Ya via email.

Fang Mu likes to give priority to the things he promises to others, and then he does his own things.

Fang Mu was able to enter Jinghai Imperial Beast High School mainly because Fang Mu’s two older sisters and one older brother were honorary alumni of Jinghai Imperial Beast High School.

Even if Fang Mu is an ordinary person, Fang Qin, Fang Yuan and Fang Yan want to give Fang Mu the best quality of life.

When Fang Mu and Fang Yan lived together, Fang Qin and Fang Yuan would call Fang Mu and Fang Yan every night.

Fang Mu’s development at Jinghai Royal Beast High School completely exceeded Fang Qin, Fang Yuan and Fang Yan’s expectations.

Several people did not expect that he was a very independent and well-behaved little brother who never cried or made trouble since he was a child.

It turns out that there is such an excellent side.

An ordinary person competes on the same level as a beastmaster when his physical fitness is not as good as that of a beastmaster.

Not only did she reach the first grade in the academic field, but she even had the opportunity to be admitted to Jinghai Tianyu University.

This made Fang Qin, Fang Yuan and Fang Yan proud of Fang Mu, but also embarrassed to call and waste Fang Mu’s time every day.

Especially after Fang Yan became an exchange student, it was definitely not acceptable for the three of them to take turns calling Fang Mu every night.

So the three had a family meeting and agreed that only one person would call Fang Mu every night.

In this way, everyone can contact Fang Mu once every two days.

Fang Mu was the last person to know about this.

After Fang Mu found out, on the one hand, he felt the care from the eldest sister, the second brother and the third sister.

On the other hand, there is some helplessness.

In fact, even if the three of them called Fang Mu every day, they wouldn’t waste much time.

The time for academic research is already squeezed out.

Even when he was eating, Fang Mu would take a look at the thesis topic he was researching.

Therefore, Fang Mu can easily squeeze out the time to chat with his family.

However, Fang Mu did not reject the kindness of his brother and sister.

The person who called me today was my second brother Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan usually arrives at ten o’clock in the evening, and he will call on time.

If Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has a special procurement task, Fang Yuan will notify himself one day in advance.

At this time, Fang Mu can completely use the needle-haired blood mosquito to extract 100 milliliters of heart blood.

But once the blood is drawn from his heart, he is destined to be unable to recover within an hour.

Fang Yuan doesn’t like video chat as much as Fang Qin and Fang Yan.

But his second brother is by no means rough in his concern for him.

You must be able to hear the weakness in your voice.

Fang Mu simply planned to wait for his second brother to finish calling him before drawing blood from his heart.

The Aromatherapy Rabbit remained in the mirror turtle pendant for a long time without any interruption.

Should have been desensitized from the stress response.

Fang Mu decided to treat the gastrointestinal injury to the aromatherapy rabbit first.

Otherwise, once the moderate gastrointestinal injury becomes more serious.

Even if the aromatherapy rabbit is fed petals, it is difficult for the aromatherapy rabbit to digest and absorb it.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu directly took out the iron cage containing the aromatherapy rabbit from the mirror tortoise pendant.

The aromatherapy rabbit has always been curled up in a corner of the iron cage.

When Fang Mu first saw the Aromatherapy Rabbit, the Aromatherapy Rabbit’s body was trembling all the time.

The aromatherapy rabbit, whose body no longer trembled in the mirror tortoise pendant, was now taken out by Fang Mu and stimulated.

She trembled slightly again.

Fang Mu didn’t immediately open the iron cage and grabbed the aromatherapy rabbit.

Instead, he just sat quietly beside the Aromatherapy Rabbit and let the Aromatherapy Rabbit familiarize himself with the breath on his body.

About twenty minutes later, Fang Mu gently opened the iron cage.

Gently touched the aromatherapy rabbit’s slightly pink white fluff with his hand.

Touched by Fang Mu, the aromatherapy rabbit instinctively wanted to escape.

But he didn’t eat for a long time, so the Aromatherapy Rabbit lost the strength to struggle.

She could only passively enjoy Fang Mu’s gentle touch.

Under Fang Mu’s touch, the trembling of the aromatherapy rabbit’s body gradually stopped. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This process took another full twenty minutes.

Fang Mu has always been extremely patient, without the slightest bit of impatience.

I feel that Aromatherapy Rabbit is no longer so afraid of himself.

Fang Mu took the teacup on the table, poured a cup of warm water from the thermos, and placed it in front of the aromatherapy rabbit.

Want to eat again after eating wrongly and causing gastrointestinal damage.

Drinking a little warm water to promote gastrointestinal motility is of great benefit to aromatherapy rabbits.

When raising flower-eating rabbits, generally do not give water to flower-eating rabbits.

Because the flower-eating rabbit usually obtains water mainly through food.

Aromatherapy rabbits can’t eat the food of flower-eating rabbits normally, which makes the aromatherapy rabbits in a serious state of water shortage all the time.

Seeing water, Aromatherapy Rabbit wanted to move around to drink it.

But Aromatherapy Rabbit didn’t even have the strength to avoid Fang Mu’s palm before.

Now, naturally, I can’t move my body smoothly and go to the tea cup to drink water.

After realizing the purpose of the Aromatherapy Rabbit, Fang Mu’s palm gently exerted force.

He helped the aromatherapy rabbit’s head and brought it to the side of the water glass.

The aromatherapy rabbit lowered his head to test the water temperature, and then quickly buried his head in the teacup.

Muttering his three-petaled mouth, he drank warm water.

Fang Mu was going to take the Hongyu camellia potted plant and feed the few flowers of Hongyu camellia to the aromatherapy rabbit.

Hongyu camellia itself has the effects of hemostasis, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, and promoting blood regeneration.

It can not only be used as food for aromatherapy rabbits, but also corresponds to the symptoms of aromatherapy rabbits.

The effect of Hongyu camellia is very mild, and it will not burden the damaged stomach of the aromatherapy rabbit.

Before Fang Mu brought the Hongyu camellia potted plant over, Fang Mu’s cell phone rang.

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