Go Alone

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Scenes of Destruction

The originally quiet world suddenly thundered and trembled, and the world was shaking. The underground palace was split by huge power, and huge holes appeared in the underground palace.

Through the hole, Ye Yu and others saw a scene that was so horrified that it made their scalp numb. The outside world, where the sun was shining, was flashing thunder, and thunder was like a tumbling tide, rolling between the sky and the earth. This is a frightening picture.

The sky had disappeared at this moment, and only the electric snake was dancing and tumbling wildly. The most important thing is that every thunder and lightning that resembles a dragon is pitch black and black, and it is a series of black thunders.

Everyone can see that this is abnormal, but no one knows what caused it.


The deafening sound was about to shatter people’s eardrums, and Ye Yu’s head was a little dizzy.

But this is just the beginning. The terrifying black thunders are rioting, gathering more and more, tearing the sky apart, leaving him raging in the entire world, like countless giant pythons tumbling.

The thunder and lightning smashed down directly through the sky, and the earth was shaking and collapsing crazily. The underground palace began to be unstable at this time, and boulders continued to roll down.

Everyone felt cold all over, and their cold hair stood up. This is a scene of extinction.

The collapse of the underground palace forced them to run away, even though they knew that it would be exposed to the thunder and lightning that would destroy the sky and the world, they did not want to be buried alive by the underground palace.

Ye Yu saw that a huge boulder was about to hit Yan Shengting, he rushed to pick up the severely wounded Yan Shengting, and ran out when he let go.

Yan Shengting was hugged by Ye Yu to avoid the boulder and rushed out. She never thought that Ye Yu was the first to respond and rescued her.

“Thank you!” Yan Shengting whispered.

“Don’t! Even though I don’t like your Yan family very much, I am a traditional person. After all, you and I are married, so I can’t watch you get beaten to death!”

Yan Shengting’s expression is a bit complicated. Ye Yu saved her because of the big marriage, but the Yan family wanted to kill him because of the big marriage.

The people of the Yan family watched Ye Yu holding Yan Shengting and rushed, thinking of Ye Yu’s cruelty when killing everyone in the Yan family, they were all scared, thinking that Ye Yu would be unfavorable to Yan Shengting.

Yan Shengting was their hope. If Yan Shengting was destroyed in Ye Yu’s hands, then the Yan family would be truly destroyed.

“Let go of Miss!” A group of people headed by Yan Jun roared ferociously, chasing and killing Ye Yu.

Ye Yu ignored them. The underground palace was collapsing. He avoided the huge boulders that had been smashed down and rushed to the outside of the underground palace.

Yan Jun and the others screamed and chased them all the way to the exit of the underground palace.

There were corpses lying all over the exit, Yan Haitian and Yan Sheng were obviously wounded by the fight, and there were bloodstains everywhere on their bodies. But at this time the two were also shocked by the terrifying thunder and lightning.

“Uncle Haitian, stop Ye Yu, he will be against the young lady!” Seeing that Ye Yu was about to rush out of the underground palace, Yan Jun shouted angrily from behind.

There was a killing intent in Yan Haitian’s eyes, and he shot directly at Ye Yu. He was obviously much stronger than Yan Jun. Even if he was injured, the force that broke out was majestic, and the long sword slashed towards Ye Yu’s head.

“Lay down Miss!” Yan Haitian’s long sword is domineering and fierce.

“Stop!” Yan Shengting weakly shouted to stop, but failed to stop Yan Haitian.

“Let it go!” Ye Yu sneered and threw Yan Shengting towards Yan Haitian. Upon seeing this, Yan Haitian quickly retracted the long knife in his hand and reached out to catch Yan Shengting, but the force of the forcible withdrawal caused him to be severely injured, and blood gushed out from his mouth.

Seeing Yan Shengting come out alive, Yan Hao has no trace. Why didn’t Yan Sheng know what happened to him? Yan Sheng was in distress, angered and opened his eyebrows, holding a long knife and slashing towards Yan Shengting.

“I will kill you!”

In the ferocious roar, the metal long knife greeted a black thunder and blasted it directly. In an instant, Yan Sheng was bombarded and killed, his body turned into coke and burned there.

This scene made everyone present horrified, but this is a spiritual realm cultivator, and a thunder is smashed into black coal?

A black thunder blasted toward this side, and other black thunders seemed to be dragged down. Dozens of black thunders instantly smashed down, and the ground was directly penetrated. Large pits appeared and black fire burned them.

Several people were struck by thunder and lightning, and they were bombarded and killed instantly.

And this is just the beginning, more and more thunder and lightning converge, violently tossing, and black lights flickering in the interweaving.

“Run!” Looking at the thunder wave that was nurturing in the void, everyone was screaming and rushing towards the open space.

Ye Yu was also running wildly. At the location of the underground palace, the thunder and lightning had already submerged the underground palace and directly smoothed the underground palace.

Between the heaven and the earth, the thunder and lightning became more and more terrifying, and the electric snakes danced wildly. Above the sky, only the black thunder sea remained, which was surging and violent like a tsunami.

Thunder and lightning continued to chop down, falling on one place after another on this mountain. The earth and mountains were trembling, and many peaks of the mountain were directly bombed and collapsed.

Under the bombardment of thunder and lightning, the earth was constantly cracking, and huge cracks appeared. These thunder and lightning would wipe out the world.

This is the power that destroys the sky and the earth, which makes people shudder with fear.

Everyone is rushing to avoid, they are all running around trying to find a safe place. But under such thunder and lightning, where is there any safe place. Some of the Yan family disciples have been bombarded and killed by thunder and lightning.

Ye Yu was cold all over, he was also running around like a headless fly at this time, delusional to avoid the thunder and lightning, he silently prayed in his heart, hoping that his luck would not be blasted by the falling thunder and lightning.

It’s just that his prayers didn’t work. When he rushed to a seemingly safe open space, a dragon-like thunder and lightning struck down directly and rushed towards him. Ye Yu wanted to avoid it, but his speed was no faster than thunder and lightning, and this thick black thunder struck him without any suspense.

“It’s over!” Ye Yu came up with this thought and closed his eyes, waiting for him to be blasted into coke.

It’s just that thunder and lightning fell on him, and the picture of him turning into coke did not appear. The black thunder touched his body, as if ice touched fire, it melted instantly, and then disappeared completely.

Ye Yu couldn’t believe it, staring at himself intact.

“What’s going on? Why did the black thunder fall on me and melt!” In Ye Yu’s absence, another black thunder struck him directly, but the result was the same as before. The black thunder fell on him and melted instantly. .

Ye Yu couldn’t understand.

“Hahaha!” Ye Yu raised up to the sky and laughed loudly, “I’m a god-fathered man! How can I be a god!”

The panic in Ye Yu’s heart was swept away, and after being suppressed, he became more arrogant and vented to the black thunder in the sky.

But Ye Yu was also surprised why he was not afraid of black thunder, he didn’t think he was so special. To say that the only thing that makes oneself different is the experience in that space. Thinking of being able to influence the formation in the underground palace, and get a volume of heavenly books, now he is not afraid of the black thunder. All of this is probably caused by experience in space.

Enjoying reincarnation in one day, what changes does this bring to yourself, and what kind of abilities does it bring to yourself? Ye Yu has endless doubts in his heart!


The black thunder rumbled down, and occasionally fell on Ye Yu’s body. But this made Ye Yu’s laugh even louder.

“Hahaha! If you destroy the world, you won’t be able to touch me!”

“Cut me! Come and hack me! Rubbish!”

“Hahaha! I’m standing here, let you chop!”


Everyone in the Yan family was escaping frantically, and from time to time someone was struck and killed by lightning. They were all looking for a place to hide, but Ye Yu’s arrogant voice reached the ears of the Yan family’s children, and they couldn’t help cursing.

“What’s the matter, don’t you think there are not enough thunders?”

“This guy is scared!”

“This guy thinks it would be more dignified to die like this.”

However, their cursing stopped immediately, because Ye Yu ran in front of them and rushed directly to the Leihai where the black thunders had gathered.

“This guy… really crazy!”

The Yan family disciples watched with stunned Ye Yu heading towards the boiling Thunder Sea, and the back of Ye Yu rushing away made them swallow their saliva.

Ye Yu rushed all the way to the center of Leihai. Since he is not afraid of thunder and lightning, what else is he afraid of? This thunder and lightning is too weird, and it is a dark and weird black thunder, not a normal thunder and lightning at all.

Since it was not the thunder and lightning caused by the weather, what caused the black thunder? Ye Yu wanted to find out.

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