Global Gaowu

v2 Chapter 1391 - No solution (tenre to subscribe)

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The beginning of the beginning of the military, the source is open.

“The source, the root of darkness!”

At this moment, the East Emperor laughed low, yes, the roots of darkness!

Turbulence, chaos, calculation, destruction…

Everything comes from the source!

The 30,000-year-old heritage, the history of 30,000 years of tears.

At this moment, Wang Jinyang could not wait until he told the history of the source, and could not help but frown: “Why did it become what happened now? The defects of the source, did it appear at that time?”

“The initial stage was not serious, and it only began to become serious thousands of years ago…”

Donghuang sneered: “You want to blame, you can blame us, but you should blame, you should blame the Emperor, blame the sun!”

Donghuang cold and cold road: “The Emperor of Heaven discovered the problem and said it was not serious. It took 20,000 years to make a toss at the source, but there was no result! Yangshen took some of the power and made the original road imperfect. He returned, but he is not willing to return…

The problem is getting worse!

Seriously, we can’t give up!

Joke, give up? ”

Donghuang sneered: “You ask me, we gave up the power, the first martial arts will not kill us?”

“Do you ask the martial arts, the descendants of the sword god, kill us?”

“You ask them, would you like to return to the beginning again?”

“War…the talent is strong, but the idea is naive!”

Donghuang cold desert road: “He is too naive!”

Innocent is the evaluation of all the royals.

The battle is very strong and the talent is very strong. Everyone agrees.

If not, will the Three Emperors accept him as a disciple?

At that time, the emperor had already proved that between the heavens and the earth, the nine emperors were the most honorable!

Three of them, all accept him as a disciple, how terrible?

Can fight, actually persuaded them to give up power!

At that time, the battle must die!

The battle is very strong, very persistent, he feels that this is the most appropriate, he will stick to it, if it is not enough, he can not go to that point.

Can a few people of the Emperor be able to be willing?

This is to die!

As for the war, he will protect the Nine Emperors… What kind of jokes, who will pin their lives on other people?

When the war’s suggestion comes out, he is destined to die!

Otherwise, the Nine Emperors are not at ease!

At this time, the demon emperor said coldly: “Since the Yangshen absorbed some power and caused the original source to be imperfect, then killing the sun god, why is there a big chaos behind it?”

He is also a strong martial artist and he has also competed with the Beastmaster.

But some of them can’t be understood.

For example, Yangshen absorbs a lot of energy to leave.


The East Emperor said: “He is one of the culprit, but the later problems are not entirely his problems. The Nine Emperors are getting stronger. At that time, the problem of the source has become more serious!

More and more people are practicing the origins of the Three Realms, and it is also the problem!

At that point… A yang is no longer the key. The Yangshen and the Nine Emperors, including the three sects of origin, are the culprit. They are all dead. They are no longer practicing, destroying the source, and may solve the problem of the source! ”

The East Emperor is talking, some people secluded: “Don’t say that I led! The old man did not expect, let alone, if the old husband absorbed the power, people can not prove the emperor, maybe a big problem!

The Nine Emperors are better. Once there are 99 emperors, huh, there is no limit to absorb energy.

You see, the problem of the source has already erupted, and it is completely impossible to clean up!

Do you think it is the fault of the old man?

Nonsense, the old man saved the Three Realms, no old man, about two or three thousand years ago, the Three Realms will be destroyed, and you can still have! ”

The East Emperor snorted!

But there is no rebuttal.

If the source is good, all of them can become emperors. What is the situation now?

I am afraid it has already collapsed!

The source of the land collapses, the source collapses, and the three realms of the origin are all destroyed!

Yang Shen argued that he saved the Three Realms. It cannot be said that all are sophistry, and there are some reasons in it.

At this moment, Wang Jinyang suddenly said: “Now, the emperor gives up the power, the Yangshen and the Emperor, they return the power, can the loopholes of the source be restored?”

The East Emperor said faintly: “Maybe hope! It is here. Can you think it is possible?”

Donghuang cold and cold road: “Impossible! For so many years, how many blood debts did the emperor create? Do you think anyone will let us go? No! You ask Fang Ping, ask those people in the Three Realms, are they willing?”

“Even if they are willing… we are not willing!”

The Eastern Emperor calmly said: “As I said, I have been trapped for tens of thousands of years. I have been a prisoner for tens of thousands of years, but I refused to die. For what? Just to give up everything, wait until your understanding?

Why? ”

Yang Shen once again faintly said: “They give up, there will still be people going to the source, this chaos, will continue to repeat, repeat again and again! Reincarnation, tens of thousands of years later, another reincarnation, then … was slaughtered It’s you guys!

The new emperor replaced the old emperor, again and again, the three realms… sooner or later still to be shattered! ”


Yang Shen smiled: “Only seeds can save all of this! Completely smooth the loopholes of the source, completely let the source no longer have defects, but unfortunately, the seed has its own wisdom, it is not willing, you say how this whole !”

Yang Shen haha ​​smiled: “I can’t do it! The seeds are also mixed with one hand, then there is no way, things are getting more and more chaotic!”

“The matter is now… only killing the bottom, and then sorting out everything!”

Wang Jinyang said: “Do you want to be like this? Killing it, the Three Realms are completely shattered, and there is no end to it. Do you have to choose this way? Since the seeds can be solved, find out the seeds!

It’s not necessary to destroy the Terran. The Emperor knows that Qin Fengqing knows that they know where the seeds are!

You Yang God, don’t you know where the seeds are? ”

“How can I know?”

Yang Shen secludedly said: “Seeds, there is wisdom! Let’s just say that the wisdom of the Three Realms is its wisdom! It also has seven emotions and six desires. It does not want to be a prisoner. Why should it be a perpetual motion?”

So, it has to struggle, it also wants to dispel everyone’s thoughts!

Do you know why you want to kill the Terran?

Because… your wisdom is its wisdom, you are extinct, it becomes a newborn baby, it becomes a fool, and of course it is easy to do.

So ah, you want to kill people!

So, even if it knows, it will affect the Terran, it will affect it, it is still overflowing energy, because… no human race, it is not smart! ”


Wang Jinyang frowned, it turned out to be!

Terran and seeds are closely related!

When the human race is gone, the seeds are not wise, and when you are not, you can’t be a permanent mover.

Can you have the seeds of wisdom, will you be willing to be a prisoner?

This is a paradox!


If you want to kill the human race, catch the seeds.

If you don’t kill the human race, you can’t catch the seeds, and the seeds are not willing to be handy. So, the source defects can’t be solved!

At this point, everything has returned to the original.

Wang Jinyang has nothing to say.

Can you kill this way, can you solve the problem?

A temporary solution may be possible, killing the emperor, or the emperor killing them, destroying the three realms, filling the loopholes in the source, and if the human race is destroyed and the seeds are found, the problem may be completely solved.

But… can the human race promise?


When the East Emperor saw it, he said: “So, this is an irreconcilable contradiction! The best way, once and for all, is to extinct the human race now, find seeds and fill the loopholes!

However, do you agree?

Since you don’t agree, then there is no war!

And you killed us… In fact, the contradiction still cannot be solved. After tens of thousands of years, this scene will repeat itself.

If I say now, for the Three Realms, you are extinct, do you agree?

Wang Jinyang, you are a war, Wang Jinyang is also good, everything you said, no one has considered it, but it does not work! ”

Donghuang chuckled and said: “So, the Nine Emperors have made a decision, first let people become emperors, fill their loopholes, get out, and then try to solve this problem.

Destroy the Terran or destroy the seed consciousness. In short, let the Nine Emperors get out of trouble!

This has the situation of today, the people of the Three Realms become emperors, the old emperors are out of trouble…”

Wang Jinyang did not speak.

At this moment, the three realms are also speechless.

At the end of the day, it seems that everything is still solved by battle!

No one will give in!

Who gives in and who dies.

This is no longer a mere struggle for force. Everyone has a lot of things to fight.

At this time, the gods gaze: “Cang cat? Can cats make up for these defects?”

“No way!”

Donghuang sighed: “Cang cat is the product of accident, but the cat… If the cat can make up the pit, it may need to consume a lot less power, even… the cat can be used as a seed substitute…”

“What do you mean?”

Donghuang smiled and said: “Simple, cats continue to cultivate, cultivate in the source, consolidate the road, consolidate the source, rely on their own strength to suppress the source! Of course, it is best to cooperate, Cang cat to consolidate the source, consolidate the road, another person, To suppress the chaos of the cat!”

Donghuang smiled and said: “This person needs to be strong, or not one person, but a few people!”

The East Emperor has a profound meaning: “If the Yangshen and the Emperor are willing, they can solve many problems! Put all the defects in the source, gather them in the cat, let the Emperor and the Yangs, enter the source, suppress the defects… Come, don’t need seeds, actually it can!”

New way!

The **** did not expect that he was just asking, the East Emperor actually gave a new approach.

Cang cat Naben source defects in one!

Yangshen and Heavenly Emperor suppress it!

In this way, you can also create a small perpetual motion machine that can solve the chaos of the source!

“Of course, the power of the cat is limited, and they are also the gods. Now it is okay. If a few emperors are born a few years later, they may not be able to suppress it!”

Donghuang smiled and said: “Cang cat plus two people is the second choice!”

“Seeds are the first choice!”

“The third choice, killing the current strong, returning to the original!”

“The fourth choice, the new emperor replaced the old emperor, continue to suppress the source, let the old emperor go out for a long time, then change the shift to suppress!”

“The fifth choice, the new emperor killed the old emperor, fill in the defects, make up for another tens of thousands of years, and repeat this afterwards!”


Donghuang gave a variety of choices in one breath!

However, the first choice is the seed, which is the extermination.

The second choice, that requires the cat, the emperor, the yang **** to ban!

Behind, that is now, killing, or dying, or one party is dead!

Everyone has a lot of thoughts in mind, so in fact, the simplest is the second choice, but… But is the **** of the gods and the gods willing?

Are cats willing?

Does Fang Ping agree?

Things, once again caught in the quagmire!

Wang Jinyang’s eyes flickered and suddenly said: “For so many years, Yang Shen has never appeared, what is it doing? Is there no way?”

In the void, Yang Shen smiled and said: “I am thinking of a way! For the first time, I tried to recreate the Three Realms… As a result, the old things of the Emperor of the Heavens felt that I had seized the power of the source, and I had to mess with it and blow it at me. However, I found that it did not work, so I gave up.

The second time, I went to the seed to discuss it, let it be a perpetual motion machine, it did not agree, but also to kill me, I was angry, and did it with it, it is very strong, can not do it, I have raised my wounds. many years.

For the third time, I am experimenting!

Let’s test it out, there is no new way to appear, you can replace the original source, let everyone not go to the source, this is not reliable…

It’s a pity that there is no new way to come. Now, on the human side, it’s not me. Can you go now? ”

Yang Shen smiled and said: “And, do not go to the original way, in fact, do not go, really do not go, the source of the road is exhausted, the nine emperors they have to finish, no way, the Emperor and the Nine Emperors will not agree … I am very embarrassed!

Therefore, it can only be done and watched. This is not the case, has it gone 8,000 years? ”

Yang Shen smiled and said: “The Emperor is actually thinking about ways. Look, isn’t Xianyuan the way? Set the roots of the Three Realms, fill in the source at once, let them get out of trouble, and then stop the world, the seeds are not Wisdom, then fill in the seeds…

To be honest, in fact, I think this approach is perhaps the most reliable! ”

This is the big truth.

Yang Shen actually thinks that the plan of the Emperor is actually good.

Fill in the three real powers, not everyone, just a part, and then destroy the human race, fill the seeds, the source has no hidden dangers, there are people in the three realms, such as those in the grottoes.

After a few years, new human beings will not be able to provide wisdom to the seeds.

The plan is still good.

If this is not the case, the Nine Emperors will not agree.

Of course, this is not the case at first, but everyone knows it is like this!

This is the way to do it once and for all!

But you have to strengthen the source of immortality, and let the warrior have enough strength to fill the source, then you have to bear the possibility that the Terran is strong.

Therefore, Wu Wang these people came into being.

This is also a self-help means of seed!

The seeds are also in trouble!

This is why today’s three realms have entered the source and are unwilling to be counted by the Emperor.

Things seem to have entered the dead again.

Unable to break!

In this case, it is impossible to break the game!


In the source!

The Emperor Dou also seems to have heard this. In fact, the voices of the Emperor and the Sun God have also been introduced to the source.

At this moment, Dou Tiandi is also complicated in his eyes: “Fang Ping, in fact, the best way is to let Cang, Heaven, and Yang suppress!”

In the distance, the cat did not care about the North Emperor, turned to look into the distance.

A look of ignorance.

Cang cat litter bin, sucking the source of the problem, looking for the two strongest people to suppress, create a small perpetual motion machine, even if it can not completely solve the aftermath, can also make the Three Realms peace for countless years!

But at this time, the **** of the sun is a smile and said: “It is not necessary to have an old man and a heavenly emperor. For example, if the Nine Emperors came, it would be fine… Nine emperors can’t, plus you, the new emperors, that’s OK!

The key is… do you agree?

The old man, in fact, is not very happy, this imprisonment is to die!

Is the Emperor happy?

Old ghost, you said, are you happy? ”

Humanity is selfish.

He is not happy with Yangshen!

What about the Emperor?

He will not be happy!

Let Fang Ping these people, together with the Nine Emperors, come together to suppress, are they happy?

Probably not willing!

The square plane color changes, cold and cold: “Then kill the nine emperors and one emperor, first make up for a while!”

Yang Shen faintly said: “After killing the Emperor and the Emperor, do you want to kill me and the Emperor, and then make up for a while?”

“Good choice!”

Fang Ping said indifferently: “It is long enough to live anyway, isn’t it?”

“But… not enough!”

Yang Shen sighed: “Fang Ping, or you have to lose some money… The old man said that seriously, you are dead, and then die three adult people, probably can make the seeds unconscious, you can solve this trouble once and for all!”

“The ancestors of the yang **** want to kill the people?”

“I just said this!”

Yang Shen haha ​​smiled: “Don’t count me in it, tell the truth… The source is chaotic, I have a fart relationship with me, I have not rooted in it, and even the source has not gone, in fact, the relationship with me is really small.

Unless you really broke the Three Realms, otherwise I am actually the most free, I think for you.

It’s a big deal… I’ve got the strength I absorbed that year! ”

The three realms are strong, the sun is the most free!

Others, if they are not trapped in the source, they will not be trapped in Xianyuan, or they will be the target of the Nine Emperors.

Counting it, but the **** of the gods is detached!

He now wants to solve the problem of the source, but only because the source is chaotic, it may lead to the complete extinction of the Three Realms. At that time, even if he is taking the martial arts, there is also a big trouble!

At this moment, the king of the town couldn’t help but scream: “The old ghost, if you didn’t absorb the power of the source, you might not have problems. Are you not stirring the crowbar?”


Yangshen has no way: “Crap, I ask you, I am now throwing 100 pieces of star stone in front of you, do you want it? Absorb it and absorb it? After absorption, you tell me, you don’t want this power?

Crap it!

How do I know that the power of the source cannot be absorbed!

You have to blame the Emperor, this old ghost, I found this thing very well, I am innocent, I can’t help it!

Also, if he didn’t break the star that year… maybe it’s okay?

I have always wondered if he broke the stars, so what happened? ”

When the words came out, in the void, some people whispered: “Yang, things are not meaningful now. In the past, I never thought that after breaking the source, these situations will occur… I have also learned the lesson.”

What lessons?

The suppression of the source of tens of thousands of years!

The world’s strongest, disappeared in the Three Realms for 30,000 years, even if it appears, it is also a glimpse.

The Emperor of Heaven also bears the consequences.

The Emperor said, sighed: “Do you really want to destroy the Three Realms today? If you fight again, the Three Realms will be destroyed! Everyone will die, including me… including the sun!

The Three Realms are destroyed, the seeds are unconscious, no one is controlled, and the Three Realms are recreated… Hey, you can’t live alone.

Don’t feel that the source is destroyed, you and I can live.

Rooted in the roots, it is to commit the life to the source. ”

Yang Shen smiled and said: “That can’t be said, you are dead, I don’t want to die, when I go to control the seeds, fill this big pit, and create the Three Realms, I will be the **** of creation!”

“Don’t say, that’s a good idea!”

Yang Shen smiled and said: “You, speaking, this is indeed a good idea! Rest assured, I will recreate the Three Realms. This time, there will be no problem. The idiot of Heavenly Emperor has harmed the Three Realms for so many years. I have learned the lesson. This time I must Will pay attention!”

Yang Shen may not die!

He will recreate the Three Realms!


Emperor Tiandi whispered: “The source is destroyed, and the power you absorb from the source will also counteract you. How much will you absorb in the past, and how much reversal you will endure, even if you return it… but now you can really return it. ?”

“That won’t be dead!”

“The destruction of the Three Realms, the bitter sea, and the suffering of you, can you suffer from the bitter sea?”

“Difficult to say!”

“Even if you have passed the bitter sea, can you control the seeds? Seeds recreate the three realms, open up the world, can you survive?”

“It’s hard to say, I think I can!”

“Even if you can, the three realms reopen, life may take tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, you are old and dead… Are you really willing to live alone for tens of thousands of years, waiting for death?”


Yang Shen suddenly said nothing, some angry: “I am happy! One person is alone, one person is also very good, Laozi can also play alone!”


The Emperor smiled softly, and soon sighed again: “You, fight!”


The Emperor screamed and slammed into the emperor, and angered: “At this moment, how to fight? Sooner or later, you must decide on life and death! You have suppressed the source for so many years, what Jianhua?

Do you think I don’t know what you think?

You have to rebuild the source and seal us all in the source. I really don’t know?

The cat is dirty, the cave of Jiuhuang Town, this is not your calculation?

Have you succeeded over the years?

Maybe it’s fast, fight… give you time?

Give you time, Naxian source into the source?

Heavenly Emperor, you are really an idiot in this world, let you calculate?

You and Yang, singing and sharing, really thought I could not see? ”

Shenhuang coldly said: “Fang Ping, do you really think that Yang is a good person? The town is going to the world, it is the inspiration of Yang, and the source of the fairy is only enough, so that Xianyuan has enough power to help the Heavenly Emperor get out of trouble, suppress us, and then build the source!

The ending of the Terran… is already doomed!

Yang and the Emperor want to destroy you, we want, but they want more, and our lives!

Including yours! ”

Fang Ping’s face was cold and cold, and sneered: “I know! I knew a long time ago, you old antiques, who really cares about the human race? Including myself, I really care about the human race?

I am not willing to be treated as a **** by you, as a victim!

The day when the wall is broken, it must be the day when Xianyuan is mature!

Today, the bureaus of the Three Realms are generally clear, but fortunately I came in advance, otherwise…

On that day, maybe there is no chance! ”

At this moment, some layouts of the Three Realms are completely clear!

Destroy the human race, this is the consensus of the old antiques!

Because the success rate is the biggest, the effect is the best!

Terran and seed hook!

Can Fang Ping agree?

Will not agree!

“Break the North Emperor, kill the beastmaster!”

Fang Ping screamed!

Over there, a few people in the old Zhang are also angry and stunned. If so, then kill the Nine Emperor and say it!

The Emperor sighed, “Ling, stop them! Fight, don’t watch the show again. If you fight again today, you will be extinct. You can’t hide…”

Dou Tiandi smiled and said: “No drama, there are things I want to ask you…”

Dou Tiandi smiled and said: “I want to know, eight thousand years ago, which bastard, I pitted into the source! I clearly walked the way of energy, want to try the second source, how to enter the source It’s strange, for eight thousand years, I didn’t figure it out!”

Eight thousand years ago, he actually did not go to the source.

Eight thousand years ago, his energy path went well… Suddenly he entered the source, and he was paralyzed.

No reason!

Just got into the pit!

Otherwise, like today, he and Yang God can really see a play.

The Emperor smiled softly. “There is a yang in the Three Realms. Don’t make a second fight any more! It’s not my own thoughts. I think so, including Yang. He doesn’t want to come again. Guy…

I will push you into the pit, right, Hong is the most enthusiastic, otherwise, you preach in the land, he will not stop. ”


Dou Tiandi laughed and sighed: “You, see no one else, or else, I will create a second source, maybe solve the problem of the source!”

Emperor Tiandi said: “You are self-created. You create the way of energy. You must build on the source. Your path, the defects are more serious, the energy is wrapped in the source, and the false road is only.

Rather than making your source of the situation worse, it is better to let you enter the game together, lest you continue to mess up! ”

Dou Tiandi had no choice but to smile. “It’s finally completely clear, no wonder!”

No wonder 8,000 years ago, I was counted!

Join the big guy and hang him together!

Then he can’t help it!

These people are not willing to watch one more movie. The Emperor does not want him to continue to create a burden on the source, so he is admitted.

Today, he is deeply involved.

Said to be the Emperor of the Nine Emperors, it is better to say that it is the Ten Emperors!

“If you go on the battle again, you really have to collapse… Xianyuan is still not mature, today is not the time to collapse!”

Dou Tiandi sighed and suddenly grabbed towards the rear!

Big hands cover the sky!

A bang, several bookboys were shot, and the Emperor Tiandou smiled and said: “Let’s wait, then for a while, when the boundary wall is broken, the three circles are one, and then the source is replenished, who is dead, Not a loss, now dead, very bad!”

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven is no longer the way to chase after Fang Pingli!

A punch in the air, a fist hit the book incense, turned a punch, a punch and flew Zhang Tao, is a palm, caught the cat and the Tengu, and lost it, lost a thousand miles away.

“Hey, there are four players in the Three Realms… I seem to have been ignored by you, how much to give you a face!”

Dou Tiandi laughed, regardless of Fang Ping, let him destroy the source, and smiled: “It’s almost to withdraw, it’s cheaper. Today, when it’s not in the final battle, you, go back to the second source. Consolidate and try, if the effect is good, after a few months, there may not be a **** battle…

Cang cat, go back and practice well, be a little stronger, maybe you have a cat town with the origin of the chaos, it is also meritless! ”


“What do I use?”

Dou Tiandi smiled and said: “The chaos of the source is not caused by me. You should have more people, not to mention eating, drinking and having fun for tens of thousands of years. You are not losing money. A cat is trapped and is better than the Three Realms. It is time to pick you up and make you stronger.”


“The monks are useless!”

Dou Tiandi laughed again, and a fist banged out, a cat was directly blasted out of the source!

Strong and boundless, the top four in the three worlds, Fighting Emperor!

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