Glitched Isekai

Chapter 11 – Summoning: The Wizard

Selene and Tauriel looked at each other awkwardly, looking at the scene in front of them. 

Sam was helpless as he was in the midst of another summoning while Mindy was taking advantage and riding his erect cock hard. 

As lips appeared at the base of his cock surrounding his sex, Mindy intentionally ground her clitoris on the lips.

"Mmmmm" Mindy moaned as more of the person's lips emerged and pushed upwards onto her pussy. 

Hands emerged from Sam's hips and were frantically trying to push Mindy off as more and more of the person's face emerged and slid up his cock. 

As the person's face appeared, Mindy grabbed her face and really fucked Sam and the face. Her eyes opened in shock looking at Mindy banging her groin onto her face. Her now emerged hands were frantically slapping Mindy's thighs, trying to get her off. 

"Mmmmph! Mmmmph!" moaned the face. Her muffled voice traveled through Sam's cock, giving him a pleasant vibrating feeling as Mindy fucked him hard. But as before, he could not move. 

By now Sam could recognize the pretty face that Mindy was bullying. She was Hermione Granger who was acted by Emma Watson in the Harry Potter movies, and she was frantically slapping Mindy's thighs and trying her best to get her off her face. 

However, unlike the other familiars who were physical specimens, some even with superhuman strength, Hermione was human and could not get her off. 

Mindy's banging her face had already bloodied Hermione's nose and her lips were now swollen. 

"I think that's enough" Tauriel said, pulling Mindy off Sam's cock. 

Hermione swallowed Sam's cock into her throat as her whole head and neck emerged, taking her first gasping breath and glaring at Mindy.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Hermione yelled angrily as she used her arms to push her chest out of Sam's body, exposing her naked breasts. 

Mindy was unapologetic as she turned and walked away, letting Hermione finish her summoning.

Hermione's legs shot out of Sam's hips and after moving a bit, she managed to detach herself from his body. 

"Aaaahhh... big... too big.." she said as her eyes popped open wide. 

Sam groaned too at the feeling of tightness around his cock. 

"Don't move.... no move... move..." Sam replied unable to control the ecstasy he was feeling. 

Hermione tried to move only to cause both of them to groan in pleasure. 

She moved her hips to experience more of this pleasure, and before long, she was riding him with abandon.

Sam couldn't hold on for long as he spurted inside her in a huge orgasm, filling her up with his sperm.

She lay on top of his chest, exhausted as he placed his hand on her face and cast [Heal] healing her busted nose and swollen lips.

"Now, where is that bitch" Hermione said getting off him and wielding her wand.

"Wait Hermione... please let it go. She was just resurrected and is out of sorts" Sam said, holding Hermione back.

She glared at Mindy, who glared back, then they surveyed the scene around them. 

The cloaked man was still yelling and screaming and the monsters were frantically searching around. 

"Are you angry? Take it out on him!" Mindy said with a crazy look in her eyes. Then she picked up her "other" body and ran towards the cloaked man while inside the Nexus. 

"Mindy! Don't be reckless!" yelled Sam as he, Tauriel, Selene and Hermione ran after her. 

The cloaked man was yelling when suddenly a naked female appeared out of nowhere and her groin landed right on his face again!

He enjoyed "eating" Mindy out the last time and was just about to devour her flesh again when an identical looking female appeared crouched right in front of him an aiming two semi-automatic handguns at his groin.

"Eat this cocksucker!" she said emptying hundreds of bullets at his groin. However, it looked like bullets had no effect on him and only managed to anger him. 

The cloaked man pushed Mindy's spare body aside and glared at the Mindy attacking his groin. 

Tauriel appeared and pulled her aside when Selene appeared behind them and shoved a silver coated longsword into his chest where his heart should be. 

He roared in pain as the silver indeed managed to hurt him where Mindy's short swords and bullets didn't.

Selene also quickly move aside when Hermione appeared casting Confringo, causing the cloaked man to explode, throwing him backwards.

The blast shredded his cloak revealing a horribly scarred man who looked like he had been burned from head to toe.

"You.... you bitch" he yelled getting up and shooting a bolt at Hermione. 

Hermione simply waved her wand, casting a non-verbal Protego shield charm, deflecting the bolt easily. 

The wizard was livid and cast several demonic shadow beings that started charging at her. 

Expecto Patronum she yelled, casting a Patronus Charm.

A large light shot from her wand at the shadow beings. However, unlike her previous uses of the Patronus Charm, her Patronus Guardian did not form into a shape of an otter, instead it was the form of a naked Sam!

The Patronus Guardian charged into the shadow beings like a hoodlum, kicking one in the lower region while grabbing another by its neck and headbutting last shadow being. 

It then smashed two of the shadow being's heads together while smashing throwing a head kick at the other shadow being's head.

The Patronus Guardian really looked like a big thug bullying 3 scrawny nonathletic wimpy nerds as it pummeled them into nothingness. 

Hermione was only embarrassed that her Patronus Guardian's cock seemed to be perpetually erect and seemed to be happy doing high kicks, squatting and doing other movements that fully display it's full glory. 

Sam himself was standing with his mouth agape. Why is Hermione's Patronus Guardian himself?

Hermione realized that her Patronus Guardian was supposed to be a projection of all her positive feelings. She did admit that in this realm, she felt nothing but love for him. 

The wizard angrily attacked with more and more spells which were easily blocked by her shield charm as she studied him.

While dueling with the wizard, Hermione realized that like Sam, her spells had no casting cost, no usage of manna or willpower or whatever. She could cast spells without worry of tiring out, much like Mindy and Selene having unlimited bullets, or Tauriel having unlimited arrows. 

Hermione smiled as this wizard would to be no challenge to her now that she understood how the laws of this world worked, as long as she doesn't get overconfident. 

With that in mind, does that mean that using the killing curse will have no effect on her soul?

Around her Sam, Mindy, Tauriel and Selene were busy fighting the monsters who outnumbered them. They fought valiantly with monster blood and limbs flying everywhere.

Casting aside her hesitation, Hermione aimed her wand

Avada Kedavra

A green beam shot from her wand, penetrating the wizard's hastily cast shield and instantly killing him. 

Hermione stood still for a while, waiting to see if there was any repercussions such as her soul being torn in two. 

Instead, she felt nothing and turned around with a determined smile. She walked naked yet confidently into the battle practicing her many curses at the monsters


A monster exploded, but continued attacking. "Gotta go bigger" Hermione 

Confringo Maxima

The same monster exploded, bits of it splattering everywhere.

Reducto Maxima

Another monster turned into ash

Sectumsempra Maxima

She sliced several monsters in half

Mindy looked at Hermione, admitting that having a wizard really made alot of difference. 

A few minutes later, the whole hall was filled with monster body parts, leaving Sam and the familiars panting after a tough fight. 

Hermione cast Aqua Eructo, which conjured water to wash them up as Sam healed their wounds.

"Are you able to conjure clothes? We've been fighting for a long time with our pussies flapping in the wind" Mindy said crudely. 

Hermione thought for a while, frowning as she tried to recall spells that conjure clothes. She was surprised that she never came across one before this. 

"I can't recall one currently, but lets try this" she said pointing her wand at Mindy


Mindy's groin and breasts were suddenly covered in bandages, covering her up like a pair of underwear.


The bandages suddenly transformed and turned into black lycra, comfortably covering her up in a sports bra and panties. 

The other girls were delighted as she dressed Tauriel, Selene and herself in black sports bras and panties too. 

"How about me?" Sam asked, looking at her hopefully. Like the girls, he too had been running around and fighting naked the whole time. 

"Pleasure me more first, then I'll think about it" Hermione said with an cheeky grin, walking off and leaving him literally hanging.


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