Ghoul’s Infinite Journey

Chapter 110

Vol 4 Chapter 38: About Heroes.

According to Wu Yue’s own words.

He himself has always been a very patient and good man.

It’s just that some people don’t like to listen to other people’s nonsense.

So, facing Nakayama Kenno, who was overwhelmed by emotions and spewed words like a machine gun.

Wu Yue’s face was cold, and she chose to use a friendly method to shut her up without any accident.

The swift and violent kick hit the opponent’s cheek instantly and accurately. At the moment when Jianye Zhongshan’s deformed face touched the ground, the strong impact collided with the explosive force, causing this pure human to vomit blood uncontrollably. At the same time, four or five loose teeth were mixed out.

“Huh, it’s finally quiet…”

The fierce voice stopped abruptly, and after digging out her ears, Wu Yue couldn’t help but look much better.

Then, the corners of his mouth turned up. He already knew why the other party faced Wu Yue, who had said those words. He squatted down and grabbed Jianye Zhongshan, whose mind was almost blank. He seemed to be disdainful, “Tsk, Sergeant… The next time you talk to someone, don’t be so self-righteous, I’m not some **** hero… Do you dare to believe those media reports that are comparable to a certain witch’s integrity?”

“Cough cough…”

It is rare that Zhongshan Jianye, who was not directly sent to become a Buddha by Wu Yue’s kick, but was already quite miserable, was suddenly lifted up again, and his body instinctively coughed uncomfortably. Coughed out of the body.

One side of his face has been sunken, and after being hit hard, a large number of red blood cells have ruptured and died, causing the skin to turn blue and purple, and the lips that have been frayed by the ground are also infiltrated with blood. He spoke, but when he heard Wu Yue’s words indistinctly, the guy who was still concussion seemed to wake up.

Some weak struggling to squeeze open the heavy eyelids, looking at Wu Yue, who was in a trance, there was some confusion in his eyes, as if he was at a loss.

However, after two or three seconds, I figured out what to do, my eyes slowly closed again, and the corners of the cracked mouth gradually pulled, as if a smile appeared, with a deep sarcasm, “Heh…cough cough It turns out… it turns out… it’s not… those… idiots.”

It’s hard to imagine that the wound is cracked, the bleeding is constant, and any movement will make the paralyzed nerves sting like needles. Jianye Zhongshan, who has become so embarrassed, still has the strength to make a sound.


There is no doubt that it is giving the evaluation of the group of pretentious journalists and fanatics.

The heroes who advocated, the fighters who fought for justice, the mysterious people who protected the people against monsters, the public opinion images created by those people with all their hearts, collapsed with Wu Yue’s frivolous denial, which made Jianye Zhongshan feel absurd and ridiculous.

Hehehe…that’s not true…

I really want to see…that group of guys’ expressions when they heard this…hehehe…

Thinking about it, for some unknown reason, there is a feeling of pleasure, and the twitching pain in my mind seems to be suppressed.

However, this feeling did not last long, a sense of weightlessness hit, and the body suddenly fell backwards.

With a ‘bang’ sound.

The impact on the ground made Nakayama Jianye’s brain ‘buzz’, constantly exuding dizzy fluctuations that were disgusting and uncomfortable.

“Tsk… Looks like you’ve figured it out a bit, idiot? Appropriate title, but it’s a really ugly smile.”

It was Wu Yue who saw that Jianye Zhongshan understood her words, so she let go of the other party, clapped her hands and stood up.

There was a hint of disgust on his face, to be honest, Zhongshan Jianye was already considered to be out of shape, and his smile was really not so pleasing.

“Human beings are inherently stupid creatures, like the group of reporters who think they take their own opinions as facts, and the people who blindly obey and are guided by public opinion… heroes? Those idiots who don’t care about paying, just to protect them are really Will it exist? With such expectations, it really makes people laugh when they feel good about themselves.”

“However, idiot? Hahaha, you who believe those words are not qualified to call others idiots…”

“Do you know why you were beaten?”

“Apart from the direct reason that you slandered me, it is you who regretted it so much that I was so angry…”

“Soldier! Before you take me as that so-called ‘hero’ and ask me why I came here, let me know why you are fighting against these guys… This is your **** war. …sad? Regret? Hehehe… Tormented by guilt after all your comrades died, and then pouring grievances on others?

“You know? Coward? When you are questioning why others are here, those idiots who follow you to fight, the value of the lives lost have been denied by you!”

“Because, the so-called regret does not change the existing facts, it is just rejecting the former self, and throwing away the consciousness that I had at the beginning, and death without consciousness, but even the slightest meaning. It doesn’t exist anymore.”

Laughing, Wu Yue looked around, “Look around you idiot, those dead guys are all facing up.”

Waves of voices bombarded Zhongshan Jianye’s thoughts, but with Wu Yue’s words, Zhongshan Jianye was truly stunned, his lips moved slightly, but his chest seemed to be stuffed with something. , silenced the sound.

The meaning of the corpse facing up… How could Kenno Nakayama, as a soldier, not know…

Instead of turning around and fleeing because of fear, facing the death of the enemy, the dead body will lie face up on the battlefield.

“So it’s really sad… regrets because of guilt, fear breeds because of regret, anger because of fear, desire for redemption because of anger… complaining about why the so-called hero didn’t appear in time, why? You know, before, I met I once saw a woman who was injured by a parasitic beast. When she was dying, she saw me, and then she struggled with hope to ask me for help…”

“However, when I asked her for a reason, her eyes suddenly filled with disbelief…Is it ridiculous? Until the end of my life, I will only beg from others…It’s stupid…Even if it’s just a sentence of wanting to live…anyway. Tell me the reason for the attack…”

“There is no gratuitous charity in this world… When you place your hope completely on the mercy of others, doesn’t it mean giving up yourself? Such a life has no meaning to save.”

“…All decisions are made by oneself. All consequences are borne by oneself. No one needs to pay for other people’s choices…”

“Your companions… did not choose to step back in the face of death, but you denied their courage without authorization and recognized their sins?”

Wu Yue smiled, her words slicing through Zhongshan Jianye’s heart like a knife.

The confusion in his eyes, as if he was interrogating himself, Nakayama Jianye gradually bit his lips, his hands clenched into fists…


“All decisions are made by oneself. All consequences are borne by oneself…”

“However…some things don’t need approval… It’s okay to ask others for help, or complain about why the so-called hero didn’t come earlier!”

“It’s not a sin!”

“Compared to monsters! Humans are weak… Compared to monsters! Humans are afraid… Compared to monsters! Humans are powerless…”

“Because I am weak, I will be powerless. Because I am powerless, I will regret it. Because of my regret, I look forward to saving…”

“There is nothing wrong with such a human being…because this is the nature of human beings…”

“It will not be denied…whatever is done…says, it will not be denied…those soldiers who fought against monsters, fought bravely, will not be denied.”

“Because this is a fact that really existed… It is true that those humans who do not know the truth and define it at will are stupid… I have never thought of me as a hero… But there is no doubt that there is such a thing as a hero… .”

“I agree with the spirit of the warriors who fought to the end against monsters with the power of human beings…”

“I don’t think you would deny right…”

“Jun Wu Yue.”

When Wu Yue smiled and watched Zhongshan Jianye struggling.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the rooftop.

As the sound approached, it sounded.

Nakayama Jianye’s eyes gradually widened…

A figure is coming.

When Wu Yue heard this voice, the smile on the corner of her mouth suddenly widened. She didn’t look back, but she already recognized the owner of the voice.

“Tsk, what a nice speech…”


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