Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 94 Lab City

A month later.

After traveling extensively across Europe for two months, constantly moving from one place to another, Aron was finally returning home.

Aron boarded the private plane for his return journey to the United States after successfully collecting brain data from the list of individuals all over Europe.

"Is everything going smoothly?" Aron inquired from Felix over the phone during the flight.

"Yes, we are currently in the process of consolidating the user information from the four companies," Felix explained, updating Aron on their progress.

"Great, so the consolidation will be completed in the next two months as planned," Aron confirmed with Felix.

"Yes. We might even finish ahead of the scheduled time since the workers are highly motivated due to the attractive pay which is above the country's average," Felix explained.

"Okay, great. See you then," Aron bid farewell to Felix and ended the call.

After putting the phone back into his pocket, Aron asked Nova, "How many hours do we have left in our journey?"

[Approximately 6 hours, sir] Nova promptly replied.

"Then I better get to work," Aron said as he retrieved the virtual headset from the box and put it on while adjusting his chair to a lying position.

"Login," he said as he entered the virtual reality system.


Inside the Accelerated simulated universe.

"It's finally nice to have some time for myself after endless travels," Aron remarked, greeting Nova.

[You should consider resting for about a week after you land,] Nova suggested to Aron, concerned about his well-being.

"We can think about that after we land," Aron replied before proceeding towards an empty patch of land and opening the system's shop.

[ (Knowledge assimilation)

Involves transferring information directly into an individual's brain, enabling them to fully comprehend and understand a subject without the need for study or practice...


(Price: 100 million sp)]

Aron had finally accumulated enough SP to purchase the information about knowledge assimilation, and without any delay, he swiftly bought the knowledge on how to do it.

Following the buying of it, Aron immediately sat down to allow the knowledge of how to perform knowledge assimilation to be absorbed into his mind.

During the entire assimilation process, Nova watched as the knowledge was assimilated into Aron's mind, while also attempting to detect any potential new knowledge from Arons system. However, her efforts proved to be unsuccessful, as she was unable to detect anything important from Aron's system.

After completing the knowledge assimilation, Aron turned to Nova who understood the task and immediately began to access Aron's brain data.

Aron quickly gave his consent to Nova's attempt to access his brain data by pressing "Agree" at the system prompt that asked for his approval.

After Aron gave his approval, Nova proceeded to download his brain data. She quickly found what she was searching for and learned how the knowledge assimilation can be done.

Nova created two virtual people in front of them, and transferred knowledge to one of them. She then downloaded the knowledge and transferred it to the second person, and assimilated it to him. 

Afterwards, she downloaded the brain data of the second person to check if the knowledge assimilation was successful.

After completing the assessment, Nova turned to Aron and said, [I can use the VR headset to initiate the knowledge assimilation, sir. 

However, since the headset was not specifically made for this task, the assimilation duration will be quite long, depending on the amount of knowledge to be assimilated.] Nova explained to Aron.

"That also works, we will solve it as we go. Now create ten clones of me and assimilate the knowledge of runes into them. Then have them start practicing the runes," Aron said to Nova.

Nova followed Aron's instructions and materialized 10 versions of Aron in front of them.

Upon seeing the identical copies of himself, Aron said "give each of them a distinct face," as it felt strange to him to see so many identical copies of himself.

Nova complied with Aron's request and altered the facial features of the clones before assimilating the knowledge of runes into them. She then teleported them to a remote location to begin their training in the use of runes.

[Sir, they have begun their training,] Nova informed Aron about the progress of his teleported clones.

"Great. Now that we have that taken care of, let's officially put the brain data we've collected to use," Aron said. He then pulled up a holographic map of the currently simulated part of the universe, which was just a small portion of the African continent.

"Send me to Lake Victoria," he requested after looking at the map.

[Yes,] Nova immediately acknowledged the order and teleported both herself and Aron to the coast of lake Victoria.

Aron took in the surroundings for a moment before turning to Nova and giving the command, "Create a town here with everything that any researcher in every field would need."

[How big should it be?] Nova inquired about the size of the town, asking if there were any limitations.

Aron replied, "large enough to accommodate four times the number of people on the list," and left the decision of its exact size to Nova after sharing his minimum requirements."

[Sure]Nova replied and got to work immediately and materialized a city, which included everything a researcher could ever need. 

The city was not just a town but a fully equipped facility, featuring advanced laboratories and novel machines that utilized Nova's demigod-like powers to carry out even the most theoretical of experiments that researchers could conceive.

After that, Nova built a public transport system to connect the labs to the residential areas and recreational facilities located away from the lab.

[Sir, it's done] Nova informed Aron after completing the city according to his specifications and her own adjustments.

"Let's take a look," Aron said, and then he asked Nova to give him a tour of the city.

Nova eagerly obliged and took Aron on a tour of the city, utilizing the maglev transport system that traveled throughout the entire city. She seemed excited to show Aron what she had created, resembling a child showing her father her latest accomplishment.

After spending over five hours touring the city, they had finally completed visiting all the important parts of the city, despite stopping the maglev train for some time and starting to use teleportation.

"You really went out of your way to make it a good place for people to live," Aron complimented Nova after they finished the tour.

[Thanks] Nova felt very happy that Aron complimented the city she built.

"Now let's move forward. Create bodies and use the brain data we collected to complete them," Aron commanded, officially initiating the beginning of Lab City.

Nova followed Aron's orders and began to create thousands of bodies in the public square of the city.

If you knew anyone influential in a specific STEM industry who resided in Europe, you would have discovered them among the people in the square that Nova had materialized.

Nova went beyond just materializing the bodies of the people, she also corrected any physical limitations they had in their original lives. For instance, Stephen Hawking was given a healthy and energetic body. Additionally, all the materialized individuals were set to the age of 25, ensuring that they were capable of performing any task they needed to.

Nova proceeded to upload the brain data into the bodies, effectively bringing them to life. However, she did not upload all of the data they had collected, as she had to manipulate some of their memories to ensure that they perceived their new environment as normal and did not become overwhelmed or distressed.

After finishing the brain data upload, Nova allowed the materialized people to control their own bodies and gave them time to adjust to their new surroundings.

After being given control of their bodies, the newly materialized individuals didn't cause any trouble or commotion. They simply looked at Aron and Nova and showed their gratitude before boarding the public transportation to return to their designated residences to rest.

To them, everything was normal as it aligned with their existing memories

After everyone left the public square, Aron turned to Nova and said, "Now do the same thing again but this time make them have a runic body and give them the knowledge of runes."

Nova followed Aron's instructions and repeated the same process. She materialized runic bodies and uploaded the runic knowledge along with their brain data.

After this group of people also left, Aron turned to Nova and said "When my clones finish training on the runes, assimilate it to them and have them try to implement it into their specific fields."

After that, Nova teleported both of them back to the place where Aron usually trained with his runes. Aron requested that Nova materialize a bed for him to rest, as he hadn't had more than a few hours of sleep at once during the entire brain data collection trip.

As for the materialized people, they would officially begin their research in their respective fields the next day.

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