Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 7

Chapter 6 60s 6

The source of the spring is on a very high mountain. The mountain is straight and almost at a right angle of 90 degrees to the ground. The mountain wall is still an arc, and it seems that it is not formed naturally when it is recessed.

I took a look at the summer solstice and found that this mountain was probably blown up. After the explosion, there was a water outlet halfway up the mountain. The water outlet was quite large. The water poured down like a waterfall, and the strong hydraulic power smashed out from the bottom. A pit was formed, and the water finally converged in the pit to form a mountain spring.

I don’t know what those people are doing to blow up the mountain, but it’s none of her business. She has to take a shower now.

Although it will be three shifts in the middle of the night, and almost no one will go up the mountain, but the summer solstice is still very careful not to take off his clothes.

Gu Chaoying once complained that her protagonist’s halo was not reliable at all. As the protagonist, she would be photographed by satellites while using space, and then taken to the laboratory for slices.

She doesn’t know if she still has the protagonist’s halo after passing through, but she doesn’t want to be caught for experimentation at all.

No matter it was after entering the water, attracting “male protagonists” or other “cannon fodder” was not what she wanted, so she went into the water directly wearing clothes, rubbed her body, and then washed all the clothes on her body, and then went ashore.

After learning the fireball technique, she has learned to use spiritual power to control the temperature, so she took a little effort to dry the clothes directly.

After taking a shower, there is still a long time before dawn. Today, I wasted a lot of spiritual energy. I didn’t dare to waste time sleeping during the summer solstice. I simply used meditation instead of sleep.

She continued to practice until dawn, and the summer solstice ended work and began to prepare breakfast. She grabbed some wild vegetables, caught a pheasant, and then started to make breakfast.

Because she got wild vegetables today, she found a stone slab for cooking.

In the summer solstice, I used a stone to build a simple earthen stove. I suddenly remembered that I had made a mistake yesterday. I didn’t even think about “changing” a box of matches with someone. I could only pat my pig’s head and lightly fire a fireball.

She first shredded the pheasant and blanched it on a slate to get the oil, then put in wild vegetables and started to fry the greens on the slate.

Today’s breakfast was delicious with meat and vegetables. After eating, she went to the small waterfall to pick up a few handfuls of water to rinse her mouth and drink a little to quench her thirst.

After solving the problem of the five internal organs, Xia Zhi began to think about what to do next.

The first is the issue of hukou, should she get a city hukou? Urban hukou feels taller.

But although the urban household registration is good, it also brings a lot of trouble. The premise is that she must have a house in the city to settle down. She is a foreigner and doesn’t have any money. If you get a city household registration, you have to make money first. Enough money to buy a house.

After getting the urban household registration, how to solve her daily life? She does not have a diploma, and there is a high probability that she will not find a good job in the city.

Of course, you can go to take the exam for a diploma, but this is also a lot of trouble. If you find a job in the city, do you go to the assembly line of the factory every day?

If she has a city residence, a house, and a decent job, it will be even more troublesome. In this era, single women are in such good conditions. I don’t know how many people are staring at them. Maybe someone will rush to give them every day. She introduces the object.

Thinking about this, she might as well take root in the countryside. At least the house is not as difficult to build in the city, and if she wants to make money, she will have work points when she goes to the land, and when she improves her life, she can go up the mountain at any time. If she lives in the city, she wants to open a business , But it’s not that easy. The price on the black market is expensive, and the wages of the factory may not be affordable. Do you sneak up the mountain every night?

The most important thing is that now there are educated youth going to the mountains and the countryside, even if she obtains her hukou, will she be taken back to the countryside in the city?

Although I am a cultivator, I can use Ecstasy with spiritual power, but I use Ecstasy every time I have a problem, and I don’t know how much spiritual power will be wasted. It’s too extravagant.

Xia solstice thought about it and decided to take root in this village. Anyway, she has seen the country background, and it is similar to her reality, and it is similar to the previous 70s. She can probably infer the follow-up development.

After 79 years of policy reforms, as a veteran traverser, she can build a business empire again with the perspective of later generations. This has been done once, and the second time will definitely be no problem.

After making up his mind, Xia Zhi settled down and began to take out the jade slip to check the content that had been skipped before.

Yesterday, just reading the spells article gave her a lot of inspiration, maybe other content can also bring more beneficial convenience to her survival.

With this in mind, she read the Talisman Chapter. The Talisman and the magic are actually similar, that is, the magic is compressed and sealed in a carrier.

Based on the carrier’s support from the magic spell maintained by the caster’s own spiritual power, depending on the carrier’s grade, the effectiveness of the talisman may be stronger than the spell cast out of thin air, and the duration is longer than the spell cast simply. .

Of course, the benefits are more than this. The talisman has a sealing effect, which can seal the spiritual power in the body on the talisman paper. When the spiritual power in the body is exhausted, it can absorb more spiritual power, so the talisman is equivalent to increasing The endurance of the monk.

This thing is just like a storage battery. It is convenient and easy to use in the realm of spiritual cultivation. There is so much time to meditate and absorb the power every day. The body of the monk may not be able to store so much spiritual power. They can absorb spiritual power at the same time. , While sealing up the spiritual power, and then continuing to absorb it, cultivation is the same as the production reserve.

The problem is that Xia Solstice is now using a spell or making a piece of talisman to consume spiritual power, I don’t know how long it will take to practice to be fully charged, so she does not have the conditions to make a “battery”.

Besides, even if she really wants to draw talisman, how can she get the materials for making talisman paper and talisman pen? There is no ready-made talisman paper and talisman pen in this world.

If she wants to draw charms, she must first make the materials by herself. There are tutorials for making these things in the jade slips, but they are very troublesome and cumbersome.

Summer Solstice didn’t want to do it, but after seeing the invisibility spell made into invisibility talisman, after comparing the spiritual power required to maintain the same invisibility time, she felt that she should work hard to make talisman paper and talisman pen, because invisibility talisman is better than invisibility The technique is much more cost-effective. As long as the spiritual power sealed in a piece of talisman is not exhausted, it can be used multiple times. If she simply releases the invisibility technique, in addition to continuing to release the spiritual power, once it is released, it will be used next time. Re-release a new spell, which is far less convenient than the invisibility talisman.

Because he decided to make his own talisman paper and talisman pen, Xia Zhi began to carefully review the tutorial.

Gu Chaoying knows that her original world doesn’t have much aura, so in the tutorial of making talisman paper and talisman pen in the jade slip, it provides some common materials that can be found in the ordinary world.

The steps of making talisman paper are more troublesome, but the materials are not difficult to collect. As for the talisman pen and cinnabar, if you can’t find the materials, you can consider using her own blood instead.

Xia Zhi thought she didn’t plan to draw too many symbols, she just had to bite her finger and let out some blood.

After making a decision, she did what she said, and started looking for materials for making talisman paper.

In the realm of comprehension, the materials for making talisman paper are all plants and animals that have been cultivated by aura. There is no aura in this world. In the summer solstice, according to the tutorial, I searched for some older trees and picked up some skins and leaves. After an older animal is killed, the fur is removed for use.

It takes a few days to make a batch of talisman paper. Xia Zhi thinks that he is busy, so it is better to dye his clothes too, so as to save the English letters on them from making themselves awkward.

But she still needs to find a place to live for herself. She can’t meditate in a tree every day. She is not a little dragon girl, so she can sleep on a rope every day.

In the summer solstice, I found Kuaishi as a pickaxe and dug a cave near the waterfall. I went to have lunch when I was hungry, and then continued to dig the cave.

After digging, she had to sigh that the strength of the monk’s body was really high, except for some sweat, she didn’t feel tired at all.

After digging the cave, she lit a fire and began to bake the wall. While waiting for the wall to dry, she moved some messy things and put them at the entrance of the cave to cover up a little to make sure that no one would find a hole here. , And then began to paint with peace of mind during the summer solstice.

The simplest pigment is gray, which can be dyed with plant ash and silt. This is the oldest method of dyeing cloth. Many rural elderly people use this soil method to dye cloth.

Spread the silt that has settled for many years on a cotton cloth, and then put it in a cool place for two days. After it is air-dried, take it out and wash it. The white cotton cloth will turn grayish brown.

Although the color dyed by this method is not good-looking, it will corrode the fabric and reduce the service life of the clothes, but now the summer solstice has no choice, even if she can use petals or something to adjust the beautiful color, she can’t wear it out, so she just uses it. This native method.

She dug a lot of silt under the spring and moved it back to the cave, covered the entrance of the cave, and started dyeing cloth.

The normal process requires air-drying for two days to wipe the silt, but in the summer solstice, you can’t be naked for two days, so she casts a spell to directly control the temperature, instantly dries the silt and shakes it off, then puts on the clothes and goes to the mountain spring to wash the clothes. .

This kind of laundry really hurts. Xia Zhi felt that she had to speed up and confirm her identity, and then she went to find someone to buy cloth or a new set of clothes. She was going crazy wearing this set of clothes every day.

After finishing the clothes, she inspected the cave again and found that it was almost baked and could live in, and she could finally take a breath.

Today is the whole day, she is the reincarnation of Lord Bei, where is the life of a traverser, it is simply a wilderness survival, I don’t know what world Gu Chaoying has experienced before, why there are so many messy things. Teach her.

The author has something to say: I found that when I started to think about the plot seriously, my mind was very active and I often dreamed.

I had a dream a few days ago, and I told Jiyou that she commented that this dream has a particularly cinematic quality.

The technology of the real world in the dream has been developed to extract human brain waves. At the beginning, the dream was from the perspective of God.

The plot is that a person was murdered. This technology happened to be used. The police extracted the brain waves of the deceased and knew who the murderer was from his brain waves.

Then the picture changed and I became a character in my dream.

The technology for extracting brain waves is becoming more and more advanced, and reality has developed into a second world. As long as people die, brain waves will be placed in the second world to continue to survive, but these memories before life must be cleared.

In my dream, I live in the second world. I am a poor man and I don’t have my own separate house. I share a rent with others.

I kept a cat, but the cat was stolen. I kept looking for the cat, but I couldn’t find it.

One day when I was going home, a fierce-looking man suddenly came to me at the door of my house. He was so frightened that he ran back and closed the door.

As a result, the fierce man didn’t know why the police were called, and the police scolded me.

I have no memory, but there are still some living habits that seem to be carved in my bones and have not disappeared, so although I don’t know why, I still think the world is strange, so I hide at home and dare not go out.

The shared house is very small. Except for the door, there is only one window. The fierce man has been lying on the window and laughing in a gloomy way. I am even more afraid. A strange woman came behind, she also smirked on the window, I I was always scared and didn’t know what to do, but she suddenly opened the door and came in and said, “The advertisement on the window has changed. It looks pretty good.”

At this time, I suddenly had a lot of memories in my mind. This woman is a woman who rents with me, and the utilization rate of various things in the second world is very high. Those windows are all advertisements from the outside, but from the inside, you can see that It’s transparent, so it’s the kind of thing that happened before when someone was lying on the window, because they were looking at the advertisement on the window.

This second world really makes the most of the space, and the windows are all used for advertising.

After knowing these things, I became less scared, and remembered that my cat was lost, but I couldn’t find it, so I was going to buy a new cat.

When this idea came into my mind, I suddenly had another memory in my mind, and that was the information of the cat seller. I followed the information in my mind to find the cat seller.

I went outside the cat seller’s house. She was playing with a dog. I asked her, “Are there any cats for sale.” She said, “Yes, cats cost 15 yuan per catty.”

I thought her statement was very strange, so I asked her, “How come it is sold by the catty?” She said, “Cat meat is at this price.”

I suddenly became angry and said, “I’m here to buy a cat, not to kill a cat. Are you abused cats?”

I don’t know how this thought of abuse of cats appeared in my mind. When the person heard me say this, his face suddenly changed. He was so fierce, he rushed to kill me, and I was chased by her.

I ran into an alley and there were a lot of bugs in it. Because I saw a new species, a new memory was entered in my mind. The content of the memory told me that these bugs will invade the human world and need to be dealt with by the army. So I wanted to ask someone in the army for help. At this time, another memory suddenly appeared in my mind. I had a boyfriend in the second world. He was a soldier. I made a decisive decision and decided to find that soldier. boyfriend

As a result, I followed my memory and found the boyfriend of the soldier. He saw me and said to take me to meet a friend, and then the three of us went to eat hot pot…grass, bugs, and even chased after the abused cat. I forgot about the killing.

Finally, after eating hot pot, I woke up and the whole play ended.

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