Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 384

Chapter 383 Global Frozen 6

Originally, Jiao Jinghan had thought about her own back road properly, but she didn’t expect the space to be discovered by others.

This made her very worried, and she didn’t know what the other party’s idea was.

Seeing that this mysterious person had sent emails to herself twice in a row, it should have been a plan, and Jiao Jinghan was very anxious.

It is very inconvenient to hide in other cities now, and she does not want to hide in the space for the time being.

People are all social animals. Although she thought that when the environment on the planet is not suitable for human survival, she can hide in the space and continue to live, but that is also the worst case.

If possible, she would of course prefer to live in a group instead of living alone in the space alone.

Just when Jiao Jinghan was thinking about guessing about the summer solstice, the country suddenly announced that it has developed a defensive cover that can cover the city and shield the cold. People can live in the defensive cover and will not be afraid of continuing to cool down in the future. .

This defensive cover has multiple functions. In addition to the heating function, it can also cool down, rain, snow, wind, shock and so on.

Seeing the eloquent introduction of the protective cover in the news, the people all over the country cheered, and their country is so powerful that it has developed this kind of black technology.

Although the news said that due to the scarcity of materials, the popularity of the defensive cover is not so fast, but everyone is still very happy.

During the summer solstice, the National Academy of Sciences did not expect that the progress of the National Research Institute was so fast. In the past few months, the protective shield was actually researched out. As expected, there is pressure and motivation.

Now that the protective shield has been researched out, her formation is not needed, so Xia Zhi didn’t harass Jiao Jinghan again.

Jiao Jinghan felt a little strange, why the mysterious person disappeared after only sending two emails to herself.

The second email is very close to the first one, but it has been a week since the time has passed, and there is no third email. Is it true that it is a spam email sent everywhere?

Fortunately, I was just entangled and forgot to reply to the email, almost exposed.

Thinking of this, Jiao Jinghan blacked the mailbox of Xia Zhi. She didn’t want to receive this letter from the second illness, and then scared herself to death.

Her time is very busy, but she has no time to play role-playing to save the world.

Thinking of the implementation of the protective cover, the national temperature will rise, the economy will definitely recover, and all walks of life will have new developments. She has to save enough money and brand reputation before the temperature returns, and take a place in the market after the temperature returns.

In order to expand the store, Jiao Jinghan began to get busy, while at the summer solstice he continued to sell warm jade while paying attention to the laying of protective covers.

The first city covered by the protective cover is the capital. It is estimated that the technology is not yet mature. The moment the protective cover is successfully capped, the people in the capital feel very strongly.

When the temperature inside the protective cover began to heat up, everyone found that the ice cubes outside the house began to melt.

Many people have taken pictures of melting ice and posted them on the Internet. People all over the country are paying attention to the situation in the capital and found that the function of the protective shield is really as powerful as the news. I think that as long as the whole country is installed, their lives will be fine. Back to the way it was before the big drop in temperature.

Their country has developed such a protective shield, which shocked the world. Other countries have called to congratulate them. By the way, I would like to ask whether this technology can be sold.

Seeing other countries licking their country like this, everyone feels very happy.

Because of the appearance of the protective cover, all kinds of good news spread all over the place.

Because there are other countries that want to exchange information on protective shields, in line with the principle of mutual help and mutual assistance among all human beings, their countries simply mark the price and sell protective shields. As long as other countries can afford the price, they can sell protective shields to each other, so Soon enough materials were collected in the country to make more protective covers.

Although they have sold some protective covers to other countries, their domestic pace has not slowed down. Protective covers across the country are being laid one after another, and soon in the city where the summer solstice is located.

Originally, in the summer solstice, I thought it would be fine if the protective shield covered all human habitations, but unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there were a lot of accidents.

The protective shield in this city didn’t work long after it was opened, and news continued to spread from other cities that there seemed to be a problem with the use time of the protective shield.

The state attaches great importance to this issue and immediately sent someone to investigate the cause.

At present, the reason for the failure of the protective cover has not been investigated, but it has begun to panic.

I thought that after the country developed the protective cover, it would be fine, but I didn’t expect that the protective cover would fail.

In addition to their own countries attaching great importance to this issue, other countries have also been paying attention to this matter. After all, they have spent a lot of money and do not want to buy back some defective products.

Soon there were news from other countries, saying that the use of the protective cover was something wrong, and the energy consumption was extremely fast, which was too far away from the time stated in the instructions.

As more and more information was collected, the problem finally surfaced.

The protective shields in City C were the first to fail, and then those shields from City C slowly began to fail. In other countries close to City C, their protective shields would also fail faster than those in distant countries.

It seems that there is a problem with City C. Perhaps it is this problem that caused the world’s temperature to drop.

It is surprising to come to this conclusion, because they have never discovered anything different in City C.

Even if it is a big drop in temperature, it did not start from City C, so some people are wondering if they have made a mistake.

However, with more and more experimental data, all the evidence points to City C, which makes people have to pay attention to it. City C must have problems.

Because this incident is attracting attention from all over the world, the results of the investigation cannot be concealed at all. After the results were announced, everyone was in an uproar, and those foreigners were even more crazy.

People all over the world never thought that the source of the big cooling was in City C.

The summer solstice is also very surprised, the big drop in temperature is not an environmental problem, but man-made?

At this moment, she thought of the heroine’s space.

If there is something unique about City C, it is that there is a traverser like her, but the big drop in temperature appeared before she traversed, and it was definitely not brought by her.

Except for her, it is Jiao Jinghan’s space.

Xia Zhi remembered that when he met Jiao Jinghan, his whole body was very uncomfortable, the spiritual power of his whole body was eager to move, and even the spirit of the space was always making noises.

At that time, she didn’t think too much, she just wanted to use the aura in Jiao Jinghan’s space. Now it seems that the problem might really appear in Jiao Jinghan’s space.

Fortunately, she still wanted to cooperate with Jiao Jinghan at the beginning. Isn’t this a sheep’s mouth?

What’s the matter with her space?

After the protective shield was researched out, Xia Zhi hadn’t paid attention to the other party for a long time. Because of the investigation report, she had to focus on Jiao Jinghan again.

Then Xia Zhi found that Jiao Jinghan’s hot pot restaurant had actually opened a chain store. There were more than a dozen stores in the city, and it was even expanding.

This…I know how to grasp the timing of expansion.

Knowing that the big temperature drop is related to the other party, Xia Zhi paid great attention to each other’s every move, and then began to compare the weather.

After observing for more than half a month, the summer solstice found that the more things Jiao Jinghan took out of the space, the faster the temperature dropped.

In the past few months when the protective shield was developed, it is estimated that she was in the period of frantically expanding stores, so the temperature was also dropping frantically.

Finally found the culprit that caused the world’s freezing crisis, Xia Zhi felt it was necessary to talk to her.

As a result, she sent a few emails and they were all overwhelmed. Xia Zhi didn’t know that her mailbox was blacked out by the other party, thinking that Jiao Jinghan didn’t want to take care of herself. In the end, she had no choice but to deliver messages to her store and ask the clerk to help deliver the letters.

Jiao Jinghan felt a little strange when he received the letter from the clerk. In this age, who would still send paper letters.

She took the letter back to the office, opened it, and almost tore it to shreds.

I saw the letter read: “Hello, I was the one who sent you an email before and invited you to save the world, but then I sent you a few emails, but you didn’t reply, so I had to make a move.”

“The first thing is to tell you one thing. According to my observations, the space on your body should be the cause of the big drop in temperature. The more things you take out of the space, the more the temperature outside will drop, but this As a result, I haven’t told anyone other than you for the time being, it can be regarded as a kind of protection for you.”

“The following content may be very unpleasant for you to read, although I know that this request is very unreasonable, but for the sake of so many people in the world, can you reduce the frequency of space use?”

“If the harm of non-space is too great, I will not brazenly make this request. After all, it is your personal property. You shouldn’t be beaked by other people on how to use it, but before using any personal property, should you make sure? Will it harm the interests of others?”

“In fact, I would like to suggest that you give this space to the country. After all, this is a thing that can cause a big drop in global temperature. When you use it, wouldn’t you be afraid? If one day, there is nothing in this world for the space to absorb. , Will the space begin to counteract your host?”

“I just made these two suggestions. There is no malice to you. The final decision is still on you. I hope you can consider them carefully.”

After reading all the contents of the letter, Jiao Jinghan was confused.

When she got the space, she did not think so much when she used it, and she did not connect the global cooling with space at all. After reading this letter and contacting so many recent events, Jiao Jinghan had doubts, maybe it was true. It has something to do with this space.

At the beginning of gaining space, she always guessed on the cultivation items, but there was nothing in the space that had anything to do with cultivation except for the black earth and spiritual spring water.

She had no doubts before. As for why the area of ​​the space is getting bigger and bigger, isn’t it all because of her progress, so the space will continue to open up more areas for her own use?

Isn’t such a setting all the content of the novel? Why is it my turn to get the gold finger, but it brings disaster to the world?

Jiao Jinghan didn’t immediately believe the content of this letter. She decided to do some experiments to confirm whether the cooling really had something to do with her own space.

She is an active person, and she will do it immediately when she thinks about it. After many experiments, Jiao Jinghan found that the result was indeed the same as that person said in the letter. The more frequently she used the space, the more frequent the outside The faster the temperature drops, it will even affect the use of the newly developed protective cover.

Jiao Jinghan was stunned. She really didn’t expect that such an evil thing would appear in her hands.

Fortunately, this thing is not wise, and I don’t know that I have discovered that there is a problem with it.

After learning that there was a problem with the space, Jiao Jinghan panicked and didn’t know what to do.

She has already acknowledged the master of the space, will she cause any harm to herself?

At this moment, she conspired, thinking a lot, including how to get rid of the space.

However, the carrier of the space does not know what material it is made of, and fire and water are not intrusive.

Jiao Jinghan used many methods, but failed to destroy the space jade pendant.

At this time, she had to put her hope on the person who sent her letter.

Jiao Jinghan released Xia Zhi’s mailbox from the blacklist.

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