Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 332

Chapter 331 Misty 12

After cutting two huge “octopus legs” in succession, Xia Zhi still didn’t know what this thing was.

However, its main body escaped really fast. This time, Xia Solstice put the consciousness into the sewer ahead of time, and it still escaped.

It seems that next time I will hold her leg and let the leg take her to find its body.

At this moment, the summer solstice is a bit regretful. I cut its leg too soon. What if it is afraid of being beaten and does not appear anymore? So I can’t catch it.

But it’s already like this, it’s too late to regret, the next step can only look at God’s good fortune.

But the fog still hasn’t disappeared, and it’s estimated that the thing hasn’t planned to leave yet.

Xia Zhi remembered the result of his calculation. The fog took three days to disappear. Maybe the fog didn’t disappear so quickly, but because of his own influence, it disappeared in three days.

But what is the reason for the fog that disappeared the day before?

She recalled the human stumps on the side of the road. Could it be that this alien was a cannibalism, and it was gone the last day. Is it already full, so it disappeared early?

Xia Zhi thought for a long time and didn’t understand why the time of fog disappearing is different every time, but she knows that there must be some factors that cause the duration of each fog to be different, but this is possible, and it needs to be observed a few more times. Slow research.

Putting this octopus leg on the road, the summer solstice will continue to invest in infinite good deeds to save those who have been in car accidents.

Fortunately, there is fog everywhere now, so other people can’t see it, and they didn’t realize that they were saved by a transparent person.

During the summer solstice, I was busy in this city for two days. I was almost able to save people with the army, but the strange monster hadn’t appeared yet.

However, the fog is still there, and it seems that it is still hiding in the dark trying to make trouble.

Xia Solstice did not relax his vigilance, the divine consciousness was scanning 24 hours a day, just waiting for it to throw itself into the net.

On the third day of the summer solstice, a sewer manhole cover was found to be moving, so the divine sense was penetrated, and indeed he found a trace of the abnormal shape.

She quietly approached the manhole cover, ready to catch it as soon as the tentacles appeared. Without preventing it from escaping this time, she decided to follow this leg to see what it was.

That leg didn’t know that he had been discovered by the summer solstice. It was estimated that he had pushed the manhole cover and found that no enemy was attacking it. He thought it was safe, so he quietly pushed the manhole cover a crack and crawled out of it.

This is the summer solstice and opened the manhole cover, hooked it with a hook when it was about to escape, and was taken fast through the sewer.

I felt that this leg was just like a tight rubber band was suddenly released, and the speed of fleeing was very fast, turning without stopping, and after a while, he left the shaft and came to a lake.

It turned out that this thing was hiding in the water.

Xia Zhi remembered the first hexagram he had calculated, isn’t it related to water?

After entering the lake, Xia Solstice finally saw the true color of this thing.

It looks a bit like an octopus, but it is more disgusting than an octopus, and it is also very large.

The area of ​​this lake is huge, but it almost fills up.

If it weren’t for the lake of living water, I guess it would have been discovered as soon as it appeared, because the lake’s water would be squeezed out by it.

Although the summer solstice is invisible, that thing seems to have a feeling.

The whole body was shaking, and I didn’t know if it was afraid or wanted to fight with her.

But soon Xia Solstice knew what it wanted to do, and it turned out that it wanted to escape.

After it jittered for a while, its entire body suddenly slid in a certain direction, moving very fast. If Xia Zhi hadn’t been vigilant all the time, it might be run away by it.

It happened that there was no one near this lake. Xia Zhi thought of his sword with thunder and lightning, and then looked at so much water around him, it was very suitable for his sword to play.

So she summoned a long sword to release thunder and lightning, and soon the alien stopped moving, and she didn’t know if it was stunned or electrocuted.

However, the summer solstice has no time to study this question, because after the alien turned white belly, all the foggy disappeared.

The consciousness of Xia Solstice had not yet been confiscated, so I saw the white mist digging into the monster’s body.

Sure enough, these fogs have something to do with the aliens, and it was the ones that released them.

But this is a bit wrong. When I observed the fog that was hidden by me last time, it seemed to be thinking. Otherwise, how could the fog suddenly drift to the sewer and slip away?

If this fog has no thinking, is it possible that she was monitored at that time? After the alien recovered the mist, it was found that one piece was missing, so did you look for it everywhere?

Because I was not an alien, I couldn’t figure out what was going on, Xia Zhi didn’t think about it at all, but grabbed this thing first and talked about it.

Worried about its strong anti-strike ability and quick recovery, Xia Solstice used a long sword to electrify it several times.

The big octopus kept twitching and looked miserable, but it was a pity that the fish in this lake turned white belly with them.

After a few times of electricity, the summer solstice estimated that it should take a long time for it to wake up, so he pulled out the rope from the storage ring to tie it into a ball, and then fished it out of the lake.

When packing this alien, Xia Zhi confirmed that it was the thing whose two legs had been cut off by herself before, and then looked at the sky again and it became clear. It seems that the problem of heavy fog has been resolved.

The fog disappeared, and everyone in the city cheered happily.

Others are happy that the summer solstice has a headache, how to deal with this big octopus.

This thing must be handed over to the people of the country to study. She sees that the soldiers are still busy, and she doesn’t know how to notify them to come here.

This lake is some distance away from the city. If she ran back to call people and waited for them to come over, would it wake up and run away?

If you carry something more than ten times larger than your body size and go back, no matter how you look at it, it will be a problem.

In the end, Xia Zhi could only call the police uncle, saying that he was fishing in the suburbs and accidentally caught something that was unknown to be an alien or an ancient creature.

This thing seems to have something to do with the mysterious fog, because the fog disappeared after being caught by her. I begged the police uncle to find someone to deal with it quickly.

The operator heard that something related to the mysterious fog is a major event, so it was reported immediately.

Soon the police contacted the soldiers rescued in the city and asked them to go to the Great Lake in the suburbs to deal with the matter.

After the phone call in the summer solstice, I waited for the official person to come over at the same place. The octopus monster really woke up midway. Fortunately, she didn’t walk away, otherwise she would run away.

Found that its legs started to move, Xia Zhi used a long sword to electrocut it a few times, and stunned it again.

By the time the official people drove here, the octopus monster had been electrified several times during the summer solstice.

The anti-strike ability of this thing is really strong, and the summer solstice has some doubts about its variety.

The soldiers drove the car and saw a Roshan piled up in front of them from a distance. When they drove the car closer, they saw a slender figure standing in front of the Roshan.

After they got off the bus, they greeted them enthusiastically at the summer solstice and said, “You can come, if you don’t come again, this thing will run away.”

“Did you catch this from fishing?” they asked.

Impossible, her size is so different from this giant octopus monster, how can she bring it ashore?

Xia Zhi had already figured out how to fool these people, and made up a reason: “Of course I didn’t get it up. It seems to be eating people. Seeing me standing on the shore, a fierce boy flew up from the water. Pounced at me. Fortunately, I had practiced and reacted very quickly. I took out an electric baton and stunned it. You see, the dark areas on its body were scorched by me.”

Xia Zhi said, pointing his hand to the monster, and those pieces of skin that were scorched by electricity.

Several soldiers heard the words and took a look, and found that there were indeed some electric shocks on the monster’s body.

After confirming the progress of the matter, they began to think of ways to transfer this thing.

The car they just drove was not big enough to fit the monster, so they could only call the contact person and drove a trailer over to drag it away.

After the phone call, the soldiers said to Xia Zhi: “You can’t go now, you have to go back with us, and someone will come to you for questioning.”

“Oh.” Xia Zhi nodded and said he knew.

After all, she discovered this thing, and she must be checked several times, such as asking why she came to this place to fish, and why she brought an electric baton with her.

If they find that ordinary electric batons can’t move this thing, it is estimated that there will be other problems.

Xia Zhizhi had already figured out the reason, so she said that her electric baton was modified.

Because I am a beautiful woman who looks like a flower, I am especially afraid of something bad, so I bring tools with me to save myself. No, did I save myself successfully this time?

This reason is perfect!

Following this group of soldiers waiting for the trailer’s space, the octopus monster woke up again, and there would be someone around him who couldn’t use the sword to power it at the summer solstice, so he picked up a rock on the ground and smashed it, directly knocking it stunned.

She was so proficient in her fierce female movements that she formed a strong contrast with her appearance, and shocked the soldiers next to her.

After Xia Solstice finished smashing the octopus monster, he smiled embarrassedly and said: “This thing is very powerful. You can’t make it awake. It will shrink its bones and will disappear after a while, so be sure to faint it. Then it can’t run away.”

The people beside them all showed a suddenly realized expression.

After a while, a Bing brother came over and said, “You are pretty good. See how you beat people, have you practiced?”

Xia Zhi said: “Yeah, I have practiced since I was a child and I am a big boy. Fortunately, it was me who encountered the monster today. If it were an ordinary person, I would have been swallowed a long time ago, let alone arrest the monster. .”

“Indeed.” The soldier nodded and said.

If he encounters this monster, he doesn’t know if he can fight back, because its size is really too big, especially with so many legs that are not easy to kill, or it may be entangled to death.

When they were rescuing the city these days, they also knew that there was a monster in the fog. At that time, they only saw one leg. They broke the leg somehow before they figured out the situation.

At the time, they didn’t even think about how to deal with that giant leg.

However, this girl was quite powerful, and she was not messed up when she was in danger, and grabbed the body of the giant leg with her bare hands.

The soldiers were very optimistic about Xia Zhi, and asked her: “You are so skilled, are you interested in joining the army?”

Xia Zhi shook his head and said, “No, I have another job and I don’t want to join the army for the time being.”

“What do you do?” the soldiers asked curiously.

Xia Zhi said: “I am a fortune teller, I have an account, do you want to pay attention to it? Fortune telling gives you a discount.”

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