Genius Prince’s National Revitalization from State Deficit ~ Right, Let Us Sell the Country

Book 6: Chapter Aft


It’s been a while. It’s Toru Toba. Thank you for picking up the sixth volume of The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (Hey, How About Treason?).

The main motif of this volume was the sea! We see Wein shipped off to the tropical islands of Patura from the port that he won from the Soljest Kingdom in the previous volume. I hope you’ll enjoy seeing Wein out of his element in a new land that’s influenced by neither the East nor the West.

That’s it for the sixth volume.

I have to apologize for one thing. I promised in the previous volume to write a slice of life, but that didn’t end up happening. I’m sorry for not keeping my promise…!

I found it hard to write around an unfamiliar theme. I just couldn’t get the words out. In the end, I decided to continue the main story… To all the readers who were looking forward to it, I’m very sorry.

It might be some time before I get to write something fluffy and wholesome… I still want to write more about the characters’ daily lives and school days! I just ask for your patience.

Some thanks are in order.

First, to Ohara, my editor. I’m so sorry for putting you in such a tough position with this volume. Seriously. From the bottom of my heart. I’m going to reflect on my actions… (I guess I say that every volume…)

Thank you to my illustrator, Falmaro! I couldn’t get enough of the wardrobe changes and the bathing suits for Ninym and Wein in this tropical climate. I’m already thinking about how I can incorporate swimsuits into every plot of mine…

I would like to thank the artist in charge of the manga adaptation—Emuda. It’s been awesome seeing the crew in manga form! They’re so cute! The story is approaching the latter half of volume one, and I’m looking forward to seeing how those scenes are rendered in the comic!

I would like to share some exciting news. We’re going to publish the first volume of the manga and the sixth volume of this at the same time! So please go and check out the manga, too!

Last but not least, I’d like to thank my readers for cheering me on. You made this volume possible. It looks like we might make it to volume 10! I hope you’ll support both the and the manga from here onward!

For the next volume, I think we’ll head back to the Empire. The fight for succession continues to rage, so I hope you look forward to seeing what sort of trouble Wein causes next.

Signing off. I’ll see you in the next one!

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