Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V03 – Chapter 31 Elies Forest Campaign RM


--- Elies Forest ---

May 23rd, 2025


When the Rangers discovered that Sergeant Larson was taken prisoner by the Empire, both Vanguard-3 and 7 would move out to search for him. They were told by the elf elder son that there is an Empire fort somewhere in the region. Good chance he was taken there.

Because of the situation, Sharpe was forced to leave Vanguard-5 at the village until the Canadian rapid response team reaches them. While Bailey wanted to go with, wanting his man back and wanting some revenge.

However, the current condition of his unit, most being dead, wound or missing, forced them to stay behind temporary. While he was not comfortable in leaving them there, he no longer feared that the elf elder would do any of them harm. Besides, there was no other choice, waiting for the Canadians to arrive would mean waiting a day until they begin their search and rescues.

After a short conversation with Alnus Command, the brass decided to reinforce the two Ranger units. The 1st Armored Division is sending a Stryker platoon to rendezvous with both Ranger teams. Another Stryker company is heading towards the northern part of the operation zone, trying to prevent the Empire from sending reinforcements from the north or prevent them from escaping.

A French force from the 7th Armored Brigade is being deployed into the area to provide rear cover or emergency assist to anyone who needs it, preventing the Empire from sending forces from Belatrack.

To help save time both Vanguard-3 and 7 would temporarily separate to cover more ground. It has been hours since the search begins with little luck. Since the search began, the weather has not been on their side.

The weather has become cloudy with occasional light rain. That normally would not be a problem, missions do not get canceled because of a little rain. The problem is that these roads are made from dirt, which is turning into mud. They were never meant to be used by modern-day vehicles. The JLTV can travel in this wet terrain however, speed is the key here and this is only slowing everyone down.

For once Rory is in the passenger seat as he is the back on the radio with Private First-Class Alicia Moore. She has traveled the Elies Forest a few times over the centuries and can help with the navigation.

“The French Force has engaged a Imperial force by the Cholen River,” Sarah said over the radio. The signal is very weak with some static. “It sounds like they are fighting some kind of water monster so all you will have is the Stryker support?”

“No air again?” he asked. “I thought the Airfield was complete?”

There is a short delay before Sarah responses. “Negative on-air support. That airfield is complete however they are still testing the aircraft to see if they can be used.”

He knows what they mean. Because of the limitations of the Gate many aircraft had to be taken apart to be transported here then reassembled.

“Roger that,” he replied in a annoyed tone as he looks at the Blue Force Tracker(1). Normally the digital map would be up to date in real time however because there are no satellites or drones for GPS, all maps and units must be preloaded before leaving base. “What about 1st Armor?”

“They have crossed the Valtris bridge and entering Etlia now,” Sarah replied. “I am connecting you two, so you are on the same comms.”

“I am confirming that sir,” Alicia said. “I have Lieutenant Peterson on the horn.”

“Roger that Sergeant,” he said to Alicia. “Sarah we will try to keep you up to date however connection is horrible here.”

“I understand,” Sarah said. “Will see what other support I can get you from this end.”

"Lieutenant Peterson once you past this trading town call Sartai avoids going west or north. Good chance there Imperialist forces so stay on the Ogre highway for thirty-five kilometers and then head south," he said over the radio as he talks to the leader of the Stryker platoon.

"Roger that. Wait…" There is a short pause in the radio conversation as Lieutenant Peterson speaks to one of his soldiers. "Negative sir, I-Spy reporting that route is currently occupied."

Since the Air Force got into the fight, the troops on the ground have nicknamed the airborne reconnaissance forces as I-Spy. That can be drones or helicopters, whatever air assist that can be used. While his team is too far away to get helicopter support, Peterson's platoon seems close enough to get that service.

"What, occupied by what?" he asked with a confused tone.

"Ah… I am being told a heard of… what looks like some kind of three horn sheep?” Peterson said confused. “They have sheep here? Anyway, the route is blocked. I have to go south sir."

"Taking the Gagus Highway is a negative. You will never reach us in time on that route. Farther south the weather has ruined the roads. The Stryker's will never be able to get through there with their weight." he points out.

Rory looks behind after listening to the conversation. "Major, they can go around here." She leans on his shoulder and points on the screen. "Right here. This area is where the river is the shallowest. Your armored troop carriers should be able to cross it."

"Standby," He looks where she points and think. "Rory, that's hostile territory, Imperial territory. Good chance they will be engaged without support. We only just secured Etlia and that’s it.”

Rory looks him. "You are thinking like they are soldiers from your world. The Empire does not usually scatter their forces out as you do. From what I understand they like to keep them in places that are key to the Empire or where they are fighting. If they run into a force, it should not be that large. What you call a checkpoint if that."

He looks at the map. Intelligence said the Empire is making a stand in the town of Sartai, which is on the Orgo Highway. The other down father north which is still not named is deep within Empire territory and they have no idea how many Legions are up there.

Rory can see that he wants to protest but refused to say something. That is something she has grown to respect about him. Most people in power would either say what is on their mind, wanting their opinion to be accepted and do not want other viewpoints.

He thinks very carefully what others say before agreeing or disagreeing. The Blue Force Tracker map doesn’t show how deep a river is because it was not studied yet.

He then sees what Rory is talking about, that she is correct. The Empire have no reason to think they can cross a river without a bridge. Stryker’s have some limited amphibious abilities so they should be able to cross the river, assuming Rory is correct.

"Peterson,” he said. “Once you are five kilometers from Sartai head directly south. We will send you coordinates to a river spot. You should be able to cross it, bypassing the Empire checkpoints. Then head directly up north from the Gaguas Highway.”

"Are you sure sir? My map said that's Imperial territory," Peterson said.

"I know. This is my call. I need you here ASAP, engage only if you have no choice," Sharpe said in a commanding voice.

"Roger, we will be there. Third Platoon out," Peterson said before getting off the line.

"Roger, over and out," Alicia said as she puts down her headset. "Sir, Vanguard-3 reported in. They ran into a civilian wagon. They claim they saw a large Empire force that moved into the area a few days ago."

"Hmm… looks like they were planning this for a while." Sharpe said, looking at the map, studying it.

Alicia then looks over to the map and points to where she believes their sister unit is currently at. "I think their right here. God, I miss GPS."

"What's a GPS?" Selina asked. She has been quiet, letting everyone do their work. She also has been carefully listening to everything.

"GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It tells us where we are going and where people are currently at, all in real-time. I will explain more later when we have time. It relies on satellites back on Earth but since we don’t have those here, we are forced to rely on a more local alternative." Alicia said, giving her a quick smile.

“What does that mean?” Lelei asked.

“It means when the Air Force gets up and running, they will send out Drones to act as a local satellite. It will allow us to communicate and see each other easier,” He said

"If they are here, they could be around here. Hmm," he said, talking to himself. "Rory, you said you know this area?"

"Again, it has been a while but yes," Rory said again.

"What about this village here? Could the fort be here?" Sharpe asked her, showing her the map.

Rory analyzes it. "I doubt it. They are at war with the Wooden Elias Elves. This is pretty far for them to wage a war."

"It is more likely the fort isn't being used to occupy land but to be used as a staging ground." Selina said. "In my country, they built forts as staging areas. Sometimes they were far away from a town, in the middle of the farmlands. I remember my father saying they did that so they could attack in multiple areas at once. To keep our forces spread thin."

"That makes sense. I'm thinking about this all wrong," he said, thinking on all their points. "Your right. Ok, because of our tech we rely on roads more than they do. That means they could be around here, close to this section of the forest."

"You’re so cute when you're thinking," Rory said as she watches him work.

"Wrong time Rory," he said.

"That's what you said last time at the bar," Rory said back to him as she sits back down.

"Sir, Randy just contacts us,” said Alicia. “He said he sees smoke up ahead. He thinks it's coming from a campfire."

"Alright. Tell everyone to pull up ahead and tell Randy to investigate," he orders.

Alicia sends out the order through the team NW.

Once the order was given the convoy, they pull over into some brush, hiding slightly. Once parked, Randy, Scott, and Lelei would head out to check out the situation with that smoke. In the meantime, everyone will be checking equipment, rebuilding their vehicles and other tasked.

It would be about twenty-five minutes before they head back from the recon team.




Randy moves some brush. He sees the campfire he reports.

"This is big daddy; we are at the location. The smoke indeed came from a campfire," he said over the radio.

"Roger,” said Alicia. “Update me as soon as possible."

He looks around. He sees about twenty-five, maybe thirty Imperials soldiers. There are some tents up, implying they have been here for a while or planning on to. Many would be by the firepit, talking, laughing about something, others putting things away.

That is when he sees something different. Most of the people he sees are Human, but some look like Dwarves, like Gimli from Lord of the Rings. He can see about five of them around two of the wagons.

He looks at Lelei who joined his recon mission. He requested her presence because of her knowledge of alien life.

She looks cute with cameo pain on her face and the tactical vest. She sometimes reminds him of his daughter

"Lelei, what are those?" he asked her in a quiet voice.

Lelei moves up, looking around a tree. She looks through his binoculars. "Wow… you can see so far. And those are Dwarves."

"I thought so. Let me guess, miners, addicted to gold and wealth. Hate elves?" he said.

Lelei looks at him, surprised that he knows so much about dwarfs. "How did you know that? From another one of your fantasy stories?"

"Yup. Honestly, that creeps me out," he said. So much they thought was make-believe has turned out to be true. All the good, bad, and probably the ugly. "Do the Empire employ Dwarfs into their army? Don't want to shoot someone we shouldn't."

"I don't know,” Lelei said. “I am a nomad and I never concerned myself with military matters until I joined you guys. I do not know the inner workings of the Empire. All I know is what I have seen or been told before by my master."

That is when Scott arrived from his recon mission. "Sergeant Major, I count eight wagons. I think they are a supply convoy." He sits down as he said that. "Also, I think their dwarfs with them."

"Yeah, I just saw them. Was trying to figure out if they are working for them or just with them," he said, thinking.

"Why does that matter? They are with them. There is the enemy." Scott said, getting a little antsy.

"Aren't you supposed to report this Sergeant Major?" Lelei asked him.

He nods at her. "Doing it now," he said back to her. He gets back on the radio and report their findings to Alicia. It will be a few minutes until new orders arrive.

"Thank you, Moore." Sharpe said to Alicia. "Tell them to stay there. We are going in."




Sharpe waves his hand in the air, telling everyone to rally up. It would not take long for the team to get to him.

"Alright, everyone. We do have Imperialists close by Humans and Dwarfs. Both are considered hostile." He said as he explains the situation. "We are going to meet up with Randy team."

"And then get some payback,” Andrew said, getting excited about getting into some action.

"Correct. But keep your cool. Remember, we are on a rescue mission. If he is not here, we need information then, so prisoners if possible." Said he and then looks to Specialist Jerry William. "Jerry, stay here and guard the vehicles. We'll call once the fights over."

As everyone gather their gear he walks over to Selina. She is standing by his command vehicle. "Selina."

Selina looks up at him. "Yes sir?" She smiles as she wears her helmet and s vest to bug for het, looking like a little soldier. "Stay here with Jerry. I mean it this time. A lot of people are going to die, and I don't want you in the crossfire."

Selina smirk goes away after hearing that. "But I want to be useful. I don't want to just take up space. I want to be part of the team." She said, getting a little frustrated. 

He smiles at her, admiring that spirit of hers. "I understand but here is something to think about. There is a time and place for everyone, to know when you are needed and not. Besides, we would not be here right now if you did not find that woman.

Selina tilts her head, thinking about what he just said. She still wants to be more active in the team, but she can accept what he said. She smiles and then salute. "Yes sir, you don't have to worry about anything."

He gives Selina a smile and a salute back to her and then head off.

The Rangers moves through the brush until the teach Randy team. They move quietly, not want to draw attention. Years of training, learning how to operate behind enemy lines, sneaking on them for that perfect ambush.

Once the rest of the team arrives, they take their positions. He moves up by Randy. "Report."

"There and there. That looks important over there.  It seems they do not expect an attack. I don't think they were part of the attack on Vanguard-5." Randy said.

He looks around and see the enemy camp. "Are you sure? I see a lot of them."

"Pretty sure sir,” Randy said. “I haven't seen any prisoners yet. This looks more like a supply convoy and anything else."

He thinks of that information for a bit. The wagons look like they are carrying a lot of heavy cargo and the amount of security, they must he heading to some kind of base. If there is a base nearby then probably that is where they took his Ranger.

"Hmm, better than nothing,” he said. “A force this large they have to be supplying someone somewhere."

"That's what I thought." Randy comments. “Saw this all the time in Iraq(2).”

He turns around after getting a good look at the camp. "Ok, Johnson, take Andrew and Randy and go other there. We will hit them in a crossfire. No high explosive, we need the intel. Once I give the single, break cover and begin sweeping the area."

Everyone nods and then go around to their positions. It is noticeably quiet; the only noise is the little rain hitting the ground and the conversations from the camp. And right then and there, as everyone aims their rifles at their target, he finally gives the order. "Fire."

Suddenly, bullets start to rain into the camp from two different directions. Scott M240 would be pouring bullets into the crowd that is by the fire. Years of training, being taught by the best, trained by the best, working with the best. Their skill would show as their targets would quickly go down very efficiently.

Within the hail of bullets, there is an energy bolt from Lelei staff.

He sees the energy bolt hit one of the soldiers, forcing him onto the ground, his armor destroyed. While he is impressed with the damage, he realizes he will have to be careful using Lelei magic because it can give away their location like a tracer would.

A few of them would rally together and form a shield wall, protecting a tent. Those shields would prove to be worthless against the M4A1 5.56×45mm bullet. Two of them would get hit and fall, the other two would freak out, not understanding how their shields are not working.

"Right side!" Alicia said.

To the right, about five swordsmen would be charging their position. He and Scott are forced to adjust their position and open fire on the charging forces, mowing them down.

Suddenly he hears Rory moaning behind him. He glances back and sees Rory rubbing her leg, hand going up her skirt.

Rory explained this at Italcia. Her god Emroy makes her have an orgasm when there is a battle nearby. This is meant to complete her to fight. The more she refuses the stronger the sexual pleasure. Only way to release is to fight and kill. He is still trying to figure out how to hand this ability from Rory.

"I'm getting bored," Rory said with excitement.

As the firefight continues, Rory bursts from her position and charge the Imperials camp, slashing as anyone in her way. As she fights, she is laughing and giggling, getting way too into the moment.

"Rory! God damnit," he said as he watches her rush into the camp. He then looks over to Alicia. “Alicia, support Rory.”

"Let’s get some!" Alicia yells, following Rory into the fight.

As he watches them go out, he grabs his radio. "Rory and Alicia are in the kill zone, pick your targets carefully and begin moving in."

Private Second-Class Scott Marvin stops firing his M240 machinegun and looks up. "Those two are bad together."

"No shit. Scott, head to Johnson position and prove cover fire. Lelei, with me." He orders.

Scott gets up from the ground and move left, heading to the other team.

He moves forward, firing his rifle when he sees a target. Lelei follows right behind, staying close.




As Rory slashes a human soldier in half, Alicia fire a bullet from her M4A1 into the skull of a dwarf that came from behind her.

She looks behind her and sees a dwarf with his battle-hammer on the ground. She then looks to Alicia and gives her a thumbs up. Alicia smiles and gives her a thumbs up too.

That is when they hear this strange sound. They both look towards the tent and then see this tall cyclops that comes out of this tent. It raises this large wooden club, about to swing it down at the two.

That is when a bright light appears, blinding everyone. A sound of gunfire would be heard and then a large thump would be heard.

When the light disappears, they see the large cyclops laying on the ground with a bullet in its head. They look the other direction and see Randy.

"You two ok?" Randy said as he lowers his rifle.

Both smiles at each other and give him a thumbs up. "We’re ok Sergeant Major." Alicia said in a confident tone.

That is when she sees Sharpe and Lelei walk up.

"Thanks, Lelei for the assist," she said to her.

"You two, you need to stop charging in like that. You're going to get yourself killed." Sharpe said.

She blinks after hearing that. No one spoke to her like that before. “We will see.”

“Sorry sir,” Alicia said. “I just couldn’t let her go out there alone.”

“You two are bad together,” Sharpe said. "Secure the area, any prisoners, move them there."

Vanguard-7 begins moving around the camp, collecting weapons, and searching for information. A few Imperials would try to put up a fight as they retreat but the battle is pretty much over.





(1)Blue force tracking is a United States military term for a GPS-enabled capability that provides military commanders and forces with location information about friendly (and despite its name, also hostile) military forces.

(2)2003 Iraq War


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