Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V02 – Chapter 16 Siege of Italica RM


--- Italica ---

May 9th, 2025


The Ranger team led by Major Sharpe reaches the city eastern gate. Once they get there, they notice how bad the situation is. Everything is pure chaos. Bodies are being taken away in wagons and new barricades being rebuilt.

"My God, what happened here?" Jerry asked, speaking more out loud than a direct question to anyone. He looks over by this building and sees people that are sick and wounded. Many of them are just boys who were called upon to defend the city. "Sir?" He looks towards Sharpe, wanting permission to help them.

"Go," Sharpe said to him, knowing what he is about to ask. "But don't get carried away. Stay in sight and don't go crazy on your supplies. We will need them later."

Jerry nods and dashes off to where some wounded men were at.

Lelei watches as Jerry rushes off to a group of wounded people and then looks to Sharpe. Jerry is the team medic. "Why is he going to help them? They are your enemy."

"Because they are our enemy, that does not mean we do not help the civilians. We have a treaty called the Geneva Convention back on Earth; it is a guideline for war. We do not intently attack civilians, prisoners, and wounded. If we can, we help." He then looks at her. "With limitations of course."

"But why? What benefit is it to you?" Lelei asked, not fully understanding it. "I am not a soldier however the rules of war say you either kill or enslave your enemies. Or are you planning to make them your subjects?"

Randy holds up his hand to get Lelei's attention. "Because we want our enemies to treat our people with good care if they become a prisoner. With some form of basic care."

"Yup, it is not perfect, but we do what we can," he adds. "You see, we are not barbaric. There need to be some rules in war. What we do to the enemy they will do to us. On top of that, the character and manner of the soldier matter greatly to us."

"And we separate civilians from soldiers. By law, we do not intently kill civilians. They are not combatants and deserve to continue to live their daily life," he finishes, and she looks around.

"So, what are you going to do here," Lelei asked him, wondering what he is thinking.

"Still figuring that out, Lelei. At the end of the day, my people's safety is my first priority. Not these people's internal issues," he replied and then begins walking away. He is heading to the princess, seeing her over by a building.

Lelei looks to Randy. "Your world is confusing but interesting. I find it interesting how complex your rules are and that so many nations can follow them."

Randy chuckled after hearing that. "It is nice but not perfect. It did require millions of dead bodies to come up with these rules."

"War is a natural part of life," Lelei said. "That is one-way magic became widely used. War needed magicians so schools were created, which I attended."

Randy then nods to what she said. "Sad truth, war usually is the tool for progress."

"Truth to that," he replied.

Once he gets there, he gets a good idea of the situation. He then sees this red hair girl in a maid uniform. To his shock, her hair is made from snakes.

"Hello Other Worlder," the girl said. "My name is Aurea. I am one of the four maids of Italica. I have been sent to bring you to the palace to meet the Countess and Princess."

He looks at Lelei.

Lelei looks at her. "I think you can trust her Major. The Maids of Italica are known to be good. As long as you don't threaten the city."

He is finding the customs of this world strange. Being greeted by children, slavery is a second thought to these people, demi-gods, flying dragons. The only sane thing he sees in this world is the war.

So far Lelei has not given him a reason to question her judgment. "Roger that."

He then looks to Randy. "Randy stayed here with Jerry. Give Johnson an update on what is happening. If you need to have Scott to support. You two with me."

He then looks to Aurea. "Take us to your leader."

The other two head to him to talk with the Princess.



--- Italica, eastern gate command post ---

May 9th, 2025


Sharpe walks through the city as he heads to the eastern wall. He finds the building designs to be modest. It brings him back to the history books and time games like Oblivion.

He follows the snake hair girl who Lelei called a Medusa. She is taking him to where the Rose Knights and the leaders of this city are at.

He looks forward and sees this purple Cat-Person and an orange bunny. They are both in a maid's outfit, taking him to Princess Pina's position. He is finding it hard to accept that there are walking and talking animals right in front of him. While it is normal for these people, his mind is struggling to accept the new reality.

"The Princess is up on the wall," The Cat-woman named Persia said.

As he heads to the wall staircase, he is stopped by the orange Bunny named Mamina. She places her hand on the hall door and looks directly at her, with a knife in her hand.

"If you try anything let me inform you, me and the other maids are master assassins," Mamina said in a threatening tone.

He looks at the Bunny and then smiles, getting a sarcastic thought. "Master assassin, you say? Then you must know Batman. Tell him I say hi next time you see him, it's been a while." After saying that he opens the door and heads inside. He glances back and sees this baffled look on Mamina's face.

He finds it hilarious leaving people confused like that. While they are trying to figure out what he just said he is already thinking about the next issue, helping him maintain control of the situation.

As he walks in, he sees Princess Pina standing there looking around. She looks nervous making him wonder if she is inexperienced in these manners.

He also sees this young girl, looking at Selina's age. She is in nice robs so he assumes she is this Count Aurea mentioned. She looks terrified of the situation and him.

Persia stops and points. "Greetings. Princess Piña Co Lada and Countess Myui Del Formal. Here are the Other Worlders you summoned."

He leans closer to Lelei and whispers. "Tell me about these titles."

"Princesses are female leaders, usually of kingdoms but Pina is the Princess of the Empire," Lelei said. "She is one of the political leaders of the Empire but why she is here I do not know. They rarely leave their castles or cities, especially for war. A Count is usually a leader of a city that is not part of a kingdom or larger governing body."

"I see," he replied. He then looks up at the two. He did not know he was dealing with one of the head leaders of the Empire. Right now, that changes nothing as he has to focus on surviving today. At least he understands their chain of command.

"What is going on Princess?... actually, is there something else I should call you?" he asked.

"You!" Hamilton pointed towards him. "You will respect your princess! You do not approach or speak unless called upon!"

He looks at the brown hair girl with some surprise. Back at the Gate, she seems more of a submissive shy girl but now he is wondering where that fire came from. He quickly figures it out, she is the Princess servant and protective of her. A part of her respects that.

Andrew takes a step forward, providing protection for him. "With all due respect, you don't speak to the Major like that. We are here helping."

 He places his hand on Andrew, so he knows everything is ok.

Princess Pina raises her hand to her servant Hamilton after hearing that. "It is ok Hamilton."

She then looks at him. "Normally that would not be the proper thing to tell someone however you people are different. You can just call me Princess Pina."

He looks up to the left and sees Grey and Norma, talking about something. Most likely on how to defend against the next attack or judging him.

He watches and is amused by what he saw. He looks back to Pina. "Who are the attackers?" He asked as he looks up at the wall, analyzing it.

Being a little confused, Pina looks at him. "Ahh, we are assuming they are ex-legionnaires."

"How many are there?" he asked, just being very direct this time.

"You cannot speak like that to your highness!" Hamilton interrupts again, getting angry about this common enemy soldier not respecting royalty.

Again, Pina calms Hamilton down and looks back at him. She is confused about the way this soldier is acting now. Looking around, at roofs, the gate, the people. "I don't know. About five hundred attacked us yesterday but Sir Grey believes that was just an advance force. To weaken our defenses."

"Hmm... I agree," he comments and then looks back at her. "Thank you."

He then looks to the girl standing by what looks like a townsfolk military officer, not wearing the same armor as the Rose Knights. "And you must be Countess Myui Formal. You’re in charge of the city?"

"Yes," Myui said in a scared tone. She is trying to act tough but struggling to do so.

"There is no shame in being afraid," he said. He can see Pina and Hamilton confused on why he is talking past them. "There is no greater test in facing death in battle. The unknown factors of what the enemy will do. The fear that this will be the end of the city."

"But do not fear," he said. "It is the end only if you choose it to be. Now, can I get a good view of the wall? I like to get the layout of the field and city."

"Why are you not asking me?" Pina asked, annoyed that she has been cut out of the conversation. "I am in charge."

"And she knows the layout of the city," he replied without looking back.

"Yes," Myui said.

 "Up those staircases. The south You can see most of the city." The man next to her said.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"This is Head Knight Brollen Taluos," Grey answers. "He is the head Knight of this city. He has been helping us organize the peasants. Most of the fighting-age men have fled, are dead, or joined the bandits."

"I notice," He said. "Thank you, ma'am. You all can follow me if you like. Andrew contacts Randy and gets him up here. I want his point of view."

He then starts to walk away, heading to the staircase that leads up the palace balcony. Andrew and Lelei follow close to him. He can hear Randy call over the radio.

Pina, Myui, Hamilton, and Grey walk up behind him. All of them seem confused by his attitude. They also seem confused about what Andrew is doing.

When he gets to the top of the wall, he notices he has a good view. As he expected the city is dense with buildings everywhere. The only open place is right before the east gate where the militia can make a stand.

Outside the gate is a wide-open field, just like the southern gate. There is no natural defense the defenders can use.

"Gate, small, two OPs." He said, talking to himself. He then gets to the top of the wall and starts looking around.

"Hey!" Norma yells as he storms to him. " What are you doing up here? Your kind is allowed here peasant! Why are we wasting time with these people when we have a crisis happening?"

"Norma," Pina said. "Calm down." She then looks at him. "However, you are not in charge here Major Sharpe. I am and you will do as I command."

Sharpe ignores them and walks right past them, deep in thought. He then points out the tree line and then looks back into the town. "Hmm... ok."

That Norma marches over, his hand on his sword handle. "Hey! I am talking to you! I will not tolerate your disrespectful attitude!"

"Get the fuck back!" Randy yells as he gets on top of the wall. His hand is on his M4A1, ready to use it to defend Sharpe.

"What! You do not get to speak to me like that! I am a Noble Knight!" Norma yells back to Randy.

That is when Grey "Save your energy, Norma. Let them be."

"The rumors are correct," Brollen said. "You people have no honor."

That is when Grey looks at him. "What brings you up here and disrespect our leader like that?"

"I disrespected no one," he responds as he thinks about the situation. He then looks at them as both Randy, Andrew, and Lelei walk up to his side.

He then walks right past both Knights again, looking around. "We can do it; we need to hold the line right there, but this can work." He again, speaking to himself.

"What are you doing!?" Norma demands, not liking that his enemy is freely walking around up here.

He looks at him. "We are going to help defend this city until the cavalry arrives."

"Help defend this city?" Brollen asked. "There are so few of you and the only real warrior you have is Rory the Reaper. However, there are too many of the enemy. Your numbers will not be enough."

Grey points down the wall. "The bandits were trained by the Imperial Army. They will flood over this wall like water. Brollen is correct, even Mistress Rory cannot be everywhere at once. You eight are not enough to supplement our numbers."

"So, it is hopeless?" Myui asked.

After listening to that he looks to Grey. "So, what is your plan?"

"We are working on that now before you show up," Grey said. "There are no real soldiers here left. A few guards but not enough to hold this city. Only the peasant." Grey replied. He then looks down at the crowd and looks at all the confused and frightens people. The people are scared, sensing there will be no tomorrow. Many are struggling with the most basic soldier tasked. "They are not soldiers."

"They are too used to the protection of the Empire. Their moral is gone, and they can barely muster the will to fight to know they do not stand a chance. We can't rely on the peasant." Brollen said. "Our warriors were sent to your world, but none returned. This is your fault on why we are defenseless."

"It is our fault for killing your men when you invaded us," Andrew points out. "Maybe next time don't invade other countries. This is your mess."

"Calm down Corporal," Randy said.

He signs after hearing that. He looks down at the people down below and sees the same situation. He realizes the leadership of this city is currently worthless. "Bull." He then looks to Randy. "Sergeant Major, get everyone's attention."

Randy then nods and then walks past the two knights. Hey, gets to the inner edge of the wall. "Lelei, mind using a flare spell?"

Lelei nods after hearing that but is a little confused by the request. She walks up between Randy and Sharpe, raises her staff, and for a short moment glows brightly, catching the people's attention. Everyone below stops what they are doing and looks up to the wall.

Right then Randy yells at the top of his lungs. "Attention! Your God-Emperor is about to speak!"

He looks at Randy after hearing that and gives him a 'WTF' look. He has been given many nicknames in the past, but this is out there.

He sees down below that the townsfolk are looking up at him. Many are confused about what Randy said however he got their attention.

Randy just wink back at him. "Troops are rallied, sir."

He just shakes his head, chuckling a little. He then looks back down, seeing all the 'peasants' looking at him.

"My name is Major Sharpe of the United States Army. I am not going to lie to you; this is a bad situation we are in. We are facing a well-trained force coming to take this under the defended city. Because of the situation, we are going to help." He said in a command calm tone. "I see some of you are scared of the up-and-coming battle, that you are not soldiers, not trained for this. In other words, common folk. Do not feed that fear, do not think of yourself as less than the enemy."

He then holds up his hand, points his figure as he makes a point.

"History has shown the common man can overcome the great crisis, defeat great armies and even topple empires. Let me make this clear, all we must do is hold for a day. All we must do is wait for our cavalry to arrive. I have full faith that you are capable of defending your homes, your families, your city. If we do this together, we will win. Orders will be given soon so be ready. Let god be with you."

After speaking to everyone, he walks away from the edge of the wall, grabbing his water from his belt. After taking a drink, he will mumble. "God, I hate speeches."

He then looks over to the two Knights and sees both confusion and anger, mostly from Norma. They all seem to not like the part about peasants toppling empires.

"What are you doing?" Pina asked. "You cannot lie to them like that."

"That is no lie Princess," Randy said. "Two-hundred years of kicking Empires asses."

"We got a lot of work to do, let's go," Sharpe said to them.

"Who put you in charge!?" Norma demands.

"You did when you didn't have a plan," he states. He looks at all of them, making sure that they all understand the new situation.

Then Myui walks up to him. "Ok. I have no choice. You have my blessing to take command of the city defenses."

He nods at Myui. He can see the pressure off her shoulders however she is still scared. "Roger that."

He then waves over Lelei and Randy to come off the wall. Truth is, he was never really going to accept a support role with them. Americans are leaders, not followers.

Once he gets down there, he will see some spirits lifted in the townsfolk.






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