Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V01 – Chapter 2 Brave New World RM


--- Sadera, Royal District, Imperial Senate Chambers ---

February 17th, 2025


Senator Kaeso Id Tyueli is standing in the middle of the Senate Chambers, engaging in the large debate that is happening on the floor. Being one of the most senior and powerful Senators and coming from a long noble family line, he has the right to be at the center stage.

"What do you mean they are all dead?" Senator Oras Das Dardanus said, shocked by the news of what happens on Alnus Hill, "What about General Ulr Dan?"

"According to the messenger, General Ulr Dan has fallen.” Tyueli reads the note to the Senate. "He was one of our best Generals.

"We need to investigate the current situation," Casel El Tiberius proposes, "We need to find out how the enemy killed General Ulr Dan and his army."

When he reads the note, he automatically knows it is not good. 

About a month ago, the Empire sent many of its greatest generals to claim the lands beyond the gate in the name of the Empire. After they went through the magical Gate, only a few came back. At first, the news sounded great. Many riches and slaves were taken. That was what the first report stated. It sounded like the Humans on the other side of the Gate were weak and inferior — new lands and new slaves just ready to be taken.

But then no one heard anything from the advance force. The new survivors who returned claimed the invasion force was slaughtered, shocking the Imperial Senate.

The situation around the Gate became strange as no one knew what to do. A few smaller warbands were sent to see what had happened to the main force but none of them returned either too.

It was decided to send another army, a far larger one, through the Gate, but the enemy came through and smashed the defenders. About one-tenth of the Imperial Army was sent to guard the Gate and prepare for war.

"Investigate?" Cicero La Moltose asked angrily, "We need to act. A dishonor like this cannot go unpunished. No one does this to the Empire and gets away with it."

"And don't forget about our vassals," Amulius Palestis points out, "If we don't act fast then our vassals might betray us."

"There is no way we can keep this a secret," Baron Monterey states, "Everyone in the region will know. The question is how we respond."

He nods at what Baron had said, another respected Senator. Baron always is careful about how he reacts respects, understanding the power of silence. However, even he is rattled by this news.

"We should send an embassy to these Other Worlders," he proposes. "We clearly do not understand this enemy enough to continue to wage war."

"You are kidding Tyueli? We must send a counterattack right now. A defeat like this must not be left leave unchallenged," Oras responds in an arrogant tone, "This is war, not a game. We must send a force now and reclaim revenge our honor!"

He sees most of the senators clap and cheers for the proposal to send a counterattack against the Other Worlders. Only a few senators don't, and his most trusted friend, Tiberius, lightly claps. While he isn't against wars, he doesn't like the idea of sending more troops to die against an enemy that is clearly stronger than they were told.

 "Are you kidding," he asked, "Who are we going to send? This is the second army to challenge these people and be defeated! Should we pull our forces from the east and let the Dark Races run rampant rampage? Recall from the west? Our army just defeated the Edra Kingdom, and it will take weeks for a Wyvern to reach them and then months for the western armies to come back. This enemy is far stronger than we were promised!"

"And we can't let the Ticaret dogs take advantage of our withdrawal from the west," Baron adds, "We need to do this right."

A short argument begins among the Senators, clearly showing that the Senate is divided on what to do. The Empire has been around for over six-hundred years and has been through many crises, civil wars, and near-defeats, but the Empire always finds a way to bounce back and slaughter its enemies. 

Some want to reclaim Alnus Hill and enslave these people who dare put up a fight against the Empire. Another group wants to do nothing it seems while another wants to negotiate. Others try to figure out the logistics, and others are scared of what their other enemies might do.

Emperor Molt Augustus stands up from his throne, "Everyone, please calm down. This is not a crisis. The Empire has endured far worse. We will overcome this 'challenge' and we will become victorious!"

Many applaud him, but one of them steps out of the crowd.

"My liege," he said, "If this letter is correct then our mightiest weapons couldn't even stop one of theirs. One hundred thousand dead in a night. One of our greatest and most respected generals was killed. We must assume the other twenty thousand soldiers we sent through the Gate are dead. While this is only a dent in the Imperial Army, I don't see pulling troops from other fronts to deal with an enemy we know nothing about to be possible."

"I have to agree with Senator Tyueli here," Palesti said, "The issue isn't the losses we have sustained but that our core legions have been slaughtered. It will take time to rebuild our core Legions and recall the frontier Legions."

Emperor Molt laughs at that point, "If that is all you are worried about then we will call on our vessels. Send word to all the kingdom and lords that their Emperor calls upon them for war. That will give us the numbers and time we need." He then sits back down on his throne.

"Very well your highness," he said.

He then hears Marcus Catulus, the Senate Chamber managerial. His responsibility is to represent the Emperor and to maintain order on the Senate floor.

"This Senate order is dismissed for today," Marcus yells, "We will meet again tomorrow to continue the topic of the war."




As the Senators leave the Chamber Halls, Princess Pina Co Lada walks past them all. She had just heard about the recent defeat beyond the Gate and the defeat at Alnus Hill. Hearing that news has angered her, and she cannot accept such a humiliation.

She stops seeing Senators Kaeso Id Tyueli, Cicero La Moltose, and Casel El Tiberius talking.

"Senators," she said.

She sees the three lightly bow, acknowledging her royalty.

"Hello your highness," Tyueli said, "What brings you to the Senate?"

"I just heard about our defeats," she said, "I want to know how this is possible and what we are doing about this?"

"We are regrouping right now," Cicero said, "We need time to rebuild our core Legions, so our southern vassals have been called upon."

She thinks about that and smiles, "King Duran. I only heard his glorious stories about his time on the battlefield. It will be an honor to see him fight."

"I am sorry Princess, but your father will never allow you to go to the frontlines," Casel said.

She looks up at him. Casel is one of the most principled and respectable Senators she has ever met. His opinion has great value to her, and she knows what he means by that statement.

"It is because I am a woman, right?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, Princess," Cicero said, "I know of your Rose Knights. They’re almost all noblewomen. War is the realm of men, not women. I know you think it is glorious; however, on the battlefield, all you will see is blood and our fallen."

Her mentor and teacher, Grey Co Aldo, had said that many times. Even so, she still wants to go fight on the battlefield, lead troops into battle, and hear people tell stories of her glory — just like the war heroes and Knights who come back from war do.

"I won't stand by as the Empire is losing a war," she said, "I thank all three of you, but it is my destiny to lead warriors into battle. To serve my country. I will not let this opportunity pass me. Good day Senators."

As the three senators leave, she turns around, "Hamilton! Hurry up!"

"Coming!" Hamilton said as she runs up.

She turns around and walks into the Senate Chambers and sees her father sitting on the throne talking to Senator Marcus and General of Army Woody Caerellius.

"Father!" she yells, "This is an outrage, father! I demand to join forces with King Duran and help lead the counterattack!"

Molt looks down at her and chuckles at her boldness. He then rolls his eyes, "Every time there is a problem, you come in here and demand to be sent off."

She stops after hearing that, "Ahh, yes. But this time it is a real crisis and we need as many Knights and soldiers on the front lines."

"Stay calm my child," Molt said, "We are taking care of this. These intruders will be dealt with shortly."


Molt glares right at her with a disapproving look.

She adjusts herself and kneels, "My apologies my Emperor, I am just frustrated at on how this could have happened."

Molt nods with approval "They are from the other side of the Gate. I have called upon our vessels for help..."

As she listens to her father, she thinks about when she created her Rose-Order of Knights a few years ago.

The Rose-Order of the Knights is an honor guard of young female soldiers and retired men too old for actual battle. She has been asking for a real test of her order’s worth. This war could be a good opportunity. She just hopes she can go to war and prove to all the men that she belongs here in this Senate Chamber, to be respected as a war hero like her bastard of a brother, Zorzal El Caesar. She is scared that she wasted her and her Knights’ time training if they never get to be used.

"Father," she said, "Please. I want this. We all want this. You need us to fight. To bring honor. At least until the main force can regroup."

Molt looks at her. Woody whispers something into his ear and he smirks, "We have a plan to take back Alnus Hill, however, I think your honor guard could help."

There is a spark of excitement in her eyes when she hears that. She has been waiting for years to prove her worth and now the chance has arrived, "We will serve the Empire with honor. Thank you, father."

"Go and protect our interests from the enemies and make sure our subjects don't rise against us."

She nods her head and heads out.




Princess Piña Co Lada walks down the hall and heads to the Royal Stables to grab her horse.

"Come on Hamilton," she said, "We need to hurry."

"Shouldn't we wait for the others?" Hamilton said with a worried tone.

"Just listen to me and hurry," she responds, "We have a golden opportunity here and I will not pass it up."

Hamilton is Pina's personal servant. Her father is a nobleman from Telta. He had given her Hamilton when they were both very young, so she is someone she can depend on. Anything she wants or needs, Hamilton provides.

While being a servant that is just above a slave, Hamilton has proven to be the most loyal servant she has ever had. She has been the only servant that has been able to keep up. She cannot imagine life without her by her side.

Since the day she created the Rose-Order of Knights, she has been waiting to prove herself in battle. She has always wanted to show her father and her two older brothers that she isn't just some princess that can be married off to some backwater kingdom. She wants to be seen as a respectable warrior of the Empire.

Pina leaves the palace and enters the Royal Stables. There she sees her mentor, Grey Co Aldo, and best friend and most loyal captain, Bozes Co Palesti.

Bozes rushes up and gives her a tackle hub, "We did it! You did it! We are finally going into battle."

"Do not get too excited Bozes," Grey said, "From the reports, the enemy seems strong. I fought for General Ulr Dan, and he isn't easily defeated."

Bozes laughs and looks at him, "You have become a worrier in your old age, Grey. The only thing I am worried about is us missing out before the Imperial Army and the allied coalition storm the hill."

"Yeah Grey," she said with a smile, "I am sorry for the General. He was respected here in Sadera, but we are finally going into battle. Now I will prove myself. I will be treated with the respect I deserve."

She thinks about when she comes back from battle, walking into the Senator floor and being cheered as a hero. People will love and respect her, retaking lost territory and crushing the new enemy from the Gate.

"I understand Princess," Grey said, "It is good to be excited but don't let that control you. The first matter of business is, what is the plan?"

She places her hand on her chin and thinks, "Plan. I will go to Italica and establish a staging area there. There, I will gather the needed supplies while the rest of the Rose-Order of Knights rally up."

She then looks to Bozes, "Bozes, get Beefeater, and gather all the Knights. Meet up at Italica as soon as you can."

"But Princess," Hamilton said, "From what I understand the Imperial Army at Alnus was wiped out."

Bozes laughs hearing that. She places her arm around Hamilton and pulls her close, "Silly one. I don't believe that. Did I hear the same rumors and a full army? Come on.

"It is true," Hamilton continues, "The senators seem worried enough to call on our vassals. King Duran and the other vassals are attacking from the south."

"Even if they did defeat the army, we are the Empire," Bozes said, "Grey, your thoughts?"

Grey places his hand on his chin, "That was an interesting report. I would guess maybe the Army suffered many losses but the idea of a hundred-thousand strong force being entirely wiped out seems to be too far-reaching. I bet it is a translation error or a misunderstanding by the scribe who wrote it. It could be a panicking commander overreacting."

"However, Bozes is correct, Hamilton," Grey continues, "The Empire has lost battles before, even devastating ones. But the Empire has always come back to win in the end. We will beat this enemy, but we must be smart about it."

Pina places her hands on her sides, "See Hamilton, nothing to fear. We need to hurry and join our comrades. Glory to the Empire."

"Princess," Grey said, "I recommend we bring Norm with us. For extra protection on the way to Italica."

She looks at Grey and frowns. Norm is a great swordsman, one of the Rose Knights’ best. But he is a lady's man, flirting with all the female Knights. He is known to sleep around a lot wherever he goes. 

Pina relents at that advice, "Fine. But he is going to want to stop at a brothel on the way to Italica."

She pulls out her sword and holds it up, "For the Empire, we charge!"



--- Outskirts of Alnus Hill, Keelbury Woodland Forest ---

February 28th, 2025


Sharpe hears the M1296 Dragoon Stryker firing its 30mm Bushmaster turret into the enemy position. 1st Cavalry soldiers swarm the area as they continue fiercely engaging the enemy.

"Johnson, take Scott and Jerry and move left," he orders, "Secure that ditch. Everyone with me."

As he runs with his team behind him, he thinks back on the past few days.

The night invasion lasted only ninety-minutes with another two hours of mop-up. Once the battle was over and when the sun rose over the distant mountains to the east, he and everyone saw the thousands upon thousands of dead bodies everywhere. Bodies on top of bodies, the once green grass now covered in blood.

After securing the Gate on this alien world, some of the prisoners confessed the name of the hill the US is occupying; they called it Alnus Hill. They said that after their failed invasion, they built fortifications around the Gate and were gathering another army to invade. This time, a one-hundred thousand man force. The only reason their second invasion did not happen was because that the US attacked first.

While he was not in those meetings, his Logistical Officer Sarah did the math. If there were over one-hundred thousand soldiers around Alnus and the number of dead bodies they found, that meant that the US had killed at least eighty percent, maybe ninety percent of the enemy force. American forces only sustained about five casualties and seven wounded in the attack. 

Sharpe wonders if that will become the norm in this war.

After the US crushed the enemy army, some of the enemies retreated into the countryside. They did not want to give the enemy a chance to regroup and counterattack. Three Cavalry companies with a Vanguard unit were sent out in different directions to secure the surrounding area while the main force built defenses on Alnus Hill.

Sharpe stops by a tree and sees the rest of his team do the same. Over the radio, he hears 1st Cavalry Charlie company advancing on the enemy. Their job is to push the enemy into one location by putting pressure on them.

His Vanguard team is supposed to bite at the enemy from the sides, preventing them from escaping, and then call-in long-range artillery,

"Major," Andrew yells, "Fifteen swordsmen forming up."

He sees past the tree and sees the fifteen Imperial soldiers forming up, he can see that they are trying to prevent them from advancing further. 

"Andrew and Alicia each fire at the flanks. Squeeze them right. Scott, mowed them down. Engage," he orders

Sharpe raises his rifle and fires, taking out the soldier with the fancy helmet which he assumed was the leader.

Andrew and Alicia maintain a constant fire, picking off soldiers from each end. Scott fires his M240 machine gun. The 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge rounds tears through the enemy shields and armor like they are made out of paper.

He hears a firefight happening to his left and sees Johnson’s team engaging a charging enemy force. Just like with the ones he was fighting, they all fell dead before getting close.

"Rangers advance!" he yells.

He gets up from his position and rushes forward. His Rangers are all around him, passing by the fresh corpses.

In the distance, he sees a large stone tower.

"Major," Johnson said over the radio, "Randy is reporting that he sees the main enemy encampment."

"Roger," he replied, "I see a tower. Hold up here and engage. Calling in artillery. Regroup together and engage."

He sees everyone stopping at the tree line and taking cover. As they approach, arrows hit close to them. Their weapon noises must have warned them.

His Rangers did not need any orders – they are some of the best the United States Army has to offer. They are trained to already know what to do and to do it efficiently.

He sees the enemy trying to form up. Just like before, he sees one high ranking man rallying everyone around him. Hundreds of these swordsmen form up behind their shields for protection. Hundreds of them start to march to his position.

He aims his rifle and shoots. The 5.56×45mm NATO round easily goes through the shield and armor, systematically mowing them down like grass.

The other soldiers around stop in shock. They are confused that their shields are so easily defeated as more of their comrades fall.

Then suddenly, he sees a blue energy ball appear out of the tower and heads for Charlie company.

"What the hell was that?" Jerry asked.

"Do they have lasers?" Scott yells in dismay.

"Keep your focus on the enemy," Randy orders, "If you get distracted, we will be overrun."

He looks over to Randy and is glad he is on top of things — a sign of his experience from the Iraqi War. However, Jerry and Scott asked a good question.

Alicia rushes up and kneels next to him, "Sir. I have Major Bronston on the line."

He grabs the radio from Alicia, his team radio operator.

"Major Bronston, this is Vanguard-Lead," he said.

"Major," Bronston said, "Captain Jace Baker just said one of his Stryker's got hit by this energy plasma bolt. That is how he described it. The front end of the Stryker is damaged and melted. Do you have eyes on it?"

He looks back at the tower. He could not believe that the energy bolt could damage a Stryker. While not the most armored APC the Army has, it is still well protected. 

"We saw the blast,” he replied, “It came from a stone tower within the camp. We are trying to figure out what it is."

He then sees light coming from the top of the tower again and another energy bolt comes out, this time in bursts, "It looks like they have a plasma cannon or some kind of advanced laser technology."

"Permission to speak sir?" Andrew asked.

"Just focus on the enemy Corporal," he orders.

"But sir," Andrew presses, "I think I know what that is."

He looks to Andrew, wondering what he is thinking. 

"Standby Major,” Sharpe then looks at Andrew, “What is it, Corporal?"

"Well, I think it is magic," Andrew said.

Alicia looks at Andrew, "Your bullshitting. You actually believe that report?"

Scott looks over," Magic is not real. That is all bullshit. We know nothing about these people. That's probably some kind of heat-reflecting technology or something."

"I mean it," Andrew said, "I’ve seen this stuff before."

"In your anime?" Alicia said, "You watch too much of that stuff."

"And what?" Andrew continues, getting annoyed, "Fighting Elves and Humans on an alien planet with trolls is more realistic to you?"

What Andrew said shut everyone up and he must admit, Andrew made a very convincing statement.

Sharpe motions for the soldier to continue, "Alright Andrew, explain."

Andrew turns around and looks at him, "As I said, I see that all the time. It is an energy bolt. It is a basic energy attack from a mage. I bet anything that it’s it."

The Major thinks about the idea and thinks about it. Right now, they know nothing of this world, and anything can be possible. If everything else seems like a standard fantasy world then why not magic, even though that should not be possible.

"Major Bronston," he said over the radio, "We believe we discovered a magic-user using magic attacks against your advancing force. Permission to take it out."

"Magic-user?" Bronston asked, doubtful, "That stuff is real? Alright, you have permission to call in the rain."

"Roger," he replied and looks at Alicia, "Take out the tower Moore."

Alicia nods and calls base, "Command this is Vanguard-Lead. Requesting Artillery support."

"This is Command, request accepted," Sarah said, "Two M1299(1) are on standby. Firing single shot."

He sees Alicia relay the coordinates to Sarah and then he hears the loud zoom of a single artillery shell. The shell lands and hits close to the tower.

"Alicia, adjust fire right," he orders.

He then hears the whoosh of more artillery shells flying over. A fierce fireball engulfs the tower but does not level the fortifications.

As the fire clears, he sees a green, translucent sphere encompassing the tower like some kind of strange energy shield. This prevents the first shell from damaging the tower. However, the bombardment does not let up and hits the shield a few more times until it cracks, and the last of the volley pierces through and destroys the tower.

Stones from the tower scatter everywhere, destroying many of the makeshift buildings around it. Enemy soldiers scream, running away scared and confused about what had just happened.

He hears Alicia adjusting the artillery again to be more effective.

A rain of ordinance hits enemy positions, groups, and any other targets of interest. The enemy’s once-disciplined formation suddenly shatters as none of them understand what is hitting them.

He hears Andrew call out, saying he sees Charlie company arriving.

He looks over and sees six different kinds of Stryker's with three Bradley's push right through a dense part of the forest and smash through a small palisade wall. They all open fire and crush the thousand-strong enemy forces.

TOW missiles fire from the Bradley's, hitting larger targets. The sole M1128 Mobile Gun System stops and aims its 105 mm cannon and fires, destroying another major enemy formation.

Hundreds of 1st Cav infantry follow behind and start advancing on the enemy, putting intense pressure.

He sees the enemy break ranks and start trying to run away. They do not get far while under the combined fire from the Rangers, Charlie company, and the artillery.




"Damn," Andrew said.

"I think damn is an understatement," Scott replied.

He looks at Scott and back at the M1128 Mobile Gun System. The 105mm cannon had melted off after that magic shot from the tower.

Both of them are surprised that a primitive enemy took out an MGS Stryker. While the body of it is still intact, its primary weapon is gone.

"I guess magic is effective against our armor," he states.

"Clearly," Scott replied, "But it is a Stryker. I’d like to see them burn through the armor of a Bradley or Abrams"

"We will see," he said and thinks, "If magic is real in this world, then it could be limitless, depending on what kind of fantasy world this is."

He turns around and looks back to the fortress that was just taken, "The fact that we only saw one spell means that magic may be is maybe hard to learn. And did you see? Whoever that mage was knew different spells."

He thinks back to that tower. First, that mage used energy to attack Charlie's company advance, damaging two Stryker's. When Alicia brought down artillery, the mage formed a green energy shield, and it took until the third shell to break through it.

Growing up, he had read many manga and played many games, so he is struggling to accept that what was once made-up is now reality. He had been trying to think of a clear example of what media or story this world relates most to but cannot come up with one single example. The closest one he can think of are Lord of the Rings films. Even so, there are still many differences.

"What kind of magic do you think we will face?" Scott asked.

Andrew shrugs at Scott, "I have no idea. That one example isn't enough for me to judge. But there are many kinds of magic so we should be careful."

"That is exactly what the Major said," Johnson said as he walks up.

"Hey LT," he said. "What is going on?"

"The last of the enemy has been defeated," Johnson said, "These people don't like to surrender. I wonder if they are scared to surrender to us or if it’s part of some zealot warrior code."

"Anyway," Johnson said, "I was just talking to the Major, and he would like you to make a list of media that have good examples of magic and this style of warfare."

Andrew looks at Johnson, confused, "Ahh, sir? I am not a history buff guy. I don't read military novels and I don't know any textbook related to magic. We just discovered it."

"I meant your manga and anime shows," Johnson said, "While the rest of us sat on our asses trying to figure what was going on, Sharpe was impressed and now he wants to binge everything you know."

"You’re kidding?" he asked, surprised to hear that, "I guess I can give him a list," he then looks back at the Stryker, "Because if this was our first encounter with magic, we haven't seen anything."

He then hears Alicia over the radio, "What is it?"

"You guys want to come and see this," Alicia said.

"Did she finally find a date?" Scott said, jokingly.

"I heard that you jackass!" Alicia yelled over the net.

"We are on our way," Johnson said.

All three of them walk over to Alicia, passing many still cooling bodies. All of them were Humans, surprisingly enough. The attack on Philadelphia had far more strange monsters, all from fantasy stories. But when they took Alnus and took this camp, they had only seen Humans, and that is confusing him.

The brass thought all these different races were one big, unified force, but now, that theory turned out to be wrong. He wonders if the relations between the races are different and segregated or that America had just invaded a Human dominated region.

"About time boys," Alicia said, "Always going slow when needed."

"Just wanted to save what little time we had from your screeching tone Alicia," he responds.

"You brat!" Alicia responds. She then points to the ground, "Look."

He sees Alicia and three other 1st Cav soldiers standing there. He looks down and sees a light-skinned elf laying there dead.

He sees the pointy ears and the more feminine body structure compared to the Human males. Long dark green hair.

His eyes widen, feeling the reality hit him that they are in an alien world, and he is looking at a real alien.

"It is strange looking at an alien and already knowing what he is," Scott comments.

Andrew agrees with Scott on that point. When people think they will meet aliens for the first time they assume they would not know anything about them. But these aliens are Humans and now an elf.

"All I can say is this," Alicia said, "Thank god we have guns."

"Yeah," Scott said, "I would hate to fight these people if we didn't."

Suddenly, Alicia’s radio goes off.

"Actual, this is Vanguard-7, report," Alicia said and lightly hits the radio. "Damn, static. God, I miss satellite radio."

"Vanguard-7 this is Vanguard Command," Sarah said, "Relay new orders to Major Sharpe. Fall back to Alnus Hill."

Andrew looks around the group, surprised to hear that. "What about the enemy? We still have to hit the other camp in two days."

"Actual, are you sure?" Alicia asked.

"Correct," Sarah responds through the static, "All companies are being recalled back to Alnus Hill. We detected a large enemy force coming from the south."





(1) M1299 is replacing the M109 family


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