Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 267: The Winter War: Gaum Cresthold

Ramuja and Aster traversed through the wood, heading to Rhea Palace. Ramuja carried Aster on his left arm, while his right arm was used to support himself from one tree to another. Aster's hands were hugging tightly on Ramuja's neck, fearing that he could fall anytime.

"Ramuja, compared to Jain and Irion, you're still bad at this," Aster said while frowning. Indeed, Ramuja could jump from one tree to another skillfully, but sometimes, Aster noticed that it took more time for him to balance himself, unlike Irion and Jain.

Ramuja's cheek flushed in shame, "I—I will train harder."

"It's alright," Aster smiled, "You are an excellent warrior, not a shadow guard. I will ask Irion to carry me next time, so you won't be burdened," Aster said lightly, as if it was nothing.

However, it severely hurt Ramuja's pride. Ramuja's gaze darkened and his left arm, which was used for Aster to sit on tightened and pinched Aster's butt, "W—Why are you pinching my butt like that? I am thin, I don't have fat in there."

Ramuja stayed silent, but he jumped faster from one tree to another. Aster felt that Ramuja was being weird, it felt like Ramuja tried to show that he was as capable as Irion and Jain. Aster could feel that their speed increased dramatically.

"R—Ramuja, slow down! it's scary!" Aster said panicky. But Ramuja only hastened their pace, thus, Aster closed his eyes and hid his face on Ramuja's shoulder, fearing that he could fall from this height.

Ramuja's gaze finally softened after seeing that his wife was scared, he slowed down the pace and said, "I will train harder, but you are not allowed be carried by anybody else except me."

"Wait, are you jealous? Just because I said Irion will carry me instead?"

"…" Ramuja lowered his head, which answered Aster's question. Aster rolled his eyes, he noticed Ramuja's ashamed expression and could only look away, 'What a strange man with ridiculous pride, he doesn't mind being stomped by me, but got emotional over something trivial like this.'

"We've arrived," Aster said, trying to shift the awkward situation. They were at a hill behind Rhea Palace. They could see the huge amount of masses rallying in front of Rhea Palace's gate, some of them already brought a big log and tried to break open the palace gate.

"Milord, do you want to help them break the gate or do you want to meet Gaum first?" Ramuja asked.

"I don't think the people need our help, they are ready to break through the gate themselves, let's just check Gaum first," Aster commanded.

Ramuja nodded and they disappeared from the tree. Both of them already knew Gaum's room, thus, Ramuja jumped to the balcony of the King's chamber. The curtain was slid open, they could see Gaum who looked anxious as he paced back and forth. He was deep in his worry that he didn't notice Aster and Ramuja were standing on his balcony, looking at him amusedly.

Aster stepped down from Ramuja's arm and knocked the glass door. He knocked three times until Gaum noticed him. He was shocked when he saw Aster with Prince Rama standing on his balcony. As if discovering a beacon of hope, he rushed and opened the glass door instantly.

His eyes were only on Aster, "Aster!" Gaum jumped on Aster, trying to hug him. But Ramuja came between the two and pushed Gaum slightly. However, Ramuja's enormous strength pushed Gaum far and his back hit the cupboard behind him.

Aster chuckled, he tapped Ramuja's shoulder and sidestepped him. He walked towards Gaum who was in pain, "Long time no see, Your Highness King Gaum Cresthold. You're still as handsome as always."

Gaum looked up and his eyes met with Aster's permanent golden eyes, he subconsciously said, "Aster… your eyes… it's beautiful."

Aster's grin turned to frown instantly, "Why are you still trying to flirt with me? After you colluded with Charles to massacre my people in Winter Feast. You have no shame."

Gaum gritted his teeth, "I just want to avenge my master, Empress Cecilia. But I don't want to avenge her to you, because I know that your mother is the real culprit. Look, Aster, did I hurt you? Did my soldiers attack you at all? They are attacking the regular peasants! Aster, I have my duty to avenge my master!"

Aster didn't react at all, but Gaum could see that Aster was really mad right now, as if what he said just now was something offensive, "Why are you getting angry over something like that? I love you, that's why I didn't avenge Empress Ceci on you, you should be grateful for that!"

Aster still didn't say anything, he crouched, so his head was on the same level with Gaum, "You think that my people are nothing? Do you think the peasant is worth nothing?"

"Compared to you, to us, of course they are nothing!" Gaum rebuked, "Now help me! I need to escape this palace first. I'll need your support to suppress the uprising, and then I can rule safely again."

Aster's fist clenched, he tried his best to stay calm, but this guy in front of him really knew nothing about compassion. Aster slapped Gaum's cheek hard, then said in a low voice, "I love my people, they are all my blood. I live to serve for their prosperity. What you just said is truly offensive, King Gaum. Gamasiel is a better ruler than you."

Gaum never had someone slapped him on the face like this, he glared at Aster and raised his hand, "BITCH!"

Gaum was going to slap Aster's head, but Ramuja reacted quickly and caught Gaum's hand. He broke Gaum's wrist. Gaum screamed in agony, but Aster didn't flinch at all, he kept staring at Gaum.

"Gaum Cresthold, you should repent and beg for forgiveness in front of the peasant. If you can kiss their feet one by one, I will rethink about helping you," Aster offered. But Gaum got even angrier.

He thought that he did so much for Aster, he helped him to invade Dionde City. After Charles told him about the real culprit behind Empress Ceci, Gaum didn't want to hurt Aster at all, thus, he avenged Empress Ceci by massacring the citizens of Dionde City. Aster should be grateful for him, 'No, in fact, he should've been on his knees right now, sucking my cock and begged me to marry him.'

"You are an ungrateful bitch!" Gaum cursed, "Do you know how many people want to be my wife? And now I fell in love with you and you treat me like this?!"

Aster snorted, "I count that as a no, so you don't want to repent at all," Aster glanced at Ramuja and coquettishly called him, "Husband~ please break his leg for me~"

"YES!" Ramuja didn't care about Gaum at all, but when Aster called him husband, he felt that he got an instruction and his body moved immediately. He kicked Gaum's right shin and the sound of cracked bone was loud enough to ensure that Gaum's shin had been broken. Gaum's cry alerted the people who already broke the castle. They were searching for King Gaum's chamber, but hearing the king's scream, they rushed to the room with their weapon.

Aster's smile deepened, "Honestly, I'm not sure how you fall in love with me. You never enter my eyes, not even once, besides…" Aster glanced at Ramuja and then kissed his lips gently, "I am already married to Prince Rama."


Aster chuckled, "Well, do you know what causes your kingdom's downfall? Sir Adder, Rhea's minister of economy, is my distant cousin. He married a slave woman, that's why he got outcast. Thanks to your brother, Gamasiel, he is recruited based on his competence. However, he is the one that colluded with me. I ordered him to ruin Rhea's economy until there is no way to survive for Rhea. In exchange for freedom, I gave him and his slave wife a plot of land and I removed his wife's slave status."

"So, your country's downfall, and your own downfall as well, has been indirectly caused by a slave. Also, I ordered my subordinate to assassinate Gamasiel Cresthold. Gaum, do you know why I want Rhea to be destroyed? Well, aside from avenging my people, it is because I need Miriam Coast as my husband's naval fleet base, simple as that."

"I—Impossible…" Gaum watched in horror as he finally saw the guise of Aster Di Arlingdon. Aster's golden eyes shone brightly, but Gaum only felt that he was being stared by a pair of cold golden balls.

"You think you are a great king, but Gaum Cresthold, you are nothing in my eyes. Your power is nothing, and your kingdom is nothing. I just want you to know that I'm not someone that will bow down to a humble thing like you."

Aster pinched Ramuja's shirt, signaling him to go, because the violent rioters were getting closer. Ramuja carried his wife and went to the balcony. Aster gave Gaum one last look and then smiled beautifully, "If you meet your brother in hell, tell him that he is no better than you. You two brothers are simply worthless."

"N—No! Aster! Save me! Save—"

Aster and Ramuja disappeared and the violent peasants broke the door.

Aster and Ramuja were sitting on a tree branch near the balcony, listening to Gaum's painful scream as the rioters beat him to a pulp, then he got carried outside to be guillotined.

Ramuja watched everything and seemed to mumble, 'I should've broken his other leg too. Aster would have kissed me twice… goddamn I missed the chance.'

Aster heard everything and could only chuckle, he kissed Ramuja's cheek and said, "Another reward for you, my hero."

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