Gantz Reincarnation

Start of the Onion Alien Mission

"Where is this place?"

As my head gets 'faxxed' over to the outside, a Japanese neighborhood comes into view with small streets and large family houses.

"What train line is that?" Just like the Teacher mentioned, there is also a train stop right in front of us, which of course can't be used because our heads would be splattered to pieces if we just drove one stop.

"Kei-chan.." Kato seems relieved to see me again, his case still in hand.

"You both took these looney ass costumes with you?" says the blonde while looking at me and Kato " I guess both you fags really are into that cosplay shit"

" Ugh, that's probably why that tall guy also grappled me back there" The Yakuza seems disgusted "Get away from us you homos!"

So either this really is still the 2000’s or just the cruel real (Gantz) world.

"Come on Kato let's change" I say and point to some kind of open Garage.

He nods and both he and I begin to put them on.

"These are quite tight I have to say" I mention after we both have changed into them.

I love the Gantz Suit. In my opinion, it has an amazing design and it looks absolutely badass. Those Blue dots together with the pure black material comes together in a really nice colour sceme. Sure it is Skintight but I think that that just perfectly accentuates what it does.

It increases your endurance and enhances the basic Human physical abilities to unreachable heights.

"... sorry Kei but this is kinda embarrassing for me, I think I'll put my other clothes over this suit," Kato says while putting his pants and shirt back on.

"Sure if you want, it doesn't seem to matter for that boy" I say while pointing at Nishi who seems to be whispering into the teacher's ear.

" 10 Million yen?" the teacher exclaims ecstatically.

"Aww, I told you not to say that out loud." Nishi says in his at least to me obviously sly manner.

"10 Million yen?"

"so it is some TV show?"

"how do you know that?"

" My Father... is the Producer" Nishi goes on

So while he narrates his fluffy fake Story about this being a Television Show, I focus on Kishimoto having just appeared.

"Kurono!" she says while sprinting up to me

" See, all is good and well, we didn't die"

She nods and seems surprised " Yes and is your tooth better now, can you talk normally again?"

"Yeah your right, I don't feel the pain in my mouth anymore" I say thoughtfully " The Transportation Process must have somehow fixed the wound" And also regrew the Tooth

"That's great! I am glad you can talk normally again" She says before going on to look me up from top to bottom

" Like what you see?" I say smugly

she blushes but goes on to say "I think the suit looks a little bit funny"

" You think? I think it looks pretty awesome and it also feels good to wear, you should also try it"

"Are you sure I won't look silly in it?" Kishimoto seems uncertain 

" I think this suit has to be important, that kid back there is lying his ass off with most of what he is saying, he is just toying with us trying to hide the fact that he does wear the suit. I think that's telling." I try to explain to her

Kishimoto listens shortly to what Nishi says and gets an angry look before focusing back on me.
"... Your right, what he's saying doesn't make any sense. I am sure that I died at home… There is no way this can be staged by Humans." Was the original Kishimoto also this smart?


"We have to stay in the 1-hour time limit!"

But before we can even try to convince these people they all run away, somehow including Kato.

"Hey Kato where are you going?!" I scream after him

"I will make sure all is all right Kei-chan, I don't want these people to get needlessy in trouble" Kato screams while running off
I hope you don't get yourself killed. But he should be alright he has the suit.

"Okay I know this may not be the right time now, but can I please know your name, it's just weird that you didn't already mention it." I say to Kishimoto

"O-oh of course I am Kei Kishimoto" she says blushing

„Wow kinda weird we have the same first name. I‘ll just keep with calling you Kishimoto.“

„ Y-Yeah it is and you can just call me what you like.“ Kishimoto says a little embarrassed 

"I am gonna leave you two lovebirds alone. I'll go home" says the Politician Guy, while walking in a different direction than the others.

"Hey, we aren't a couple!" Kishimoto screams after him while he just walks on like he didn't hear her.

I feel something fluffy walking around my legs again

*Pant Pant Pant

" Oh Doggy I am sorry but I think you are in a very dangerous si-..." Before I can speak on I realize that he has the black cloth of the Gantz suit in his mouth.

"Oh Kei I forgot to mention that but before I also got send away, the dog jumped over the weapons and sat before the Suitcases. So I put it down and opened it for him. I think he actually did somehow understand what you said." Kishimoto smiles as she explains

"Okay, this Dog is much smarter than I expected." I say before I kneel down to pet him again " Who's a good boy? You are!"

" I think I am gonna name you..." I don't really know...

" How about 'Rice'?" Kishimoto says

" Isn't that a little bit simple?" I say perplexed

" I think a plain one fits him very well" Kishimoto defends

" Maybe your right, plain does fit him." I accept

"Okay Rice, here's how it goes I am gonna put your Suit on, while the fine Lady back there also changes into it, but no peeking got it?" I stretch my Hand out and he lays his paw in it. Is this Dog intelligently Gifted?

Kishimoto blushes first but also nods and we three go into the Garage on opposing ends.

The Suit is, just like the ones for Humans, Tailor made but in this case for dogs. Rice doesn't have any issues getting the Suit on and is easily put into it by me.

" You are one smart cooky, you know that?"

*Waff! Pant Pant

He really does seem to understand me, maybe he could be useful in this mission.

"Ahem I'm done" I hear Kishimoto's Voice and both Rice and I walk back out to meet he-...

Okay here's the thing, there is one other reason I really like the Gantz Suit, which goes with the fact that it is skintight.

Being how it perfectly accentuates the proportions of the female suitors. I mean god damn Kishimoto was Knock-out without it, but now she is in my opinion down right sensual.

How the tight black material slings around her curves starting at her slim legs and going into her meaty thighs. Then that easily visible perfect hip-to-waist ratio which leads to her voluptuous breasts which stretch the material to the limit and just look… pristine.


Thanks Rice for snapping me out of my daydreaming.

„ I think you are the one now quite enjoying the sight“ Kishimoto smugly says, while crossing her arms under her breasts, which just accentuates them more.

„Well I can assure you your earlier predicaments about looking bad in that suit are definitely not an issue…“ I say while trying to focus on her face.

Kishimoto blushes a deeper shade of red than ever before but shakes her head and says „… come on I think I heard screams from the direction where Kato and the others went I suggest we shouldn‘t stay here forever.“

„ Your right, let’s find out what is going on.“ Focus back on survival, trying to woo Kishimoto comes later.

As we three run through the play streets we come to the Apartment complex from which the original onion Boy came out.

„Look! What is this?“ Kishimoto points at the green substance lost by the onion alien in the middle of the street, which seems to go down the road.

„… Maybe some kind of blood?“

„Since when is blood green?“

„I don‘t know, but look in front of one of the apartment doors there is another puddle of it!“

Kishimoto, Rice and me walk in front of the apartment and as we get nearer we hear an eery groaning coming from inside.

„ Hey Kishimoto, I think if you want to shoot with these Guns you have to press both of these Triggers“ I explain as I show her my X-Gun.

„ O-okay I guess I’ll trust you but what are we supposed to shoot at?“

„ I don‘t know what will await us but what I’m sure of is that I won‘t throw this second live away. I got another chance and while I do respect human life, if I have to take one to protect mine I won‘t second guess myself.“

„ I know what you mean and I also think that I won‘t give up that easily. I’m ready“

„Okay here we go!“

As we open the door we look inside and what we witness confuses both of us.

We’re seeing two humanoid-looking onion people who have long green hair? They’re wearing rainbow-colored sweatshirts and both are sitting on a Couch watching TV while both have long lettuces in their mouths which appear to be ignited at the end that is sticking out. Somehow big puffs of smoke coming out of them.

While me and Kishimoto are still confused about what is happening we hear a lot of thuds dropping behind us.

Having apparently jumped down from the second floor of the complex there are now I would say about twenty Kid Onion Aliens in front of us. Some of them armed with lettuce sticks in their hands. All of them are chanting the same thing:

"Two is enough for me!"

„What the hell is going on!!“









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