Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch254- I Came In Peace

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

Miles away, Horyu, still in Sage Mode, felt the sudden shift in the energy surrounding Hinata and Hanabi. His eyes snapped open, a curse slipping from his lips. "Fuck." The urgency in his voice was palpable.

Karin, sensing his agitation, asked quickly, "What’s happening? What’s the situation?"

Horyu stopped in his tracks, closing his eyes for a brief moment. The atmosphere around him changed, the once stable energy now tinged with something darker, more malevolent. Karin, who had been attuned to chakra signatures for as long as she could remember, felt it too. She staggered back, her breath catching in her throat as the oppressive weight of Horyu's energy settled over her. "Yo-you’re one of them," she stammered, collapsing to the ground in shock as the Spectral Chakra radiated off him in waves.

Kurenai moved to her side, placing a steady hand on her shoulder. "Horyu and I mastered Spectral Chakra to survive in the Realm of Specters," she explained calmly, though her eyes were dark with understanding. "He’s still Horyu."

But the intensity of the chakra was unlike anything Karin had ever felt before, a cold and terrifying force that seemed to press down on her very soul. It wasn’t just the chakra; it was the way it twisted and churned, filled with a dangerous intent that sent shivers down her spine. But mostly, the majestic presence she felt from the being in front of her. As if she was staring something mighty, a deity. That cold, murderous and dangerous energy was sublime. She could hardly breathe under the weight of it.

Horyu’s voice cut through the tension like a blade. "It’s a fucking Lord-Rank Specter, the Tranquilizer Demon," he explained, the words laced with frustration. "It can freeze anyone with the intention of attacking it. The twisted bastard enjoys hunting down its prey, chasing them until they’re cornered, feeding on their despair before its soldiers move in to finish them off." His tone was cold, devoid of any softness, as if the mere mention of the specter’s abilities disgusted him.

Kurenai’s eyes narrowed as she processed the information. A Lord-Rank Specter was beyond anything they had faced before, a being of immense power and cruelty. She glanced at Horyu, her expression hardening. "Then we need to hurry," she said, her voice steady despite the grim reality they were about to face.

Horyu nodded firmly. Karin, still reeling from the intense display of power, noticed something different about Horyu's appearance. His usual Owl Sage Mode now had an unsettling twist. The once purely harmonious energy had merged with something darker, more sinister. Kurenai recognized the change immediately—Specter Sage Mode had intertwined with his Owl Sage Mode, creating a new, more formidable form.

Horyu’s body radiated an eerie blend of natural and spectral energies. His skin took on a ghostly pallor, and the feather-like patterns of the Owl Sage Mode were now streaked with dark, shadowy tendrils. His eyes, once a deep crimson, now glowed with an intense, almost malevolent light. The merging of the two sage modes had enhanced his already formidable abilities, making him appear both ethereal and terrifying.

“Stay here,” Horyu instructed, his voice carrying a weight that brooked no argument. He glanced at Karin and Kurenai, both of whom nodded in understanding. “I’ll fetch Hinata and Hanabi. Hide until I return.”

Without waiting for a response, Horyu focused his chakra. The air around him seemed to ripple and distort as the sheer intensity of his power tore through the fabric of space itself. A jagged tear opened in front of him, revealing a dark, swirling void—a portal created by the combination of his Owl and Specter Sage Modes. With a final glance at his companions, Horyu stepped into the void, the portal sealing shut behind him with a faint hiss.

Horyu emerged from the other side of the portal into the Rain Country. The constant drizzle that gave the region its name was falling steadily, turning the ground into a muddy mess. The cold, damp air was thick with the oppressive energy of the specters that hunted in the area. Horyu didn’t need his enhanced senses to feel the malevolent presence lurking nearby—it was as if the very atmosphere was soaked in dread.

He activated his Sharingan, the enhanced vision piercing through the mist and rain. He could see the faint chakra signatures of Hinata and Hanabi, their life forces flickering like fragile candles in the storm. The specter, a towering Lord-Rank entity, loomed over them, its dark aura suffocating and relentless. The sisters were trapped, their movements sluggish under the specter’s influence.

Horyu wasted no time. His form blurred as he flashed forward, covering the distance between himself and the specter in an instant. The Tranquilizer Demon, an imposing figure with a dark aura that seemed to swallow the light around it, momentarily recoiled in surprise. But then, a wicked grin spread across its twisted features as it recognized the power radiating from Horyu.

"Ah, one of my kind," the demon hissed, its voice a low, mocking growl. "Hmm, no. A human, yet abilities similar to ours. What an intriguing conundrum. But why do I feel this chakra is familiar? It gives me shivers."

Horyu stood firm, staring at the creature. He didn’t bother responding to the demon’s taunts. Instead, he turned his back to the demon and faced Hinata and Hanabi. Their Byakugan, activated in desperation, could see the cursed chakra swirling within him. For a moment, they hesitated, unsure if they were truly seeing Horyu or a figment of their imagination born from the brink of despair. But when Horyu spoke, the familiarity of his voice washed over them, dispelling their doubts.

"Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you. Stop despairing and trust me," Horyu said with a smile, his tone firm but strangely soothing.

Hinata and Hanabi felt their fear evaporate, replaced by a calm reassurance. They didn’t understand why Horyu seemed different, why his chakra felt so dark, but the trust they had in him was unwavering. That smile, that voice—they were Horyu’s, and that was all they needed to know they were safe.

The Tranquilizer Demon’s grin faltered, replaced by a look of irritation. "Stop ruining my food," it growled, its voice laced with frustration. But Horyu ignored the demon’s complaint, knowing full well that as long as he didn’t attack, the demon couldn’t do anything to him.

Horyu’s Sharingan flared as he assessed the situation. The demon was powerful, but its strength lay in its ability to manipulate fear and despair. It thrived on the terror of its prey, paralyzing them with dread before moving in for the kill. But now, with Hinata and Hanabi’s trust in him restored, the demon’s hold on them was broken.

"You like to play with your food, don’t you?" Horyu finally spoke, his voice dripping with disdain. "But you’ve made a mistake. You’ve let me get close."

The creature laughed, its voice blending with the sound of the falling rain. "Why? You think you're faster than your intentions? If you know my abilities, then you should understand that if you harbor any intention to harm me, you'll freeze in place."

Horyu grinned back, and somehow his smile was more terrifying than the creature’s twisted expression. Without a word, he began drawing a seal in the air, his fingers moving with swift precision. The creature's laughter halted as it realized the seal was heading straight for it. There was no time to dodge. The seal landed on the specter's chest, glowing ominously. The creature stared at Horyu in disbelief.

"How are you not frozen?" it demanded, its voice laced with confusion and a hint of fear.

Horyu's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling calm. "I have no intention of attacking you," he said, his voice steady. "That seal is for something else."


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