Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch247- Hunt

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They continued through the desolate landscape, the silence between them filled with unspoken thoughts. Horyu's mind was focused on their next steps. He had to find survivors and regroup. They needed a plan to fight back against the specters and the Shinigami.

As they moved, they encountered more specters. Horyu's blade danced through the air, each strike precise and deadly. Kurenai's genjutsu disoriented their enemies, making them easy targets. The synergy between them was undeniable, a testament to their training and bond.

They reached a ruined building where a faint chakra signature caught Horyu's attention. "Someone's here," he said, his eyes narrowing.

Kurenai nodded, following Horyu into the dilapidated structure. Inside, they found a group of civilians and shinobi huddled together, their faces etched with fear. Relief washed over them at the sight of Horyu and Kurenai. Horyu scanned the group, his eyes searching for anyone familiar. Seeing none, he turned to leave.

"Stop! Please, save us!" a man, a grown-up shinobi, stepped forward and grabbed Horyu's arm, his voice trembling with desperation.

Horyu looked at the man with cold, assessing eyes. "I cleared the path. You can go that way."

The man's face contorted with fear and desperation. "We would die. Please, take us with you."

Horyu shook his head. "You’ll slow us down."

He turned to leave, ignoring the man's pleas. Kurenai sighed, knowing the group would only slow them down. They could move faster alone and hunt more specters, so leaving the group behind was the more practical, if cold, decision. She didn't say anything to stop him, fully aware of the harsh realities they faced.

They emerged from the building and continued their search. As they moved through the war-torn landscape, they encountered more specters. Horyu's blade danced through the air, each strike precise and deadly. 

They moved until night descended. Horyu and Kurenai slashed through the specters relentlessly, their movements synchronized and efficient. Specters, twisted and grotesque, fell under Horyu's blade and Kurenai's genjutsu. Their combined efforts left a trail of vanquished foes in their wake. Despite the heavy air and oppressive chakra, they continued their mission, determined to find survivors and eliminate the threats.

As they fought, Horyu recalled the hierarchy of the specters he had learned during his time in the Realm of Specters. The lowest tier consisted of the Soldier Specters, which his brigade was also a part of. They were weak individually but dangerous in numbers. The next tier was the Knight Specters, stronger and more intelligent, capable of leading the soldiers. Above them were the General Specters, formidable opponents with enhanced abilities and strategic minds. Then came the Lord Specters, ancient and powerful beings with vast control over the spectral energies. At the pinnacle stood the Realm Masters, entities like the Shinigami, whose power could rival the greatest shinobi. Finally, there was the Specter God, an entity so powerful that its very existence threatened the balance between realms. And honestly, a weirdo.

Just one Shinigami had been enough to deal with Edo Tensei Hashirama, Tobirama and Mito together. Horyu had no idea how strong the Specter God would be, but he knew for a fact, he was extremely strong. He was sure of it.

They continued their hunt, eliminating any specter that crossed their path. As they fought, Horyu's Sharingan caught sight of a Knight Specter leading a group of soldiers. "Kurenai, we've got company," he said, his voice steady.

Kurenai nodded, her eyes narrowing as she prepared her genjutsu. "I'll disorient them. You take out the Knight."

Horyu and Kurenai crouched near the remnants of a broken wall, their eyes fixed on the Knight-Rank Specter leading its group of Soldier-Rank Specters. Even though they had already divided the enemy, rushing in without a plan was foolish. Over the past months, they had learned more about the various ranks and abilities of the specters they faced.

Soldier-Rank Specters were, well basically foot soldiers, with abilities ranging from simple spectral jutsu to physical attacks. Occasionally, some could even attack the soul directly. Knight-Rank Specters, however, possessed special abilities, each with its own set of conditions. For example, Hidan's summon, the Blood Worm, was a Knight-Rank Specter that granted its summoner immortality in exchange for blood and souls. Unlike the Shinigami though, Blood Worm couldn't seal souls, only feed on them before they returned to the Pure Realm or afterlife.

Even Realm Master Specters, like the Shinigami, were bound by rules. Each ability had a condition attached. The Shinigami had cleverly circumvented this rule. Horyu and Kurenai needed to observe and understand the limits of the Knight-Rank Specter they faced before making their move.

Kurenai's voice broke the silence. "Should I send a clone?" she asked, her tone cautious.

Horyu shook his head. "No. Some specters can attack the soul, and clones share your soul. It's too risky."

Kurenai grimly nodded in agreement. They had to be strategic. As they observed the Knight-Rank Specter from their concealed position, Horyu's mind raced. He needed to understand its limits before making a move.

"Let's observe for now," Horyu whispered, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the specter. He noticed twin blades on the Knight Specter's waist, their edges gleaming with a sinister aura. The smell of blood lingered around them, a testament to their lethality. His Sharingan activated, honing in on the weapons, confirming his suspicion. "I think I know what we're dealing with," he whispered, moving closer to Kurenai.

She raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What is it?"

"He is an Iron Demon," Horyu stated, his voice low. "Those twin blades are forged from the iron in blood."

Kurenai's eyes widened slightly as she recalled the lore. "I remember reading about them. One of the Seven Swords of the Mist, Kubikiribocho, is said to have been sealed with an Iron Demon."

Horyu nodded. "Yes, Kubikiribocho and this demon can create weapons using the iron from blood. It's a dangerous ability."

Understanding dawned on Kurenai. "So, if we let him use those blades, he can create more weapons from the blood of the fallen."

"Exactly," Horyu confirmed. "We need to neutralize him quickly. Take out the soldiers; I'll handle the Knight."

Kurenai nodded, her resolve firm. She began to prepare her genjutsu, her chakra flaring slightly as she readied her techniques. Horyu observed the Knight Specter, noting its movements and the way it commanded the soldiers.

Horyu moved silently, his steps barely making a sound as he approached the specters. Kurenai's genjutsu spread out like an invisible net, ensnaring the Soldier Specters in a web of illusions. They faltered, their movements becoming sluggish and disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Horyu dashed forward, his Uchiha Ancestral Sword gleaming with chakra. He aimed for the Knight Specter, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. The Knight Specter reacted quickly, drawing its twin blades to block Horyu's attack. Sparks flew as the weapons clashed, the force of the impact sending shockwaves through the air.

Horyu's Sharingan tracked the Knight's movements, predicting its next strike. He countered with a swift, upward slash, aiming for the specter's torso. The Knight Specter parried, its blades moving with unnatural speed and agility. Horyu pressed on, his attacks relentless, pushing the Knight back.

Meanwhile, Kurenai's genjutsu kept the Soldier Specters at bay, their minds trapped in a nightmarish illusion. She moved gracefully, her chakra weaving intricate patterns as she maintained control over the genjutsu. Each flick of her wrist sent waves of disorientation through the ranks of the enemy, rendering them vulnerable and confused.

The Knight Specter snarled, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. It swung its blades in a wide arc, aiming to decapitate Horyu. He ducked under the swing, his own sword coming up to strike at the Knight's exposed side. The blade bit deep, black blood oozing from the wound.

The specter howled in pain, its form flickering as it struggled to maintain cohesion. Horyu didn't let up, his attacks coming faster and more furiously. He could feel the strain on his body, the Spectral Sage Chakra taking its toll, but he pushed through the exhaustion.

With a final, powerful strike, Horyu severed the Knight Specter's head from its body. The headless form crumbled to the ground, dissolving into black mist. Horyu turned to Kurenai, who had just finished off the last of the Soldier Specters with a final, devastating genjutsu.


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