Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch18- Come At Me Bro!

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As Horyu walked off the field, his head held high, he could feel the weight of every gaze upon him. Some were filled with newfound respect, others with envy, and a few still with skepticism. But what mattered most was the shift in perception. He had begun to carve out his place in this world, not as the weak Uchiha they thought they knew, but as a force to be reckoned with, a dark horse rising from the shadows.

After his stunning victory over Kiba, Horyu barely had time to reflect on his triumph before he noticed Hinata approaching him. Hinata Hyuga, with her gentle demeanor and shy smile, had been one of the few in the academy who didn't treat him with open disdain. In a world where he felt mostly alone and under constant scrutiny, Hinata's kindness had always stood out to him.

"Congratulations, Horyu," Hinata said softly, her eyes reflecting genuine admiration. "Your strategy out there... it was incredible."

Horyu, not used to receiving praise, especially not in front of a crowd, managed a small smile. "Thanks, Hinata. It was just a matter of using what I had more effectively than Kiba."

Hinata's smile widened slightly. "Still, the way you moved... it was like you knew exactly what he was going to do next."

He shrugged modestly. "Observation and analysis. Kiba's patterns were predictable after watching him for a while." His tone was matter-of-fact, but there was a hint of warmth in his words.

Hinata's admission of nervousness in battles struck a chord in Horyu. He knew all too well the weight of expectations and the pressure of performance. As he was about to offer some words of encouragement, a familiar chime echoed in his mind.

[System Message: New Quest - Mentor of the Meek

Description: Train Hinata Hyuga, helping her overcome her nervousness in battles and improve her combat skills.


Teach Hinata basic taijutsu maneuvers.

Help her develop a unique fighting style that suits her abilities.

Train together in at least three sparring sessions.

Assist her in winning all the matches in the ongoing Taijutsu Tournament.

Rewards: 500 exp, Enhanced Chakra Control Scroll, 1000 Ryo, and the title 'The Patient Mentor'.


Confidence Builder: Successfully boost Hinata’s confidence during training (Reward: 100 exp, 200 Ryo).

The Hyuga's Pride: Help Hinata master a Hyuga Clan-specific technique (Reward: 200 exp, Secret Hyuga Scrolls).

Hinata’s Triumph: Strategize and guide Hinata to victory in her next match (Reward: 200 exp, Byakugan Enhancement Potion, 300 Ryo).]

Horyu quickly dismissed the message from his mind, turning his attention back to Hinata. Her gentle eyes were filled with a mix of admiration and self-doubt. He saw in her a kindred spirit, someone else striving to find their place in a world that often seemed too large and too harsh.

“Hinata,” he began, his voice softer than usual, “do you want to train together? I think I could help with your nervousness. Sometimes, all it takes is a different perspective to see your true potential.”

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. “Really? You would do that? Train with me?”

Horyu nodded, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yes. I’ve noticed your potential, Hinata. You have a lot more strength than you give yourself credit for. Besides,” he added with a hint of his usual dry humor, “it would be beneficial for both of us. Training alone can only get you so far.”

Hinata's smile grew, her confidence visibly bolstered by his offer. “Thank you, Horyu. I would like that very much. I always thought you had a unique way of looking at things.”

As Hinata nodded, Iruka's voice rang out, calling the next match. "Hinata Hyuga and Ami Uzuki, come to the stage please." Horyu's attention shifted to the field, his mind quickly processing this new development. The arrival of the quest just before Hinata's match indicated that this was the moment for 'Hinata's Triumph'.

He glanced at Ami, a classmate about whom he knew little. Activating his 'Observe' skill, he focused on her, and a system message appeared:

[System Message: Ami Uzuki - Level: 4, Strength: 3, Agility: 4, Stamina: 2. Strengths: Quick and agile, specializes in rapid, close-range combat. Weaknesses: Limited stamina, struggles in prolonged fights.]

Analyzing this information, Horyu leaned towards Hinata, speaking in a low, confident tone. "Hinata, listen. Ami is quick and prefers close combat, but her stamina is a weak point. You need to use your Byakugan to keep distance initially, force her to exhaust herself. When she begins to slow down, that's your window to strike."

Hinata nodded, her eyes reflecting determination. "I understand. Thank you, Horyu."

As Hinata stepped onto the field, Horyu watched intently. He knew that Hinata's gentle nature often held her back in combat, but he also recognized the latent potential within her. The Hyuga clan's gentle fist was a powerful technique, and with Hinata's Byakugan, she had a distinct advantage in terms of perception.

The match commenced, and Hinata initially kept her distance as advised, using her Byakugan to anticipate Ami's swift movements. Ami, eager to close the gap, launched a series of quick strikes, but Hinata evaded them gracefully, her eyes tracking every movement.

As the match continued, Ami's frustration grew. She was unable to land a single hit, and her energy was visibly waning. Hinata, maintaining her calm demeanor, waited for the right moment. When Ami's attacks began to slow, Hinata seized her opportunity.

Moving with a fluidity and precision that surprised everyone, Hinata closed in. She executed a series of gentle fist strikes, targeting Ami's chakra points with pinpoint accuracy. Each hit was calculated, not to cause excessive harm, but to effectively neutralize her opponent.

Ami, overwhelmed by the sudden change in pace and precision, found herself unable to respond effectively. In a final, decisive move, Hinata landed a gentle but firm palm strike to Ami's chest, pushing her back and causing her to stumble out of the designated combat area.

The referee called the match, declaring Hinata the winner. The crowd erupted in applause, many astonished by the display of skill from the usually timid Hinata.

Hinata, returning to where Horyu stood, was beaming. The victory had given her a visible boost in confidence. "I did it, Horyu! Your advice... it worked perfectly."

Horyu nodded, a rare, genuine smile gracing his features. "You did it, Hinata. You used your strengths effectively. Remember this feeling, and let it guide you in future battles."

[System Message: Hinata’s Triumph - Completed!]

Horyu's attention was then drawn to the system message confirming the completion of the quest. As the day came to a close at the academy, Horyu found himself accompanied by Hinata. The two of them walked side by side, with Hinata still emanating a quiet glow of triumph from her victory. Horyu, feeling an unusual sense of camaraderie, decided to walk her home, discussing their future training sessions and schedules.

"Today was quite the day, wasn't it?" Horyu began, his tone casual. "Your performance in the match... it was impressive."

Hinata, still riding the high of her win, smiled softly. "Thank you, Horyu. I couldn't have done it without your advice. I always struggle with confidence in matches, but today felt different."

Horyu nodded, acknowledging her struggle. "Confidence often comes from preparation and understanding your own strengths. You have a lot of potential, Hinata. Your Byakugan and gentle fist technique are formidable."

As they walked, the conversation shifted to their training. "I think we should focus on enhancing your taijutsu, particularly in using your Byakugan more effectively during combat," Horyu suggested.

Hinata listened intently, nodding in agreement. "Yes, I would like that. I often find it hard to apply what I know in real fights. Maybe you could help me with strategies?"

"Of course," Horyu replied. "Strategy is as important as physical strength in a fight. Knowing when and how to strike can make all the difference. We can start by analyzing different fighting styles and how you can counter them."

Hinata's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "That sounds great! When do you think we can start?"

"How about tomorrow after classes? We can use the training grounds. It's usually less crowded in the evenings," Horyu suggested, already planning the regimen in his mind.

Hinata's frown broke Horyu from his thoughts. "I am not allowed to stay outside after classes. D-do you mind coming to my clan? I have a training field to myself," she said with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

Horyu contemplated for a moment then nodded. He didn't mind the location. The longstanding tension between the Hyuga and Uchiha clans was of little concern to him. In truth, the Uchiha clan seldom paid him any attention. "Sure, that works," he responded with a shrug. "It might be beneficial to train in a new environment."

Hinata's face brightened. "Thank you, Horyu. I'll see you tomorrow then."


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