Gamer Superstar

Chapter 149 149 - Tough choice

Chapter 149 149 - Tough choice

?"Hey!" I waved to her as I walked in.

The restaurant was relatively empty, with only two or three families eating together at tables scattered around the place.

Since she was the waitress closest to me, and since the way I was going to eat was going to be a little special since I was going to take it to the restaurant next door, I wanted to explain it to her.

Seeing that I was talking to her, the girl of about 19, with long brown hair and black eyes, came towards me excitedly.

~ Are you BlackVelvet?! ~ she asked excitedly in Spanish.

So it's not my charisma that's about to go up a level... what a shame.

~ Yes, I'm BlackVelvet. ~ I replied in Spanish as well.

~ I can't believe you came to my work! I went to your show last Sunday at the Pink Fang Bar and your songs were amazing! You can't imagine my shock when you released a song in my native language! ~ She started talking very fast as she came closer and closer to me.

Smiling, I tried to keep a respectful distance from her.

Especially since... how can I put it... her airbags were quite large, so just by coming a little closer they were almost touching me, and as much as I didn't want to complain about something like that, it wouldn't be very polite to take advantage of the girl like that.

So I replied.

~ Glad you liked it! I had sung 'Bailando' at a wedding I did a few weeks ago, but I forgot to edit the song and post it on MeTube hehe. ~ I said as I scratched the back of my head.

Hearing that, her eyes lit up even more.

But suddenly a stressed voice was heard from behind the counter. ~ Camila, stop bothering the customer and serve him properly! ~

Hearing this voice, Camila froze and gave me an apologetic smile. ~ I'm sorry BlackVelvet, I got carried away... what are you going to order? ~

So I explained my order to her and asked if there was a package for me to take to the restaurant next door, to which she promptly nodded and even offered to take it to the other restaurant for me if I wanted.

When I heard that, my eyes lit up.

"That would be perfect!" I said smiling, so I wouldn't have to wait here alone for my food while my family ate at the restaurant next door.

Seeing how happy I was, a smile appeared on her face too and Camila said she would explain it to her parents and that I could go to the other restaurant and she would take my order for me in no time.

So I went back to my family and watched them eat sushi.

Even Ethan loved it, which made me even more frustrated that he didn't.

When Camila arrived with my food, not only were my parents surprised, but the other customers were shocked to see another waitress bringing a customer's order.

I realized that she had stopped to talk to a waitress from that restaurant when she arrived, possibly explaining what had happened, which made that waitress' eyes widen as she looked at me.

Maybe she'd also told her I was a singer,' I wondered.

As long as the waitress didn't get mad that I didn't eat here and ordered from the restaurant next door, I was happy.

When it was time to leave, the waitress at that restaurant asked me to take a picture with her, which I gladly did, as did Camila when I went to pay my bill at the other restaurant.

I even gave her a bigger tip for the convenience, which earned me an even bigger smile from her as we left.

I noticed that the whole time I was on the bike, Camila and the waitress from the other restaurant were staring at me, watching me all the way until I left the parking lot and rode away with Liv on my back.

"That Mexican girl was kind of pretty..." Liv commented with a laugh.

"Yeah, I thought so too." I replied honestly.

"You know if you wanted her phone number she'd give it to you with the greatest of ease, right?" Liv asked me intrigued.

"I know." I replied.

"Then why didn't you take the opportunity to ask for her number?" Liv asked.

Her question made me pause and think about my answer for a moment.

At the moment I was single... but even though I was single, there were several beautiful girls around me.

There was Selena, who was beautiful, but we also had a professional relationship.

Even though I knew she thought I was beautiful too, I knew that anything with her could be dangerous and difficult for both of us.

There was also Charlie and Laura, who were just as beautiful as Selena, but each with their own peculiarities.

And between the two of them, I have to admit that Laura's excitement, cuteness, and beauty really appealed to me.

But that didn't change the fact that we were still friends, not serious and not committed to each other.

So technically there was nothing stopping me from picking up other girls, right?

At first I was a little afraid of the possibility of dating girls because of my fame and that it might be bad for me and my career.

But Liv's question woke me up a bit.

I shouldn't deprive myself so much, right?

Camila was pretty, she had very nice breasts... as far as I could tell, those breasts were maybe the biggest I've ever seen on a girl I've ever interacted with... and she was clearly into me...

It's not like I had to go out with her, right?

"Do you regret not asking for her phone number?" Liv asked, laughing at my silence.

"A little?" I replied, still a little unsure. I was still a little confused about how to handle it all.

The rock star life had its pros and cons, but I knew that as long as I didn't fall into the world of drugs, I could still enjoy my Thirst Trap from time to time, right?

All the way home I kept thinking about this and how I should deal with these girls in my life.

Liv just sat in silence and enjoyed the ride home.

When we got home, Liv and Ethan went to the basement to practice their instruments and I went to my room to practice my acting skills.

As much as I was lost in thought about how to deal with all these problems in the future, right now I just wanted to focus my mind on something and forget about it.

'Please, Noah of the future, make a wise decision about this...' I thought with a laugh.

/// NunuNote ///

So guys, this doubt of Noah's is also a doubt I have as a writer, should I use his fame to let him pick up some girls, should I focus on his career and only let him be with girls who are really important for the plot, should I only let him be with the girl he will have a relationship with, or should I use his fame and live like a true rock star?

Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments, I'll read them all and take them into consideration for future decisions.

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